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Delving deeper into the maritime industry allows us to see the importance of understating and
adapting to the multicultural diversities hidden beneath. It can be conceptualized as a
fundamental cornerstone of the maritime world. Not only is the acceptance of diverse cultural
differences and unique cultural traits essential for the smooth operation of an ongoing vessel,
but it is also an integral part of a healthy work environment.

This is so called cultural awareness, a concept that allows us to stand back from ourselves
and become aware of our cultural values, beliefs, and perceptions. Cultural awareness is
present in both the maritime industry and in every single multinational organization.

This seminar aims to propagate the profound impact cultural awareness can have on crew be
it positive or negative, which includes the performance and mental health of the crew and the
overall ambiance that develops on an ocean-going vessel. As such I would also like to share a
few of my thoughts on the empirical aspect of cultural awareness.
Main body

Although it could be ascertained that most of our difficulties acclimating to new

environments, understanding, and adapting to other cultures stem from generational cultural
prejudice. For the sake of this seminar work I will stick to the topic at hand and present an
unbiased opinion.

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