Bahasa Inggris

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One day in class when we started making crafts from corn husks, but

one of our friends forgot to bring a tool.

isye : hi guys, today we are working in groups huh?

all: okay isye

fajri : the day i forgot to bring the ingredients

giary : it's okay fajri, we use the existing ingredients first

hanna : does anyone know how to make it

Siska : Yes, I know. We need bleach and fragrance to clean the corn
husk, then we dry it until it's half dry, so we can still shape it the way we

Tania: then we also need dye to color it, then dry it again so that the
colors are mixed

Hanna : Then how to shape it??

Giary: first you have to make the head of the doll with corn husks that
have been given dacron, then string the ends with thread. Both stick the
doll's hand to the neck of the rest of the head

Siska: Then to make the doll's dress with corn husks in the shape of a
triangle, make it into five parts, then tie everything into a skirt shape,
then attach it with the head and hands earlier.

Giary: Then you can take the hair from the corn to make doll hair. Also
take some more corn husks to be the hood of the doll.

Tania: Color the dress and veil pink, then it's all done

Hanna: ohh like that. Well then, let's make it

Isye: fajri you can use my ingredients first

fajri : thank you isye

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