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School day

Wednesday morning I got up at 8:30 and got ready to go to

school. When I was ready, I put on my jacket and left. My
mother saw me off. It was very cold outside and the weather
was bad. I don’t like such weathers.
I followed the school bus. When I got to the school, the lesson
was repeated.I had a six lessen. I had a busy day at the school.
After lessens I was so tired and I went to the home by school
bus. When I was at home I rest. And next, I prepared for next
day because I would have English lessen.

,,Young people are obligated to study in university”

I agree with this opinion, that young people are obligated to
study in university. Because I think, the university is a source of
At the can university you acquire habits and skills. You get an
education and it is a beginning of your future profession.
Maybe it’s hard to study in the university, but it's worth it.
For example, I want study business administration and ,of
course, I will choose university.
Such professions : politic, business administration, teaching and
so on...
In my opinion, considering to other institutions, university is the
best way for education.
This is my opinion, but, maybe, others thought differently.
Maybe others like profession, which you can learn in colleges
or other educational institutions. Thus, they prefer to study
there.Because It's better for them.
Such professions are: Cooking, confectionery, winemaking and
so on…
So Young people are obligated to study in university, because it
is important. This is my opinion but maybe others think
differently and they wish to study elsewhere.

,,Gender equality is not acceptable for a lot of people”

I agree with this opinion, because gender equality is not
acceptable for a lot of people. But ,in my opinion, gender
equality is very important.
Lot of people think, that number of men are on the
higher rung and women are on the lower rung.
Unfortunately, this a stereotype, which could not be
broke , even though, is the twenty-first century .
For example, the king of Georgia was King Tamar. She
was women. The king faced a lot of opposition because
she was women. But she managed everything and she
showed , that femininity does not solve anything.
There is such an aphorism from the ,,Vepkhistkaosani”:
Lekvi lomisa stsoria dzu ikos tunda khvadia”. This means
that both men and women are equal.
This is my opinion, but maybe others thought differently.
Maybe others think, gender equality is not acceptable.
This is really bad, because they think, that the man
is ,,king” and they don’t think correctly.
Such traditions are preserved mostly in Muslim states
and not only. For example, Arab Emirates and so on…
So gender equality is not acceptable for a lot of people
and this is so bad. In my opinion man and women are

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