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Magic Ring

Knitted abbreviations
K - knit
P - purl
Dec - decrease, work 2 stitches together
INC - increase, work 2 stitches in 1 stitch of
previous row or make 1 yo
YO - yarn over
Right leg
1-10 row – work by the scheme of the
left leg
11 row – 6sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1sc=12sc
12 row– 9sc, inc, 1 sc, inc = 14sc
13 row- 9sc, inc, 3sc, inc = 16sc
14 row– 12sc, inc, 2sc, inc = 18sc
15-17 row – 18sc
18 row – knee – 8 sc, 3inc, 3sc,dec,2sc =
19 row – 3 sc, inc, 12 sc, dec,2 sc=20sc
20 row – 3sc, inc, 3sc, 3dec, 3 sc,dec,
2sc =17sc

Back view and inner

part of the hip
Back view

21 row – 13 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1sc = 19sc

22 row – 3 sc, inc, 12sc, inc, 2sc = 21sc
23row – 4sc, inc, 12 sc, inc, 3sc = 23 sc
24 row -23sc
25 row – 22 sc, inc= 24sc
26 row – 24sc
27 row - 5 sc, dec, 17sc=23sc
28 row – 5inc, dec, 16sc = 27sc
29 row – work 11 sc until the inner part of
the hip – go on working the body

Attach arms to the
Divide all the stitches
of the body in parts
(34) – 20 sc for the
front, 14 sc for the
back, arms (11+11=11
sc each arm) =56 sc

16 row - 7 sc from the beginning of the row, attach left arm

and work 11 sc along the arm, 20 sc along the front, 11 sc
along right arm, 7 sc of the back – there must be 56 sc in the

back 14

11 11
20 front 17
Insert wire skeleton in the doll.
Bend wire along the form of the body – 1 piece for the legs,
body and neck and 1piece is for the arms. Bend ends of
wire. Wrap attaching places of 2 legs with adhesive plaster
or threads.

Insert the 1st piece of the skeleton inside the doll, pulling
wire until the toes. Bend arm wire and insert in the arms. If
you want you can wrap attaching point of 2 pieces of wire
skeleton in the center of the chest with adhesive plaster Fill
legs, arms and body with fiber, with the help of wool stick or
other things.

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