Everything Needed For Paper 1 1

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Computer Science (9-1)

Everything needed for Paper 1

Computer science
Don't need to know
13th May 2023

Please note that you may see slight differences between

this paper and the original.
Duration: 200 mins
Candidates answer on the Question paper.

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Other materials required:

• Pencil
• Ruler (cm/mm)

Candidate Candidate

forename surname

Centre number Candidate number

• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital letters.
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your candidate
number, centre number and question number(s).


• The quality of written communication is assessed in questions marked with either a pencil or an asterisk. In History and
Geography a Quality of extended response question is marked with an asterisk, while a pencil is used for questions in
which Spelling, punctuation and grammar and the use of specialist terminology is assessed.
• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
• The total number of marks for this paper is 178.
• The total number of marks may take into account some 'either/or' question choices.

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1 Naomi’s office has five computers connected into a Local Area Network (LAN). There is also one printer that all
the devices can print to.

Ethernet cables are used within the office building.

Tick one box in each row to identify if the statement about Ethernet is True or False.

Statement True False

Ethernet is a protocol
Ethernet uses wireless data transmission
Ethernet can transmit data at speeds of up to 100 Gbits per second
Ethernet is a protocol within the TCP/ IP stack

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2(a) Hope has a network in her house. The main devices are shown in the diagram.

Devices on the network do not currently have Internet access.

Identify one device that Hope can use to connect her home network to the Internet.


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(b) Some of Hope’s files are stored on the cloud.

Describe the benefits and drawbacks to Hope of storing her files on the cloud.




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(c) State whether Hope’s network is a LAN or a WAN. Justify your choice.




3(a) The owners of a large bakery have a Local Area Network (LAN) with a star topology. They order their supplies
over the Internet. When data is transmitted from the bakery to the supplier, network protocols are used.

TCP/IP is a set of protocols based on layers.

(i) With regards to network protocols, define what is meant by a ‘layer’.


(ii) Describe one advantage of using layers to construct network protocols.


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(b) Give two reasons why the bakery may use a star network topology for their LAN.


4(a) The following table has descriptions of Ethernet and WiFi.

Tick (✓) one box in each row to identify if the description is more appropriate for Ethernet or WiFi.

Description Ethernet Wifi

A wired connection
More likely to be affected by interference
Data can be transmitted at a faster speed
Wireless transmission
Shorter transmission range before data is lost
(b) A house has computers in each room and a central router. Every room allows both Ethernet and WiFi
connections to the router.

A user enters a uniform resource locator (URL) into a web browser on one of the computers in the house.
A system is then used to find the IP address of the web server associated with the URL.

(i) Name the system which matches URLs to IP addresses on the web.


(ii) The following statements describe what happens after the IP address has been found and returned to the
user’s computer.

There are five missing statements in the table.

Write the letter of the missing statements from the table in the correct place to complete the description.

1 The request is put into packets

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3 The packets are sent across the network

6 If they have not arrived:

7 A timeout is sent to request the packets are resent

8 If they have arrived:


Letter Statement
A The server checks if all the packets have
B The packets are put in order
C The request is processed by the web server
D The packets are received by the host server
E Each packet is given the address and a number

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5(a) A company, OCR Supermarkets, has supermarket stores throughout the country. The computers for each store
connect to the central office using a Wide Area Network (WAN).

Identify two differences between a WAN and a LAN (Local Area Network).

Difference 1:

Difference 2:

(b) OCR Supermarkets use a client-server network to connect the checkout computers to the store's server.

Describe two benefits to OCR Supermarkets of using a client-server network instead of a peer-to-peer network.

Benefit 1:

Benefit 2:


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6(a) TCP/IP is a set of protocols based on layers.

(i) With regards to network protocols, define what is meant by a ‘layer’.


(ii) Describe one advantage of using layers to construct network protocols.


(b) The owners of a large bakery have a Local Area Network (LAN) with a star topology. They order their supplies
over the Internet. When data is transmitted from the bakery to the supplier, network protocols are used.

Explain four reasons why the bakery may use a star network topology for their LAN.


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7 A bank uses a local area network to connect all the computers in its head office.

Computers in the network can be identified using both IP addresses and MAC addresses.

Describe two differences between IP addresses and MAC addresses.


8(a) Alicia has designed a computer using Von Neumann architecture.

Describe the purpose of two registers that are used by Von Neumann architecture.

(b) The CPU has a clock speed of 3.8 GHz.

Describe what is meant by a clock speed of 3.8 GHz.


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(c) Alicia says:
“My computer has a quad-core processor, so it will run twice as fast as a computer with a dual-core processor”.

Explain why this statement is not always true.

(d) The computer will only have 2GB of RAM, but Alicia says that virtual memory can be used instead of adding
more RAM.

(i) Explain how virtual memory can compensate for the lack of RAM in Alicia’s computer.


(ii) Explain why it would be beneficial for Alicia to get more RAM instead of relying on virtual memory.


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9 Ali’s tablet computer has an operating system.

Ali thinks his tablet is an embedded system.

State whether Ali is correct or incorrect, justifying your choice.




10 The following paragraph describes embedded systems.

Complete the paragraph by selecting terms from the list and writing them in the correct places. Not all terms are

actuator applications change functions laptop larger

lights microprocessor processor range smaller washing machine

Embedded systems have limited ........................................................ They are often

built into a ........................................................ machine. Two examples of embedded

systems are a ........................................................ and automated

........................................................ in a car.

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11(a) Convert the binary value 1110 0011 into hexadecimal.


(b) Convert the denary value 105 into an 8 bit binary number.


(c) Give two reasons why computer scientists use hexadecimal to represent numbers instead of binary.

(d) Show the outcome of a right shift of three places on the binary value 0111 1000


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12(a) The ASCII code for the character J is the denary number 74.

Write the 8-bit binary number for the ASCII character J in the following boxes:

(b) Give the hexadecimal number for the ASCII character K.
Show your working.


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13 The table below (Fig. 3) shows the ASCII codes for a number of characters.

The lower case ASCII code for a character can be found by adding 0100000 to the upper case version.

Character ASCII code

R 1010010
r 1110010
A 1000001
E 1000101


(i) Complete the table above by filling in the missing ASCII codes. [2]

(ii) Compare the use of ASCII and Extended ASCII to represent characters.


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14(a) The following logo is stored as a bitmap image. Each box represents one pixel, with three different colours being
used in the image.

Calculate the fewest number of bits that could be used to store the logo as a bitmap image. You must show your


(b) Give two ways that the file size of the image could be reduced.


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15 Alex needs to create an audio recording of himself playing his guitar.

(i) Explain how sampling is used to make the recording.


(ii) State the effects of increasing the sample rate of the recording.


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16 Layla is an artist. She draws images by hand. The image is then scanned and stored on a computer.

Layla uploads her images and videos to a website.

(i) Explain why Layla compresses the images and videos before uploading them.


(ii) Layla wants to reduce the file size of the images and videos by the largest amount possible.

Identify the method of compression that would be most appropriate. Justify your choice.

Compression method ..............................................



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17 Naomi’s office has five computers connected into a Local Area Network (LAN). There is also one printer that all
the devices can print to.

The LAN is set up as a mesh topology.

Draw connections to show one way that the devices could be connected using a mesh topology.


18(a) Hope has a network in her house. The main devices are shown in the diagram.

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Explain why Hope’s network uses a peer-to-peer model and not a client-server model.


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(b) The network has one wireless access point in the kitchen that transmits data on the 5 GHz frequency.

(i) When the laptop is in the kitchen, it has better network performance.

Explain why the laptop’s network performance is lower in the bedroom.


(ii) State two ways Hope could improve the wireless network performance in the bedroom.


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19(a) Data in computer systems is valuable and at risk of loss, damage or being stolen.

The table has four potential threats to data.

Write one prevention method for each threat in the table. Each prevention method must be different.

Threat Prevention method

Unauthorised access to



Data interception

(b) Name two other threats to the data in a computer system and give a method of preventing each.

Threat 1

Prevention 1

Threat 2

Prevention 2


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20(a) Ali’s tablet computer has an operating system.

Ali runs defragmentation analysis on his magnetic hard disk. Parts of the results are shown.

(i) Explain how defragmentation will change how the files and free space are arranged on Ali’s hard disk.


(ii) After defragmentation, Ali’s computer is able to access files faster.

Explain why Ali’s computer can access the files faster after defragmentation.


(iii) Give three additional examples of utility programs.

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(b) Ali’s computer uses virtual memory. Ali has written two procedures to help himself understand how virtual
memory works.

storeData() describes how data is stored in RAM.

accessData() describes how data is read from RAM.

Write the letter of the missing statements from the table in the correct place to complete the algorithms. Not all
statements are used, and some statements might be used more than once.

procedure storeData()

if RAM is ......................... then

move data from RAM to .........................


store data in next free space in .........................


procedure accessData()

if ......................... (data required is in RAM) then

if RAM is full then

move unneeded data from RAM to HDD


move required data from HD to RAM


read data from .........................

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Letter Statement
A Secondary storage


C Full

D endfunction

E Empty

F endprocedure



21 Eve’s computer has system software including an Operating System and Utility Software.

Eve runs the defragmentation program on her computer.

Explain why Eve’s computer is more efficient after the program has been run.


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22 A restaurant has a computer-based ordering system which is running slowly. A technician has said that the hard
disc drive is fragmented. The technician has suggested using utility software to defragment the drive.

Explain how the restaurant’s hard disc could have become fragmented.


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23 Xander’s tablet computer comes with system software, including an operating system and utility system

The utility system software provides compression software. Xander uses this to compress an image.

(i) Explain how the compression software will compress the image file.


(ii) Give the name of two other types of utility system software.


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24 A house has computers in each room and a central router. Every room allows both Ethernet and WiFi
connections to the router.

The house owner is concerned about potential threats to the network from being connected to the Internet.

(i) Describe three possible threats to the computers connected to the network and give one way each threat can
be reduced or prevented.

Threat 1


Threat 2


Threat 3



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25 Fiona is a software engineer. She is creating a new version of a computer game she released three years ago.

Fiona releases her game under a proprietary licence.

Explain why a proprietary licence is a more appropriate choice than open source.


26 William is creating a film for a school project using a digital video camera.

William wants to upload his videos on the Internet and is considering releasing them under a Creative Commons

Explain how a Creative Commons license will impact the use of William’s videos by other people.


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27(a) A school uses off the shelf, proprietary software for managing pupils' attendance, and customised, open source
software for managing pupils' examinations.

Describe the difference between proprietary and open source software.

(b) * Explain the legal issues that a school should consider when choosing the software for managing pupils'
attendance and examinations.

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question.


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28 A law company currently use a Local Area Network (LAN) linked to a Wide Area Network (WAN).
They want to upgrade their system to utilise cloud storage.

Fig. 2 lists some actions that may take place in the law company’s office.
Tick (✓) one box in each row to show which legislation applies to each action.

Action Data Protection Act Computer Misuse Copyright Designs

2018 Act 1990 and Patents Act
Using a picture for
the law company’s
new logo without the
original creator's

A secretary
accessing a lawyer’s
personal email
account without

Making a copy of the

latest Hollywood
blockbuster movie
and sharing it with a

Storing customer
data insecurely.

A lawyer installing a
key logger on the

Selling client’s
personal legal data

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to a marketing
company without
their permission.

Fig. 2

29 * People often want to buy the most up-to-date smartphones, even though the smartphone they own still works.

Discuss the impact of people wanting to upgrade to the latest smartphone.

In your answer, you might consider the impact on:

• smartphone users
• cultural issues
• ethical issues
• environmental issues.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

1 1 mark for each row. 4 2 ticks in 1 row = 0 mark

Statement Tr Fal
ue se
Ethernet is a ✓
Ethernet uses ✓
wireless data
Ethernet can ✓
transmit data at
speeds of up to
100 Gbits per
Ethernet is a ✓
protocol within the
TCP/ IP stack

Total 4

2 a Modem // router 1 Mark first given

b 1 mark per benefit to max 4, 6 Mark breadth and depth of

1 mark per drawback to knowledge.
max 4 1 mark for each valid
e.g. point/expansion. Allow
specific examples as
Benefit expansions for each point.
Mark benefits to max 4 first,
Can access files from then look for max 4 from
any device drawbacks
… e.g. they can
instantly access the
data from laptop and
mobile phone
Can access files from
anywhere // Can access
from anywhere with
access to the Internet
Can pay for auto-
backups // don’t have to
backup manually
Security may be higher
than at home
May be free of cost
… you do not need to
buy more hardware

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

Easier/quicker to share
files with others
More available storage
space on her device
Easier to increase
storage capacity (not
Can be used a backup
in case of data loss


Cannot access files if

no Internet access
Not in control of security
(bod less secure)
… data may be
May cost monthly fee
… which could be more
long term than buying
May not be a backup //
if cloud storage fails you
have lost your data
Data must be
transferred to computer
to read
…. may be intercepted
Connection may be
… therefore takes time
to upload/download
May be issues as to
who owns the data
If stop paying / leave
subscription other
storage for files needs
to be found
If login details are
forgotten/lost may not
have access to files

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

c 1 mark for LAN 1 mark per 3

bullet for justification to max

Small geographic area

They will own the
hardware // dedicated
hardware // do not need
to use outside hardware
// controlled by Hope

Total 10

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

3 a i A division of network 1 Candidate’s responses may

functionality (AO1 1a) differ from the given answer
but must represent
conceptually the same

e.g. “a layer is where

jobs/processes are split up”
would receive the mark.

ii It is self-contained (1)… 2 1 mark to be awarded for

…it allows different (AO1 1a) the correct identification
developers to and 1 for a valid description
concentrate on one up to a maximum of 2
aspect of the network marks.
A layer can be taken
out and edited without
affecting other layers
…it promotes
interoperability between
vendors and systems

b It is easy to add a new 2 1 mark to be awarded for

node or device (AO2 1b) each correct reason to a
Fewer data collisions maximum of 2 marks.
can occur
If a node or device fails Any valid comparisons to
it does not affect the other topologies can be
rest of the network awarded marks.
A signal does not need
to be transmitted to all
computers in the

Total 5

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

4 a 1 mark per row 5 0 mark for row with > 1 tick

AO1 1a
Description Ether Wifi
A wired ✓
More likely to ✓
be affected
Data can be ✓
transmitted at
a faster
Wireless ✓
Shorter ✓
transmission Examiner’s Comments
range before
data is lost This question was
answered well with the
majority of candidates
getting each answer

b i Domain Name Server // 1 Allow

DNS. AO1 1a Server/service/system

Examiner’s Comments

This question required an

understanding of a Domain
Name Server/System to
convert URLs to IPs. Few
candidates were able to
identify this system, with
many making guessing
such as HTTP. Many
candidates did not attempt
to answer this question.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

ii 1 mark for each letter in the 5

correct place AO1 1b
1 The request is put into (5)

3 The packets are sent
across the network

6 If they have not arrived:
7 A timeout is sent to
request the packets are
8 If they have arrived:

10 С Examiner’s Comments

This question required an

understanding of how
packets of data are sent
across a network.
Candidates were required
to read through the
statements and order them
logically. The more able
were able to identify the
appropriate sequence. Less
able candidates confused
some of the statements,
such as identifying the
request as being processed
before the packets were

Total 11

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

5 a WAN is over a large 2 NB Examples of

geographical area / infrastructure / hardware
needs to are allowed for
transmit over a large WAN e.g. satellite, phone
distance // lines, Internet
a LAN is over a small Allow LAN as Ethernet for
geographical area. second bullet
WAN uses external
hardware /
infrastructure / cables / NOT wide area for WAN
network //
LAN has its own Examiner's Comments
infrastructure / cables /
network / hardware due Many candidates were able
to distance / to correctly identify the
practicalities difference in size between a
WAN and a LAN. The better
candidates also identified
the difference in hardware,
or ownership of the
hardware used.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

b 2 marks per benefit 4 Do not allow:

-easy to share data
E.g. -“more secure”

All files can be stored Examiner's Comments

… so workers can This question was not
access files from any answered well, with few
computer candidate able to
… all computers can demonstrate an
update the central understanding of client-
database / file server and peer-to-peer
… Peer-to-peer files networks. The most
might be stored on their common response was the
own computers / spread central storage of data,
across many computers although this was often not
expanded to explain why
this is a benefit.
Backups are central
… all data is backed up
each time
… individual computers
do not need to backup
their own data
… Peer-to-peer may
need to perform their
own backups.

Monitor clients
…to ensure they are
working correctly

Upgrade software
…so you do not have to
install on each
computer individually
Central security
(antivirus / firewall)
… do not need to install
protection on all
individual security may
need to be installed on
individual computers

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

Total 6

6 a i A division of network 1 Candidate's responses may

functionality differ from the given answer
but must represent
conceptually the same

e.g. “a layer is where

jobs/processes are split up”
would receive the mark.

ii It is self-contained (1)… 2 1 mark to be awarded for

…it allows different the correct identification
developers to and 1 for a valid description
concentrate on one up to a maximum of 2
aspect of the network marks.
A layer can be taken
out and edited without
affecting other layers
…it promotes
interoperability between
vendors and systems

b It is easy to add a new 4 1 mark is to be awarded for

node or device each correct reason to a
maximum of 4 marks.
Management of the
network can be done
Fewer data collisions
can occur
If a node or device fails
it does not affect the Any valid comparisons to
rest of the network other topologies can be
A signal does not need awarded marks.
to be transmitted to all
computers in the

Total 7

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

7 IP addresses can be 4 For bullets 3 and 4, accept

changed / are allocated answers where candidates
as needed refer to IPv6 being 16 bytes
MAC addresses can't (128 bits). Award one mark
be changed / every if candidates state that IP
device has a fixed MC addresses and MAC
address addresses are of different
IP(v4) addresses are 4
bytes long
MAC addresses are 6
bytes long

IP(v4) addresses are

normally written in
MAC addresses are
normally written in Hex

IP addresses are
configured by software
MAC addresses are
configured in hardware

IP addresses are used

for routing across a
WAN / internet
MAC addresses are
only used within the

[marks in pairs, maximum 2


Total 4

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

8 a 1 mark per bullet to max 2 4 MAR stores address is not

per register AO1 1a enough for description
(2) MDR stores the data is not
MAR // memory AO1 1b enough for description
address register (2)
Stores the Allow:
address/location where
data will be Current instruction
read/written/accessed/f register // IR
etched Stores the instruction
// address/location of currently being
data/instruction being processed
// address/location of Accept MBR // Memory
data/instruction next to buffer register for MDR
be processed

MDR // memory data

Stores the
data/instruction that is
fetched/read from
// stores the data that is
to be written to memory
// stores the
data/instruction from the
address in the MAR
// data/instruction next
to be processed

Program counter
Stores the Examiner’s Comments
address/location of the
next instruction to be Many candidates were able
run to accurately name two
// stores the registers. The more able
address/location of the were able to accurately
current instruction being describe the purpose of
run these registers. Some
candidates were not
Accumulator specific enough in their
Stores the result of man responses to gain the
ipulation/process/calcul descriptive marks, or
ation repeated the name of a
register without the
purpose, e.g. ‘The memory
address register stores the
address of the data’.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

b 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Do not award: how fast the

AO1 1b computer is // speed of
The number of FDE (1) CPU
cycles run per given AO2 1a
time/second (1) 3.8 = 3,800,000,000
// the frequency that the
clock ‘ticks’
3.8 billion
cycles/instructions … Examiner’s Comments
…per second
This question was
answered well with many
candidates able to
demonstrate an
understanding of the clock
speed of a computer. Fewer
candidates correctly
translated the 3.8 GHz into
the correct number of
instructions/FDE cycles
performed. Less able
candidates did not identify
an appropriate time frame,
for example ‘the number of
instructions it can process’
has a different meaning to
‘the number of instructions
it can process per second’.
Another common
misconception was it is the
number of instructions it
can perform at a time, a
processor can only perform
one instruction at a time.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

c 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3 Allow marks for other

e.g. AO1 1b components that could
(1) affect the speed e.g.
Software may be AO2 2b secondary storage access
designed to run on 1 (2) speed, onboard GPU.
core and not multiple Award description of
cores concurrent processing.
// depends on the
…some tasks cannot be
split across cores
Clock speed also
affects speed
// dual core may have a
faster clock speed
// quad-core may have
slower clock speed
…so one task may be
run faster/slower
RAM size also affects
// Quad-core may have
less RAM Examiner’s Comments
// amount of VM being
used Most candidates were able
Cache size also affects to identify other features
speed that could also have an
// Quad-core may have impact on the speed of the
less cache computer such as the
processor speed, amount of
RAM etc. The more able
candidates were also able
to identify that the tasks
being performed will also
impact on the speed, for
example how software may
not be optimised for quad-
core, or that a process may
have to wait for a different
process to finish execution
before it can be processed.

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d i 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3 Many candidates are giving

AO2 1a disadvantages of VM, or
VM is used when RAM (1) that the computer can now
is full AO2 1b run more programs, which
…part of the secondary (2) are NAQ
storage used as
(temporary) RAM/VM
Data from RAM is
moved to the secondary
storage/VM (to make
space in RAM)
RAM can then be filled
with new data
When data in VM is
needed it is moved
back to RAM
Examiner’s Comments

This question required

candidates to explain how
virtual memory works to
make up for a lack of RAM.
The most common
responses included a
description of the use of
secondary storage as
temporary RAM. Fewer
candidates were able to
explain the actual use of it,
i.e. how data is transferred
from RAM to VM to create
more space in RAM, and
how this is then moved
back when required.
Common misconceptions
included candidates
describing whole software
being moved to VM.

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ii 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Do not award: VM is slower,

AO2 1b without quantifying slower
More RAM will improve (2) at what
the performance of the
computer // More RAM
will speed up the
access to data
Excessive use can
cause disk thrashing …
…which decreases
VM is slower to access
than RAM direct
(because it has to go
back to RAM first)
Moving data between
RAM and VM takes Examiner’s Comments
processor time
This question required an
understanding of the
benefits of RAM over VM.
The less able often
described RAM as being
faster than VM, without any
context as to what it is
faster at, or why, often
referring to it as making the
computer faster. The more
able were able to identify
that data in VM needs to
first be transferred to RAM
before it can be accessed
by the processor, and that
this takes more time than
accessing it directly from
RAM. A common
misconception was that it
was slower access simply
because it is further away.
The VM could be closer to
the processor, but the data
would still need to be
moved to RAM before it
could be accessed, and this
is what slows down the
access speed.

Total 14

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9 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3 Max 2 if there is no

e.g. application to the tablet

Embedded system has

one/few functions
…tablet has multiple
functions // tablet is
general purpose
Embedded system is
single chip
…tablet has multiple
chips combined
Embedded system is
part of a larger system
… tablet is a self-
contained system
You can update the


Embedded system has

one/few functions
….the tablet may only
be able to perform a
small number of tasks
…tablet has a specific
…tablet's hardware is
…does not
Embedded systems has
..you cannot update the
OS in a tablet (usually)
Embedded system is
part of a larger system
…tablet may have one
microprocessor built
into it

Total 3

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10 1 mark for each completed 4


Embedded systems have

limited functions. They are

often built into a larger

machine. Two examples of

embedded systems are a

washing machine and

automated lights in a car.

Total 4

11 a E3 2 1 mark per digit (mark right

to left)
AO1 Max 1 if any additional
1b(2) leading values

b 0110 1001 must be 8 2 1 mark per nibble (mark

bits right to left).
AO1 Max 1 if any additional
1b(2) leading values

c 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Mark response as a whole.

Easier/quicker to AO1 Do not accept answers

communicate / enter / 1b(2) simply describing what
write / read / remember hexadecimal is.
Less chance of input
errors // easier to spot “easier to understand” or
errors “easier to use” on its own is
They are smaller / NE
Easy to convert BP3 (smaller) must refer to
between binary and size when written down,
Hexadecimal NOT size when stored
which is unaffected)

d 00001111 1 Ignore missing or additional

leading zeros

Total 7

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12 a 01001010 1 cao

b 1 mark for adding 1 to J: 2 Allow 1 mark for converting

binary 01001011 // J into 4A without adding 1
converting J to hexadecimal
and adding 1
1 mark for answer 4B

Total 3

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13 i 2 1 mark per row. Correct

a 1100001 answer only. Do not allow
leading zeros.
e 1100101
Examiner’s Comments

This question was relatively

simple in what was being
asked (the addition only
affected one bit per answer)
but the context in which it
was presented was new. It
was pleasing that the
majority of candidates were
able to extract the question
from this and present
sensible, and in most cases
correct answers.

A common mistake was to

end up with an 8 bit ASCII
code despite the original
code only having 7 bits.
This is perhaps more due to
time constraints of the
examination rather than any
lack of understanding but
does illustrate the
importance of checking

Another common issue on

this question was a small
number of candidates
writing a 0 but then
overwriting it with a 1 (or
vice versa), leaving both
visible; in these
circumstances it is
impossible for examiners to
know which value was
intended as the answer and
so it cannot be marked as
correct. Candidates should
be encouraged to clearly
and neatly cross out and
replace their answer if they
make a mistake.

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ii 1 mark per bullet, max 2. 2 Allow numbers (e.g. ASCII

has 7 bits, Ex. ASCII has 8
bits) for either bullet point
Extended ASCII uses but these must be realistic.
more bits // ASCII uses
fewer bits Bullet point 1 and 2 must be
Extended ASCII can a comparison (e.g. “ASCII
represent more is 7 bits” is not enough on
characters // ASCII can its own).
represent fewer
characters Do not accept answers that
… by example (e.g. are technically wrong (e.g.
extended ASCII can “ASCII does not contain
represent European symbols such as ?, !, #”)
symbols / other
languages) Examiner’s Comments

The question here asked for

a comparison and the idea
of discussing a point from
both sides was required to
achieve the marks. For
example, stating that ‘ASCII
uses 7 bits’ is not a valid
comparison, but stating that
‘ASCII uses 7 bits whereas
Extended ASCII uses 8 bits’
or even just ‘Extended
ASCII uses more bits that
ASCII’ are both valid
comparisons and would
achieve a mark.

A large number of
candidates understood the
use of the character sets
and also the technical
details behind them.
Examiners were instructed
to be generous in terms of
the exact technical details
allowed (e.g. although 7 bits
allows for 127 different
characters, values
approximating this would be
accepted) although this was
expected to be sensible.

Total 4

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14 a 90 (pixels in an image) 4 Must clearly show

// 15 x 6 (pixels in multiplication for 3rd BP
image) AO1
Multiply pixels x bits per 1b(2)
…2 bits required per AO1
pixel (because 3 1b(2)
180 bits overall answer

b Reduce number of 2 Accept descriptive answers

pixels / resolution linked to given logo (e.g
Reduce number of AO2 "change to black and white
colours 1a(2) only")
Use lossy compression “Make image smaller” is NE
Use lossless
compression Allow compression by itself
for one answer.

Total 6

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15 i The amplitude / height 3 NOT frequency / pitch

of the wave is
measured NB For the second bullet,
At set / regular intervals this must relate to set
// by reasonable intervals / the same interval.
example A set number of times per
And stored as a binary second does not suggest
number the same intervals.
The samples form an
approximated sound Examiner's Comments
Where candidates knew
how sound was stored, they
were able to give a clear
description, and those
better candidates did well
with this question. Some
candidates did not
understand the terminology
of sampling, and often
guessed at the meaning of
the word.

ii File size increases 2 Examiner's Comments

So the sound is truer /
better quality / more Many candidates were able
accurate compared to to correctly identify that the
the original / analogue file size increased. Fewer
candidates could express
that the quality was
improved because it was
closer to the original that
was being recorded.

Total 5

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16 i 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2

Reduces the file size…

…takes up less space
on the server
Faster upload to server
Faster download for

ii 1 mark for lossy 3 Award FT marks for

1 mark per bullet to max 2 justifying lossless
appropriately to max 2
Lossy will most likely
reduce the file size by a
large amount than
Lossy will remove data
that is not noticeable //
the changes will allow
for further reduction
without the user

Total 5

17 1 mark per bullet 2

All devices connected

to at least one other
All devices connected
to all devices
(individually or through
another and not only
through the printer)

Total 2

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18 a 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3 Be careful MP1 is not just

e.g. saying it does not need to
connect to the server - the
No server (required for MP is that there is no
client-server) server.
Computers are directly
connected to each other Accept reasonable points in
Computers are reverse.
independent / equal
Decentralised Examiner’s Comments
Computers will have The use of bold indicates
software that that idea must be
installed/updated present. It can be
individually // no central expressed in a variety of
installation/updates ways, but that idea must be
Computers will need present. For example, in
own security // no Question (d) 'No server
central security required'. The word 'no'
Computers will have does not need to be present
their own files // no but the idea that there is not
central file storage a server is needed, e.g.
Less initial cost / ‘The network doesn't need
maintenance a server’, meets this.
Specialist required to
setup client-server
Easier to add new
Lesser need for file
If any device fails/is
removed the remainder
can continue

b i 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2

Wifi signal/bandwidth
will be weaker/less
because // 5GHz is only
short range
…bedroom further away
from WAP than kitchen
….to get to bedroom
has to go through
floor/walls etc.

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ii 1 mark per way e.g. 2 Reduce interference is NE -

they need to say how this
Change to 2.4Ghz can be achieved
Install a signal booster
// another WAP // mesh Examiner’s Comments
wifi Candidates found this
Move WAP closer to the challenging and often
bedroom repeated the question in
Remove obstructions // different ways. For example
by example some stating that they can
Reduce number of access the files faster
devices connected because it's defragmented.
Change channel to one Candidates needed to delve
not being used in into why it is faster,
locality considering the movement
of the read head and
positioning of the files.

Candidates associated the
word 'issues' with negative
points, whereas positive
and negative points should
be covered.

Increasing the network

frequency will increase the

In response to Question
(c)((ii), candidates often
stated that increasing the
frequency will allow the
signal to travel further.
Candidates were mixing up
the amount of data that can
be sent at a time, with the
distance that signal can

Question (c)(ii) asks

candidates to explain how
the wireless network
performance can be
improved. Some candidates
described using wired

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connections, which did not

answer the question.

Total 7

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19 a 1 mark for a suitable 4 Mark first in box

prevention Do not mark repeat

Threat Prevention
Unauth Firewall // (strong)
orised password //
access physical security
// access rights //
security questions
// two-step
Virus Anti-
virus/malware //
firewall // network
restrictions e.g.
no downloads //
do not plug in
unknown storage
Phishi Firewall // do not
ng click on unknown
links // spam filter
// education about
what to do/not do
// check
sender/website to
see if real/fake
Data in Encryption

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b 1 mark for each suitable 4 Award different types of

threat, and 1 mark for virus e.g. worm, trojan
suitable prevention separately.
Spyware (1) anti-spyware Do not award hacking,
(1) brute-force - both covered
Pharming (1) Check web in unauthorised access.
address is valid(1)
DOS/DDOS (1) Use of BOD malware
proxy server/firewall (1)
Ransomware (1) Use of
antimalware (1)
SQL injection (1) Network
forensics/suitable form
validation (1)
Social engineering // people
as a weak point (1) training
Poor network policy (1)
education/setting rules (1)
Hardware failure/loss (1)
Backup (1)

Total 8

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20 a i 1 mark for: 3 Allow diagram

Collate free space Do not award gives more

together free storage space.

Max 2 from Do not award 'similar' files

are grouped together.
Collate file fragments
All of file 1 will be stored
All of file 2 will be stored
All of file 3 will be stored

ii 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Answer must relate to why

it is faster.
When one page is read
it does not have to
search for second page
// does not have to
search through all the
pages // does not need
to reassemble the
individual pages
Does not have to
physically move as far
to get the next part of
the file
Less physical
movement saves time
Multiple locations do not
need accessing // fewer
individual accesses

iii 1 mark for each example 3 Only award anti-malware

e.g. once.

Anti-virus // anti-
Anti-spyware // anti-

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b 1 mark for each letter in the 6

correct place

procedure storeData()

if RAM is C/Full then

move data from RAM to

A/Secondary Storage


store data in next free

space in H/RAM


procedure accessData()

if B/NOT (data required is

in RAM) then

if RAM is full then

move unneeded data

from RAM to HDD


move required data

from HD to RAM


read data from H/RAM


Total 14

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21 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3

Takes less time to

read/access a file
because the
data/files/pages are
…. so it does not need
to move as far to read
the next piece of
…because it is in the
next memory location
Takes less time to save
new data/files because
there is larger free
space together
…so it does not need to
split the data/file
… and can store them
in contiguous spaces

Total 3

22 Orders have been 4 Up to a maximum of 4

saved onto the system (AO2 1b) marks.
as they order food and A maximum of three marks
then deleted once if there is no
processed (1) contextualisation. Allow a
Once other orders have mark if candidates state
been made, new files that fragmentation
are created (1) which increases access time. (1)
may be bigger than the
spaces left by the
deleted files (1)
The order files are split
up (1)

Total 4

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23 i 1 mark per bullet to max 4 4 'lossy removes

e.g. AO2 1a unnecessary data
(2) permanently' gets 3
Use an algorithm AO2 1b marks, 1 for lossy, 1 for
…to remove (2) 'removes unnecessary
repeated/unnecessary data' if not already
data awarded and 1 for lossy
Could use = permanent
lossless will not remove Do not award 'not
data permanently // noticeable to the human
lossless means original eye', or 'keeps
file will be restored same/reduces quality' -
lossy is permanent this does not explain
deletion // lossy means how the file is
original file will not be compressed.
Reduce number of Do not accept
pixels // reduce information for data.
Record the changes in Examiner’s Comments
the colour for each pixel
… instead of the colour This question required
Run length encoding candidates to demonstrate
… record the colour and their understanding of
number of consecutive compression to image files.
pixels of that colour
… instead of the colour Many candidates were able
of every pixel to convey an understanding
Decrease colour of generic compression; for
depth//decrease example, the application of
number of colours an algorithm, and the use of
lossy/lossless compression.

Many candidates were also

able to apply this to an
image file; commonly the
reduction of
resolution/pixels and colour.

Some candidates did not

answer the question of how
it compresses the file,
instead incorrectly
answering why
compression was used to
reduce the file size.

Exemplar 3

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The candidate has

identified that some colours
are removed, or that the
number of pixels would be
removed. They have not
expanded on these or
explained the type of
compression that is being

ii 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Do not accept

E.g. AO1 1a compression
Defragmentation Accept anti-malware
Encryption software Examiner’s Comments
Backup software
Anti-virus This question was
Firewall answered well by many
Anti-spyware candidates who were able
Disk checker/cleaner to identify two different
Auto-update examples of utility software.
Disk formatting The most common answers
included encryption and

Some candidates did not

read the requirements for
'other' types i.e. not
compression and gave
compression as one of their

Total 6

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24 1 mark for naming threat, 1 9 Must be relevant to home

for description, 1 for AO1 1b use i.e. not denial of
prevention. (3) service, SQL injection.
Max 3 per threat AO2 1a
e.g. AO2 1b Do not allow adware, spam.
Virus / trojan / worm /
malware Do not allow backup as a
Piece of prevention – it does not
software/code/a prevent the threat
program that replicates occurring. Do not allow
itself // causes damage encryption for stopping a
e.g. editing/deleting files hacker.
Running anti-virus/anti-
malware software //
don’t download from Description must do more
unknown sources // than repeat the threat.
don’t click on unknown

Spyware / malware /
keylogger Read whole response to
Piece of threat, identify threat first
software/code/a (may not be at the start and
program that records may be within description),
actions/key presses and then look for description.
sends this data to a
third party for analysis If no threat identified, then
Running anti- no mark for prevention.
software/firewall Allow any example of
hacking for hacker e.g.
Data interception / cracking (password), active.
passive But only once.
Data is sent to another
device and is Only award malware once,
intercepted by a third for virus or spyware e.g.
party virus identified, then
Encryption malware identified both can
be awarded.
Phishing Virus, then malware, then
An e-mail has a link that spyware, would get a
when clicked directs the repeat for final spyware.
user to a fake website
that collects personal
data Allow:
Network policy // firewall

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Pharming Prevents access to your

A piece of code files unless a ransom is
installed that redirects paid
user to fake website Anti-virus/firewall
that collects personal
Anti-malware // firewall

Person attempting to
gain unauthorised
access to the
data/files //
unauthorised access
and then
Firewall // strong
password // biometrics
// penetration testing

Brute force attack Examiner’s Comments

Person/software using
every combination of This question required
passwords to gain candidates to consider the
access different threats to networks
Firewall//strong and computers that they
passwords have learnt about, and to
identify which are
Social engineering appropriate in this situation.
Person being the weak Most candidates were able
point of the system // by to identify three threats, but
example e.g. any at times these were not
example of deception appropriate to the scenario,
e.g. Strong passwords for example describing
// check validity of denial of service threats to
sources a website, and SQL
injection. This identifies the
importance of candidates
reading the questions
carefully and identifying
whether it is asking for a
generic response i.e. a
recall of knowledge (AO1),
or an application of their
knowledge (AO2). The most
common threats identified
included viruses and
hackers, with candidates

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being able to describe the

threats and identify
appropriate measures to
prevent them. Some
candidates gave repeated
answers, for example giving
a virus as a threat, then a
worm, then a Trojan – both
of which are examples of
viruses therefore already
covered by their previous

Exemplar 5

This candidate has given

DDOS for the first answer
which is not appropriate to
the context; this is a threat
to a webserver which is not
part of the house owner’s
home network. They have
given two further
appropriate threats,
described these
appropriately and given
reasonable preventions. It
is important that candidates
consider the context and
give threats that are
appropriate to the situation
given in the question.

Total 9

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25 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Accept in reverse for

for justification AO2 1b why open source is not
(2) appropriate, but do not
She can sell it for a fee award same MP twice
Protects/copyrights her
source code Examiner’s Comments
…so it can’t be copied/
modified/redistributed Candidates were able to
demonstrate a clear
understanding of the
difference between a
proprietary licence and
open source software.

Common answers including

Fiona being able to gain
income from proprietary,
and not releasing source
code to prevent her
program being edited.

Total 2

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26 1 mark per bullet to max 3 “People need to ask to use

AO1 1b it” is not enough.
Allows free distribution (1)
// other people can AO2 1a
use/edit his work (1)
Other people can AO2 1b
redistribute his work (1)
Can choose to restrict
other people to be able
to use/edit/share the
Work is still copyrighted
// others cannot claim it
as their own
…William can set that if
others edit it they
cannot redistribute it
with the edits
attribution Examiner’s Comments
…Can insist e.g. on
having his name on it if This question required
re-used // referencing // candidates to demonstrate
must be credited their understanding of a
Can insist on non- Creative Commons license
commercial use // to the context of the use of
others cannot sell/profit someone else’s work.
from his work // Some candidates did not
personal use only make full use of the context
and answered the question
by defining the licence.
Most candidates were able
to explain how other people
would be able to use or edit
the videos themselves and
then redistribute it. More
able candidates were able
to describe the different
Creative Commons licenses
available and how each of
these would impact the use
of the videos. A common
misconception was that
Creative Commons
automatically copyrighted
all material so that no one
else could use, edit or
distribute the videos.

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Exemplar 4

This good response shows

a clear understanding of
Creative Commons
licensing and its different
forms. They have identified
that the public are able to
use William’s work and then
given the examples of
Attribution and the
implication that William
must be credited if his work
is used. This has already
gained the 3 marks, but
they continue to describe
the need for the work to be
used non-commercially.

Total 3

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27 a Proprietary software 2 Not cost / free

cannot be copied /
altered (without ?Examiner's Comments
permission of the ??
copyright owner) This part was a little
Open source software disappointing. The question
can be modified asked candidates to give
(provided it remains the fundamental differences
open source) between the types of
Proprietary software is software given, and instead
distributed only as a candidates listed everything
compiled program / they knew about them in
source code not particular their relative
available benefits and disadvantages
Open source software (and often not the crucial
is distributed with its fundamental difference). It
source code. was sufficient to say that
open source licences
Mark in pairs require that source code be
made available while
proprietary software restrict
the availability and public
use of sort code. We still
have several candidates
who write that the
difference is that open
source software is free of
charge – this is true of a lot
of proprietary software.

b Points may include: 6 Candidates are most likely High Level Response (5–6
to discuss copyright issues marks)
to do with software A detailed description of
Must abide by software licensing and / or data legal issues linked to the
licence protection issues to do with scenario in the question.
So for open source, the pupils' personal data. There will be few if any
school will be able to Consider any relevant legal errors in spelling, grammar
make modifications / issues. It is the quality of and punctuation.
customisations to discussion, not the breadth Technical terms will be
exams system of issues that determines used appropriately and
But will probably have the level (eg it is possible to correctly.
to make these score a high level mark with
modifications also a detailed description of Medium Level Response
available to other users copyright issues only). (3–4 marks)
And credit all previous A description of legal issues
contributors in the code and an attempt to link this
Will have to purchase to the scenario. Either the
off the shelf attendance description of the issues or
package legally the links to the scenario
Software must be able may be weak.

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to ensure all legal data There may be occasional

protection requirements errors in spelling, grammar
are met. and punctuation. Technical
terms will be mainly correct.

Low Level Response (1–2

Candidate outlines some
obvious legal issues
vaguely relevant to a school
context. Information will be
poorly expressed and there
will be a limited,

if any, use of technical

terms. Errors of grammar,
punctuation and spelling
may be intrusive.

Response not worthy of

credit (0 marks)
Examiner's Comments
was the more difficult of the
two quality of written
communication questions. It
was intended to be open
ended allowing candidates
to take different approaches
to demonstrate their
understanding by applying
their knowledge on two
separate parts of the
specification and
demonstrate their
understanding by
connecting them to each
other and to a given
context. As expected the
most able candidates did
this well and were able to
score in the high level band.
Most other candidates
focused either on legal
issues or on different ways
of acquiring software
without making strong links
between the two.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

Total 8

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

28 Action Data Com Copy 6 1 mark for each tick in the

Prote puter right (AO1 1b) correct box.
ction Misu Desi
Act se gns 0 marks for a row with more
2018 Act and than one tick.
1990 Pate
Using ✓
e for
law co
ut the
al cre
A secr ✓
sing a
r’s per
nt wit
hout p
Makin ✓
of the

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

and s
it with
Storin ✓
g cust
data i
A ✓
r insta
lling a
on the
Sellin ✓
s pers
to a m
ng co
y with
their p

Total 6

© OCR 2023. You may photocopy this page. 77 of 79 Created in ExamBuilder

Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

29 Mark Band 3 – High Level 8 The following is indicative of

(6–8 marks) AO2 1a possible factors/evidence
The candidate (4) that candidates may refer to
demonstrates a thorough AO2 1b but is not prescriptive or
knowledge and (4) exhaustive:
understanding of a wide
range of considerations in Indicative Content:
relation to the question; the
material is generally Smartphone users
accurate and detailed.
The candidate is able to Can adversely affect
apply their knowledge and people in this country
understanding directly and and abroad:
consistently to the context health issues
provided. financially
Evidence/examples will be socially
explicitly relevant to the culturally
The candidate is able to Cultural issues
weigh up both sides of the
discussion and includes Desire/need to own
reference to the impact on newest device
all areas showing thorough …to fit in with peers
recognition of influencing May have new features
factors. that users require for
There is a well-developed
line of reasoning which is Environmental issues
clear and logically
structured. The information The type of devices that
presented is relevant and are disposed of
substantiated. Modern phones poorly
designed for durability
Mark Band 2 – Mid Level Phones’ hardware not
(3–5 marks) upgradeable/replaceabl
The candidate e
demonstrates reasonable Reference to e-waste
knowledge and (people dispose of their
understanding of a range of devices in landfill even
considerations in relation to if they are in good
the question; the material is working order)
generally accurate but at Some equipment is also
times underdeveloped. sent abroad to be
The candidate is able to disposed of
apply their knowledge and Leads to excessive
understanding directly to landfill (in this country
the context provided and/or abroad, e.g.
although one or two Africa and Asia)
opportunities are missed. Toxic waste released

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Part marks and guidance

Evidence/examples are for into land, ground water,

the most part implicitly air (in this country
relevant to the explanation. and/or abroad, e.g.
The candidate makes a Africa and Asia)
reasonable attempt to Waste of resources
discuss the impact on most Precious metals in
areas, showing reasonable phones
recognition of influencing
factors. Ethical issues

There is a line of reasoning Contributes to ill health

presented with some Contributes to the
structure. The information digital divide
presented is in the most Contributes to social
part relevant and supported divide
by some evidence. Problem of confidential
data stored on the
Mark Band 1 – Low Level devices
(1–2 marks) Puts social pressure on
The candidate parents to pay for their
demonstrates a basic children to upgrade
knowledge of Puts social pressure on
considerations with limited the public to upgrade
understanding shown; the Can lead to bullying of
material is basic and those who cannot afford
contains some the latest technology
inaccuracies. Phone manufacturers
The candidate makes a intentionally designing
limited attempt to apply fragile phones so they
acquired knowledge and need to be replaced
understanding to the more often
context provided. High cost of new
The candidate provides devices.
nothing more than an
unsupported assertion.

The information is basic

and communicated in an
unstructured way. The
information is supported by
limited evidence and the
relationship to the evidence
may not be clear.

0 marks
No attempt to answer the
question or response is not
worthy of credit.

Total 8

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