11 9 - STP Lesson 1 - Chorale-3

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Student Teacher Name: Rebecca Negro Date: 11/9/23

Lesson Topic and Grade: STP Lesson 1 - Chorale

PA Academic Standards (Benchmarks/Indicators) or National Standards of Music addressed

MU:Pr5.3.E.5a Use self-reflection and peer feedback to refine individual and ensemble performances
of a varied repertoire of music.
MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop strategies to address technical challenges in a varied repertoire of music and
evaluate their success using feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to refine performances.
Instructional Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to sing measures 1-13 of “Where the Light Begins”
(measures 1-13) with little to no errors.
Piano, “Where the Light Begins” music

The section we are working on:

Section ends on the bottom of page 4, measure 13, right before the word, “the”.
Opening/Introduction Activity
WARM UPS (2 min)
- T will have S hum on do, re, mi, re do and ascend in keys. T will change vowel shapes to “ooh”
and “eee” as S ascends. T will adjust if necessary.

Learning Opportunities/Procedure:

WHERE THE LIGHT BEGINS (25ish minutes)

- T will sing measures 3-4 to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play piano). T will ask
them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make corrections and repeat
as necessary.
- T will sing measures 5-6 (beat 1) to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play piano). T
will ask them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make corrections and
repeat as necessary.
- T will sing the first two phrases together and ask S to sing them back. Once with piano,
once with little piano
- T will sing measures 6 (beat 3) - 7 (beat 3) to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play
piano). T will ask them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make
corrections and repeat as necessary.
- T will sing measures 7 (beat 3) - 9 (beat 3) to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play
piano). T will ask them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make
corrections and repeat as necessary.
- T will sing the next two phrases together and ask S to sing them back. Once with piano,
once with little piano
- T will sing the first four phrases together and ask S to sing them back. Once with piano,
once with little piano
- T will sing measures 10-11 to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play piano). T will ask
them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make corrections and repeat
as necessary.
- T will sing measures 12-13 to S and ask them to repeat back (T will play piano). T will ask
them to make sure to pay close attention to rhythms. T will make corrections and repeat
as necessary.
- T will sing the next two phrases together and ask S to sing them back. Once with piano,
once with little piano
Closing Activity
- T will sing the entire melody from measures 3-13 with little piano assistance, and
accompaniment. T will correct if necessary.

Specific Differentiation Strategies:

- S will have the music as a visual, and the T singing as an aural experience. T will also have S
clap rhythms if needed to create a kinesthetic experience.
- T will sing the entire melody from measures 3-13 with little piano assistance, and
accompaniment. T will correct if necessary. This will help T understand where the
students are at with the learning process thus far.
- T will ask S to think about ways that they can make this piece more musical. This will be
a discussion for the next lesson.

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