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Basics of law

Sample exam questions

1. Where do you find the constitution in the hierarchy of legal sources?

a) always at the top
b) preferably at the top
c) at the bottom

2. The ……. is governed by the constitution.

a) operation of the free market
b) relationship of the people and the state
c) detailed operation of the government

3. There are … types of the form of state.

a) 2
b) 3
c) infinite

4. Fundamental rights ….
a) are strengthened by special guarantees.
b) never may be burdened.
c) are given to people above 18.

5. Public administration means …

a) pure bureaucracy.
b) the freedom of people.
c) the implementation of government policy.

6. Land registers belong to the scope of ….

a) criminal law.
b) constitutional law.
c) public administration.

7. There are two fundamental divisions of public administration: …

a) municipal and local
b) central and local
c) international and national

8. Civil law belongs to ….

a) public law
b) private law
c) criminal law

9. A basic principle of civil law is …...

a) subordination of persons.
b) hierarchy of parties.
c) equality of persons.

10. …… legal capacity.

a) Every person has
b) Legal persons don’t have
c) Natural person under 18 don’t have

11. Legal capacity of natural persons start from …

a) conception.
b) birth.
c) the age of 14.

12. Having capacity to act means the opportunity to …..

a) enter into contracts.
b) travel abroad.
c) issue last will.

13. ….. is a legal person.

a) An unlimited corporation
b) A limited liability company
c) A partnership limited by shares

14. …….. is solidly united with the thing in such a way that their separation would result in
the destruction of the thing or of the separated part.
a) Part
b) Component
c) Attachment

15. Inheritance is ….
a) a derivative acquisition form of moveables only.
b) a derivative acquisition form of real estates only.
c) a derivative acquisition form of moveables and real estates.

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