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Name/omar shehta Mahmoud 20210936 power electric

Name/Abdulrahman ali 20210918 power electric

High valley institute of Engineering and Technology

The design central processing unit (CPU) in logisim

Dr/Mohmmed Elghoboushi
ENG/aliaa mousa
Memory cell
store one bit

A memory cell refers to the basic unit of

storage in computer memory. It is a component
that can store a fixed amount of data, typically
represented as a binary digit (bit), which can be
either a 0 or a 1. Memory cells are organized
into a larger structure to form computer
memory, such as RAM (Random Access
Memory) or ROM (Read-Only Memory). Each
memory cell has a unique address that allows
the computer to locate and access the stored
data when needed. Memory cells are essential
for storing and retrieving data in a computer
system, enabling the execution of programs
and the temporary storage of information
during computer operations.
store 16 bit

It is a collection of flip flop

Consisting of 16 flip flop
The register allows storing a
number of more bits
1_bit ALU
Arithmetic logic unit

ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit. It is a fundamental

component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU)
responsible for performing arithmetic operations (such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and
logical operations (such as comparisons, bitwise operations,
and Boolean logic) on binary data.The ALU receives input
data from registers and performs the requested operation
based on control signals. It operates on binary numbers by
manipulating their individual bits. The ALU generates
output based on the operation performed, which may
include results of arithmetic computations or comparison
flags indicating conditions such as equality, greater than, or
less than.The ALU plays a critical role in executing
instructions and performing calculations required by
computer programs, making it a crucial component for data
processing and computational tasks.
16_bit ALU
Arithmetic logic unit

It is a set of arithmetic
Calculations are performed
On the basis of the
(select line)
16_bit ALU
Arithmetic logic unit
Final circuit design CPU

The function of a register in a computer system is to temporarily

store data or instructions that are being processed or manipulated
by the central processing unit (CPU). Registers are small, high-
speed storage units located within the CPU itself. They are used to
hold operands, intermediate results, memory addresses, and control
signals during the execution of instructions.Registers play a crucial
role in computer operations, including arithmetic and logical
calculations, data transfers, and control flow. They enable quick
access to data, which helps in improving the overall performance
of the system. Registers are designed to be faster than main
memory or cache memory, allowing for efficient data processing
within the CPU.Different types of registers serve specific purposes,
such as the program counter (PC) which holds the address of the
next instruction to be fetched, the instruction register (IR) which
stores the currently executing instruction, the accumulator register
(ACC) which holds the intermediate results of arithmetic
operations, and many others.Overall, registers provide temporary
storage within the CPU to hold data and instructions, facilitating
efficient processing and coordination of operations within the
computer system.
Given orders

program in ROM sheet Exel



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