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Fluency Intervention Lesson Plan Template

Name: Joshua McLinn Grade Level: 2

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Fluency Date: 10/2

State Learning Standards RF.2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Readgrade-level text withpurpose
Identify relevant grade level standards and understanding.
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives LT:I can read at a smooth pace.
What should the students know or be LO: Students can be able to read at a smooth pace.
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable verb Lesson 2
that matches the cognitive domain LT: I can show expression while reading
standard. This should be a small piece of LO: Students will be able to show and make their voice making the feelings of the text.
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping There will be no grouping as the child will be in a pull-out intervention room.
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.)
Differentiation N/A
If either or both lessons are whole class,
how is the lesson(s) differentiated for
the focal student?
Assessment The student will demonstrate growth when we retry to read the two readings. The reading “ At the Park” I
How will students demonstrate that the hope to see growth in fluency and when the student rereads “Ants” hope to see some better pacing in the
focal student is making progress in reading.
toward their fluency goals?


Minilesson One Lesson 4.9
1. Introduction (including setting
expectations and establishing Introduction: The mini lesson will take place in a pull-out classroom. Where the lesson will be a one on one
procedures and instructions) with the student. All materials will be in the classroom so they will not need to bring anything.
2. Activate/Connect To Prior
Activate prior knowledge:
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent To activate prior knowledge I will play a one minute video of a second grade female student reading smoothly.
practice, as needed) Does your 2nd grader read smoothly like this? - Milestones from GreatSchools - YouTube
After completing the video I will ask the students a couple of questions.
- What do you notice that she’s doing that makes her a smooth reader?
- What can you do so that you are a smooth reader?
Fluency activity from book:
“In todays lesson me and you will read back and forth in an activity I like to class Smooth it Out.” We are going
to read a book that you can choose.
- After choosing the book the child will read the whole book
- Then I will read the book
- The student will read once more
When we finish that we will talk about what they noticed or how they improved from the first time they read
to the second.

Minilesson Two Lesson 4.11

1. Introduction (including setting Introduction: The mini lesson will take place in a pull-out classroom. Where the lesson will be a one on one
expectations and establishing with the student. All materials will be in the classroom so they will not need to bring anything.
procedures and instructions)
2. Activate/Connect To Prior Activate prior knowledge: To activate prior knowledge I will have a feelings chart that has different types of
emotions or feelings. I will use this as a way to ask the students what the picture depicts the feelings to be.
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent Fluency activity:
practice, as needed) “In today’s lesson we are going to Make our voices math the feelings in the book.”
“So I picked out a perfect book called the “Emotions book”
While reading I will try to have the student express and reflect how the character is feeling. Then I will have
them answer a few questions during and also at the end.
- How is the character feeling?
- How would it sould where that character talked?
- Go back and reread that thinking about the feelings.
- How can you make your voice match the feelings?

Instructional Materials, Video: Does your 2nd grader read smoothly like this? - Milestones from GreatSchools - YouTube
Equipment and Technology
List equipment or technology that needs
to be available. Attach a copy of ALL Book of the Childs choosing from the library
materials the teacher and students will
Feelings chart
use during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, overheads, The Emotions book
PowerPoint slides, worksheets.

McLinn 01

Joshua McLinn

Prof. Prince

Edu. 443



To whom it may concern, your child had taken two fluency level test in reading. The

child had used ( from Mr. Anker Tests Reading Fluency Masters ( ) two

documents the first was “At the Park” and the second being “Ants”. The student had completed

the first assessment which was “At the Park” very strong and to test to see if she was at the next

level we had her attempt “Ants”. Which was the next section in the list. To begin the test we had

to explain to the student what the word “ant” was and how to pronounce the word. This comes to

know surprise as with this reading there was no pictures to help the student understand what the

word was.

When we look at the first reading and we look at the expression and volume I noticed that

the child was very soft spoken and had little to no expression. Throught the reading the child

reads in a monotone or robotic expression. Alot of times this can come from a lack of confidence

in ones self in reading. This is a common sight that we see amongst new readers as it is hard to

be confidant in a new area. When we look at the next reading “Ants” right away we are able to

see the childs struggles in the fourth sentence as the child struggles with the word “different” not

long after we ended the reading. Although it may seem like a bad thing this just shows us that we

know where the childs reading is at. Something that was observed in the second reading was the
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words that the child was comfortable with such as “you, are, and that” these are what we call

sight words and this shows us that your child already has a good understanding of that. Overall

your child would earn a one out of four but it is just the beginning of the year so theres lots of

room for improvement.

When we look at the phrasing amongst the two reading there is not much of a difference.

Throughout the reading the not child does not understand and adhere to punctuation. In the

reading “At the Park” which was the stronger reading that the child had, it is noted that the child

reads word for word. This can also be seen in the “Ants” article but at a much longer pause

between words. Throughout the reading the child did not face many issues with the words other

then two within the reading. The two words that the child had troubles with in “At the Park” was

“that” the first one and “until” right at the end where she pronounced it as “upsto” for only

having two out of the eighty-seven words wrong shows that your child is a very smart student. It

just comes back to needing to build that confidence in your child. Which can easily be fixed in

due time and more reading. Overall your child would earn a one out of four but it is just the

beginning of the year so theres lots of room for improvement.

Throughout the reading the child is seen having issues with frequent breaks in the

reading. The student also hesitated in numerous occasion with words throughout the reading.

This poses a concern as we work on the childs ability to smoothly read the whole text. Much of

the words in both readings where sounded out in the reading. In the reading “Ants” the first

couple sentences the words where sounded out word for word. In the reading “Ants” many of the

words in the first paragraph where needed to be reread. These words insisted of thousands,

different, and other. But when we look at the first reading the issue rereading of words is not as
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much of an issue. This shows that we have found where your child is at in reading. Overall your

child would earn a one out of four but it is just the beginning of the year so theres lots of room

for improvement.

Amongst both the articles the student read very slow. In the first reading the student was

able to read about 80 words per minute which is not bad especially reading word for word.

Overall the child was able to read all 87 words in one minute and thirteen seconds. But when we

look at the second reading the student only got through the first paragraph in the first minute.

Overall your child had earned a two out of four. This example shows us that your child has a

good base and that we know where we can work from.

As we begin to build from that base are main focus that we will be building off of will be

smothness and expression and volume. The focus with smoothness will come through a lesson

that is Partners Help to Smooth Things Out. This lesson will help the student as their peers trade

off reading and help make sure that there peers are reading smoothly. The idea of working on

smoothness is so we can in hopes make the pacing of the reading better and come out more

fluently. The second part is Expression and Volume which we will be using the lesson Make

Your Voice Match the Feeling. This lesson is about focuses on having the students focus on how

it sounds when they are reading the passage. As stated above one thing the student could use is

some confidence and an easy way to build on that and make it better is just having the student

read more often. With doing this the student will grow in all attributes in reading. At home it will

be very beneficial to have your child work on reading by sentences and not word for word.

At the begging of the semester I had done a fluency and comprehension test with a few of

my students including the student that I had used in this fluency test. One of the things that I

noticed between the two assesments other then that there are no comprehension questions for the

second time around was that taking the time to think about the assessment I feel like I have a

way better understanding of the student. When I sat along side my teacher giving the fluency and

comprension test I was apart of it and took my own notes, but after the test was complete I was

pretty much done with it other then maybe talking about it alittle after the assessment. The part I

liked about this was that after giving the assignment and actually even before I thought about

right away how I could help the student improve their thinking. Or how I can focus on the four

points to see where the student would need there improvements. While I was typing up the

parent note there was so many thoughts going through my mind on how I could help the student.

This helped me get a better understanding of the student at where they are at way better then I

have in the past and this student I spend at most maybe 15 minutes each vist I have. I think that it

is really important to test oral reading becuase as adults it is something that we will have to do

alot of especially as we become teachers or public speakers. One of the things that I noticed was

that when I had my presentation for group two I had read it prior to class a few times to prepare

myself I had very few mistakes. But when I started to talk aloud I had mistakes that I didn’t

when I had read in my head. Doing these oral tests can help us prepare for the future. While

choosing and making the mini-lessons I thought about what could directly help the student grow.

Although some of the questions where broad from the book I was able to use them to help

pinpoint questions to better suit my student.

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