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Tuition fees for non-EEA students – academic year 2023-2024

TRACK Language Fixed amount Amount per ECTS Amount for 60 ECTS

all bachelors, masters, teaching, bridging and
€320 €55 € 3.620
preparatory programs and credit contracts except for
those mentioned under TRACK 2 & 3



BSc in Business Economics ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

BSc Handelsingenieur NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

BSc in de Politieke wetenschappen en de Sociologie NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

BSc in Social Sciences ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

BSc in de Communicatiewetenschappen
NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

BSc in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen

NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in de Bedrijfskunde
NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in Business Engineering: Business and Technology

ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc Handelsingenieur
NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in International Business

ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in Management
ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in de Politieke Wetenschappen

NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in Political Science: European and International Governance

ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in de Sociologie
NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in de Communicatiewetenschappen
NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in Communication Studies

ENG € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

MSc in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen

NL € 1.584 € 45 € 4.284

Bridging program *

MSc in de Bedrijfskunde NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Communicatiewetenschappen NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Politieke Wetenschappen NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Sociologie NL € 1.584 € 45

Preparatory program *

MSc in de Bedrijfskunde NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Communicatiewetenschappen NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Politieke Wetenschappen NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Sociologie NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen NL € 1.584 € 45

MSc Handelsingenieur NL € 1.584 € 45

Msc in Business Engineering: Business and Technology ENG € 1.584 €45

Msc in International Business ENG € 1.584 €45

MSc Management ENG € 1.584 € 45

MSc in Communication Studies ENG € 1.584 € 45



MSc Architectural Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Biology (re-enrollments) ENG € 310 € 13 € 1.090

MSc Biomedical Engineering ENG € 1.000 € 25 € 2.500

MSc Chemical and Materials Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Civil Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Electrical Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Electromechanical Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Geografie NL € 533,90 € 13,50 € 1.343,90

MSc Geography ENG € 533,90 € 13,50 € 1.343,90

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur NL € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Biomedische Ingenieurstechnieken NL € 1.000 € 25 € 2.500

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Bouwkunde NL € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Chemie en Materialen NL € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Elektronica en

NL € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Fotonica NL € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Werktuigkunde Elektrotechniek NL € 1.102 € 28 € 2.782

MSc Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

MSc Molecular Biology ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

MSc Sustainable Land Management ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

MSc Water Resources Engineering ENG Enroll at partner institution

MSc European master in Urban Studies ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

MSc in Urban Studies ENG € 1.450 € 36 € 3.610

MSc Photonics Engineering ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

European MSc in Photonics (will expire, no new enrolments) ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

Research MA Philosophy ENG € 282,10 € 13,50 € 1.092,10

Bridging program *
MSc Geografie NL € 282,10 € 13,50

Preparatory program *

MSc Biology (re-enrollments) ENG € 310 € 13

MSc Biomedical Engineering ENG € 1.000 € 25

MSc Electrical Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28

MSc Electromechanical Engineering ENG € 1.102 € 28

MSc Geografie NL € 282,10 € 13,50

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Biomedische Ingenieurstechnieken NL € 1.000 € 25

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Bouwkunde NL € 1.102 € 28

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Chemie en Materialen NL € 1.102 € 28

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Elektronica en

NL € 1.102 € 28

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Fotonica NL € 282,10 € 13,50

MSc Ingenieurswetenschappen: Werktuigkunde-Elektrotechniek NL € 1.102 € 28

MSc Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management ENG € 282,10 € 13,50
MSc Sustainable Land Management ENG € 282,10 € 13,50

MSc Water Resources Engineering ENG Enroll at partner institution

MSc Photonics Engineering ENG € 282,10 € 13,50

European MSc in Photonics (will expire, no new enrolments) ENG € 282,10 € 13,50

* The tuition fee for Preparatory and Bridging Programs depends on the specific number of credits a student needs to enroll for.

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