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Add to End of Turn sequence

After all units’ movements and combat have been resolved, the active player draws a new Command card
and has the choice of drawing one Fate card or gaining two Favour tokens.

If the active player did not play a Fate card during his turn, one Fate card may be discarded and one Favour
token is collected. A maximum of one Fate card may be turned in at the end of a player’s game turn.

If the Command card deck or Fate card deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discarded cards to form a new
draw deck.

Once the active player’s Command card is drawn and Fate card or Favour is replenished, the player’s turn is

Note: A player who plays a Fate card during the opponent’s turn, does not immediately replenish his Fate card or
the Favour tokens. Replenishment of Fate cards or Favour token reserve is only done at the end of an active
player’s turn.


Managing and Replenishing Favour Reserves

Just as important as managing his hand of Command cards and Fate cards, a player must carefully watch
his Favour token reserve, and make sure to keep adequate reserves if he is to launch his own Fate card
actions at the most opportune time.

The following are some ways a player may gain Favour:

• At the end of the active player’s game turn, the player opts to pick up two Favour tokens instead of
drawing a Fate card.
• At the end of the active player’s game turn, the player discards one of his Fate cards and gains one
Favour token.
• Favour tokens are gained for each Leader symbol rolled in a close combat battle.
• As a result of playing certain Fate cards.

Rolling a Leader symbol during other times during play, for example, a leader casualty check, ranged
combat, etc. will not gain Favour tokens for a player.

There is no limit to the number of Favour tokens a player may have in his reserve, however, should the
common 30 Favour tokens pool run out, no further Favour tokens can be gained until the common pool is
replenished. Actions that normally grant Favour tokens, grant you nothing instead.

Fate cards and Favour tokens are a player’s most precious assets. Fate cards in terms of game play are the
gateway to legendary and mythical actions on the battlefield. There is no limit to the number of Fate cards
a player may hold.

Every Fate card, bears the following information:

• Title: The name of the Fate card.
• Cost: The cost, in Favour tokens, a player must pay from his Favour reserve pool, for the Fate card to
take effect. Favour tokens quite literally fuel the action and special powers of a Fate card. Some Fate cards
do have a zero Favour cost.
• Phase of Play: This text explains when in a game turn the Fate card must be played.
• Target: Text detailing the Fate card target, subject, beneficiary, or area of effect, of the Fate card action.
• Effect: A description of the Fate card effect and the special rules governing it.

Players must observe a number of simple but critically important rules when bringing a Fate card into play.
When playing a Fate card, place it in front of you during the appropriate phase of play (possibly in reaction
to one of your opponent’s actions), and read it aloud. Spend the required number of Favour tokens out of
your Favour reserve, temporarily placing those tokens on the Fate card; at the end of the game turn, return
these tokens into the common Favour pool, and discard the Fate card onto the discard pile next to the Fate
card deck.

To play a Fate card, the player must be able to immediately pay its corresponding Favour cost, out of the
Favour tokens already in his possession prior to the card’s effect coming into play.

A Fate card must always be played during its indicated phase of play. Some Fate cards may be played out
of turn, during the opponent’s game turn, or in reaction to one of his actions or Fate card play.

Fate Cards Phase of Play

• Play alongside your command card - (the Fate card is played at the same time you are playing your
Command card - Phase 1. Play a Command Card.)
• Play in reaction to your opponent's command card - (the Fate card is played at the same time your
opponent is playing a Command card - Phase 1 of opponent’s turn. Play a Command Card.)
• Play during movement - (the Fate card is played prior to moving one of your units.)
• Play in reaction to your opponent's movement - (the Fate card is played during your opponent’s turn,
when an opponent’s unit is moving or just remains in the same hex when ordered.)
• Play in reaction to opponent's unit taking ground - (the Fate card is played during your opponent’s turn,
when an opponent’s unit is taking ground.)
• Play before your combat roll - (the Fate card is played after declaring a ranged combat, close combat or
battle back, but prior to the dice roll.)
• Play before your close combat roll - (the Fate card is played after declaring a close combat or battle
back, but prior to the dice roll.)
• Play before your opponent's close combat roll - (the Fate card is played during your opponent’s turn
after the opponent declares a close combat or during your turn after the opponent declares a battle back,
but prior to the dice roll.)
• Play after your close combat roll - (the Fate card is played after your close combat or battle back dice
are rolled.)
• Play after your opponent's close combat roll - (the Fate card is played during your opponent’s turn after
an opponent’s unit’s close combat dice roll, or after the opponent’s unit has battled back.)
• Play after opponent’s ranged combat roll against one unit - (the Fate card is played during your
opponent’s turn, after an opponent’s unit has completed a ranged combat against one unit.)
• Play after successful close combat - (the Fate card is played during your turn, after one of your unit’s
close combat has either eliminated or caused the enemy unit to retreat for its hex.)
• Play before your battling back close combat roll - (the Fate card is played during your opponent’s turn
after declaring a battle back close combat prior to the dice roll.)
• Play before a close combat when both units have a leader - (the Fate card is played after a close combat
is announced and both your unit and the opponent’s unit have a leader. Note, both players may play a
Personal Challenge Fate card and the second card played in this case does not trump the first Personal
Challenge Fate card, both cards remain in play.)

A player may only play a maximum of one Fate card during your turn. A player may only play a maximum
of one Fate card during your opponent's game turn. As a result, during the course of any single game turn,
there can only be a maximum of two Fate cards coming into play, one from each player.
In case of contradiction between the effects of two Fate cards played in succession, the second card
trumps the effect of the first one.

In case of conflict between the basic rules in this book and Fate card, the rules of the card take precedence,
however, terrain movement and battle restrictions will always apply.
National flavour
To add a 'national' feel (noting that nations didn't really exist) would be to allow different armies a one off
special effect based upon an appeal to their God(s). This is a one per game option.

At the cost of 10 favour tokens, a Commander can appeal to their relevant God for an effect;

Roman (Grey, Red)

Jupiter - double Command for the effect of the current Command Card

Mars - add 1 die to all battles thus turn

Roman (Purple)

Virgin Mary - all battle backs this turn are at 1 less die.

Chi-Rho - ignore all flags for this turn.

Greek (Blue, Orange, Bronze)

Ares - instead of playing a Command card, make a 7 die Spartacus roll. Ordered units battle with 1 extra

Athena - move your leaders to anywhere on the board.

Carthage (Brown)

Baal - all flags rolled this turn count as 2 flags

Tanit - Leaders count as symbol hits in battle this turn.

Gaul (Green)

Epona - all ordered cavalry may move 1 extra MP

Germanic (Green)

Odin - all ordered foot may move 2 spaces and must close combat (same as Warrior charge). Warriors may
move 3 spaces and must close combat.

Persian (Yellow)

Ahura Mazda - play 2 Section Command cards and order units for both, Draw 2 new Command Cards at
turn end.

Ameretat - roll 7 die and restore 1 block to reduced units of each rolled banner colour. Leaders, Swords
and Banners are ignored. Units are not ordered. Play Command Card normally.

Note that the effects may work both ways, for both attacks and battle backs! Some gods are mischievous!
1 Play before your 1 defending Target may ignore 1 banner colour hit.
A♠ AGILITY opponent's dice unit
Play before your The target unit will battle first in the close combat with 1
2♠ AMBUSH 2 opponent's close
defending unit
additional die. If the opponent's unit is not eliminated or
combat roll retreats, it may then battle as originally ordered.
Play alongside
1 enemy Roll 1 die against target. A sword symbol rolled will eliminate
3♠ ASSASSIN 1 your command
Leader the leader figure.
Play after your All Swords rolled score a hit against the target who attacked
1 attacking
4♠ BACKSTAB 3 opponent's dice
enemy unit
you, not on your unit! All other dice effects still apply against
roll your unit.
Play in reaction to
Omens are unfavourable and the number of units ordered this
5♠ BAD OMENS 3 your opponent's your opponent
turn is reduced to 1 unit.
command card
Play before your Target will receive 1 Favour token for each enemy block
close combat roll
1 ordered unit
eliminated, in addition to Favour collected normally.
Play after your
BRAVE 1 unit with a Target unit may ignore all flags rolled against it for this close
1 opponent's close
leader combat.
combat roll
Play after your
BRAVE 1 unit with a Target unit may ignore all flags rolled against it for this close
1 opponent's close
leader combat.
combat roll
Play alongside Order 1 additional unit when you play a Section Command
1 your command You card that orders 1, 2 or 3 units. This additional ordered unit
card may be in any section of the battlefield.
Play alongside Order 1 additional unit when you play a Section Command
1 your command You card that orders 1, 2 or 3 units. This additional ordered unit
card may be in any section of the battlefield.
Play before your
J♠ BRAVERY 1 opponent's close 1 unit Target unit may ignore all flags rolled against it for this combat.
combat roll
Play before your
Q♠ BRAVERY 1 opponent's close 1 unit Target unit may ignore all flags rolled against it for this combat.
combat roll
Play before your
combat roll
1 enemy unit Target may not ignore flags rolled against it for any reason.
DESPARATE Play before your 1 single figure
close combat roll unit
Target rolls 2 additional dice in this close combat.
Target ignores the results of the close combat roll, and rerolls
DEUS EX Play after your
close combat roll
your unit all the dice again and must take the results of the second close
combat dice roll.
Play alongside Roll 3d against target.
DIVINE For each Flag or Leader rolled, target must retreat.
3 your Command 1 unit
Target may not ignore flags for any reason.
Play before your
1 attacking Target rolls a maximum of 2 dice in this close combat. Nothing
4♣ DUST CLOUD 1 opponent's close
enemy unit will increase this number.
combat roll
All enemy
Play alongside units on, or Roll one die against each target. A standard symbol rolled will
5♣ EARTHQUAKE 2 your Command next to, score one hit on the unit. Flags, swords, leader and other unit
card elevated standard symbols rolled have no effect.
Play alongside Roll 3 dice. For each unit standard symbol rolled, your
6♣ FAMINE 2 your command your opponent opponent must lose one block with this standard symbol.
card Flags, swords and Leader symbols rolled have no effect.
Play in lieu of Your units Order units equal to your Command. Do not draw a new
5 your Command Command Card at end of Turn.
Play alongside
FIRE all ordered Target units roll 1 additional die in ranged combat for the entire
1 your command
bow units turn.
all enemy
Play alongside units on or Roll one die against each target. A standard symbol rolled will
9♣ FLOOD 1 your command next to a score one hit on the unit. Flags, swords, leader and other unit
card terrain hex standard symbols rolled have no effect.
with water
Cancel your opponent's Fate card. His Fate card is discarded
Play in reaction to
but he gains back ½ the Favour rounded down he just spent.
10♣ FOILED ? your opponent's your opponent
You must pay ½ the Favour cost rounded up of the card you
Fate card
Play during 1 ordered Target unit may move 1 additional hex more than its normal
movement cavalry unit movement and still battle.
Play alongside
1 weakened
Q♣ HEALER 1 your command
ordered unit
Target recovers 1 block
Play alongside
1 weakened
K♣ HEALER 1 your command
ordered unit
Target recovers 1 block
Roll 3 dice. For each unit standard symbol rolled, you can
Play alongside place 1 foot unit with standard symbol in a vacant forest or hill
9 your command You hex. For any 1 Leader symbol, a leader may be placed
card attached to a newly placed unit. Flags and swords symbols
rolled have no effect.
Play alongside
1 your command You Collect 4 Favour tokens
Target unit may move 1 additional hex more than its normal
INFILTRATOR Play during movement and still battle. Target may also move through units
3♥ S
1 ordered unit
(friend or foe) and terrain as long as the terrain is not
Play in reaction to
1 ordered Target refuses to move this turn. If leader is with a unit, the unit
4♥ INSULT 2 your opponent's
enemy leader may also not move or battle.
Play alongside
LEAD all ordered Target units roll 1 additional die in ranged combat for the entire
1 your command
sling units turn.
After a successful close combat, in which the enemy unit is
Play after either eliminated or retreats from its hex, target may gain
2 successful close 1 ordered unit ground and make a bonus close combat. If the target unit has
combat already made a bonus close combat, it may gain ground a
second time and make a second bonus close combat.
Play alongside
all enemy Target units may not ignore flags rolled against them in combat
7♥ PANIC 3 your command
units this turn.
Prior to the close combat, players roll dice equal to Command
cards held, including card just played. Player that played the
Play before a
Fate card adds 1 die. Player with most Favour adds 1 die. The
PERSONAL close combat
when both units
both leaders most swords rolled eliminates enemy leader. If tied, no leader
is lost. No victory banner is gained, but 1 Command card is
have a leader
lost, selected at random. Favour is also collected on the roll for
each Leader rolled.
Prior to the close combat, players roll dice equal to Command
cards held, including card just played. Player that played the
Play before a
Fate card adds 1 die. Player with most Favour adds 1 die. The
PERSONAL close combat
when both units
both leaders most swords rolled eliminates enemy leader. If tied, no leader
is lost. No victory banner is gained, but 1 Command card is
have a leader
lost, selected at random. Favour is also collected on the roll for
each Leader rolled.
Prior to the close combat, players roll dice equal to Command
cards held, including card just played. Player that played the
Play before a
Fate card adds 1 die. Player with most Favour adds 1 die. The
PERSONAL close combat
when both units
both leaders most swords rolled eliminates enemy leader. If tied, no leader
is lost. No victory banner is gained, but 1 Command card is
have a leader
lost, selected at random. Favour is also collected on the roll for
each Leader rolled.
1 unit that is
Play before your
battling back Target unit will battle back with the same number of dice that
J♥ REVENGE 1 battling back
in a close the opponent's unit just rolled against the target unit.
close combat roll
Target may scatter, retreating up to 3 hexes toward its side,
before its opponents attacks.
Play alongside
1 defending Target ignores terrain movement restrictions during this
Q♥ SCATTER 3 your command
unit in Melee retreat, but may not move through unit-occupied hexes.
Attacking unit may not pick another target, nor battle this turn.

Play alongside
K♥ SPY 2 your command your opponent Look at all of your opponent's Fate cards; select 1 and discard
card it.
Play alongside Draw 1 Command card immediately and add it to your hand of
A♦ N
4 your command You cards. The number of Command cards you will now hold will
card be increased by one.
Play before your 1 ordered unit Target rolls one extra die in Close Combat, for the entire turn.
combat roll
Play before your 1 ordered unit Target rolls one extra die in Close Combat, for the entire turn.
combat roll
Play before your Each flag rolled on the enemy target unit in the close combat
combat roll
1 unit
counts as 2 flags.
Play alongside
SWIFT all ordered Target units may move 1 additional hex more than their normal
2 your command
infantry units movement and still battle.
Play alongside
TACTICAL Change the section, as listed on the Command card you just
1 your command You
played, to a section of your choice.
7♦ TESTUDO 1 Play after 1 defending Target unit ignores all hits from ranged combat. When targeted
ranged combat twice by a unit on a Hold and Shoot Command card, may play
roll against one card after second ranged attack.
Play alongside
discarded Select 1 Fate card that has been discarded and bring it into
8♦ THIEF 2 your command
Dragon card your hand.
Play in reaction to
TIMID Target unit may not take ground nor do a bonus close combat.
0 opponent's unit 1 enemy unit
In addition, opponent must lose 2 Favour.
taking ground
You and opponent each roll 3 dice. Add 1 die for the player
with the most victory banners gained. Add 2 dice for the player
Play alongside 1 enemy unit
with the most Favour. The player that rolls the most Leader
10♦ TURNCOAT 3 your command without a
symbols decides if the unit defects. If tied, unit does not defect.
card leader
If unit defects, replace the unit with an identical unit of your
Play alongside Roll dice equal to the number of Command cards you hold,
1 your command You including the Command card just played. Collect 2 Favour for
card each Leader symbol rolled.
Roll 3 dice. For each unit standard symbol rolled, your
Play alongside
opponent must retreat one unit, of his choice, with this
Q♦ WAR CRY 2 your command opponent units
standard symbol. Flags, swords and Leader symbols rolled
have no effect.
Play in reaction to
Target units may ignore all flags rolled against them in combat
K♦ ZEALOTS 3 your opponent's all your units
for the entire turn.
command card

Both players start with 1 JOKER each, which is discarded if they make an appeal to a God.

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