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Chapter 2 : Non-parametric spectral estimation

Power Spectral Density (PSD) of Random sequences

Assume a wide sense stationary random sequence y (n).

Denote r (k ) = RY (k ) it autocorrelation sequence (ACS), defined as
r (k ) = E y (n)y (n − k )
Let S(ω) be its power spectral density (PSD).
Our goal :

Spectral estimation problem

From a finite length record {y (n)}N−1
, determine an estimate Ŝ(ω) of its PSD S(ω).

Non parametric spectral estimation is based on the definitions of PSD :

First definition of the PSD: Wiener-Kinchin Theorem

S(ω) = r (k )e (1)
k =−∞

Power Spectral Density (PSD) of Random sequences (cont’d)

A second definition of the PSD : exploiting ergodicity

 2
 1 N−1 
S(ω) = lim E y (n)e (2)
N→∞ N 

This second definition of the PSD is based on the fact that, for a wide sense ergodic process :
 
 1 N−1 

r (k ) = lim E y (n)y (n − k )
N→∞  N 

under the condition that the sequence r (k ) decays sufficiently rapidly :

1 X
lim |k ||r (k )| = 0
N→∞ N k =−N
Properties of the PSD

S(ω) ≥ 0 ∀ω and S(ω) real !

S(ω) = S(ω + 2π)
If y (n) ∈ R, S(ω) = Sy (−ω). Otherwise, S(ω) 6= Sy (−ω)

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Periodogram and correlogram methods

Let’s use the PSD definition of equation (2) to define :

The periodogram :

1 X −ωn 1 2
ŜP (ω) = y (n)e = |YN (ω)| (3)
N n=0 N

Let’s use the PSD definition of equation (1) to define :

The correlogram :

ŜC (ω) = r̂ (k )e (4)
k =−(N−1)

where r̂ (k ) is an estimate of the covariance r (k ) at lag k , from y. It can be shown that

ŜC (ω) = ŜP (ω), when using the standard biased ACS estimates.

Periodogram and correlogram methods 25

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Periodogram and correlogram methods

Estimation performance analysis

Let θ̂ be an estimator of an unknown quantity θ ∈ R

Estimation performance can be characterize by several statistics :

Bias : How far the estimate’s mean value µθ̂ is from the true value θ.

n o
bias{θ̂} = E θ̂ − θ = µθ̂ − θ.

Variance : How spread the estimates θ̂ lie around their mean value µθ̂ .

n o n o
2 def 2 2 2
var{θ̂} = σθ̂ = E (θ̂ − µθ̂ ) = E θ̂ − µθ̂

Mean square error (MSE) (between estimate θ̂ and true value θ

n o
def 2 2
MSE{θ̂} = E (θ̂ − θ) = bias {θ̂} + var{θ̂}.

Extension to complex-valued case is done by replacing (.)2 by |.|2

Periodogram and correlogram methods 26

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Periodogram and correlogram methods

Estimation performance analysis (cont’d)

Let θ̂N be an estimator of a quantity θ computed from a set of N samples of available data.
Several statistical properties of the estimator can be defined:

n o
The estimator is said to be unbiased if E θˆN = θ, i.e., if bias{θN } = 0.
n o
The estimator is asymptotically unbiased if lim E θˆN = θ, i.e., if lim bias{θˆN } = 0.
N→∞ N→∞

h i
The estimator is said to be consistent if lim var θˆN = 0.
The estimator is MSE consistent if lim MSE{θˆN } = 0.
MSE consistency implies variance consistency and asymptotic unbiasedness.

Periodogram and correlogram methods 27

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Periodogram and correlogram methods

Estimation of the auto-covariance sequence (ACS)

Unbiased ACS estimator

1 X ∗
r̂ (k ) = y (n)y (n − k ), 0≤k ≤N−1 (5)
N − k n=k

biased ACS estimator

1 X ∗
r̂ (k ) = y (n)y (n − k ), 0≤k ≤N−1 (6)
N n=k

|k |
Biased because E{r̂ (k )} = 1− N r (k )
The biased ACS estimator is preferred :
it presents reduce variance for k large (take for example k = N − 1 ...)
is guaranteed to be semi-definite positive (important when introducing the covariance matrix !)
the estimation error in r̂ (k ) is on the order of √1

Periodogram and correlogram methods 28

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Periodogram and correlogram methods

Link between periodogram an correlogram

Link between ŜC (ω) and ŜP (ω)

If the biased ACS estimate of r (k ) is used in ŜC (ω) then :

ŜC (ω) = ŜP (ω)

Proof: in tutorial
Consequence: both can be analyzed simultaneously

Spectral estimators are random processes

Each N−sample realization of y (n) will provide a (generally) different spectral estimate.
Hence ŜC (ω) and ŜP (ω), are random processes that are functions of frequency ω.

Consequence: spectral estimation quality can be measured by means of performance indices

(statistics) such as bias, variance and MSE, defined earlier.

Periodogram and correlogram methods 29

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

Bias of the Periodogram

n o n o N−1
From (4) : E ŜP (ω) = E ŜC (ω) = E{r̂ (k )} e
k =−(N−1)
Then, from (6 ) :E{r̂ (k )} : 1− r (k ), k ≥ 0. Hence
|k |
n o  
E ŜP (ω) = 1− r (k )e
k =−(N−1)

Let’s define the triangular window (also known as Bartlett window) as :

|k |

wB (k ) = 1 − N , k = −(N − 1), ..., 0, ..., N − 1
0, otherwise
Then we can write the mean of the estimator as a DTFT (Discrete Time Fourier Transform) :
n o ∞
E ŜP (ω) = [wB (k )r (k )]e ,
k =−∞

which is the DTFT of a product, and hence is the convolution of the true DSP and the Triangular
window in the frequency domain.
Z π
def 1
n o
E ŜP (ω) = S(ω) ∗ WB (ω) = S(ξ)WB (ω − ξ)dξ.
2π −π

Properties of the Periodogram Method 30

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

The mean ŜP (ω) : convolution of the ”Bartlett kernel” and the real DSP

N−1 2
N − |k |
X −2πfk 1 sin(ω N/2)
WB (ω) = e =
N N sin(ω/2)
k =−(N−1)

Normalized DTFT of the Barlett window WB (f )/WB (0) nor N = 25 samples.

Properties of the Periodogram Method 31
Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

How close is this to a “Dirac” ?

n o
E ŜP (ω) should be as close as possible to S(ω), hence, WB (ω) should be as close as possible
to a Dirac δ(ω) : OK, limN→∞ WB (ω) = δ(ω)

The periodogram is an asymptotically unbiased spectral estimator

n o
lim E ŜP (f ω) = S(ω)

SMEARING : The main lobe of WB (f ) is approximately 1/N width

The half power width of WB (f ) can be shown to be approximately f ' 1/N

LEAKAGE : The spectrum leaks on the SIDELOBES

A frequency component present at fo will leak at frequencies fo ± (2p + 1)/(2N), p ∈ Z+

These two effects are important for PEAKY spectra.

n o
For white noise, it has no influence (E Ŝp,w (f ) = Sw (f ))

Properties of the Periodogram Method 32

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

What happens if we take the unbiased ACS estimator ?

Then, from (5 ) :E{r̂ (k )} : r (k ), k ≥ 0. Hence

n o X 1 −ωk
E ŜC (ω) = r (k )e
k =−(N−1)

and we have a rectangular window :

1, k = −(N − 1), ..., 0, ..., N − 1
wR (k ) =
0, otherwise
and the DTFT of the (N-1)-point rectangular window is
sin[(2N − 1)ω/2]
WR (ω) =

Properties of the Periodogram Method 33

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

Unbiased ACS estimator : narrower Smearing - more leakage

positive effect : narrower main lobe → narrower smearing → improved frequency resolution.
negative effect :ore prominent sidelobes → increased power leakage

DTFT of rectangular window (left) and Bartlett window (right) for N = 25 samples.

Properties of the Periodogram Method 34

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

Variance of the Periodogram

Note : interested reader, refer to Stoica’s book, section 2.4.2, for the details.

The periodogram is an inconsistent estimator of the PSD

For N sufficiently large, we have :
h i
var ŜP (ω) ' S (ω)

Consequences :
Variance cannot be improved by increasing the sample size N.
Inconsistency - as spectral smearing - has an adverse effect on resolvability properties.
These results will be illustrated in the computer lab.

Properties of the Periodogram Method 35

Non parametric Spectral Estimation
Properties of the Periodogram Method

Improved periodogram-based methods

Periodogram: based on the FFT → simple, computationally efficient PSD estimate.
Asymptotically unbiased but inconsistent estimator: variance does not improve with observed
sample size N.
Periodogram variance mainly caused by ACS estimates with large |k |, which have large
variance due to small number of contributing samples.
To improve variance, two main families of approaches:
periodogram smoothing: Blackman-Tuckey, Daniell
periodogram averaging: Bartlett, Welch.

Properties of the Periodogram Method 36

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