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FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F

FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus

How to use memory card

as program memory

Copyright  2019 FANUC CORPORATION

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
. 1/21
Table of contents

1 Outline ··················································································· 3
1.1 Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”) format ·················································· 3
1.2 Text file format ································································································ 4
1.3 Function comparison ······················································································· 5

2 Operation of program storage file ············································· 6

2.1 Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”) ···························································· 6
2.2 Creating program storage file ··········································································· 6
2.3 Select device of program storage memory card ··················································· 7
2.4 Create/Edit/Manage operation of memory card program ······································· 8
2.4.1 Creating programs ····················································································· 9
2.4.2 Creating folders ························································································10
2.4.3 Rename program name ·············································································· 11
2.4.4 Deleting file/folder ·····················································································12
2.4.5 Selecting a main program ···········································································12
2.4.6 Copy/Move of program and folder ·······························································12
2.5 About memory card program operation ·····························································13
2.6 Unmount of program storage memory card ·······················································14
2.7 Limitations and notes of memory card program ·················································15
2.8 FOCAS2 function related to program storage memory card··································16

3 Operation of text format ························································· 18

3.1 File transfer to memory card (Text format) ·························································18
3.1.1 Transfer method ························································································18
3.1.2 Others ·····································································································19
3.2 DNC operation ·······························································································21
3.3 Limitations and notes of text form ····································································21

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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1 Outline
Machining program size can be hundreds of MByte in case of machining aircraft parts etc.
When operators execute large size program, they use the data server as program memory. However, in order to
use the data server, option board is necessary.
Therefore, we improved memory card specification to execute large size program without option board.
By this improvement, operators can use the memory card (compact flash) in the card slot as a large capacity
program memory.

There are two formats to store the program in the memory card as follows.

・Program storage file format

In this format, program storage file (named “FANUCPRG.BIN”) is used as a large capacity program
Programs in program storage file format can be edited on CNC screen and executed by memory operation.

・Text file format

In this format, programs in text file format can be executed by DNC operation.
Programs in the text file format cannot be edited on CNC screen.

1.1 Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”) format

Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”) in the memory card can be handled as up to 2 GByte program
It is easy to make the program storage file by PC tool or operation of CNC screen.
Programs in the program storage file can be edited on CNC screen and executed by memory operation
as well as programs in internal program memory of CNC.

The following operations are possible for programs on the program storage file like internal program memory.

・Selected as a main program and operated by memory operation

・Creating, deleting and renaming folder/program by operation on CNC screen
・Editing programs on CNC screen

The size of memory card capacity is much larger than internal program memory in CNC.
Therefore, larger programs can be handled by using the program storage file.

The program storage file can be created on program list screen.

In addition, the program storage file can be created by using memory card program tool
(A08B-9010-J700#ZZ11) on commercially available PC.

Programs can be transferred from PC to program storage file by program transfer tool (A08B-9510-J515).

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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A program in a program storage file is referred to as a memory card program.
A memory card storing a program storage file is referred to as a program storage memory card.


There are following restrictions in case of using program storage file format.

・Maximum size of program storage file is about 2Gbyte.

・When large size program is transferred to program storage memory card from PC or USB, transfer time is
long. If this transfer time is too long, please write programs to the program storage memory card by using
memory card program tool on PC.
・If you use the program storage file for a long time, it may take a long time to transfer program to the
program storage file. In this case, re-create the program storage file after saving programs.
・It is necessary to mount the program storage file on CNC before using the program storage file. (Refer to
“2.3 Select device of program storage memory card”)
・While the program storage file is mounted, access to files in the memory card is prohibited. (Refer to “2.6
Unmount of program storage memory card”)
Therefore, even if the screen hard copy function, etc. are executed, data cannot be written to the memory
card while the program storage file is mounted.

After the power is turned on, program storage memory card is not mounted on CNC.
Therefore, program storage memory card cannot be used.
Please perform mount operation (Refer to “2.3 Select device of program storage memory
card”) before using the program in program storage file.

1.2 Text file format

Program file in the text file format can be stored in the memory card.
Programs stored in the memory card can be executed by DNC operation.

・About 4 GB program can be executed in case of using the memory card formatted in FAT32.
・Program file in the text format can be transferred to memory card from PC with program transfer tool


There are following restrictions in case of using text file format.

・Subfolder cannot be created.

・Maximum number of program that can be shown in program list screen is up to 512.
・Simultaneous multi-path operation is prohibited.
・It is impossible to edit program files on the memory card directly.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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1.3 Function comparison
There are following differences between the program storage file format and the text file format.

Table1.3 (a) Program storage file format and text file format

Program storage file format Text file format

DNC operation
Automatic operation mode Memory operation
M198 operation
Creating subfolder possible impossible
Edit on program edit screen possible impossible
About 2GB About 4GB
Maximum size of program
(Total size is about 2GB) (Total size is about 32GB)
Maximum number of (in case of option of memory
program card program entry count
extension is effective)

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2 Operation of program storage file
2.1 Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”)
Program storage file (“FANUCPRG.BIN”) in the memory card mounted on the card slot can be handled
as large capacity program memory.

2.2 Creating program storage file

Creating new program storage file in memory card.


1 Press function key .

2 Press the soft key [FOLDER].
3 Press the soft key [(OPRT)].
4 Press the soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
5 Press the soft key [MEMORY CARD].
6 Press the soft key [PGSTRG FILE]
(If soft key [PGSTRG FILE] does not appear, press the continuous menu key.)
7 If you want to change entry number (total number of folder and program in program storage file),
input number that you want to set and press soft key [ENTRY SET].
8 If you want to change total program size in program storage file, input number that you want to set
and press soft key [SIZE SET].
9 Press soft key [EXEC].
“OUTPUT" is displayed in the lower right of the screen while making it.
1 Making a program storage file that number of folder/program is over 63 in, the option of
memory card program entry count extension is required.
2 Program size is able to be set from 2 to 2048 MB.
Maximum size is 2048MB, but maximum size maybe less than 2048MB by restrict of memory card.
3 Program storage file is made in root directory in a memory card and named ”FANUCPRG.BIN”.
If program storage file’s name is changed, or program storage file is moved from root directory, it is not
available as program storage file.
4 During auto operation, program storage file is not able to be made.
If CNC becomes auto operation state during making program storage file, making program
storage file is interrupted.

In case of creating program storage file with PC, please refer to Appendix in following manuals.

・FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i -MODEL B OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining
Center System) (B-64484EN)
・FANUC Series 0i -MODEL F OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining Center
System) (B-64604EN)
・FANUC Series 0i -MODEL F Plus OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining Center
System) (B-64694EN)
FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B
Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2.3 Select device of program storage memory card
If you want to display and edit contents in program storage memory card, and select as main program, select
program storage memory card ([MEMCARD]) by device change operation of program list screen.

1 Insert a program storage memory card into a card slot.
2 Press function key .
3 Press soft key [FOLDER].
4 Press soft key [(OPRT)].
5 Press soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
6 Press soft key [MEMCARD].

Program storage memory card is mounted on CNC by the above operation.

In case of program storage memory card that number of folder/program is over 63, the option of memory
card program entry count extension is required.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2.4 Create/Edit/Manage operation of memory card program
Available/Unavailable function of programs on program storage file is as table 2.4.

Table 2.4(a) Available/Unavailable function of programs on program storage file

operation Available/Unavailable
Program making Available
Edit prohibition attribute Unavailable
Insert/change/delete of word Available
Delete of block Available
Program search Available
Sequence No. search Available
Delete of program Available
Edit of custom macro Available
Password function Unavailable
Program character edit Available
Copy/move of program and folder Available(*)
Encryption of key and program Unavailable
Device selecting Available
Making of folder Available
Change of folder name Available
Change of folder’s attribute Unavailable
Delete of folder Available
Select of default folder Available
Change of file name Available
Delete of file Available
Change of file’s attribute Unavailable
Select of main program Available
Input/output of program Unavailable

It is possible to copy programs between internal program memory/data server/USB memory and program
storage memory card.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2.4.1 Creating programs
Programs can be created in program storage file.
Maximum number of program that you can create is up to 1000.

1 Press the function key .
2 Press the soft key [FOLDER].
3 Press the soft key [(OPRT)].
4 Press the soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
5 Press the soft key [MEMCARD].
6 Input file name that you want to create.
Program file name can have a maximum of 32 characters.
Program file name can have following characters.
Alphabet (Upper and lower case letter), numeric character,
"-"(minus), "+"(plus), "_"(under bar), "."(dot)
"." and ".." cannot be used since these are reserved for system use.
7 Press soft key [CREATE PROGRM]

1 The number of programs that can be created is the total number of files/folders in all folders.
2 The entry number specified in “2.2 Creating program storage file” is the maximum number of programs that
can be created.
3 Program file name cannot be repeated in a folder.

The File name and Program number

File name of program and program number is related as follows.
When the file name is "O"+ 1-99999999, the file name acts as Program number.
The number of digits to be allowed differs depending on the parameter.
Parameter ON8 (No. 11304#3) = 0 : “O” + 1~9999 (4 digits)
Parameter ON8 (No. 11304#3) = 1 : “O” + 1~99999999 (8 digits)

Other “O”+numbers file name cannot be used.

1. Characters following the "O" must be numeric characters.
2. Number of digits following the “O” can be up to 4(up to 8 in case of Parameter ON8(No. 11304#3) = 1).
※If the number of digits does not reach 4 (8 in case of Parameter ON8(No. 11304#3) = 1) digits,
the file name is padded with zeros.

"O123" Program number 123
"O1" Program number 1
"O3000" Program number 3000
"O99999999" Program number 99999999

The file name does not act as Program number.

“O123.4” Characters following the "O" contains characters other than numbers.
"O123456789" Numeric characters exceed 8 digits.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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When the name of the program cannot be treated as a program number, the program has the following
- The program cannot be specified by program number.
(Subprogram call, etc.)
- Information output by program number is impossible.

2.4.2 Creating folders

You can create folders in program storage file.
You can create up to 6 hierarchies in program storage file.
If you create more than 7 hierarchies, a warning ”Exceeds the limit of display/create” is displayed.
Maximum number of program that you can create is up to 1000.

1 Press the function key .
2 Press the soft key [FOLDER].
3 Press the soft key [(OPRT)].
4 Press the soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
5 Press the soft key [MEMCARD].
6 Input folder name that you want to create.
Program file name can have a maximum of 32 characters.
Program file name can have following characters.
Alphabet (Upper and lower case letter), numeric character,
"-"(minus), "+"(plus), "_"(under bar), "."(dot)
"." and ".." cannot be used since these are reserved for system use.
7 Press soft key [CREATE FOLDER]

1 The number of programs that can be created is the total number of files/folders in all folders.
2 The entry number specified in “2.2 Creating program storage file” is the maximum number of programs that
can be created.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
. 10/21
2.4.3 Rename program name
You can rename file/folder in program storage file.
Please refer to “2.4.1 Creating program” and “2.4.2 Creating folder” about naming rules.

1 Press the function key .
2 Press the soft key [FOLDER].
3 Press the soft key [(OPRT)].
4 Press the soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
5 Press the soft key [MEMCARD].
6 With cursor keys[↑][↓], move the cursor to the position of file/folder that you want to rename.
In order to move among folders, you select the folder with cursor key [↑][↓]
and press MDI key<INPUT>.
7 Input new file/folder name.
8 Press the soft key [RENAME].

1 File/Folder name cannot be repeated in a folder.
2 Depending on the operation status, program cannot sometimes be renamed.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
. 11/21
2.4.4 Deleting file/folder
File/folder can be deleted.

1 Select EDIT mode.
2 Press function key .
3 Press soft key [FOLDER].
4 Press soft key [(OPRT)].
5 Press soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
6 Press soft key [MEMCARD].
7 Move the cursor to file/folder that you want to deleted with the cursor key[↑] [↓].
Use the cursor keys [↑] and [↓] to move among folders. After selecting the folder, press the
<INPUT> key.
8 Press soft key [DELETE].

1 A folder cannot be deleted unless the folder is empty.
(An empty folder means that the folder contains neither folders nor files.)
2 Depending on the operation status, a program cannot sometimes be deleted.
3 O-9999 is input and press soft key [DELETE], a confirmation message “All delete(current folder path)” is
displayed, and you can do all delete.

2.4.5 Selecting a main program

Main program can be selected.

1 Select EDIT mode.

2 Press function key .
3 Press soft key [FOLDER].
4 Press soft key [(OPRT)].
5 Press soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
6 Press soft key [MEMCARD].
7 Move the cursor to file/folder that you want to select the main program with the cursor key[↑] [↓].
Use the cursor keys [↑] and [↓] to move among folders. After selecting the folder, press the
<INPUT> key.
8 Press soft key [MAIN PROGRM].
"@" is displayed at the left of the program that has been selected as the main program.

2.4.6 Copy/Move of program and folder

You can copy/move program and folder on program list screen like as program in the other program memory.

Please refer to “III 11.13 Program and Folder Copy/Move Function” in following manuals for details.

・FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i -MODEL B OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining
Center System) (B-64484EN)

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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・FANUC Series 0i -MODEL F OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining
Center System) (B-64604EN)
・FANUC Series 0i -MODEL F Plus OPERATOR’S MANUAL (Common to Lathe System / Machining
Center System) (B-64694EN)

2.5 About memory card program operation

You can select memory card program as main program to perform memory operation.

- selecting as main program
Memory card program can be selected as main program of auto operation in mem mode.
- sub program(call based on M98/G72.1/G72.2)
- macro program(call based on G65/G66/G66.1/M96)
Sub program/macro program in folder that main program exists is called as follows.
 Sub program call(M98)
 Macro call(G65,G66,G66.1)
 Macro interrupt(M96)
 Figure copying(G72.1,G72.2)
Program in folder that main program exists is not found, program is searched in following folder.
 Common program folder in CNC_MEM device(program storage memory of CNC)

Option is necessary for Macro call or macro interrupt or figure copying.

- sub program(call based on M code/S code/T code/particular address/second auxiliary function code)
- macro program(call based on G code/M code)
Following sub program/macro program call programs in CNC_MEM device (internal program memory of
 Sub program call based on M code/S code/T code/particular address/second auxiliary function
 Macro program call based on G code/M code.
CNC searches program folder in the following order, and calls a program found first.
1. The common program directory of the initial directories.
2. MTB dedicated directory 2 of the initial directories.
3. MTB dedicated directory 1 of the initial directories.
4. The system directory of the initial directories.
The parameter No.3457 is used to set a search folder.

It is possible for memory card program to command sub program call based on M code/S code/T
code/particular address/second auxiliary function or macro program call based on G code/M code, but a called
program is in CNC_MEM device (program storage memory of CNC).

- External program number search/ External workpiece number search

A program in program storage memory card is able to be searched by External program number search
function / External workpiece number search function.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2.6 Unmount of program storage memory card
When exchanging program storage memory cards or using the memory card for usual usage (I/O of data etc.),
you have to unmount program storage memory card by the following operation.

1 Press function key .
2 Press soft key [FOLDER].
3 Press soft key [(OPRT)].
4 Press soft key [DEVICE CHANGE].
5 Press soft key [UNMOUNT].

Program storage memory card is unmounted from CNC by the above operation.

1 Soft key [UNMOUNT] is displayed, after CNC recognizes “program storage memory card” by device change
2 When the main program is a memory card program, the main program becomes no selective state by the
unmount operation.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
02 2019.09.25 S.Gomi Some contents have been corrected. K.Sato
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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2.7 Limitations and notes of memory card program
- The memory card program cannot be called from the program of CNC_MEM (internal program memory in
CNC) by the M198 instruction.
- In case of external subprogram call(M198) from memory card or DNC operation from memory card is
enable setting(parameter MNC=1(No.138#7)), it is not possible to operate during automatic operation as
 The content of the program storage file is displayed
 Creation of program/folder
 Deletion of program/folder
 Change in program number (name)/folder name
 Copy/movement of program
- In the state to select the program storage memory card, the memory card cannot be used by a usual
following usages. Please release the recognition of the program storage memory card by operating
"Unmount" when using it.
 All I/O screen
Display of content of memory card, data input/output between memory card
 PMC data I/O screen
Display of content of memory card, data input/output between memory card
 Program list screen
Program data input/output between memory card
 External subprogram call(M198)
Subprogram call (M198) that sets external machine to memory card
 DNC operation
DNC operation from memory card
- The maximum size is about 2GB. The program that exceeds 2GB cannot be treated.
- To treat the program in the program storage file, it is necessary to mount beforehand.
It is not released until the unmount operation is done when the program storage memory card is mounted.
 During mounting the program storage memory card, the list cannot be displayed in the memory
card on the program list screen.
 During mounting the program storage memory card, the file cannot be accessed in the memory
 During mounting the program storage memory card, the operation to write the file in the
memory card cannot be done like the screen hard copy function etc.

- Do not take out the program storage memory card while executing the editing of the memory card
program. There is a possibility that data in memory card is damaged.
- If the editing operation is completed, the edited content is saved even if the power supply of CNC is turned
- When the program storage memory card is taken out, it is necessary to operate "Unmount". When the card
is taken out without operating "Unmount", and the access to the card is generated, it becomes the SR1964
alarm or IO1030 alarm.
 When the SR1964 alarm is generated
The release of the alarm is reset after "Unmount" is operated.
 When the IO1030 alarm is generated
Please turn power supply of CNC off.
- It is dangerous to exchange the memory cards without "Unmount" operation and never do, please.
- Before the power supply of CNC is turned off, please operate “Unmount”.
FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B
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How to use memory card as program memory
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2.8 FOCAS2 function related to program storage memory card
FOCAS2 functions available for program storage file are shown in following table.
It is necessary for using FOCAS2 function for program storage file to confirm program storage memory card
is mounted by cnc_mcdp_mount function.
When program storage memory card device is used by FOCAS2 function, the device name specifies
Table 2.8 (a) FOCAS2 functions available for program storage file
Function name Content of function
cnc_dwnstart4 Beginning of output of NC data for registration (4)
cnc_download4 Output of NC data for registration (4)
cnc_dwnend4 End of output of NC data for registration (4)
cnc_upstart4 Beginning of read of NC data (4)
cnc_upload4 Read of NC data (4)
cnc_upend4 End of read of NC data (4)
cnc_exeprgname Read of program name under execution
cnc_exeprgname2 Read of program name under execution (2)
cnc_rdseqnum Read of sequence number under execution
cnc_seqsrch Search for sequence number
cnc_rewind Rewind cursor
cnc_rdblkcount Read of block counter
cnc_rdexecprog Read of program when being executing it
cnc_rdpdf_drive Read of program storage drive information
cnc_rdpdf_inf Read of program storage file information
cnc_rdpdf_curdir Read of current folder
cnc_wrpdf_curdir Setting of current folder
cnc_rdpdf_subdir Read of subfolder
cnc_rdpdf_alldir Read of folder/program list
cnc_rdpdf_subdirn Getting of number of folders and number of programs in specified folder
cnc_pdf_add Making of folder/program
cnc_pdf_del Deletion of folder program
cnc_pdf_delall Deletion of all programs
cnc_pdf_rename Renaming of folder/program
cnc_pdf_copy Copy of program (*1)
cnc_pdf_move Movement of program (*1)
cnc_pdf_rdmain Getting of main program information
cnc_pdf_slctmain Selection of the main program
cnc_rdpdf_line Reading of program of each line(for arbitrary program name)
cnc_wrpdf_line Writing of program of each line(for arbitrary program name)
cnc_pdf_delline Deletion of program of each line(for arbitrary program name)
cnc_pdf_searchword Search of character string in program (for arbitrary program name)
cnc_pdf_searchresult Getting of search result of character string in program (for arbitrary program name)
cnc_pdf_rdactpt Getting of execution pointer(for arbitrary program name)
cnc_pdf_wractpt Setting of execution pointer(for arbitrary program name)
cnc_rdpdf_line Read of program of each line(for arbitrary program name)

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
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1 Copy/movement function of the program and the folder is possible only between CNC_MEM (program
storage memory of CNC) and between the data server.
2 It is possible to input/output from/to USB memory as an external input-output device.

1 The recognition of the program storage memory card is confirmed by the cnc_mcdp_mountchk function.
When the program storage memory card is not recognized, the installation of the program storage memory
card is recognized by the cnc_mcdp_mount function.
2 When make/edit/manage operation of the memory card program is done by the FOCAS2 function shown in
Table 2.8 (a), “MEMCARD" is specified for the device name or the drive name. As for other operations, it
is similar to the CNC_MEM device (program storage memory of CNC).
3 When exchanging program storage memory cards or using the memory card for usual usage (I/O of data
etc.), the recognition of the installation of the program storage memory card is released by the
cnc_mcdp_unmount function.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
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How to use memory card as program memory
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3 Operation of text format

3.1 File transfer to memory card (Text format)

3.1.1 Transfer method

The text file can be transferred to the memory card in the following way.

- File transfer with Program transferring tool

- Upload/download by application using FOCAS2 function
- Copy/Move between memory card and USB memory in memory card folder screen
- Copy/Move between memory card and FTP server in memory card folder screen




Fig 3.1.1(a) File transfer to memory card from PC and USB memory

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
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How to use memory card as program memory
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3.1.2 Others
Please try the following operations when you want to shorten transfer time further.

- To optimize the memory card for CNC unit, perform physical format of the memory card by following

The program up to about 4GB can be operated in the case of a memory card formatted with FAT32.

Memory card format

There are two format methods. In quick format, only file system data is initialized. In physical format, memory
card is formatted to following format type depending on the memory card capacity. Read/Write speed may be
speeded up because the memory card is optimized to CNC. You can switch between quick format and physical
format by setting bit 1 (MFT) of parameter No.139.

Table 3.1.2 (a)

Memory card capacity Format type
more than 2GB FAT32
16MB ~ 2GB FAT16
less than 16MB FAT12

You can do quick format and physical format at the following screen.
- Memory card folder screen
- NC data output screen
- I/O screen of PMC maintenance
- IPL screen
Soft key on memory card folder screen and NC data output screen is switched by bit 1 (MFT) of parameter

- In case of bit 1 (MFT) of parameter No.139 is 0 (quick format)

Fig. 3.1.2 (a) Soft key on Memory card folder screen (10.4-inch display unit)

Fig. 3.1.2 (b) Soft key on memory card folder screen (8.4-inch display unit)

- In case of bit 1 (MFT) of parameter No.139 is 1 (physical format)

Fig. 3.1.2 (c) Soft key on memory card folder screen (10.4-inch display unit)

Fig. 3.1.2 (d) Soft key on memory card folder screen (8.4-inch display unit)

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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1 If you apply physical format to a memory card, its capacity sometimes decrease because it is optimized to
2 Physical format cannot be used on 15 inch display unit.
3 Physical format cannot be used on BOOT screen.
4 Memory card formatted to FAT32 is not available on BOOT screen.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
139 MFT

[Input type] Parameter input

[Data type] Bit

#6 MFT format of memory card is

0: quick format.
1: physical format.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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3.2 DNC operation
During DNC operation, the subprogram and the macro program registered in the memory can be called.

1 Move the cursor to the file for DNC operation in the list screen of the memory card, and press [DNC set] to
select the file for DNC operation.
2 Press the cycle start switch and execute the selected file.

1 Delete all schedule data when you select the DNC operation file. The DNC operation and the schedule
operation cannot be specified at the same time.
2 DNC release operation cannot be done while executing the DNC operation.
3 When you do the device change while DNC setting is completed, please operate DNC setting again after
releasing DNC setting once.

3.3 Limitations and notes of text form

- The subfolder cannot be made.
- The number of programs that can be displayed on the program list screen is up to 512 files.
- The program file on the memory card cannot be edited on the CNC screen.

FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B

Title FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F
FANUC Series 0i - MODEL F Plus
How to use memory card as program memory
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Date. 2018.10.31 Desig. T.Kato Apprv K. Sato
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