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1. Background

Language is a tool used by humans as the way to communicate or interact.

Languages become the most important in human life. Without language, we will

not be able to interact or relate to other human beings. Own language and

characters have different types, depending on his or her residence. Nevertheless,

judging from its functional all the same language, namely as a means of

communication or interaction. Grammar is the system of a language (Cook, 1997:

15). People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact

no language has rules.

In mastering English grammar many students still have problems with the

four language skills since language operates within its own system. Consequently,

it might be difficult for the students to master English grammar. Difficulty is

defined as a factor causing trouble in achieving to reach good result, and in

Grammar is an important rule in language skills, because without having adequate

grammar, the students will not be able to do communicate well. When someone

studies a language grammar automatically, he or she also must learn about

structure of language, because the English structure is part of the language

grammatical (Mekhlafi, 2011:69).

But in the real application of this language component, there are some

problems faced by the students. In learning grammar, the students sometimes find

problems. It was caused because in learning grammar, their teacher explained the

lesson by using formulas, so it could make student difficult to understand the

lesson, especially in learning tenses. If the students understand about tenses so to

say something the students can more easy because speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols.

Speaking is one of the language skills; the speaker presents the spoken word and

tries to speak well with a listener or audience. Speaking is a crucial part of second

language learning and teaching. On the other hand, speaking is important skill that

should be learned by learners because speaking is a primary mode of

communication to speak well with others.

Communicative and whole language instructional approach promote

integration of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in ways that reflect natural

language use. But opportunities for speaking and listening require structure and

planning to support language development. Structure is a part of grammar which

explains about the uses of tenses and parts of speech in the sentences. It can be a

guide in making a good arrangement of sentences either in verbal or non verbal

activity. Tenses in English grammar is different from time because time is only

expression the action for now, last, and next. Talking about tenses sometimes

makes students confused because they only think many patterns which ready

comes to be remembered by them. Actually learning tenses is interesting if the

teacher know how the way to make it feel simple. One of the ways that can be

done is making conversation in the form of asking and answering question using

certain tense.

In this context the students are demanded to ask and answer question about

how the uses of tense even in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentence.

This direct conversation is done to make students easy in understanding and

remembering the uses tenses and exercise student to repeat again their remember

skill by oral activity. As we know because the reality learning theory is useless

without practicing it soon

Based on description above, the writer conducts a research entitled “the

correlation between tenses mastery with speaking ability of the eighth grade

students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU”.

2. Problem of Study

a. Limitation of Problem

The problem of this study will limits in the correlation between tenses

mastery with speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40

OKU. The writer limits and focuses the problems of the students in tenses (simple

present tenses) and the speaking ability (asking and giving ideas) because this

material is one of material for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU

based on syllabus

b. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the main problem of this research

1) is there any correlation between tenses mastery with speaking ability of the

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU?”.

2) How is correlation between tenses mastery with speaking ability of the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU?”.


3. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of the study is

a. To find out whether or not there is correlation between tenses mastery with

speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMPN 40 OKU.

b. To know there is or not correlation between tenses mastery with speaking

ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU.

4. Significance of the Study

The significances of this research are as follow:

a. Teacher

The result of this study will give contribution to be aware, if there is the

correlation between tenses mastery with speaking ability of the eighth grade

students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU.

b. Students

The result of this study will give meaningful contribution to the

students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU in helping them to solve their difficulties in

understanding in tenses mastery with speaking ability.

c. Researcher

The result of this study will be as source of material in conducting

similar studies or future studies.


The result of this study will give a good contribution to the development

of teaching and learning English as Foreign language.

5. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the research problems and the truth

would be proved through the collected data (Arikunto, 2006: 71). The hypothesis

of this study will consists of the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative

hypothesis (Ha), as stated below:

Ha: There is significant correlation between tenses mastery with speaking

ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU

Ho: There is not significant correlation between tenses mastery with

speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40


6. Criteria for Testing Hypotheses

According to Sudijono (2006:136) stated that coefficient correlation (r)

which a number between 0 (null) until +1.00. If coefficient correlation +1.00 are

highest or if coefficient correlation 0 (null) is lower. While if coefficient

correlation more than +1.00, it means there is an error in accounting.

a. If r – obtained equal to or more than r – table, so the alternative

hypothesis (ha) acceptable. It means is there is correlation between tenses

mastery with speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri

40 OKU.

b. If r – obtained less than r – table, so the null hypothesis (ho) acceptable. It

means is there is not correlation between tenses mastery with speaking

ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU.

7. Concept of Simple Present Tense


Present tense or simple present tense is kinds of tense that usually used to

describe habitual actions, daily activity and also to describe an action or event that

is not connection with time (Haryono, 2002: 193). State that Present tense has

many function and used to describe an action happening now or at the time of

speaking. Present tense has many adverb of frequency such as:

1. Always

2. Frequently

3. As a rule

4. Here

5. Generally

6. Seldom

7. Never

8. Etc.

Time signals that always used in present tense:

1. Every hour
2. Every minute
3. On Sunday
4. At five o’clock
5. In the morning
6. In the afternoon
7. At night
8. At noon
9. Once a week
10. Three times a week
11. Etc.

According to Haryono (2002: 193) present tense can divided become to

parts such as: Nominal sentence and Verbal sentence.

a. Nominal Sentence

A Nominal Sentence is a sentence that its predicate or verbs does not

express an action but express Name, Status, Quality, State, and Place. (Riyanto,

2008: 1).

1. Name, for example: He is Alexander, Laura, etc

2. Status, for example: He is a doctor, worker, etc

3. Quality, for example: He is diligent, kind, etc

4. State, for example: He is happy, sad, etc

5. Place, for example: It is in Denpasar, in Brazil.

Complement can be in the forms of Numeral, Noun, Adjective,

Preposition, and Adverb of Place! In Nominal sentence the linking verbs of “To

Be” are used to connect between Subject and complement. Linking Verbs of “TO

BE” has nine forms, that is: is, am, are, was, were, be, to be, being, and been but

in this Thesis focused to Linking Verbs in Present Tense, so of course just three

forms “To Be” that will discuss. They are, is, am and are.

Table 1
Linking Verbs of “To Be”
We are One
The size is 9m wide and 12m long
Today is Is the fourth of July 2003

I Am Grace
We Are Singer
You Are a nurse
They Are Manager
She Is a cashier
Her Is a director
It Is a city


I Am Happy
You and I Are Busy
You Are Very diligent
The students Are Hungry
Adam Is Very handsome
Rini Is Enough tall
The Earth Is Round


The parcel Is For you

Tom and Jerry Are With me this morning
The Bank of BNI Is In front of market
Ali Is From Egypt
The Supermarket Is Across the market
The picture Is Above the TV set
Betsesda Hospital Is Behind Telecommunication office
Those sandals Are Under the table


Paramita Is Upstairs
The buses Are There
Time Is Up
The students Are In the class

b. Verbal sentence

Verbal sentence is sentences that it’s predicate use verb (Ibrahim, 2006:

98). Verbs have not function as a sentence its writing begin from To, and usually

Verbs that still use To called Infinitive or non finite verb.

For example:

1. To go

2. To read

3. To write

4. To eat

5. To watch

According to Riyanto (2008: 53) Verbs can be divided into three, that is,

Linking verbs of to be, transitive and intransitive verbs.

1. Linking Verbs of “To Be “Linking verbs of to be are words that connect

between complement with subject ion nominal sentence. Here Linking

verbs of to be will not discuss more detail because it has discuss in

nominal sentence.

2. Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs are verbs that express an action and require one more

objects, for example: learn, buy, sell, write, bring, etc.

Example: I learn English everyday

In a sentence above I as a Subject, learn as a Verb, English as an Object

and Everyday as an Adjunct.

3. Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs are verbs that express an action and do not require

object, for example: come, study, arrive, run, lay, works, etc.

Example: Diana comes latde

In a sentence above Diana is a Subject.

3. Types of Nominal and Verbal Sentence

Nominal sentence and verbal sentence in this proposal focus in Present

Tense. So, Nominal sentence here will discuss about to be in present tense (is, am,

are) and then Verbal sentence will discuss about verb one so that suitable with

present tense (go, eat, drink, sleep, write and etc.)

a. Types of Nominal sentence

According to Haryono (2002: 189) Nominal sentence is sentences that

their predicate are not Verb (non Verb), but their predicate are noun, adjective or

adverb of place. If it seen from its kinds, nominal sentence can divide become

four parts.

a) Positive Sentence
Positive sentence can also call affirmative sentence. Generally form of this

sentence used to describe condition, occupation and soon. The sentence

formed with between subjects and to be is suitable.

The formula of positive sentence is: S + TO BE + PREDICATIVE

1. She is beautiful girl
2. You are lawyer
b) Negative Sentence
Negative sentence used to deny a condition, occupation and soon. Every

negative nominal sentence must be put not after to be.

The formula of negative sentence is: S + TO BE + NOT +


1. She is not beautiful girl
2. You are not lawyer
3. I am not student
c) Interrogative Sentence

The function of interrogative sentence is to ask a condition, occupation

and soon. This sentence formed with put to be in front of sentence.

The formula of interrogative sentence is: TO BE + SUBJECT +


1. Is she beautiful girl?
2. Are you lawyer?
3. Am I student?
d) Command sentence

Generally command sentence used to give command to someone. In this

sentence be always put in front of sentence, but command sentence in

nominal sentence that describe about prohibition formed with put don’t

and then followed be in front of sentence.

1. Be careful!
2. Don’t be late!
3. Please be quiet!
4. Will you be quiet, please!

b. Type of Verbal Sentence

According Haryono (2002: 186) Verbal sentence is sentence that its

predicative is verb. If it seen from its kinds, verbal sentence can divide become

four parts.

a. Positive Sentence

Sentence used to describe an accident or activities.

The formula of verbal sentence is: S + V1 + S/ES + OBJECT + C

1. I read a newspaper every morning
2. He works hard everyday

In positive sentence at present tense subject she, he, and its verb must add

s or es, namely: works, reads, teaches, kisses and soon.

b. Negative Sentence

Negative sentence in present tense used to deny to sentence with to add

do/does and then not and then they put before verb. These kinds of

sentence usually called affirmative sentence.

The formula of negative sentence is: S + DO/DOES + NOT + O + C

1. I do not walk to school every Monday
2. She does not write letter every month
In negative sentence at present tense must add do or does and followed

not and they put before verb.

c. Interrogative Sentence

Interrogative sentence in present tense used to ask an accident or habitual

action, and all activities that is not connection with time. Interrogative

sentence made with put do or does in front of sentence and they must be

suitable with its subject.

The formula of interrogative sentence is: DO/DOES + S + V1+ O + C

1. Do you walk to school every Monday?
2. Does she write letter every month?

8. Concept of Speaking

According to Brown (2004: 140), speaking is a productive skill that can be

directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the

accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s listening skill, which necessarily

compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test. Speaking a

language is essentially difficultly for foreign language learners because effective

oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social

interactions, Kang Shumin (2002:201). Speaking is one of language skills which

essential for students to master in English (Pollard’s, 2008:33). Speaking is to say

the words, to talk or say something about something. Speaking is an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and

processing information (Brown, 1994). According to Brown (1994:266), there are

six types of classroom speaking performance:

1. Imitative

A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be spent in

the human “tape recorder” speech, where learners are, for example, practicing

an intonation contour, trying to pinpoint a certain vowel sound, etc.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical

aspect of language.

3. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive: short replies to

teacher or student initiated questions or comment.

4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging

specific information, is an extended form of responsive language.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue, carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social

relationship than for the transmission of facts and information.

6. Extensive (monologue)

Finally, students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give

extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short


From the statement above the writer can conclude that a person who has

the ability to speak well would be to communicate effectively with others, when

we talk with other, they can understand what about we talk so that process

producing and receiving information can be done well. The writer has assumption

that speaking is the oral production that using language to make a conversation

with other directly.


9. Asking and Giving Ideas

1. Asking for Ideas

According to G.F. Stout and J.M. Baldwin (2010) define idea as "the

reproduction with a more or less adequate image, of an object not actually

present to the senses. Asking for idea is a good idea to ask another person

about their idea before someone tell them idea loudly and strongly.

Formal asking ideas are used in a situation where you are talking or a

good idea to ask someone in a formal situation, such as in the office or school

between the teacher and students. Informal asking ideas are uses a good idea

to ask in a situation where someone are talking between friends or close

friends. The expressions usually respond to something that you discuss in an

informal situation.

In English people usually use an expression of asking for ideas. There

are some expressions of asking for ideas that are used most frequently. For


a. Formal Situation

(1) Have you got any comments on...?

(2) Do you have any idea?

(3) Do you have any idea on...?

(4) Would you give me your idea on...?

(5) What is your reaction to...?

(6) What is your idea about...?

(7) What are you feeling about...?


(8) What are you views on...?

(9) Please give me your frank idea?

b. Informal Situation

(1) What do you think of...?

(2) What do you think about...?

(3) What is your idea?

(4) Why do they behave like that?

(5) Do you think its going?

(6) How do you like?

(7) How was the...?

(8) How do you think of ...’s idea?

(9) How do you feel about this...?

2. Giving Ideas

According to G.F. Stout and J.M. Baldwin (2010), It should be

observed that an idea, in the narrower and generally accepted sense of a

mental reproduction, is frequently composite. That is, as in the example given

above of the idea of chair, a great many objects, differing materially in detail,

all call a single idea. When a man, for example, has obtained an idea of chairs

in general by comparison with which he can say “This is a chair, that is a

stool”, he has what is known as an “abstract idea” distinct from the

reproduction in his mind of any particular chair.

Giving ideas is very important to show people when someone are

saying an idea and show that it is not a fact. Formal giving ideas are used in a

situation where you are talking or saying idea to someone in a formal

situation, such as in the office or school between the teacher and students.

Informal situation of giving ideas are uses to talking or saying or talking

between friends or close friends.

In English people usually use an expression of giving for ideas. There

are some expressions of giving for ideas that are used most frequently. For


a. Formal Situation

(1) I personally believe ...

(2) I personally consider ...

(3) I personally think/feel ...

(4) I hold the idea ...

(5) My own view of the matter is ...

(6) Well, personally ...

(7) If I had my view, I would ...

b. Informal Situation

(1) I think I like it.

(2) I think it’s good/nice/terrific ..

(3) I don’t think I care for it.

(4) I don’t think much of it.

(5) I think that awful/notice/terrible...

(6) I think that ...

(7) In my idea, I would rather...


(8) What I’m more concerned with..

(9) What I have in my mind is...

Dialog Examples:

Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new house?

Shane : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.

Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.

Shane : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ?

Mr. Zoe : I feel they are great novels.

Shane : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.

Mr. Zoe : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there

Shane : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going

to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.

10. Method of Research

This research is be conducted by using the descriptive method. This method

will be chosen by the researcher because it is appropriate to describe the facts and

the data obtained from the research as what Sugiono (2008:89) descriptive theory

is describe systematically about theory and research result which relevant to

research variable. The writer will use this method to describes or interpret the data

on correlation comprehension in tenses mastery and speaking ability of the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU.


11. Operational Definition

a. Correlation means the natural relationship in this is interrelatedness between

students score in English vocabulary and those reading.

b. Simple present tense is present tense or simple present tense is kinds of tense

that usually used to describe habitual actions, daily activity and also to

describe an action or event that is not connection with time.

c. Speaking refers the oral production that using language to make a

conversation with other directly.

12. Research Variables

Variable is any characteristic that is not always the same- that is any

characteristic that varies. Independent variables are those the investigator choose

to study (and often manipulated) in order to assess their possible effect (s) on one

or more other variables, on other hand, dependent variable is variable that is

presumed to affect (Fraenkel & Wallen, 1991:31). Variable is thus a requirement

for both quantitative and qualitative/naturalistic researcher (Cohen et al,

2005:105). The title of this research is the correlation between tenses mastery with

speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU.

a. Independent variable presumes to have an effect on to influence some how

another variable. It is simple present tense mastery.

b. Dependent variable is the variable that the independent variable is presumed to

effect. It is speaking ability.


13. Population and Sample

a. Population

According to Gay (1992: 122) state that population is the group of interest

to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study to

be generalizable. Beside, according to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:106),

population refers to all the members of a particular group. Population could be

individual, groups, school, class, organization, etc. From the statement above, the

writer concludes that population is the total objects to be studies in research. The

population of this study is all of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 40 OKU

in academic year 2014/2015.

Table 1
The Population of Study

Class Male Female Total

VIII.1 16 11 27
VIII.2 15 16 31
VIII.3 16 16 32
Total 90
Source: SMP Negeri 40 OKU database 2014/2015

b. Sample

Sample is a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that

the knowledge gained is representative of the total under study (Cohen et al,

2005:175). According to Gay (1992:123) sampling is the process of selecting a

number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the

larger group from which they were selected. In this study, the writer will use

cluster random sampling to take the sample.

Frankel & Wallen (1991:136) states that cluster random sampling is

included in the sample, the cluster are preferably select randomly from large

population of cluster. By cluster sampling the researcher will select a specific

number of classes in a school and test all the students in that selected class. In a

cluster sample the parameters of the wider population are often drawn very

sharply, therefore the research was have to comment on generalize ability of the

findings (Cohen et al, 2005:101). It means that cluster random sampling will

select the samples in a wide population based on the group or class.

The procedures of selecting the sample with uses cluster random sampling

are as follows:

a. The writer write all the names of the classes on a paper than rolling paper

b. The writer put the name of the classes into a box

c. The writer chose one of the classes, the researcher picks classes VIII.3 as

experimental group. The sample is described in the table bellow:

Table 2
The Sample of Study

Class Total

VIII.3 32

Total 32

Source: SMP Negeri 40 OKU database 2014/2015

14. Technique for Collecting Data


In technique for collecting data there are two instruments, in simple past

tense and speaking. According to Sudan (2009: 99) stated that ones of the

techniques for collecting data are test. For this research the writer will use the tests

for the students to collect the data. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:172)

test is an instrument or procedure that proposes a sequence of tasks to which a

student is to respond. In this study, the material from the test is multiple choice in

tenses mastery and oral test in speaking ability. The total numbers of items for

student’s mastery of simple present tense are 30 item and ability in speaking about

asking and giving ideas.

1. Validity of Simple Present Tense

All good tests must have at least these qualities. Validity is an important

key to effective research. If a piece of research is invalid then it is worthless.

Apccording to Cohen (2005: 105) stated that validity is thus a requirement

for both quantitative and qualitative/naturalistic research. Validity is based on the

view that it is essentially a demonstration that a particular instrument in fact

measures what it purports to measure, more recently validity has taken many

forms. Validity should be seen as a matter of degree rather than as an absolute

state. According to Wallen (1991: 88) stated that content validity related

evidence refers to the nature of content included within the instrument, and

specification the researcher will use to formulate the content. They were

consisting of objectives, materials, number of items, total and types of test. For

more explanation above could be seen in next pages.

Table 2

Specification of the Test

Total Types
Objective Materials
Items of test
To find out whether - The form of positive sentence in 1-5
or not there has simple present tense in verbal
correlation between - The form of negative sentence in 6-10
tenses mastery with simple present tense in verbal
speaking ability of - The form of interrogative sentence 11-15
the eighth grade in simple present tense in verbal Multiple
students of SMP - The form of positive sentence in 16-20 Choose
Negeri 40 OKU simple present tense in nominal
- The form of negative sentence in 21-25
simple present tense in nominal
- The form of interrogative sentence 26-30
in simple present tense in nominal

1. Validity of Speaking Ability

To measure whether the test was good validity or not, the researcher uses

construct validity. Construct validity is an abstract; this separates it from the

previous types of validity which dealt in actualities – defined content (Cohen, et al

2005:110). Because construct validity focus on achievement motivation,

creativity, critical thinking ability and speaking Skill.

Table 3
Table of Specification of Test Item
Total Types of
Objective Materials
Items test
To know the students’ Asking and Giving Ideas about 1 Oral
ability in speaking “New Bag Your Friend”

2. Reliability of the test

Another characteristic of a good test is reliability. According to Cohen, et

al (2005:117) stated that reliability is essentially a synonym for consistency and

explicability over time, over instruments and over groups of respondents.

Reliability refers to the stability of the test score. A reliability test is a test that is

consistent and dependable. According to Cohen, et al (2005:118) to find out the

reliability coefficient of the tests simple present tense uses KR-21 (Kuder-

Richardson) and to find out the reliability coefficient of the tests in speaking test

uses Spearman Brown Formula with the SPSS Program. The writer use Spearman

Brown Formula because base on the items of the tests that was done in once test.

15. Technique for Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, obtained subject from test, the writer conducts the

following procedures.

1. The students test in simple present tense

a. To find out the individual students’ score the writer uses formula as follow:


S = Score

X = the number of correct answer

Q = total of question

b. To find out the average percentage students’ correct answer, the writer uses

formula the formula of percentage is:


X : The average percentage of students’ correct answer

B : Total number of students’ correct answer

t : Total number of test items

N : Total of samples (Depdiknas, 2006:49)

In this research to determining the score criteria of the students’ ability in

simple present tense, the writer will use the criteria.

Table 13
Score Range and Criteria
Score Range Criteria
81 – 100 Very Good
71 – 80 Good
61 – 70 Enough
60 Poor

3. To get percentage the students’ score distribution, the writer will use



P : Percentage

F : Frequency

N : Total number of students (Sudijono, 2008:43)

2. The Students test in speaking ability

After the writer takes the score from pre-test and post-test, the writer

found some significant differences in speaking achievement before treatment and

after treatment. To find score the students speaking, there were some steps for

analyzing the data of this study. They were four aspects of speaking in the scoring

scale: pronunciation, loudness, word usage and rate.

To scope the students speaking ability, the writer will use the scoring scale

proposed by Kubiszyn and Borich (1993:214) cited in Lilis. The following was

the scoring scale:

Table 6
The Indicators of Scoring Criteria of Speaking Test

Aspect Description Score

- Few words pronounced correctly 1

- Not many words pronounced correctly 2
Pronunciation - Some words pronounced correctly 3
- Most words pronounced correctly 4
- Alls words pronounced correctly 5
- Too soft, difficult to hear 1
- Mostly soft and unclear 2
Loudness - Sometimes soft or loud 3
- Appropriate level volume 4
- Clear, easy to hear. 5
Word Usage - Mostly choose wrong words 1
- Often choose wrong words 2
- Words choice adequate but could be improved 3

- Mostly choose right words 4

- Always choose right words 5
- Too slow or fast 1
- Rather slow 2
Rate - Sometimes slow or fast 3
- Not too fast 4
- Just right 5

To find out the correlation this research, the writer will use Pearson

Product Moment. It will use to find or analysis students’ score while it is one of

the techniques to find out correlation between two variables. According to

Sudijono (2006: 196) stated correlation product moment will use to determine

correlation two variables. The writer will use the correlation analysis to find out

the correlation study between students mastery of simple present tense (variable

X) and ability in speaking (variable Y). The writer not only uses the correlation

product moment’s formula but also will use Statistical Package for Service

Solution (SPSS) to analyze two statistical.

The level of correlation can see in Sudijono (2009:180) stated that general

coefficient correlation was follow:

Table 6
Size of correlation coefficient

Correlation value Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Very low

0.20 – 0.40 Low

0.40 – 0.70 Moderate


0.70 – 0.90 High (Good)

0.90 – 1.00 Very high

16. Tentative Schedule of the Study

The tentative schedule of this research is formulated in table 6

Table 7
Tentative Schedule
2014 2015
No Phasing of the research
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Preparing of the research X X X X X X

2 Collecting the data X X

3 Analyzing of the data X X X

4 Thesis Examination X


Arikunto.(2010).Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan.Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

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New York, NY. The British Library.

Douglas, V. (2008). Past Tense ESOL Resources for Entry 2. Northern Learning

Eastwood. (2008). Journal of creative English workbook.

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Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. E. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in

education, 8th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Gay, L.R.(1992). Educational research competencies for analysis and

application. New York: Maxwell

Mekhlafi. (2011). Journal difficulties in teaching and learning grammar in EFL

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Solahudin. (2008). Kamus istilah tata bahasa inggris (grammar) edisi pertama.
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Sudijono, A. (2008). Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta:PT Raja Grafindo



Subject : English
Aspect/Skill : Grammar
Theme : Simple Present Tense
Class : VIII (Eight) of SMP Negeri 40 OKU

1. Write your name and your class clearly on the paper
2. Use your time adequately
3. Work individually

Choose the correct answer in the following sentence

1. I …………him in the library in the afternoon.

a. See b. sees c. seen d. saw

2. She………… Malang every month.

a. Go b.went c. Gone d. Going

3. I…………a good film at night.

a. See b. Sees c. Saw d. Seen

4. Nizle………
a. Comes b. Coming c. Came d. Is

5. He…………..his car three time a week.

a. Drives b. Drive c. Driving d. Drove

6. He does not …………… grocery store at two o’clock.

a. Drive b. drives c. drove d. driven

7. Clara do not …………….a taxi to the airport on monday.

a. Take b. takes c. took d. taken

8. He does not ………..the story at three o’clock.

a. Write b. written c. writes d. wrote

9. Two butterflies does not ………in the sky in the morning.

a. Fly b. Flies c. Flew d. Flown

10. I do not ……………..50 m in the morning.

a. swam b. swum c. swim d. swimming

11. Does he …………… very fast in the race every monday?

a. ran b. run c. running d. to run

12. Does she ………… the newspaper on the train?

a. read b. to read c. reading d. red

13. Does he …..….. hungry in the afternoon?

a. felt b. feel c. feeling d. felted

14. Do you ……. me anything from the shop?

a. get b. got c. to get d. gotten

15. Do you …… English every Wednesday?

a. learn b. learnt c. learned d. to learn

16. She …………….a nurse in a district hospital on sunday.

a. is b. am c. are d. was

17. Bram…………. ill in the morning.

a. was b. Were c. Is d. Am

18. I………………very thirsty right now

a. was b. Were c. Is d. Am

19. She………………a shy girl

a. was b. Were c. Is d. Am

20. They………………in Australia

a. was b. Were c. Is d. are

21. She ………….. a script writer

a. was not b. were not c. Is not d. am not

22. Budi ………………a careless boy

a. was not b. were not c. Is not d. am not

23. I ………………a student

a. was not b. were not c. Is not d. am not

24. We………………the best winner

a. was not b. were not c. Is not d. are not

25. He ………………my friend

a. was not b. were not c. is not d. am not

26. ………………she a shy girl?

a. was b. were c. is d. are

27. ……………… you a script writer three time a week?

a. was b. were c. is d. are

28. ………………he a scholar?

a. was b. were c. is d. are

29. ………………she a stronger woman?

a. was b. were c. is d. are

30. ……………… they teachers in my school ?

a. was b. were c. is d. are

Munjin, Ahmad. (2014). Let’s talk for Junior High Schol Seventh Grade.
Bandung: Pakar Raya


1. A 17. C

2. A 18. D

3. A 19. C

4. A 20. D

5. A 21. C

6. A 22.

7. A 23. C

8. A 24. D

9. A 25. D

10. C 26. C

11. A 27. C

12. A 28. D

13. B 29. C

14. A 30. C

15. A 31. D

16. A


Subject : English
Aspect/Skill : Speaking
Theme : Asking and Giving Ideas
Class : VIII (Eight) of SMP Negeri 40 OKU

1. Use your time adequately

2. The students are able to speak base on topics bellow by using your own

3. Then perform in front of the class with the topic asking and giving ideas
about “Pet”

Munjin, Ahmad. (2014). Let’s talk for Junior High Schol Seventh Grade.
Bandung: Pakar Raya

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