Master PTS Ganjil Kelas 8

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : VIII ( delapan)
Hari/Tanggal : , .................... 2022 Waktu : ( 60 Menit )


Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 1 and 2

Ms. Fatima : Everybody, may I have your attention, please?

Students : Yes, Ma’am.

1. “May I have your attention, please ?”

What does the teacher express?
a. She asks for opinion
b. She checks understanding
c. She compliments someone.
d. She asks student’s attention.
2. What should the students do after the dialog?
a. They use English in class everyday.
b. They become more active.
c. They stop doing activities.
d. They ask questions.
Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 3 and 4

Siti : Udin, do you think Edo is angry at me?

Udin : I don’t think so. Look, he is smiling.

3. From the dialog we know that …

a. Siti is asking for Udin’s attention
b. Siti is asking for Udin’s opinion.
c. Udin is asking for information
d. Udin is angry at Edo.
4. Look, he is smiling.
It means Edo is …
a. sad
b. happy
c. angry
d. afraid

5. Ms. Alifa : Siti, …the story?

Siti : Not really. She speaks very fast.
a. do you think
b. do you mind
c. do you agree
d. do you understand.
Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 6 and 7

Mr. Aufa : Great! I think that is a beautiful invitation card. I like it, Beni.
Beni : Thank you.

6. What is the purpose of Mr Aufa’s expression?

a. To ask opinion
b. To get attention
c. To give an opinion
d. To show appreciation

7. “I like it, Beni.”

The word it refers to ...
a. Beni
b. The teacher
c. A beautiful painting
d. A beautiful invitation card
8. Ahmad: Do you get what I mean?
Amir : … could you repeat, please?
a. I get it, thanks!
b. Sorry, I don’t get it.
c. Sorry, I don’t repeat.
d. Do you get what I tell you?
9. Andi : What can we do in the library?
Ali : ….
a. You can play a loud music.
b. You can do any experiment.
c. You must borrow some books.
d. You can read books and write anything.
Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 10 and 12

I have two best friends. They are Khansa and Alya. Khansa is a calm
girl. She can dance and sing very well. Her voice is beautiful. On the other
hand, Alya can’t sing and dance, but she is good at sports. Alya has a red
belt for tae kwon do. Alya is really good at swimming. She is a strong girl.

10. From the text, what can Alya do?

a. Singing and dancing
b. Singing and swimming
c. Singing and tae kwon do
d. Swimming and tae kwon do
11. Who has a beautiful singing voice?
a. Alya
b. Ayla
c. Khansa
d. Khaeela
12. Which statement is TRUE based on the text above?
a. Khansa likes sports
b. Alya can sing very well.
c. Alya is good at swimming.
d. Khansa has red belt in tae kwon do.
Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 13 to 14

Fahma : I can’t use my laptop computer. Brother, do you think

you can reboot it, please?
Alfa : I think so. I have done it before.
Fahma : Thanks so much.
Alfa : No problem.

13. What is the relationship of the speakers?

a. Siblings
b. Playmates
c. Classmates
d. Neighbours
14. What is Fahma’s problem?
a. Her laptop can’t be turned on.
b. She cannot repair Alfa’s laptop.
c. She would like to use Alfa’s laptop.
d. She doesn’t know how to use laptop.

Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 15 to 17

Lina : I can’t use the printer because the ink cartridge is empty.
Can you replace it, please?
Sangga : Sorry, I cannot do it. I have never done it before, so I’m
afraid of wrongly replacing it.
Lina : O.K. Let me ask father to do it.

15. What does Lina ask Sangga to do?

a. To call their father.
b. To replace the printer.
c. To buy a new ink cartridge.
d. To replace the empty ink cartridge.
16. Sangga says, “Sorry, I cannot do it.” What does he express?
a. His capability
b. His incapability
c. His willingness
d. His unwillingness
17. From the dialog we know that …
a. Lina is going to print a document.
b. Lina forces Sangga to replace the ink cartridge.
c. Sangga is willing to replace the empty ink cartridge.
d. Sangga and Lina’s father cannot replace the printer.
Text for number 18

Serena : Why do you need an egg beater, Bagas?

Bagas : I’m going to learn how to make a pound cake.
Billa : Do you think you … do it?
Irwan : I think so. That’s why I need to practice.
Billa : Let me help you then.
Irwan : Thanks.

18. The suitable word to complete the dialog is …

a. can
b. will
c. have
d. should

Text for number 19

Agung : Look! That man is in trouble! It seems his car is overheated.

I think he needs help.
Rinto : ________________.
Agung : Sure. Let’s do it.
Rinto : O.K.

19. The suitable expression to complete the dialog is …

a. He should have checked his car
b. Let’s tell the man to call the police soon.
c. Does he not understand his car’s condition?
d. Are you willing to help him push the car aside?

Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 20 to 22

Dea : Don’t listen to music using an earphone while recharging your

Ava : What’s the matter?
Dea : It’s very dangerous, you know.
Ava : Only a few minutes. Only one song.
Dea : You must stop it. Otherwise, you must suffer from an electrical
Ava : O.K. I’ll turn it off now.
Dea : Never do it again, O.K? It’s for your safety.
Ava : I won’t. Thanks for reminding me.
20. Why does Dea scold ( memarahi) Ava?
a. She is listening to music too loud.
b. She is recharging her phone too long.
c. She is making a call while recharging.
d. She is listening to music using an earphone while recharging.

21. What will probably happen if Ava ignores (mengabaikan) Dea’s warning?
a. Her phone will be broken.
b. She might get an electrical shock.
c. Her phone will turn of automatically.
d. The battery cannot be recharged any longer.
22. Dea says, “It’s for your safety.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
a. health
b. comfort
c. security
d. curiosity
Read the following dialog carefully to answer questions number 23 to 25

Good morning, students. This is Mr. Affan.

I will inform you that we will have a class in the laboratory next week.
All of you must wear lab coats and masks. You must wash your hands
before entering and after leaving the library. You are not allowed to bring
food and drink inside. You must use the tools carefully. After using them,
you must clean them and place them on the shelves. Obey the rules while
you are in a laboratory.
Thank you for your attention.

23. What is the text about?

a. Rules in a laboratory.
b. Students’ obligations at school.
c. Students’ responsibilities at school.
d. Prohibited activities in a laboratory.
24. What must the students do after finishing the activity?
a. Wear masks.
b. Wear lab coats.
c. Clean the tools.
d. Use the tools properly.

25. According to the text, what is forbidden to do?

a. Eat snacks.
b. Wash hands.
c. Place the tools on the shelves.
d. Leave drinking bottles in a classroom.
Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences.

Dialog 1
Mrs. Ria : Dear, (1) ___________.
Rado : I am sorry, Mom. I forgot. I will lock it right away.
Mrs. Ria : One more thing. (2) _______________ . Pull it out and place it in the key
Rado : All right, Mom.

Dialog 2

Amira: Hanafi, watch out! There is a hole!

Hanafi : Oops! Thanks for telling me.
Amira: Therefore, (3) ________________. It’s very dangerous.
Hanafi : You are right. I will place it on my handlebar.
Amira: (4) ______________. A snatcher may grab your phone easily.
Hanafi : All right. I’ll keep it in my bag.

Pilihan jawaban:

 Don’t do it.
 Don’t leave the key hanging on the door.
 you must not make a phone call while cycling.
 Don’t harm yourself.
 you must not leave the door unlocked.

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