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Yes, a well thought out onboarding plan is important for employees without much experience.

These are my reasons for thinking this:

-Onboarding programs provide a smooth transition into the working environment. New

graduates often lack practical experience and familiarity with workplace norms and

expectations. A good onboarding program helps ease their transition into the workforce,

reducing anxiety and increasing their confidence.

-These types of programs can also provide important training and skill development. Recent

graduates may lack specific job-related skills and knowledge, and a structured onboarding

process can close this gap by providing training in areas like communication, time management,

and technical skills etc...

-Many new workers may have misconceptions about the workplace, such as unrealistic

expectations or a lack of understanding about a certain job's roles and responsibilities.

Onboarding would be able to clarify those types of expectations and align them with the true

nature of the job.

In conclusion, onboarding programs are very beneficial for employees with little to no work

experience. A well-designed onboarding process can help them adjust to the workplace,

develop necessary skills, and become valuable contributors to the organization while ensuring a

positive start to their careers.

Appolo, Jonathan. “Why Onboarding Is Important and a Key to Success (2023).” Apollo Technical LLC,

Engeneers talent solution, 22 Feb. 2023,


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