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Technology and
Humanity Cross
Lesson 8
- The term "technology" originated from the Greek
words techne and logos, meaning art and word,
- Initially, in the seventeenth century, technology was
associated primarily with the arts, specifically applied
- Over time, the concept of technology expanded to
encompass a broader range of meanings, including
machines and tools.
- Technology plays a crucial role in today's society,
affecting everyone directly or indirectly.
- Most people rely on various technological
advancements in their daily lives, making technology
an inevitable part of society.
- Technology has brought great convenience and ease to
people's lives, from simple tasks at home to complex work
in offices and laboratories.
- Technology is highly regarded for the various benefits it
offers to mankind, including convenience, pleasure, and
- Leisure activities made possible by technology, such as
music, communication, and gaming, contribute to people's
- Finding an activity that doesn't require the use of
technology has become increasingly difficult, with most
human activities now relying on technological
- Some argue that technology has shifted from a luxury to
a necessity, and people work hard to afford these
technological "necessities," unlike in the past when
spending was primarily on essentials like food, housing,
and clothing.
- Technology continually advances thanks to
changing times and human creativity and
- While technology has been immensely
helpful, it is not immune to criticism and
- Ethical dilemmas can arise from the
misuse of technology or when technology is
designed with harmful intentions.
- Awareness of the potential dangers of
technology misuse leads to the discussion of
these dilemmas and their consequences for
Television Sets, Mobile Phones, Computers,
and Humanity
In the realm of technological devices, household appliances are among the most
widely used and easily accessible tools, with television sets, mobile phones, and
computers reigning as the popular choices across age groups.

These devices are ubiquitous in homes, and people of all ages rely on them daily to
fulfill various needs. For example, in the Philippines, Kantar Media reports that 92
percent of urban households and 70 percent of rural households own at least one
television set, emphasizing the widespread use of this technology.

This data supports the notion that Filipinos hold a deep fascination for television, often
watching it during their leisure hours. Furthermore, Kantar Media's findings reflect the
extensive presence of these devices in the lives of people across the Philippines,
establishing them as indispensable tools for communication and entertainment.
- Television is a prevalent technology in Filipino
homes, with 92% of urban and 70% of rural
households having one, highlighting its significant
role in the lives of Filipinos.

- Mobile phones are widely embraced in the

Philippines, with over half of the population owning at
least one. A 2010 survey by Synevate reported 67%
ownership, and young Filipinos consider mobile
phones essential (Ipsos Media Atlas Philippines
Nationwide Urban 2011-2012 survey).

- The world's first mobile phone call was made by

Martin Cooper at Motorola on April 3, 1973, marking a
significant milestone in mobile communication (Roa,
- Portable computers, such as laptops, became popular
as a more convenient alternative to the large
mainframe computers that once occupied entire floors
of buildings.
- The transition from personal computers to laptops
was driven by design improvements and the need for
- The Osborne 1, released in April 1981, marked the
inception of portable computers and the subsequent
evolution of laptops into various designs and models
(Orfano, 2011).
- In contemporary Filipino households, technology
plays a significant role, with ownership statistics
indicating the presence of mobile phones (89%),
smartphones (53%), tablets (14%), desktops (39%),
laptops or netbooks (37%), and smart TVs (4%) (Philstar,
- Filipinos demonstrate high engagement
with technology and the internet, with 119
million mobile phone subscriptions and
daily usage of approximately 3.2 hours on
mobile devices and 5.2 hours on desktops.

- The Philippines stands out as one of the

world's leading digital populations, with 47
million active Facebook accounts,
making it the fastest-growing application
market in Southeast Asia (Rappler, n.d.).
These statistics emphasize the integral
role of technology in the lives of Filipinos.
List Blitz
list-making game where players
have to list as many items as they
can within a set time limit
Roles Played by These Technological
- Platform for advertisements and information dissemination.
- A recreational activity and stress reliever for families.
- Facilitates propagandas and advocacies.
- A way to bond with family members.

Mobile Phones:
- Primarily used for communication through texting and calling.
- Evolved to include Internet browsing, photography, and more.
- Multi-functional devices with applications like music, calendar, radio, television, and photo editing.
- Highly portable and convenient.

Personal Computers and Laptops:

- Used for Internet access and communication.
- Feature applications like calendar, calculator, music and movie players, and cameras.
- Offer unique functions and capabilities for various tasks.
- Preferred by some for work-related activities.
Ethical Dilemma Faced by These Technological Advancements
Challenges Associated with Technological Devices:

- Parents often argue that these devices can make their children lazy and unhealthy
as people become fixated on them, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.
- Overreliance on technology can result in people spending excessive hours on
devices, such as watching television or using the Internet or playing games,
sometimes for more than half a day.
- These individuals may lose track of time and become irritable when interrupted,
potentially leading to feelings of alienation due to reduced social interaction.
Moral and Ethical Dilemmas with Technological Devices:

- Exposure to unsuitable content on television, mobile phones, laptops, and computers,

especially for children, poses a moral dilemma as they can be easily exposed to
inappropriate material.

- Excessive use of technological devices can lead to health issues, reclusiveness, and
alienation from others, despite claims of technology bringing people together virtually.

- Calls for the establishment of ethics of technology arise to guide responsible usage
and prevent abuse.

- The complexities and dynamics of technology challenge traditional ethical

approaches, leading to the relevance of the ethics of responsibility.

- The ethics of responsibility emphasizes being accountable for one's actions and
contributions to the technological landscape, with a focus on positive outcomes and
responsible communication to guide people on how to maximize the benefits of
Responsibility and Accountability in the Use of Technological Devices:

- The scientific community should inform the public about the potential dangers of their
technological contributions, ensuring awareness and understanding of what to do and what not to

- Users of technological devices must be accountable for their actions and responsible for the use
of their gadgets.

- Laziness and unhealthiness caused by technology misuse are primarily attributed to the users
themselves, assuming that the scientific-technological community has adequately informed the
public about the positive and negative aspects of their contributions.

- Alienation resulting from technology use may be attributed to a lack of transparency from the
scientific-technological community, as they may present their innovations in an overly positive light
without acknowledging potential drawbacks.

- In the case of children being exposed to unsuitable content, responsibility lies with the adults who
allow children access to these devices without supervision, as children may not have the capacity to
comprehend the potential consequences or effectively make rational decisions about their usage.
Robotics and Humanity
Another great product of the innovative minds of the people is the robot. Robots are
now widely used. For example, there are the so-called service robots. These particular
do specific tasks but focus mainly in assisting their masters in their everyday tasks. The
International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe (UNECE) made it their task to formulate a working definition for service
robots. A preliminary extract of the relevant definition is (IFR, 2012):

1. Service robots
2. Personal robots
3. Professional robots
Roles Played by Robots

- Robots serve various roles in society, aimed at easing human workloads and
increasing efficiency.
- They perform complex tasks that humans cannot, as well as simple
household chores.
- Some robots are designed for entertainment, found in amusement parks
and exhibits.
- There are robots created as toys, primarily for children.
- Robots have a significant presence in movies and have a strong cultural
- Isaac Asimov formulated a set of rules in the 1940s to define the ethics and
characteristics of a good robot.
Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics are as follows:

1. A robot may not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Law.

These laws were proposed by Asimov in his science fiction works as a

framework for the ethical behavior and interaction of robots in a
human-dominated world. They have had a significant influence on discussions
about robotics and artificial intelligence ethics.
Ethical Dilemmas faced by Robotics
❏ Robotics faces ethical dilemmas, despite its goal
of improving lives.
❏ Safety concerns involve questions about
accountability if a robot compromises someone's
❏ Ethical dilemmas may arise if robots develop
emotions, leading to debates about granting them
❏ The level of autonomy in robots varies, with partial
autonomy involving human-robot interaction and
full autonomy allowing robots to act
❏ Robots can be considered ethical if they strictly follow Asimov's
laws, which prioritize the safety of users and those around them.
❏ If a robot is misused by its user for personal agendas, the user
should be held accountable.
❏ If a robot deviates from the specified laws, the responsibility may
fall on the maker or inventor for not programming it effectively.
❏ If a robot develops the ability to think for itself, both the maker
and the robot itself could be held accountable for their decisions
and consequences.
❏ If robots develop emotions, they should be granted their own set
of rights, similar to how animals gained rights as their emotional
capacity was understood.
Group Skit. Each group should pick a different topic related
to technology and its impact, along with the dilemma it
presents. Express your perspective on a technological issue
through a short skit. Make sure to illustrate the roles technology
plays in people's lives.
Suggested topics:
a. Robots that are capable of having emotions
b. Google and stupidity
C. Filipinos' addiction to different technologies
d. Waze application

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