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Chapter 1

Some Characteristics of Fluids
Dimensions, Dimensional Homogeneity, and Units
Analysis of Fluid Behaviors
Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight
Ideal Gas Law
Compressibility of Fluids
Vapor Pressure
Surface Tension 2
1.1 Some Characteristics of Fluids

What’s a Fluid ? Or
What’s the difference between a solid and a fluid?

Fluid and Solid
Vague idea of difference
Fluid is soft and easily deformed.
Solid is hard and not easily deformed.

A closer look at the molecular structure of materials
Solid: has densely spaced molecules with large
intermolecular cohesive force that allow the solid to
maintain its shape
Liquid: molecules are spaced farther apart, the
intermolecular forces are smaller than for solids, and
the molecules have more freedom of movement.

Gases: have even greater molecular spacing and
freedom of motion with negligible cohesive
intermolecular forces and as a consequence are easily

A more specific distinction is based on how they deform
under the action of an external load
A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously (flows)
when acted on by a shearing stress of any magnitude.
A shearing stress (force per unit area) is created whenever a
tangential force acts on a surface.
When common solids are acted on by a shearing stress,
they will initially deform, but they will not
continuously deform.

Fluid? Solid ?
Some materials, such as slurries, tar, putty, toothpaste, and
so on, are not easily classified
since they will behave as solid if the applied shearing stress is
small, but if the stress exceeds some critical value, the substance
will flow.
The study of such materials is called rheology.
the branch of physics that deals with the
deformation and flow of matter, primarily in a liquid
state, but also as "soft solids" or solids

1.2 Dimensions, Dimensional
Homogeneity, and Units
Since in our study of fluid mechanics, we will be
dealing with a variety of fluid characteristics
It is necessary to develop a system for describing these
characteristics both qualitatively and quantitatively

Qualitative Aspect
Qualitative aspect serves to identify the nature, or type, of
the characteristics (such as length, time, stress, and
Qualitative description is conveniently given in terms of
certain primary quantities, such as Length, L, time, T,
mass, M, and temperature, θ.
These primary quantities can then be used to provide a
qualitative description of any other secondary quantity:
for example, area≒L2,velocity ≒LT-1 ,density ≒ML-3, and
so on.
The primary quantities are also referred to as basic
dimensions. 10
Quantitative Aspect
Provides a numerical measure of the characteristics.
Quantitative description requires both a number and a
standard by which various quantities can be compared.
The standard for length is the meter, for time an hour or
second, and for mass the kilogram.
Such standards are called units.

System of Dimensions
Mass[M], Length[L], and Time[T] …MLT system
Force[F], Length[L], and Time[T] …FLT system
Newton’s law
Force is equal to mass times acceleration (F = ma)
F=M(LT-2)=> M=FL-1T2
For example
Stress is a force per unit area
FL-2 => ML-1T-2

Dimensions Associated with Common
Physical Quantities

In physics, a force (F) is said to do work if, when
acting, there is a displacement (d) of the point of
application in the direction of the force.
For example, when a ball is held above the ground
and then dropped, the work done on the ball as it
falls is equal to the weight of the ball (a force)
multiplied by the distance to the ground (a

Dimensional Homogeneity
All theoretically derived equations are dimensionally
homogeneous– that is, the dimensions of the left side of
the equation must be the same as those on the right side,
and all additive separate terms have the same dimensions.
For example, the equation for the velocity V of
the uniformly accelerated body

V = V0 + at

General homogeneous equations: valid in any system
of units.
Restricted homogeneous equations: restricted to a
particular system of units.
For example, the equation for the distance, d, traveled
by a freely falling body
Valid only for the system of
units using meter and seconds
d= d = 4.90t 2
1.2.1 Systems of Units
 In addition to the qualitative description of the various quantities of
interest, it is generally necessary to have a quantitative measure of
any given quantity.
 For example, if we measure the width of this page and say that it is
10 units wide, the statement has no meaning until the unit of length
is defined.
 If we indicate that the units of length is a meter, and define the
meter as some standard length, a unit system for length has been
A unit must be established for each of the remaining
basic quantities.
Systems of Units 2/2

International System: SI BG system and SI

system are widely
British Gravitational System: BG used in engineering

In 1960 the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures, the

international organization responsible for maintaining precise
uniform standards of measurement, formally adopted the
International System of Units as the international standard.
This system, commonly termed SI, has been widely adopted
worldwide and is widely used in the United States.
International System (SI)
 Length: m
 Time: second
 Mass: kg
 Temperature : K (K = oC + 273.15)
 Force: Newton: 1 N = (1 kg) × (1 m/sec2)
 Gravity: g = 9.807 m/sec2
 Weight: W = m (1 kg) × g (9.81 m/sec2); 1 kg-mass weighs 9.81N
 Work: Joule ( J ) ; 1 J = 1 N∙m
 Power: Watt (W) ; 1 W = 1 J/s = N∙m/s

British Gravitational System (BG)
Length: ft
Time: second
Force: lb
Temperature: oF (= 9/5 oC + 32) or oR : oR = oF + 459.67
Mass: slug; 1 lb = 1 slug × 1 ft/sec2
Weight: W (lb)= m (slug) × g (ft / sec2)
Gravity: g = 32.174 ft/sec2; a mass of 1 slug weighs 32.2

1.3 Analysis of Fluid Behaviors
The study of fluid mechanics involves the same
fundamental laws you have encountered in physics and
other mechanics courses.
Newton’s laws of motion
Conservation of mass
The first and second laws of thermodynamics

The broad subject of fluid mechanics can be subdivided
Fluid statics: the fluid is at rest (Ch. 2)
Fluid dynamics: the fluid is moving (Ch. 3)
Before we can proceed, however,
it will be necessary to define and discuss certain fluid properties
that are intimately related to fluid behavior
In the following several sections,
the properties that play an important role in the analysis of fluid
behavior are considered

1.4 Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight

1.4.1 Density
 The density of a fluid, designated by the Greek symbol ρ (rho), is
defined as its mass per unit volume.
 Density is typically used to characterize the mass of a fluid system.
 In the SI system ρ has units of kg/m3; In the BG system ρ has
units of slug/ft3.
 The value of density can vary widely between different fluids, but
for liquids, variations in pressure and temperature generally have
only a small effect on the value of density.
 The density of water at 60 oF or 15 oC is 1.94 slugs/ft3 or 999

 The specific volume, ν, is the volume per unit mass – that is,

υ = 1/ ρ

1.4.2 Specific Weight
The specific weight of a fluid, designated by the Greek
symbol γ (gamma), is defined as its weight per unit
γ = ρg
In the BG system, γ has units of lb/ft3 and in SI the units
are N/m3.
Under conditions of standard gravity (g= 32.174 ft/s2 =
9.807 m/s2), water at 60 ºF or 15 ºC has a specific weight
of 62.4 lb/ft3 and 9.80 kN/m3.
1.4.3 Specific Gravity
The specific gravity of a fluid, designated as SG, is
defined as the ratio of the density of the fluid to the
density of water at some specified temperature.
SG =
ρ H 2O @ 4°C

ρ o
H2O , 4 C= 1.94 slugs/ft 3 or 1000 kg/m3.

For example, the specific gravity of mercury at 20 oC is
The density of mercury?

SG =
ρ H 2O @ 4°C
1.5 Ideal Gas Law
 Gases are highly compressible in comparison to liquids, with
changes in gas density directly related to changes in pressure and
temperature through the equation

ρ = p/RT

 The above equation is commonly termed the ideal or perfect gas law,
or the equation of state for an ideal gas

Pressure in a fluid at rest
Defined as the normal force per unit area on a plane surface
From the definition,
Pressure has the dimension of FL-2 and
in BG units is expressed as lb/ft2 (psf) or lb/in2 (psi) and in SI
units as N/m2
In SI,
1 N/m2 defined as a pascal, abbreviated as Pa

 The pressure in the ideal gas law must be expressed as an
absolute pressure, denoted (abs), which is measured relative to
absolute zero pressure.
 The standard sea-level atmospheric pressure is 14.696 psi (abs)
or 101.33kPa (abs).
 In engineering it is common practice to measure pressure
relative to the local atmospheric pressure, and when measured
in this fashion it is called gage pressure.


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