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For the Month of September 1-15, 2023
Program Key Activities Expected Output Inclusive Date Actual Output Accomplishment Remarks
Indicator (Activities to be (Quality/ quantity/time (August 16-18,2023) (Short narrative of actual activity conducted and accomplishments)
(Indicators in the IPC conducted in achieving expected to be (August 21-25,2023)
and Positions’ Terms Key Indicators) delivered) (August 29-31,2023)
of Reference)
EPAHP RPMO IX witness and Facilitate the Regional Memorandum September 1, 2023 The Regional Memorandum of Understanding signed on July 12, 2022,
REGIONAL Signing of the Regional of Understand Signed by has expired this year, and as a result the Department of Social Welfare
MEMORANDUM OF Memorandum of the EPAHP RPMO IX and Development as the lead agency, through the EPAHP Regional
UNDERSTANDING Convergence Team Program Management Office IX as the secretariat of the Regional
Understanding (RMOU)
SIGNING Convergence Team, facilitated the Signing of Regional Memorandum of
among the Partner Understanding among the Partner agencies in Pagadian City.

CAPBUILD ACTIVITY Prepare and consolidate Capability building September 4-6,2023 Facilitated the Signing of the Regional Memorandum of Understanding
REPORT funded activities and activity prepared (RMOU) among the Partner Agencies formally established the Regional
make documentation reports and ready for Convergence Team among Partner Agencies and acknowledged the
obligations of each government agency set forth on the RMOU.

Compliance to Attendance to National Equipped with September 7-8,2023 The meeting's main focus was on the orientation to WALANG GUTOM
EPAHP- NPMO/RPMO Program Management knowledge regarding 2027, and ASEC Bringas discussed the concept, timeline, and rationale of
attendance Office/ the Food stamp food stamps. One of their main goals is to increase food security while
Regional Program program
also implementing anti-inflationary measures, enhancing the
Management Office
Orientation Meeting effectiveness of social assistance delivery, and creating an ecosystem
from farm to table and stimulating economic growth.

Procurement Ensure that the Procurement

Management procurement procedures procedures are within September 11-15,2023 Verified and updated the status of procurement in preparation for the
are carried out within the project timeline upcoming activities.
the project timeline
Prepared by: Noted by: Approved By:

Sitti Amina N. Amilassan Mohammad Binzale A. Hashim


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