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,lrans{erríng liqudicd gas from a fire·

engulfed tank· 10 a non-exposed lank "

nave abo becn considercd. 9bviousIy, if
Ihe liquid can be transrcrred fasl
enough, Ihe BLEVE can be pn:venl~d. "
In· praetiee·, this is diffieult. ¡Withdrawal
of liquid .from a _Iank inel'efl5Csme un­

BlEVEs: Their causes, wcncd ponion, making Ihe lank mo re

vulnerable 10 loss of slrerigth fmm over:­
heating oflne sne!l. Thus, you have IWO
compcling . pnenómena. one good and
effe.c ts and prevention one bad. Vsing a 3O,OOO'&al LPC tank
li S an cxample, il takes 30 minules 10 re­
mOve half of Ihe tank capacily at a
pumping ralo of 500 gpm. ThuI. Ihe
Recent disasters in, the energy industries hiw9 refocused tank eould BLEVE long before Ihe tank
eould be deinventoried.
attention on the HPl's dangers:, A review of the BlEVE • FuI! (anlt. AnOlh"cr me lhod for
is thus time well spent I prevenling thermally induccd BL!::VEs
i. 10 kc ep the lank shell-full wilh ¡iquid
Ihroughoull hc fí~ . The tank 5Oe!1 té m­
W. E. Martlns'en, D. W. Johnson 'and' W. F. Terrell, pcrature will men not inerease su fTi·
Ene r!;)' ,Ana1lsl< [ne., Norman, OkJn . cienuy 10 weaken Ihe tank. The liquid
helps keep Ihe shell 0001.
IF PR.ESSUI!.I:. VIOSSF.. LS,and chcir pipo ways. One is insula tion . DOT-I05 13nk One mClhod for m ... ¡"\aining Ihe
Ing ~ysle ms arc propl:rly'dcsigncd, rdief ears have always been insulaled (nol ·5hcll-full condition is to admil waler
val vc c apacily should prev en! ,a wilh high·lempcrature-resislant ¡her­ inlo Ihe lank al a pre!iSure and fl owrale
HLEVE' du e 10 simple pre ~~urc rise in ma l coalings, bUI wilh "o rdinary i!lsulil­ just sufTie,en! 10 rtplacc Ihe vapor andl
clo~cd vcs~cl s shd l-full of liquido Me­ ¡jon) ·and jackeled wilh a sleel ski n. or ¡¡quid being ve nlcd frOm Ihe s,.. fety
cha n ic;,Uy induccd BLEVE,s are ptc' Compared 10 uninsulaled DOT-112 relief valve(s). Ir Ihe systcm i5 nOI care­
vcm:lblc ir Ihe a(cident fha! cause<! 'Ihe ' and 11 .. lank cars, Ihe 105 lank ean full y designed , problems {rom over­
dam ase i~ prcvenlablc:. Howevcr, the have h3d far fewer BLEVEs. Unfonu· pressuring, exeessive li quid ventí ng,
fcw recorded BLEVEs of Ihis typc havc nalely, insulation syslems are nOI per­ etc., may be cneo untcred . In at.lcJilion,
o{"currco in u"':lOspon a tion accidenl$. fecl . They reduce Ihe rale al whieh Ihe " unless Ihe lank is neari y fuu wheo ¡he
Such a~ci dcnl S ~ecm impossi6k 10 pre ' lank temperature inen:ascs. BUI pro-: ((re oceurs, il may lake 100 loog 10
ven! Possibly, dirrerc nt metal alloys longed rire exposure may still re.sull in a· pump eoough water in 10 the tank. Or
w;th d iffcn:nl strcnglh. dU<ji¡ity, ,and BLEVE. Insulation is mainly a means Ihe vapor pressu~ in lhe rank may be
nOleh' lOl.Ighne» may prevent sorne of o( deJaying Ihe BL~yE, glving lime lo greater Ihan availablc: waler pressure.
Ihcs~ BLEVEs by ehanging the mode of employ·olner measures. Insulalian also
lank (ailure. . Ihus nOI nllowing any water (O enler lhe
mllkes il difTieult to inspee! lhe tank . In lank.
Fire ·induad BLEVEs are a Jiffirrnl some cases, it hu accderated c.Klernal
pro ble m. Thef.e are three obvious eorrosion. • Water, whc: n pfopcrly uscd, is usc­
choices for prcvenlion : l. Prevent Ihe • LPG I:m'ks have been eovered fui for preventing heal. W<Her has a
fíre ; 2. Prevenl Ihe {'·re {rom heating wilh eanh . This 6iounding prevents high tnerma! eapaeity. a relalivciy low
lh~ lank; and 3. Preven l Ihe buildup of any {[ame from contaeling the lanks. In boiling poinl, js cheap and plcn¡irul .
pressurc wilhin Ihe tank. Prevenling mosl or Ihe instalJ¡lIions, one head of and is casy 10 apply. If enough i~
fires is olways diC(iwlt . Sorne progn:u c·ac.h tank ís Icf! exposed. Obviously, sprayed o nlo a .I.a nk, COfllt nts slay be·
h.-s becn made in iailroad Iransporla· Ihese heads need 10 be protccled from low 100°C (2 12°F). Ihe boiling point of
líon (h~ad shídds ijnd shelf couplers on Ihe fire by sorne othermelhod. waler. Undcr 5Uen eonditíon~, a
rail rOild tan k Goal; 10 preVent Denscly populaled countries have BLEVE is nearly"impossiblc. The diffi­
liqudicd gas spills and rires following LPC installalions with e ndre tanks bur­ (\Ihy is bejns: able to apply the water
derailmenls. . ied in concrete V3ulls back·filled 'with whe re and when il is needed. f or nor'
sand . Like the mounding lechnique, mal storage taok~, fixed spray nozzles,
PAEVENTlON Ihis makes visual inspccl ion cxpensive runnins· film dcluge systom, or mOnitor
and lime eonsuming. And cal hodic pro­ nozzles can be uS«!. Coalings are Tare
• Proper diking and drainage be· on slalionary slorage tanks . '
nea¡h pressurized stora~ lan.ks prevent lec,tio n or o lher eorrosion conlrol mea­
liquid pools fro m {o rming. Sueh pools. sures are a neccssit y.
The rlght choice oC p~evcnti ve .mea­
ir igniled. CDuld lead 10 long·te rm fire • Emergcncy deprusuring iystcms sures de¡koos 00 many va riabks, in·
exposu n:, possibly a BLEVE . The dik: Cor rapidly removing v<lpor {rom la nks cluding 13nk loealion, a vailabi!ilY of
ins: and drainage sysle ms fo r ehannel" cxpoSt:d 10 a fire are discussed in API waler, publie e "posu~. regu lalory and
lng spi!ls away (rom l anks muS! be eare ' RP 520 and 521.. T he iment is 10 wilh­ insur::,-oee requ irements, econOOlies,
fuJl y designcd (Thu s. Ihe Sit ualion is draw the vapor so rapidly Iha¡ prenu re elc. Tnen.Jore, ·íl is impossible 10 say
nOI wo rsened by a runn ing·liquid fírc .l in Ihe (ank )1 insufrieienl lO cause t3nk whieh 5yslem is best wilnOUI lookrng al
Goal : I;ee p ¡he ine.ide ru as 5ma" as pos· {ailure. A t'ypieal vapor·de prcssuring each siwation individually. However, il
sibk . . . syslem would redu ce Ihe pressure 10 is o Cten advanlageous tO use mare than
• Preve(lling: the: hUI of a rirt{rom 50 % of the desi¡;-n ·p rcssure io 15 mio, one meMure. As a n examplc, vapor de­
reaching a lan k can be done in seve ra\ Ules. If Ihe tank is full y engul{ed . ¡he pressuring o r liquid traM{er sy3tems
pi pe si7;e beeomcs large and eJ<pcn sive. may be eO mbincd witn thermal iOlula·
io Ilddition , BLEVEs havc occurred in Ilo n 10 previde nn overal! BLEVE-pre­
mueh less Ihan I J minutes. ve ntion system when water is nOI I\vail­
• Liquid withdrawal Iyslem, ror able. If suffjóen! water ¡, a vailable.

Hydrourbon ProcessJnli!l, Novamber 1968 t41

'< =
propcr drainage o( spiils and a go~ wa· Vessel atrength. 1\ 'BLEVE is likely ifa . liquid, is rubjected 10 higb hdt nux
le r spray syslem can t>c MI cfTectivc preS!\urc vesscl is no! 31rong citough (O (com • fire .
combination. In bolh ca.~cs, a passivc tOnt ain Ihe prcssurc 'Nithi n iI. This can • The temperature. af che liquid
syslem combines wilh an active S)'Mcm. occur due 10 exccuive interna! ptCSJu re stanllO inaease, causing an increase in
The pa.nive system hclps increate Ihe or bceausc vessel slrcngltl is re:duced by preuu re within the tank. When the va­
lime avsilablc fo r gelti ng!he aelive sy.· heal or meeha niC'al damage. In thher por preuure ruches 'the uIcry. rc.lief
(cm into operalion. ea$C: , a violenl rupture may occur, when valvc pressure .•etting, the 'llicf valve
Ihe inlernal pre5Surc equab ¡nstantane· 0r:n' and Itaru to ven! 'Vapbr (or liq­
OU I bursling prcssurc. uld) 10 the. OUlside. . .
CAUSES ANO EFFECTS • Concurren! with the previouI Ilep,
Before any of Ihc afore m en lioned Thermal1y Induced. The moS! common me lemperature af me portion ,cf the
pn:: ve mi vc m easures are lake n, it i5 well Iypc or BLEVE occurs when a preSS)lTe tank shell nOI in contáct witb th~ !iquid
10 understa nd a BLEVE', eau$CS a nd vesseJ partially filled with ¡¡qUid is ~. ~ i . e .• the .pace) in,creases drama'-
erree/s. ( Hae. we will rocus only on Ically.
poscd to a lire. The scenario: ".,_
BLEVEs in liquified ·gas prcs..surc ves' • The hu t wcaken. the tank shell
• A presSurc vesscl (e.g., a pressur­
seIs. ) arou~d me ullage .pace. Thermally in­
i:ted storage tank), partially filled ~ith
duced stresses are Ctcatee! in the lank
- - -- - -- - - - --:...- - -- - - - - - ' - - - - -- - - - , . --, shtll ritar ¡he vaporlJiquid interface. l .
". The tberm.tly induced .trenes,
heat-weakened cank. and high internal
pressu~ combine 10 cause a .uddc n ~ ,vi­
olen! lanlt rupture. ~ '. ~ . . ~, .
• Fragments 0 (' che ¡anle ~ re -pro­
pelled away (rom che ¡anle al 'great
. {atet . .
. 'Mos! orlhe remaining supcrheated
liquid vaporizes r apidly due 10 !he preso
sure The reít is ,methanicaJly
atomized ro small drops due (O Ihe force
orthe·u,Illosion . A fire~1I is created by
th~ bumins vapor and ~iquid . .
The re l'Jlonsh lps between pressure ,
'shell I trenk!'h . Ol nd lime fot Ihis Iypc o f
Ihennall y·1Adl.lce<t BLEVE are i" Fig.
l . (The Iil{Ure i$ hypolhelical. It dacI.
n OI re p~nl Olny panicular iiquid,
lank, (¡re, ~o'r ufe ty relicf v.alve.) The
figure iUultra.tcl ha,w Ihe prenure in·
crease. wilh lime ' following fi re cxpo·
J u¡e a nd how Ihe strcngth or
Ihe hoc ce~c
parl or lhe tank dec::n::ases.s ¡IS Cemper·
ature is increased by long cXpoSI.II'C 10
Ihe fire . t When che prenUTe has in·
ercascd sufficienlly 10 rcaeh Ihe Sla rl·to­
discharge :pressure of Ihe safety rclief
valve, some vapor o r liq uid will ven t 10
Ihe atrnosphere. Prenure wi!1 risc al a
a10wcr rat e . PrcSSUI'C may dec~ aflc r
sorn e venting has oc.curred, allowing'
Ihe . rcl ief valve 10 I'Ckill. This might
happcn only once o r $Cveral times. In
sorne CIl!CS , !he n:lief valve migh l never
close before Ihe BLEVE oteufs.
A. time progresscs che relie:r valve is
YCnling a l ;u m ax im u m r.ue. A nd il i$
maintlining Ihe lar"lk prenure at or
ncar Ihe re lier valve's full ·open pres·
surc. Concurrent with this, the part of
Ihe IhelJ heatcd mO$I rcadil y by Ihe fi rc
has be.en deercasi ng in stn::ngth A5 lu
tempcratJ.lfe has inercascd . As Ihe shd l
S!renglh conti n ues to decr ease , ¡he
burs¡ing pressure is equallo ¡he ¡ank's
internal pn:ssure . A violc:n! ruptu
now ¡xmible. .
The rates al which the inter nal preso
sun:: ¡ncreases a nd shell strcngth d e·
c rea~e$ are both eontrolled by many
~_"el, 'ne. PY'o"moUes OmbH variables: firt site, (ire ¡ntemity, liquid
n RolIl"'ll Daka Orive, Su"o 202 Heoersl.bener $trau.l
levd in the tank, .vapo r prcssurc versus
Thou...nd O.k., CA 91361 2080 Plnnet!erg, Wlllt Cerrnany
805I4~1_ TWX 911).33&-1540 TeI"Phono: 041 17S303- Tolex: 214617' tcm pcracure eha raeteristics oflhe I¡quid
Clrel. 157 on Aeadar Servlce Card
142 Hydrot.rbon PrOces.lng, Novamber 1986

Rated ~o " • t
ANSI Class 4 500-10,000 PSI {"HN" Series} t Tank Idutt 'i'
i Full~!.I'!!!~ _
ANSI Class 2 500-6,000 P-SI {"N" Series} ~ Sii!HO.<HschJl9O~ - -
pteUUre \
; Our.llo1'1 01111'• • JtPOSur. ­
Temperat ures lo 1200 0 F . 1,. .
0.15670.25070.437" oriliees Flg. 1-HypolhoUcalllme-preuure-strEtf1glh
re13tlonships lO( taok$ exposed 10 (¡re.
316 SS, HastelJoy, Inconel¡
Carpenter 20, Tttanium,
Monel wilhin Ihe l ank~ .elc. Obviously, ¡nere
Packing below the threads ­
prevents lube washout
are 100 man)' variables 10 draw cOllcho.­
sion, about how much fire exP.Osurc .is
requifcd 10 cause a BLEVE. Ho'Vever,
Non-rotating ha ll - repet itive for cerla;n, safcly rdicf valvC"s' "ione ....;.
shut-off cannol prevenl Ihermall y in~1J eed
Unian bonne t design '­ BLEVEs. As in Fig. J, Ihe sarcty' relief
promotes safely . \'ah~ pcdo rmc:d ils funelion flawl essl)'.
OUt Ihe lank slillluplUred bccausc: Ihe
Alf actualor models sht:H weakcned '. '
ava ilable Be<:ausc:. lhe rmaJl y ¡"duce<! BLl~VEs
Available from local slocks for resull from exposurc lO fires, il fQllowl
quick on-/ime deJivery that flammablc contents wi!! be ¡gniceO
one<:: rdcaso::d' by Ihe tank fa;lu re .
Therdo~ ihis Iypc or BLEVE ¡;o:: ner·
ally res.u)l~ ~fl.a la rgc fireb.llJ .
Steol lh,nds are above Ihe P ressur.·ln1d uced e lEVEs, A BLEVE
r..dios loprc:vent (()nIKi
.....i1h system n"ids. can oteur' ir I prcS$un: "cud bccornc$_
complete,", fi llcd wilh liqu id (I ,c.,

"shcll -full "f Thc Icm perillurc riscs.
and prcu ure n:lief capacÍly is ¡nsurrí·
cient 10 ko::c p Ihe inl.:rnal pressuro:: from
... ~ cxceo::ding tAn k stTength . This typc of

..o;,.:>:; '1/ y "

BLEVE can oteur wi¡oout lo ciro::. And
it might o r miSht n01 be followcd by a
fireball. Such BLEVEs are ra re due 10
, '#:¡ WHrTEYCo "
318BlshopRoad rcl(fict¡on~ on the quanrít )' of liqueried
Highland Heigtlls.
.._ O.hlo
_ gas (hao¡ cán be: loaded inro ,) tan k and
'$ r, ~""¿"_ e...

bccau5C of Ihe pres~un:-relicr-w.lve Si l;'

ing requir<:rno::r"lls for storngc ¡an ks.
Howcve r, thi! has oeeurrccJ on pressorc
vesscl$ a nd t"!Iks nOl cquippcd with
prelisure rdicf valvc5,

A BLEVE poK'S rOUT llazards: 1.
OveTprusure. '2. Flying sh Tapnc1, 3.
Roekc ling lInk p41rl l (" tubs"), ancJ 4.
T nere a re IWO sauTces of, ovcrprt'­
su(<: when a tank tOntaining liqucfied
gas unde r pre n ure r u ptures. Onc:
SOUTce )$ cxpansiC)n or ¡he vapor in the
f<lnk _ Ttlc olh<::r ;1 nashing. i.e., Ihe
rapid change from liquid lO vapor of the
supcrheated ¡¡quid eonlCnlS of the un~ .
Whicn onc. produccs Ihe grealO::st ove r­
prcoUure depcnds on Ihe liquid-volume
10 vapo r-volumc ralio within (he lank ,11
th..: time il ruprulT.~. and the degrct of
SIr.ighl or angle J»ncrns. Choio;:cof SWACE!pK Tubo: Fining, tube oi pipe supcrneat.

_"c-_'_."'__'_"'__'_"'__._'.. ___
:;ocket wcld añd NPT en<! coonc:ctions. Sizes r.nge (rom l/S· 10 314~ .
' . 159 on e.'d

The T NO Yellow Boo k ~ prescn ls mell¡­
OOS ror calculadng o\'erpressures fol­

144 Hydroe••bon PrOCeSSI1'l9, NoveR'ÍCe' !~66


lowing la nk (ailure. A I:SLt:: VE can Ha~af(J s pose<.l by P'..,CCl> 01 mel.. ¡
cause a nca rby ndg nboring vcssc! to lank SCllIllcrcd"when a ulnk ruplurc:s art: ~~ ;;0(,1<(~; :o:;vrro;~ht;if~ ~f~ili~
sh¡n from ilS support5. p<nSibly' resuIL · dirricult 10 qua/l\ify. A c.akulation wil1 ear.' (A lank car weíghs _bout 67,600 lb
¡ns: in' lailure of piping connectcd 10 Ihc estimatc the amounl of ~nergy ·reJc.ucd when e mpty.) SmaUer fragments, Itill
\·ei\.'iCl. The aecidenl fhu ! propagal es. In whe n Ine ruptun: oceurs.lI Howevcr, la.rge enough 10 Cause aevere injury or
sorne inslanecs ( nOlably Ihc vin yl <:010' Inerc are uneerlainties conc:crning how death, have béen thrown aeveral thOl.I·
rid e- lan" ca r a ee idcnl a l HOuslon , mueh o( Ihis energy is transmiued 10 sand (cel . . .
Tcx.. r" ;tnd rhe LPC fan" e:a r aecidenl al Ihc mClal lank pieccs, size and wc:ight of The NFPA recommcnd. an evacua­
!kit , MOn!.:Ina),' $(ve r.:ll po.:ople wcn: 115 rragmenls, ~Ie. Doe can have Ji u le con' lion 'distAnCc o í 2,500 n rrom railroad
d Ole iJ ~ 100 fIl O a ' l iJ nk whe n ¡I fidente in Ihc prediction or hazards due· tank can 10 proleCl the publie (mm Oy·
RLE VEd , and ~u r v i v«l . Thcy we-re 10 fl ying (ragments or rocketing lubs. ing debri. du·c 10 • BLEVE.IO
knoc ke:d do wn b y Ihe o..-e r press ure Dala on Ihe dislantes Ihat lank frag' . The T NO rcport oft he LPG ioó<!ent
wavc. 13\.11 most CKiJp<:d withouI scriou, mentl have becn hurled by BLEVEs of al San Juan Ixhuatapee (Mexico C¡IY)
injuries (paf"!icularl y 10O$C we:aring pro· LPG railroad tank can show Ihal (raS' SIl\tCl "!hal the "end tub," of ..JCveral
Iceló"c d Olhing) menlS a s largc as one-ha1r of a 33,000·'· LPG bullel lanks traveled. grealer 'dis'
lances Ihan had becn rePorle<! in othe:r
BlEVE incidenu. One largeunk $eg­
meril rrom a 9,SOO-gallan~ !ravc1~ ap­
pro:Kiptately 3,~~ fI before COrrIlng to ,
Flrebell. Thc olher huard or a BlEVE . .
oC a p.ressurized tank co ntaining Ii;'
quificd gas ís che tireball ercated by
combustion or the mixture or vapo r ahd
liq uid that is uplosivel y disperscd ' by
Ihe sui;lden rupture , The .uddeo upan­
.ion 'of comprcssed vapor and the '1atge
quanlíli~s or vapor su~enly produe ro
by liquid (I:uhing eombi!lc iO create 3
large ball of1iquid droplcts and vapor.
The heal en:ated ,by Ihe burning o(' ~he
dispcrsed li'q\lid and val?Or eause! a ,
po.....erful l hermal updra rt. 11 ¡nleraell ,
with the b llrnlng fuel /ai.. mixture . 10
ereMe: a eONtantly rising: loro ida l
shapcd ball oftíre. Seve ral invul lga¡OrS
havc devel~~d empirical rdalio nshi ps
for utimat~ tne size of th e: [irrball
cre¡u t;d by a BlEV E, r~ . l) And T NO
uses simill\r for mulas ro r rireba ll di3m­
'eter and duradon .' Fircball d íamcLer
predictio ns for propanc Ilre , hown in
Fig. 2.
\ ~ oIl'ropane,

=1.000 ". H,.m' ,

SO '
~ H"'.000 10.000
. "WI~ 01 prOpine. g~

Flg . 2-0iamoter 01 fireball fOrrT"oOd 'oIlOwi~

efUOSlropnk: l.!tiJura 01 e 'prossuriZed prOPlIno
Now you can seal off fl ange leaks Plidco Flange RepalrRings are
and avoid costty shuldowns. widely used and especia",!
Your own mainlenance crew flffective on steam lesks. Th ey Data on 5i.'( DLEV EI are compttrcd
simply inSlalls a Plidco Flange may be recondilloned ahd re· wilh Ihe resu h. of Ihe T ND ·l-quatio ns
RepairRing by plaeing the ring, usad. Sizes from stock for ANSI in thcir .-epart o n Ine l.PC ineidenl al
around Ihe leaking fl anges, flanges. V2'1 through 12", 150* Mexico Cily. rr Tneir ~ lc:ul a tion s, and
ti ghtening side bolts and ¡njeet· through 6001. Also available for Ihc»e of H ardee al"Kl Lec,I1 agrce wcll
ing sealan! Ihrough Ihe bullon· bonnet 'Ianges an d olher speeial ..... itn the reported dala fo r the Mexieo
head fittings. sizeson request: Write forcatalog. Ci l y BlEVE. and for six pre vious
BL EV E~ , .
Ca l! lotHt8e: " 809.848-3333. In OhIO; call collecl

Thc .crreet or radianl hel\t fro m the '
fireba ll o n objectl al grade level i5 diffi·
IR J'í = 'í .. cuh to prroiel wilh aceurae y. Alt¡'ough
Ihe maxirnum d iameler IInd duration 01
Ihe rireball can be ealculated, Ihe tire·
. ". c.o.._ ... . Cio<oIo.... 00t . ... ~ • _ ' .... " 4 . . • e- _'"-. .. l l OVOOS c\'f"I(lAOI!). ()oooO • f .... _ _ ba ll li ze. and loel.l ion i, ecmstantl y
Clrele 161 on Re. der Servlee Card
146 Hydrocarbon Proeesslng, NO'I1Imber 1986
(h;mging, Thu$, ihr.: h~.u (]UI( tO the o.h­ $/lIU fo r Ihe negleel ol ¡he radiation I '. R.llro.iJ ' A((leI.M .... ,.,..; [k •• llmon •• r •
j~ct i~ lSu'~"lI:'on Ne nIKrn '~Ip. 1hoIn 111 Bell, lA",,·
1\01 constan l. bUI changes wilh cITec! aflcr Cireball liftoIT). To deter­ ,ana. Nc<wm/:>tt U. Hiló: ' N~ .".,,.........
time. In mos t · c I:l.SCS, Ihe a rea direcc ly minc Ihe eonscqucnecs of Ihe BLEVE s.¡''J &,n, R.fllm N • . NTSII·RAR·71-1. Sep'. 29.
ocncaln tn c bal! wi!l have eno'ugh duc to therma! radiation, the.ini'egrated 1979 (NTJ S. No , 1'1" 1191'). .
• ··P"- 01 R<PO" ~,., 01 R"p'"rtd Tan.
rlam e conlae! witn th e Greball in ils flux from Ihc fircball is eomputcd ovcr C.... I"",,!ved in l'IiI A«icknta." R"1w.y p.........
eady ~lage s (ground rJash) !O cause ig­ lht: time inte rva! from Ihe inilia! fire­ In"i,,,... "'-\.,km cr A_rkan Raitroad., Rep<>I1
No . RA.OI.2 .7.J"ly l, 1912.
nilion of o rdin a r y combu stible s. Strue­ balJ formation toO the !iftoff. 'S; ..... " .. I\. O. ··I::......., . doo " ...... ro< Tl-an.poi-.a·
lural damagc lO non eombu slib!e objecls 'ion"" Invc\Ylnl Propcllanl n.n. P...........
"'nuld be minima!' Bu"":' PJp<. p ..... a, 'h.
NAVY. NA SA. "i r Pe,ce (JA NNAF) Pr.pulolo n
t912 J,,; n, A,my.
Mee,ln, . Now O.le.n" Loulllona. Nov. 27-29,
A fir chal l las!s fo r o n Iy a re"" scco nd~ . , I· ,nn",", M. R.. e' ~I .. "Fi« lrldu<td s"",,,,, ift 1972 (NTIS )\'0. 1'11$- 291181). .
Sn lh <.: pOle nli,,! dl\m age and injury ", . nh Con .. ¡.in.~ Liqud;"d Gu,·· P'p<r prc><n'td ,. " H a ndl i n~ ' H...i-d.... , M.todal. T,an'po ...,iOn
. , <h e Pra.un: Ve"d. And Pi¡>i nr, conr.","ce ...¡,h (",«gen.,., : ' "'n Em.t!cnoy Sery;co. Tn.i~ln¡¡
-:on($ fo r lh c. rmal radifllio n mU Sl be
based on ¡he (¡Idiruio n ¡nu:nsily and Ihc ~u:.~~~e,7,.t~E'1t::~'~tju~v;·~~8~~~~~ ~ Cou... &lid Sludnl h, ro,ma_ Man u.1ckvclopod
by ,h. N.clon,1 firc Prorec.ion ,,"-i.<ion ro. ,he
{lmc of Ci< po SllrC, i.c .• Ih e heal flux , '"Railroad A«Kkn' R."",,; Chiur" Burlin lJlOO.
. nd Quincy Railcoad Compony n.,n 6t and
M.,.,.¡.1o "'.n.ponodo n Buf'<U
SL-29WB . _
muS'- be integra tcd o ver lim e . FiJms o~ 82'. 'ó.::,.. lmon , . nd CoIl¡l><>II wi,h Tan k C.r I'.xpl<>. "Pil<,..n ..C. M.. ~ Anll)'1;' ar . t.c LPC lncidrn, In
HLE VE. indic ale lh a l Ihe r¡r e b~lI . m . Cme . Neb.... k•• FcbnJ..y 18. 1969." N~,..,.J
Ti• .,,..1«io. s./<'7 &.rJ. Reporo No, NTSR·RAR· Son Juan bhu.'.pot, Muico Ci,y. 19 Novemb<,
19'1 ," NOIhed.nd, Ot3an ;u,ion f<>r "pp~.d Seie"­
grows r¡¡pídly 10 ¡IS maJI,i mum size, re­ 71·2. FdI . 2t. 1971 (NTIS No. pR·I9S 790) , ,ir", R... a f'<~ . Di ~j. ion er ""hnol\liy, for Saciny.
mains al Ihis , izc for a short period, • ··R.ilroad Accid<ni Repo!,;' ~il",.n, of Louh· TNO. Apt\do«n. T~ N..he11.n<b. :I>hy 6. 196',
"';Ik . nd N..lwilk d Comp.ny·, T...¡n No .
Ihe n rises inlO Ihe ai r and di u ipales, No "H ~rd<-<. H, C'í0,,(¡ D. o.
t....:. ··"Therm.1 K....rd
w rrcl.llio nS a re available lO define the
lo6t ....... SUb""luen' R"p'urc '" T.nk Ca< Co~,ain·
.nl[ Li""...... ho.rolaom e ... W.",!t y. Tcn"""u.
rfom 1' t09.... ,'irib.III:· r... ,,..,,,,;.., ""'.'''I'''¿
Tale of r¡se of ¡he fireball afler il bo:gins f'< bru a<y t2. 1978:' N.'...."'
_i. Rc~ No. NTI>8.RAR·19-1. Fob. 1, 19M
7i•• S.ftl, 'T"«IouI"Do Il0l . 1. 197,'i pp. 121-12'.
.. Sh.lo ~ R. A.. ..... Vio E. BaJo••• • n", Ch....<ri·

10 lift. How(;ver, as !he disla nee from a

grou nd leve! o bjccl lO Ihe maj n portion
(N'llS No. PIS-m t(7) .
: • Ei ..... R . J.. MA R<"YK-w 01 (khycd T;onk C ae Foil· _
Repoo-, ftom lile Un,... ni.,
~ iOft ."11 e...I_ion 01 A«>den ,.! E.pi<nian.:·: (
arUlinoi. ano! "",· Suú,h·.
Rtoea ..h In,,;...,. 10 , k N..¡""al Ae"", ... ,;6
UfC!l - M al ' f'< Jl.<y Tdti"s U.~·· P.>p<f 1'«,. «,,«1
of d,e rireball is inereasing rapidly dur­ .ftd: SpI'" ion. R.pon No. NASA CR•.
• • ,~ ,,_ ñun I"..¡ ...,. of CI>«""",I Ü,S.ft ...... •
' H 119. J""" . 19U (NT1S No. N U ·Jlt9t ).
mg Ihis p;;";od, Ihe rad iation inlensily 5ympo>i..", "" smy in A",moni~ PI.".. ~ .... I\~.
",,«1 F&<ililia. Pont..nd. o..p.. A"$"" 1900. " Mi... .. C .. ~TM Elnp<..... t 'Reto, ..... lIet-... Tí....
n:r.r.ivcd by Ihe ground-Ievel objeel is .ndo In.~ n"" oI Appliod TI.c<m.t E-o-sr in r<Od~ e·
' H ............ S. J -, a .. " R . W T«nv: . MIfItJ.¡.., ,Oo" 01 2. '8>.0...., ón P¡It':· Un.......;., 01 Rocheu ....
d« rcasing rapid ly. T hus, Ihis portion of ""'''¡'''' nJ''''dI Effiro '1" C"." .¡ ~ . M",,· R~po" No. UR· Sl6 . Con, ... . W. HO I ·~"S· ~9 ,
th<:: RLEV E's ¡¡re can be ignored wilh· ...t, (l;'-..t. .....t c"mJ, Cb~pt .. 9. · ·Con'""l"~nt .. oI M_h I ~) • .
,~R"I"'~n: ';'v.-b .~ Ru...... fo.¡ Ind';"na"~" y.
()UI $Criously a fTrcling Ihe áccuracy .of
¡he in lcgralcrt heal ftux p redi clion. :
·T NO . Ri;'wij!o. Th. Ne,t><::,b_. 191'1 (.t.c ~ '''''Io
BooJ... ··).
.. .. S.oIl. A. M,•• ",¡, L C. C .ee ~ < . ~ ... <t;.,lo....hip
,W(f" ~i n ..""'Ti" ~ <' o . m.S" o..e lo Th.. m ~1 R.·

• ··R"¡l ro..d Accide ... Rol""''' o. •• il"",,"' oI'MitlOU, i cI''''¡O<I.~ J-ul"¡ ;';'#1;..1 ,.)"......0< \4>1 1". 19S?
1" Ih e ana l)'si. , Ih r. fir cball is a s­ I':,.ir", R. il road Com p>n y' ," 9-t '" H"">lGn. pp 'll-U'l. '.1 '
Te," . Oc"",.. 19. 1~71 n No!i..J T,•• ,,.."',,....
w m o::d lO n:ach iu m l\X imum sizc in­
' t;JnI ;¡ nt'(lU sly (thls pa rtially compen­
S.f'lJ &"". R'l"""' N9 . NTSB·RAR·12·6. 0.:« ",.
bu I ~ . 1912 (NT1S No . PB· 216 608). -
The authors '. \
WIIII.m E. M,nfnse n 1$ a prlnclpBl englneer
wllh E~rgy AnaJt'Cu. Inc .. Norman. whcre h1~
• durlu Inc/ud. w rltlng aOO conauct/ng safary

For untimited ShOft coursOS', ana d/rect!ng htnards ana/ysls

8wdle, for ges processlng plants, bulk fu, l
. rormloa/s, ,nd p!pel/nJlI- Prev/ous experlence

chemical processing Inc/ut:les conduCllrtg largo -sca/e tira tests on

I/quollod peses and hlzardous I/qulds. Dr.
Manlnsen recelvoa SS. MS and PhD degrofJS

possibilities, . In coram!c ertg{neorlng from 10WIJ $tate Un/o

VOf$/r¡. H, 1$ -,; ttg/slorea profasslonal angl­
nlW In OIl/~ho.!T!a ,nd & mambar of Ihe API
SubCommlrteo 'o/' t.Pe Storllgo Salol)'.
see the tite. acidification, to
Devld W. JOhnson Is e principal anglnoar wllh
Enargy Anetysts. Ha /s rosponsible fOó aovol­
Am berlite,e oplng models ~ esrlm/Jllng the haza~ zonas
Duoli ~ an d metals removal crellffld by rhe Jhermal radia/loo from flres. H9
Ambcrlyst* and rccovery, 10 ­ hlU OOIIdUCted safor¡ /Judlu el seV9f8/ eheml­
c al ptOCeuln9 ffICIlltles an<! W8S responsJt¡le
ion exchange waste and pol­ '9f mSffUmenretloo ,n<! dala an/J~s Q( largo­
lution control.

resins can en­ K'/$ file tesIS on (foIG. LPG, he ... ári6, '100 ear·
lighten eve n To learn bofI dlsulflde. Or. JoIInson ~ a SS da­
the mO$l _moreabout (1t"&e lrom /he UnlversJry o( re....tls tIIId a PtlD
dema nding theseenlight­ degtee In eroernlcel engImfflrlrlg IronJ die U,.
vtmlty 01 OkIllhotM. Ha 1, , member 01 A!ChE
chemical ening product Ind 1$ , regI~fered proIassIontll ~ In
engineer lO Iim;s, send
exciting new for your (ree
processing applications. brochures today. Write Rohm WIIIf,m F. Terro/( Is ti S6f1/oI &llgínoof wtrh fQ.
Whether used for purification and HaasCompany, Marketing ergy Ar¡aty$f~. Hls dIIfJes Inclvde fha perlO1­
or as cat.alysls, these wide­ Services Dept, mene. 01 Uf, 1)' audlrs. ,ha urlmtltlon oIlJre
purpose rcsins simplify a whole ¡ndependence ROHMa radl'tICn nuera zone~. snd fhe deVlitopmeM
ena In$INCIIoo ofof/re !Jsfel)' and physicBJ se-­
range of chcmical processes­ MallWest. IHRAS~ curlty Iraln/n9 progrem •. Mr. Torren roceIvecJ
from decoloration and de­ Phlla. PA19105. 'M,. ~O 'l 'M,~ . '~ '.,00 ro/!J BSdogrea In chamlstry aOO MS degrees In
c'!eml$fry IIna ctramlcs/ englneerlng, 'rom Ifte
"'mbvllt~, Ou . lll • • nd "mbtrly" .~ .. ,I.~,....¡ tr.demoru.r Rohm . nd Ha .. Compon1.
0 I!l!!G Rolo", .nd Il_Compa n1,
Un/verslty 01 Oklahoms. He 1$ 8 mamber 01
ACS ,na AIChE.

Clrcle 163 on Aeader Servlce Cllrd

148 Hydroca rbon P tO CeS~ lnll, November 1986

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