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JAPAN (“Nippon” or “Nihon”)

Japan, island country lying off the east The Japanese political system is based
coast of Asia. It consists of a great string on Japan’s constitution, which was
of islands in a northeast-southwest arc drafted after the end of World War II.
that stretches for approximately 1,500 Enacted on May 3, 1947, it firmly
miles (2,400 km) through the western established a democracy in form of a
North Pacific Ocean. constitutional monarchy, which,
Nearly the entire land area is taken up similar to the U.K.
by the country’s four main islands; from
THE EMPEROR- carries out ceremonial
north to south these are Hokkaido duties, such as appointing the Prime
(Hokkaidō), Honshu (Honshū), Shikoku, Minister and the Chief Justice of the
and Kyushu (Kyūshū). Supreme Court into office, and
presenting distinguished awards from

ECONOMY the government of Japan.

Japan is remarkable for its PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET- The
prime minister of Japan is the face of
extraordinarily rapid rate of
Japan’s acting government, driving
economic growth in the 20th domestic policy and guiding foreign
century, especially in the first several diplomacy for the nation.
decades after World War II. THE DIET- It is the highest level of state
·Recently, Japan’s economy power in the country, and the only
unexpectedly shrank for the first section of government that can enact
time in a year in the third quarter, new laws.

stoking further uncertainty about Currently, the conservative leaning Liberal

Democratic Party (LDP) has held strong
the outlook as global recession risks,
influence in national politics since 1955. There
a weak yen and higher import costs

have been brief moments of weakness for the
took a toll on household LDP, but they have overwhelmingly controlled
consumption and businesses the government during the majority of its
current existence.
Japanese sociology divides roughly into There are two main religions in
four stages of development: pre–World
The list of environmental issues is
Japan: Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto
War II, with emphasis on theoretical and wide-ranging, from waste
is a Japanese religion, while
philosophical orientations, influenced management to global warming.
Buddhism was imported in the 6th
primarily by European (especially Japan is, while pursuing regional
century from China. A recent poll
German) sources; post–World War II, development at home, taking the
found that 39% of Japanese people
with growing emphasis on empirical initiative in efforts to prevent global
orientations, influenced primarily by the identify as Buddhist, 3.9% as Shinto
warming and conserve the natural
United States; diversification. and 2.3% as Christian.
environment to help achieve
Religion does not play a big role in
sustainable growth of the entire
POPULATION the everyday life of most Japanese
Japan's total population in 2021 was people today. The average person
125.50 million. This ranked 11th in the typically follows the religious
The total volume of processed
world and made up 1.6 percent of the rituals at ceremonies like birth,
nonindustrial waste was 41 million
world's total. Japan's population density weddings and funerals, may visit a
measured 338.2 persons per square tons in fiscal 2019. The total volume
shrine or temple on New Year and
kilometer in 2020, ranking 12th among of recycled waste was 8 million tons,
participates at local festivals
countries or areas with a population of with the recycling rate at 19.6
(matsuri), most of which have a
10 million or more. percent.
religious background.

Early Japanese culture was
heavily influenced by China.
During the Edo era, Japan
exercised a strict isolationist
policy, closing its doors to all
relationships with the outside
After the fall of that era in 1868, Japan reversed this
practice, adopting cultural practices from all over the
world and mixing them with what was established during
the Edo era. Over the years, Western culture has
influenced all aspects of Japanese culture including art,
lifestyle and food.
Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country in the Pakistan is a democratic parliamentary
world by area and 2nd largest in South Asia, federal republic, with Islam as the state
spanning 881,913 square kilometres religion. The first constitution was adopted
(340,509 square miles). It has a 1,046- in 1956 but suspended by Ayub Khan in
kilometre (650-mile) coastline along the 1958, who replaced it with the second
Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, constitution in 1962. Politics in Pakistan is
and is bordered by India to the east, centred on, and dominated by, a
Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the homegrown social philosophy comprising a
southwest, and China to the northeast. blend of ideas from socialism, conservatism,
and the third way.

ECONOMY Head of State: The President, who

is elected by an Electoral College is
The Economy of Pakistan is the 23rd- the ceremonial head of the state and
largest in the world in terms of is the civilian commander-in-chief of
purchasing power parity (PPP), and the Pakistan Armed Forces
42nd-largest in terms of nominal gross
domestic product. Legislative: The bicameral
Economists estimate that Pakistan was legislature comprises a 104-member
part of the wealthiest region of the Senate (upper house) and a 342-
world throughout the first millennium member National Assembly (lower
CE, with the largest economy by GDP. house).
Executive: The Prime Minister is

This advantage was lost in the 18th
usually the leader of the majority rule
century as other regions such as China
party or a coalition in the National
and Western Europe edged forward.

Assembly— the lower house.
Sociological developments in Pakistan reflect
The state religion in Pakistan Water pollution, soil erosion, land
three major concerns. First is the concern is Islam. The majority of degradation, water scarcity, global
about the growth of sociology as an Pakistanis are Muslims warming, air pollution, and natural
academic discipline specially at the university (96.47%) followed by Hindus (2.14%) disasters are just a few of the climatic
level. Secondly, there is a definite effort on andChristians (1.27%). There are also and environmental concerns that
the part of some sociologists to develop people in Pakistan who follow other Pakistan faces.
programs which may help understand and religions, such as Sikhism, Buddhism, Pakistan’s natural resources and
promote Islamic ideology: and thirdly,
Jainism and the minority of Parsi (who ecosystems are becoming heavily
sociologists have been quite active in various
follow Zoroastrianism). The Kalash people polluted and stressed. The country’s
development projects as initiated by the
government agencies. maintain a unique identity and religion most pressing environmental impacts
within Pakistan. Freedom of religion is are around the exploitation of finite
guaranteed by the Constitution of
POPULATION natural resources, air and water
Pakistan, which provides all its citizens the pollution, depleting energy resources,
Population 242,923,845 (2022). Between
right to profess, practice and propagate deforestation, and waste
1951 and 2017, Pakistan's population
their religion subject to law, public order, management.
expanded over sixfold, going from 33.7
million to 207.7 million.
and morality.

The Culture of Pakistan is very unique in
terms of its social values revolving around
the religion of Islam. Civil society in
Pakistan is largely hierarchical,
emphasizing local cultural etiquette and
traditional Islamic values that govern
personal and political life.
The basic family unit is the extended family, although for socio-economic
reasons there has been a growing trend towards nuclear families. Pakistani
festivals, including Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Ramazan, Christmas, Easter, Holi,
and Diwali, are mostly religious in origin.
It is the largest of all Asian countries and has
the largest population of any country in the The Chinese political system is
world. Occupying nearly the entire East Asian authoritarian.There are no freely elected
landmass, it covers approximately one- national leaders, political opposition is
fourteenth of the land area of Earth. Among suppressed, all religious activity is controlled by
the major countries of the world, China is the CCP, dissent is not permitted and civil rights
surpassed in area by only Russia and Canada, are curtailed
and it is almost as large as the whole of

China’s economy is projected to slow in 2022.
After a strong start in early 2022, the largest Confucianism- Confucianism
COVID-19 wave in two years has disrupted is a guiding philosophy in
China’s growth normalization. We project real China that emphasises the
GDP growth to slow sharply to 4.3 percent in importance of healthy human
2022 – 0.8 percentage points lower than interactions.
projected in the December China Economic
Unity and Interpersonal
Update. This downward revision largely
Interactions- People are
reflects the economic damage caused by
encouraged to share the same
Omicron outbreaks and the prolonged
mentality or goals as their
lockdowns in parts of China from March to
family, workplace and
May. Growth momentum is expected to
government. In return for
rebound in the second half of 2022, helped by
demonstrating loyalty and

aggressive policy stimulus to mitigate the
commitment to duty, an

economic downturn
individual gains a sense of
protection and unity.

Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were China’s carbon emissions threaten global efforts to
Guanxi- Another important the three main philosophies and religions of fight climate change. Its broader environmental
concept in interpersonal ancient China, which have individually and degradation endangers economic growth, public
interactions is that of ‘guanxi’ collectively influenced ancient and modern health, and government legitimacy.
Chinese society.
Confucianism- was a way of life for China is the world’s top emitter, producing
POPULATION ancient Chinese people, and it more than a quarter of the world’s annual
continues to influence Chinese culture greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to
The current population of China is climate change.
1,452,568,644 as of Tuesday, November 22, It pledged to cut emissions under the Paris
2022. Taoism (also called Daoism- In contrast to
Agreement, reduce coal use, and invest in
China population is equivalent to 18.47% of Confucianism, Taoism is mainly concerned with the
renewable energy. But its Belt and Road
the total world population. spiritual elements of life, including the nature of the
Initiative still finances coal-fired power plants
China ranks number 1 in the list of countries universe.
(and dependencies) by population. Buddhism was the third major belief system of Air pollution, water scarcity, and soil
The population density in China is 153 per ancient China. It was founded by Siddhartha contamination remain threats to the health
Km2 (397 people per mi2) Gautama, also called the Buddha, who lived in India and livelihoods of China’s people, increasing
around the sixth century B.C.E. Buddhism is a dissatisfaction with the government.
philosophy that focuses on personal development
and attainment of deep knowledge.

Chinese culture is one of the world’s oldest cultures,
tracing back to thousands of years ago. Important
components of Chinese culture includes ceramics,
architecture, music, literature, martial arts, cuisine,
visual arts, philosophy and religion.

The Chinese culture features an abundance of the material and spiritual values,
unchanged over millennia. In spite of the influence from outside and numerous
invasions, the Chinese culture preserved its individuality and unique identity.
Many of the achievements of the mankind date back to the Chinese civilization
The political system of the Islamic Republic
Iran, a mountainous, arid, and ethnically is based on the 1979 Constitution. Juan José
diverse country of southwestern Asia. Much Linz wrote in 2000 that "it is difficult to fit
of Iran consists of a central desert plateau, the Iranian regime into the existing typology,
which is ringed on all sides by lofty as it combines the ideological bent of
mountain ranges that afford access to the totalitarianism with the limited pluralism of
interior through high passes. The capital is authoritarianism and holds regular elections
Tehrān, a sprawling, jumbled metropolis at in which candidates advocating differing
the southern foot of the Elburz Mountains. policies and incumbents are often
ECONOMY Supreme Leader. The Leader of the
Revolution ("Supreme Leader") is
The most formidable hurdle facing Iran’s responsible for delineation and
economy remains its continuing supervision of the policies of the
isolation from the international Islamic Republic of Iran.
In 2017, GDP was $427.7 billion ($1.631 Guardian Council. Presidential
trillion at PPP), or $20,000 at PPP per candidates and parliamentary
capita. Iran is ranked as a lower-middle candidates must be approved by the
income economy by the World Bank. In Guardian Council or the Leader
the early 21st century, the service before running to ensure their
sector contributed the largest allegiance to the Supreme Leader.

percentage of the GDP, followed by President. After the Supreme
industry (mining and manufacturing) Leader, the Constitution defines the

and agriculture President of Iran as the highest state
Iranian sociology began its social and A 2020 survey by the World Among the challenges encountered by the
academic function in two forms of formal Values Survey found that 96.6% Islamic Republic of Iran, climate change
and informal. As the entrance of other of Iranians believe in Islam. looms as one of the most serious,
appearances, symbols, and modern On the other hand, another 2020 survey disrupting, and even life-threatening
institutions to Iran in earlier days of the '' conducted online by an organization based issues facing both rural and urban
Mashroote'' (that is constitutional outside of Iran found a much smaller populations. This threat has worsened at a
movement), their basis was designed and percentage of Iranians identifying as Muslim time when Iran is politically polarized,
developed during governmental modernist in (32.2% as Shia, 5.0% as Sunni, and 3.2% as ideologically fractured, and economically
Pahlavi II's reign, sociology also has entered Sufi), and a significant fraction not identifying embattled.
Iran in two different phases and trends. with any organized religion (22.2% identifying Iran is confronting the drying up of rivers
as "None," and some others identifying as and wetlands, severe groundwater
POPULATION atheists, spiritual, agnostics, and secular depletion, desertification, biodiversity
The current population of the Islamic humanists). Twelver Shia Islam is the official reduction, air and soil pollution, poor
Republic of Iran is 86,556,112 as of 2022, state religion, to which about 90% to 95% of waste management, soil erosion,
based on Worldometer elaboration of the the population adhere. About 4% to 8% of the destruction of pastures and forests, and
latest United Nations data. In recent years, population are Sunni Muslims, mainly Kurds dust storms.
however, Iran's birth rate has dropped and Baloches.


The earliest attested cultures in Iran date

back to the Lower Paleolithic. Owing to its
geopolitical position, Iran has influenced
cultures as far as Greece and Italy to the

Iranians do celebrate several festive occasions. In addition to the two Eids

(from Arabic ʿīd: “holiday”), Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr—practiced by Sunnis and
Shiʿis alike—the most important holidays are Nōrūz, the Persian New Year, and
the birthday of the 12th imam, whose second coming the Shiʿah expect in the
end of days.
Indonesia is a country located off the coast SYSTEM
of main land Southeast Asia in the Indian
The Politics of Indonesia take place in the
and Pacific oceans. Indonesia was formerly
framework of a presidential representative
known as the Dutch East Indies (or
democratic republic whereby the President
Netherlands East Indies). Although
of Indonesia is both head of state and head
Indonesia did not become the country’s
of government and of a multi-party system.·
official name until the time of
Executive power is exercised by the
independence, the name was used as early
government. Legislative power is vested in
as 1884 by a German geographer; it is
both the government and the bicameral
thought to derive from the Greek indos,
People's Consultative Assembly. The
meaning “India,” and nesos, meaning
judiciary is independent of the executive
and the legislature.

ECONOMY Republic. A form of government in

which a state is ruled by
·The Economy of Indonesia is the largest representatives of the citizen body.
in Southeast Asia and is one of the best
emerging market economies. As a Unitary State.. Sovereign state
middle-income country and member of governed as a single entity in which
the G20, Indonesia is classified as a the central government is the
newly industrialized country. supreme authority. The central
·It is the 17th largest economy in the government may create or abolish
world by nominal GDP and the 7th administrative divisions

largest in terms of GDP (PPP). Estimated

at US$40 billion in 2019, Indonesia's President. a head of government

ASIA : Internet economy is expected to cross independently of the legislature, the

head of government in a

the US $130 billion mark by 2025.
parliamentary system answers

INDONESIA directly to the legislature.

According to population
The World Economics Social Impact Index
census data in 2010, 87 The main environment issues in Indonesia
weights multiple key social indicators
percent of Indonesian's include deforestation, water pollution from
covering Health (45%), Education (25%) and
declared themselve's to be industrial waste and sewage, air pollution
Employment (30%) to measure each nation's
Muslim in urban areas and smoke and haze from
relationship with it's citizens, population,
forest fires.
workers, and communities. ·followed by 9.87 percent who were Christian. Some environmental issues in Indonesia
Indonesia has the largest Islamic population in
POPULATION the world and for this reason is often
such as the cutting of mangrove forests
(i.e. in Java) to make room for fish farms
Indonesia 2020 population is estimated recognized as a Muslim nation. further worsen the effects of climate
at 273,523,615 people at mid year ·However, Indonesia is not a Muslim nation change (i.e. sea level rise). Jakarta has
according to UN data. according to its constitution. The archipelago been listed as the world's most vulnerable
Indonesia population is equivalent to is a multifaith country and officially recognizes city to climate change. In 2019 Indonesia is
3.51% of the total world population. six religions – Islam, Protestantism, estimated to have emitted 3.4% of world
Indonesia ranks number 4 in the list of Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and greenhouse gas emissions: from
countries (and dependencies) by Confucianism. Muslim (with Sunnis about 99%, deforestation, peatland fires, and fossil
population. Shias about 1% and Ahmadis 0.2%), fuels.
56.4 % of the population is urban Christianity (7.6% Protestantism, 3.12%
(154,188,546 people in 2020) Catholicism),

·The culture of Indonesia is varied, with its
melting pot of colonial and immigrant
influences as well as its indigenous
traditions, from the Portuguese traders to
the Dutch colonialists to Chinese, Indian and
Malay settlers.

I·Indonesian culture is focused around the community, with a hierarchical

structure. Indonesians believe in the concept of gotong royong (mutual
assistance) and mufakat (consensus), and the national motto is Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika (Unity in diversity).
Bangladesh is the eighth-most populous POLITICAL SYSTEM
country in the world, the most densely
populated countries in the world, and Politics of Bangladesh takes place in a
shares land borders with India to the west, framework of a parliamentary
north, and east, and Myanmar to the representative democratic republic,
southeast; to the south it has a coastline whereby the Prime Minister of Bangladesh
along the Bay of Bengal. Dhaka, the capital is the head of government, and of a multi-
and largest city, is the nation's political, party system. Executive power is exercised
financial and cultural center. Chittagong, the by the government.
second-largest city, is the busiest port on
the Bay of Bengal. The official language is
Bengali, one of the easternmost branches
Prime Minister the head of an
of the Indo-European language family
elected government; the principal
ECONOMY minister of a sovereign or state.

The economy of Bangladesh is

characterized as a developing market Chief Justice. Chief Justice is the title
economy. of the presiding judge of a supreme
It is the 35th largest in the world in court. The most senior member of
nominal terms, and 25th largest by the court, regardless of how many
purchasing power parity. It is classified years they served on the bench.
among the Next Eleven emerging
President. a head of government
market middle income economies and

independently of the legislature, the
as a frontier market. In the first quarter

head of government in a

of 2019, Bangladesh's was the world's
parliamentary system answers

seventh fastest-growing economy with a
directly to the legislature.

real GDP or GDP at constant prices

annual growth rate of 8.3%.
The peasantry, artisans, and working classes According to the 2013
·Bangladesh is consistently cited as one of
make up the great majority of rural society's government census, Sunni
the countries in the world most vulnerable
proletariat. Muslims constitute 89 percent
to natural disasters, including cyclones,
·Capitalist farmers, rich peasants, medium of the population and Hindus
storm surge, floods, earthquakes, and
peasants, marginal peasants, and the 10 percent. .
landslides. Long-term impacts from a rise
landless are the various social classes that
in sea level and global temperature could
have formed in rural areas. The remainder of the population is
displace millions of people along
predominantly Christian (mostly Roman
POPULATION Catholic) and Theravada-Hinayana Buddhist
Bangladesh's vulnerable coastline.
·Air, water and noise pollution and
The major religion in Bangladesh is Islam
Bangladesh has the 8th largest disposal of solid wastes are the major
(91%), but a significant percentage of the
population in the world with 163,317,317 environmental problems of Bangladesh.
population adheres to Hinduism (8%) as per
or 2.11% of the Earth’s inhabitants living Improving the country’s resilience to
the 2021 official estimation; other religious
there in 2019. However, the country only immediate and future climate risks is
groups include Buddhists 0.6%, (mostly
has the 92nd largest land area which essential to the continuing development of
Theravada), Christians (0.3%, mostly Roman
means population density is high. The Bangladesh.
Catholics), and Animists (0.1%).
result of this is over-population because
Bangladesh has more people than its
resources can support.

Bangladesh is a melting pot of races. She,
therefore, has a mixed culture. Her deep
rooted heritage is amply reflected in her
architecture, literature, dance, drama, music
and painting.

Bangladeshi culture is influenced by three great religions- Hinduism, Buddhism

and Islam in successive order, with Islam having the most pervading and lasting
impact. Like a colorful montage, the cultural tradition of the country is a happy
blending of many variants, unique in diversity but in essence greatly
The Philippines officially the Republic of the POLITICAL SYSTEM
Philippines, is an archipelagic country in
Southeast Asia. It is situated in the western The Philippines has a democratic
Pacific Ocean and consists of around 7,641 government in the form of a constitutional
islands that are broadly categorized under republic with a presidential system. The
three main geographical divisions from president functions as both head of state
north to south: Luzon, Visayas, and and head of government[258] and is the
Mindanao. The Philippines is bounded by commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
the South China Sea to the west, the
Philippine Sea to the east, and the Celebes
Sea to the southwest. The President The president
functions as both head of state and
head of government[258] and is the
commander-in-chief of the armed
ECONOMY forces.
A newly industrialized country, the
Philippine economy has been
transitioning from one based upon The Senate. serving as the upper
house, with members elected to a
agriculture to an economy with more six-year term
emphasis upon services and
The unemployment rate as of October
Chief Justice officer and fourteen
2019, stands at 4.5%. The inflation rate

associate justices, all of whom are
eased to 1.7% in August 2019. Gross

appointed by the president from

international reserves as of October
nominations submitted by the

2022 are $94.074 billion.
Judicial and Bar Council.

The Philippine Sociological Review (PSR) is The Philippines is a secular
Today, environmental problems in the
the official journal of the Philippine state which protects freedom
Philippines include pollution, illegal mining
Sociological Society, Inc. It publishes of religion. Christianity is the
and logging, deforestation, threats to
empiricalarticles on the Philippines, Filipinos, dominant faith, shared by
environmental activists, dynamite fishing,
Philippine society and culture, and about 89% of the population.
landslides, coastal erosion, biodiversity
conceptual or theoretical papers that
loss, extinction, global warming and
promote the understanding of these topics As of 2013, the country had the world's third
climate change.
and of the discipline. largest Roman Catholic population, and was
Due to the paucity of extant documents, a
POPULATION the largest Christian nation in Asia. Census
data from 2015 found that about 79.53% of
complete history of land use in the
The Commission on Population estimated the archipelago remains unwritten. However,
the population professed Catholicism. Around
country's population to be 107,190,081 as of relevant data shows destructive land use
37% of the population regularly attend Mass.
December 31, 2018, based on the latest increased significantly in the eighteenth
29% of self-identified Catholics consider
population census of 2015 conducted by the century when Spanish colonialism
themselves very religious. An independent
Philippine Statistics Authority. The population enhanced its extraction of the
Catholic church, the Philippine Independent
increased from 1990 to 2008 by archipelago's resources for the early
Church, has around 756,225 adherents.
approximately 28 million, a 45% growth in modern global market.
that time frame.

The cultures within Mindanao and the Sulu
Archipelago developed in a particularly
distinct manner, since they had very limited
Spanish influence and greater influence from
nearby Islamic regions.

One of the most visible Hispanic legacies is the prevalence of Spanish names
and surnames among Filipinos; a Spanish name and surname, however, does
not necessarily denote Spanish ancestry. This peculiarity, unique among the
people of Asia, came as a result of a colonial edict by Governor-General
Narciso Clavería y Zaldua, which ordered the systematic distribution of family
names and implementation of Hispanic nomenclature on the population.
One of the world's earliest permanently POLITICAL SYSTEM
settled regions, present-day Turkey was
home to important Neolithic sites like Turkey is a presidential republic within a
Göbekli Tepe, and was inhabited by ancient multi-party system. The current constitution
civilisations including the Hattians, Hittites, was approved by referendum in 1982,
Anatolian peoples, Mycenaean Greeks, which determines the government's
Persians and others.[12][13][14][15] structure, lays forth the ideals and
Following the conquests of Alexander the standards of the state's conduct, and sets
Great which started the Hellenistic period, out the state's responsibility to its citizens.
most of the ancient regions in modern
Turkey were culturally Hellenised, which
continued during the Byzantine era

ECONOMY Cumhurbaşkanı is the head of

state and head of government of
Turkey is a newly industrialized country,
with an upper-middle income economy,
which is the twentieth-largest in the
world by nominal GDP, and the
eleventh-largest by PPP. Turkey is one Ministries Ministers are chosen by
of the Emerging 7 countries. the president and they don’t have to
be members of Parliament. There
.Unemployment in Turkey was 13.6% in are 16 ministries in Turkey.
2019, and the middle-class population in

ASIA :: Turkey rose from 18% to 41% of the

population between 1993 and 2010

according to the World Bank.

Sociology in Turkey has gone through several Turkey is a secular state with
Turkey hosts more than three thousand
stages of development beginning with proto- no official state religion; the
endemic plant species, has high diversity
sociologies in the 16th and 17th century. In Turkish Constitution provides
of other taxa, and is almost entirely
the mid-19th century, sociology was taught for freedom of religion and
covered by three of the world's thirty-five
within philosophy departments, and it conscience.
biodiversity hotspots.
uncritically adopted Western social theories
Although some environmental pressures
and neglected research. A 2016 survey by Ipsos, interviewing 17,180
have been decoupled from economic
adults across 22 countries, found that Islam
growth the environment still faces many
POPULATION was the dominant religion in Turkey, adhered
to by 82% of the total population; religiously
threats, such as coal and diesel fuel
The population is relatively young, with 22.4% emitting greenhouse gases and deadly
unaffiliated people comprised 13% of the
falling in the 0–14 age bracket.[4] As of 2021, fine particulate air pollution. As of 2019
population, while 2% were Christians.[387] The
the median age of the Turkish population is there is no fine particulate limit and coal in
level of religiosity study by Konda found that
33.1 years.[5] According to OECD/World Bank Turkey is subsidized. Some say the country
9.7% of the population who are 'fully devoted',
population statistics, from 1990 to 2008 the is a pollution haven.
52% who 'strives to fulfill religious obligations',
population growth in Turkey was 16 million or
34.3% who 'does not fulfill religious
obligations' and 3.2% 'Nonbeliever/Irreligious'.

Turkish culture also influenced the European
art and fashion particularly during the period
of 16th to 18th centuries at the peak of
Ottoman power.

Turkey has a very diverse culture that is a blend of various elements of the
Turkic, Anatolian, Byzantine, Ottoman (Which was itself a continuation of both
Greco-Roman and Islamic cultures) and Western culture and traditions, which
started with the Westernisation of the Ottoman Empire and still continues
Vietnam’s total land areas is mountainous, which
presents great physical and cultural diversity. The set of formal legal institutions that
Approximately half of Vietnam is officially constitute a “government” or a “state.” This
classified as “forested area”, but nearly half of is the definition adopted by many studies of
this area (5.9 million hectares) is already heavily the legal or constitutional arrangements of
degraded.The country is divided into seven advanced political orders. More broadly
distinct ecological zones namely North Mountain defined, however, the term comprehends
and Mid-land, Red River Delta. Central Coast actual as well as prescribed forms of
Northland, Central Coast South land, Central political behaviour, not only the legal
Highland, North-East Southland Mekong River
organization of the state but also the reality
of how the state functions..

President As head of state, the

ECONOMY President represents Vietnam both
domestically and internationally, and
maintains the regular and
Economic co-operation between Vietnam and coordinated operation and stability
other countries and international organizations of the national government and
safeguards the independence and
has progressed greatly after lifting the trade territorial integrity of the country.
embargo against Vietnam by the Government of
the United State. Furthermore, investment co- Ministries The first constitution of
operation with foreign investment projects were the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
licensed with total registered capital of over 31 adopted in 1980, established a
billion USD with 2000 investment projects (GSO, Council of State as a collective
presidency and a Council of
1997). A 1990 programmer called for a doubling

Ministers. In 1992 this document was

of per capita income, a 50% increase in the rice superseded by a second constitution,

crop, and a fivefold increase in the value of which, in addition to replacing the

export by the year 2000. The 1998 budget Council of State with an elected

comprised revenue of US$ 4,7 billion and president and otherwise reforming

Vietnam’s government and political
expenditure of US$ 5 billion
Vietnam is struggling with alarming air
There has been an increase in social
Buddhism and Catholicism, pollution. According to the Yale 2019
stratification based upon wealth, particularly
although the largest Environmental Performance Index (EPI),
in urban areas where some individuals, often
percentage of the population Vietnam ranks 141th out of 180 countries in
with links to business or the government,
follows Vietnamese folk terms of air quality and modest biodiversity
have become very wealthy. Another
traditions or identifies as non- protection (with 180 being the worst possible
important axis of stratification is the
religious. performance).
distinction between mental and manual labor.
Given the recent origin of this wealth-based
lack of clean water supply, waste water, air
stratification and the widespread poverty, Historically the country is mostly Buddhist, a
pollution, and solid waste. Not only do these
these groups have yet to congeal into clearly- reflection of Chinese influence. To the issues effect Vietnam, but also its population,
defined classes. traditional religion of Mahayana Buddhism has urbanization, and surrounding countries.
been added the newer faiths of Cao Dai and One of the water issues Vietnam is dealing
POPULATION Hoa Hao. The philosophical creeds of with includes a lack of clean water supply.
Confucianism and Daoism, along with related Another water issue is that there is not a
Vietnam 2020 population is estimated at
Chinese religion, are also important. There are good drainage and sewage system in order
97,338,579 people at midyear according to for waste water to be treated correctly which
an estimated 4,5 million Roman Catholics.
UN data is equivalent to 1.25% of the total causes flooding in some areas of the country.
world population it is ranks number 15 in the Between both of this systems surrounding
list of countries (and dependencies) by these issues, only about 70% of the issues
population. are helped and/or covered.

The culture of Vietnam is highly multicultural.
The early culture in Vietnam started with the
Bronze Age Đông Sơn culture considered to
be one of its most important progenitors for
its Ancient history. Vietnamese culture was
heavily influenced by Chinese culture due to
the 1000 years of Northern rule.

Chinese influence permeated all aspects of traditional Vietnamese culture,

while Western influences became strong in the 20th century. Since the
loosening of economic and political controls in the late 1980s, Vietnam has
experienced both increased exposure to the lifestyles of the capitalist world
and a resurfacing of old cultural practices. Folk traditions such as shamanism
and soothsaying have experienced a revival despite official disapproval.
India, officially the Republic of India, is a country SYSTEM
in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by
area, the second-most populous country, and The politics of India works within the
the most populous democracy in the world. framework of the country's Constitution.
India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic India is a parliamentary democratic secular
Republic with a Parliamentary system of republic in which the president of India is
Government. the head of state & first citizen of India and
the prime minister of India is the head of
According to the latest research, India ranks government. It is based on the federal
second in the world’s most popular countries structure of government, although the word
that people want to visit, beating popular is not used in the Constitution itself.
destinations such as Greece and Japan.

ECONOMY President The President of India is

the Head of the State and exercises
India, officially the Republic of India, is a country powers as defined in the Constitution
of India. The President's Secretariat
in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by provides secretarial assistance to the
area, the second-most populous country, and President in discharging
constitutional, ceremonial and other
the most populous democracy in the world. State responsibilities.

GDP growth rate: 8.9% annual change (2021) Ministries A ministry is composed of
World Bank employed officials, known as civil
servants, and is politically
Gross domestic product: 3.173 trillion USD accountable through a minister.
Most major ministries are headed by
(2021) World Bank

a Cabinet Minister, who sits in the

Union Council of Ministers, and is

GDP per capita: 2,277.43 USD (2021) World Bank typically supported by a team of

junior ministers called the Ministers

Gross national income: 10.06 trillion PPP dollars of State.

(2021) World Bank
Current environmental issues in India are :
Initially, Indian sociology was influenced by
colonialism and indology. After Independence, India is considered the Air Pollution-Vehicular emissions, industrial
Indian sociology moved towards birthplace of some of the waste, smoke from cooking, the construction
world's major religions: sector, crop burning, and power generation
indigenisation on the one hand and critical
are among the biggest sources of air
examination of the Western theories, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism
pollution in India
concepts and methods of study on the other. and Sikhism. Today, other
Water Pollution- 70% of surface water
Indigenisation and use of regional texts, religions such as Muslim and
estimated to be unfit for consumption
sources and observations weakened the Christianity have worked their
. Waste Management- about 5% of the total
Western impact on Indian sociology. way into the population as
collected waste is recycled, 18% is
well, though Hinduism
composted, and the remaining is dumped at
remains the most popular.
landfill sites.
POPULATION Food and Water Shortages- the country
The current population of India is According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of the often experiences long heatwaves and
1,412,347,731. India population is equivalent population of India practices Hinduism, 14.2% droughts that dry up its water sources
to 17.7% of the total world population. India adheres to Islam, 2.3% adheres to Christianity, Biodiversity- India has already lost almost
ranks number 2 in the list of countries (and 1.7% adheres to Sikhism, 0.7% adheres to 90% of the area under the four hotspots,
dependencies) by population Buddhism and 0.4% adheres to Jainism. according to a 2021 report.

Indian culture CULTURE
is the heritage of social norms,
ethical values, traditional customs, belief
systems, political systems, artifacts and
technologies that originated in or are
associated with the ethno-linguistically diverse
Food in India is often served on a ‘thali’ – a tray or plate that can hold several
The Indian culture has absorbed and amalgamated many different customs
and ideas throughout its long history which has led to a rich tradition and folk
Folk dances are regional and often celebrated during festivals
Sitar, an instrument similar to a guitar is popular in India
‘Bollywood’ is the informal namerefer to Mumbai-based film industry

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