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My view on success

I grew up with my father and older brother who is 6 years older than
me. My parents divorced when I was 9 years old. It was a very hard
time. I used to cry ever night because I miss my mother and accepting
what had happened aches a lot. My future was blurred for a while. I
never thought I would be here today. Accepting the fact that my friends
live with both of their parents and I live only with of my parent used to
sound ironically odd.

I used to think success is all about financial prosperity and monetary

gains when I was a little back then. I used to see people chasing money
and express themselves as a successful person. A lot of motivational
speakers on Youtube and the environment I grew up define success as
to be wealthy only. I agreed on the idea of being wealthy as to become
successful because I was not happy with my life and I thought money
can fix everything. Growing up changed a lot of things in my mind and
heart. I changed my weakness to my strength and my strength to my

The two beliefs I anchored in my mind is, the future can be better and I
have the power to make it so. Success is not limited to my weakness.
Just because I am here today does not mean I can not be there
tomorrow. If I believe, plan, prepare and begin I will be able to achieve
success. Success starts with the desire to achieve something. I want to
be happy, healthy and wealthy too. I want to influence the world. I
want to help the helpless, feed the hungry people, build shelters for
those who lives in the streets. I believe tomorrow is better than today
and I have the energy and power to make it happen.
On the road to success I met a wall called failure, a puzzle called
confusion, a half broken ladder called friends and a poison called
enemies. But the greatest obstacle of success is comparing myself with
others. Letting my past decide for me is what hinders my success. I am a
product of my past but I am not a prisoner of it. Wishing, wasting time,
day dreaming, procrastinating, frowning and quitting are almost
impossible in my life.

Some peoples dream of success, while I get up every morning and

make it happen because I have a dream that wakes me up early in the
mornings and keeps me awake late at night. I have no any other choice
than to be grateful and stay happy because success would and shall
entail being happy. Happiness is being content and satisfied with what
we have. Having a value and appreciating something that has been
done to me prepares me for the next success that is ahead of me. To be
grateful is to accept what I have and moving on and hustle to achieve
better for my next success path.

Entrusting myself on hitting my goal is what makes me a successful

person and preparing a gateway for failure is what makes me a strong
person. I do not let the society or the environment decide for me. Just
because fishes and sharks are comfortable with being underwater does
not mean I am. I do not believe in terms of limitations, I believe in
terms of possibilities. I do not believe in fate. I build my future because
success is something I should owe a privilege through my own efforts.

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