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Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

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Measurement: Sensors
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Analyze the anomalous behavior of wireless networking using the big

data analytics
Yousef Methkal Abd Algani a, b, *, G Arul Freeda Vinodhini c, K. Ruth Isabels d,
Chamandeep Kaur e, Mark Treve f, B. Kiran Bala g, S. Balaji h, G. Usha Devi i
Department of Mathematics, Sakhnin College, Israel
Department of Mathematics, The Arab Academic College for Education in Israel-Haifa, Israel
Department of Science and Humanities, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, 60210, India
Department of Mathematics, Saveetha Engineering College, Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam, Chennai, 602 105, Tamilnadu, India
Lecturer, Computer Science Department, Jazan University, Jizan, Saudi Arabia
Lecturer, School of Languages and General Education, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
Head of the Department, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Samayapuram, Trichy, 621 112, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, India
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Samayapuram, Trichy, India


Keywords: Internet connections and cellular technologies are extensively used throughout the globe. Anomaly detection
Anomaly detection systems have considered an essential tool for detecting a broad range of hostile activity in the cyberspace
Wireless network domain. The researchers of this paper address the problems and existing knowledge of anomalous detecting for
Big data analytics
mobile networks as they prepare to embrace the “big data” age. As new computer cyber-security defects and
Dirichlet mixture model
vulnerabilities are reported every day, anomaly detection systems (ADSs) are getting increasingly crucial. The
major objective is to develop methods for scanning networks activity and detecting unusual behaviours that
could be the result of anomalous assaults.The Dirichlet mixture prototype dependent on anomaly detection
methodology is a proposed methodology called DM-ADs; anomaly detecting engine that incorporates 3 com­
ponents: collecting and logging, pre-processing, and a novel statistical decision processor. This paper offers a
hybrid anomaly detection method that combines several characteristic selecting strategies with an appropriate
mixture approach to recognize each assault form with great precision. The suggested method’s effectiveness is
assessed using two databases, the NSL-KDD. The effectiveness of the suggested ADS was proved by retaining
excellent precision and minimal false-positive percentages in all sorts of attacks.

1. Introduction and outside the system (variety), and the information’s quality and trust
are unmatched in terms of variety (veracity), volume, and velocity.Big
People, objects, and their connections generate enormous amounts of data is born as a result of the atypical 4V properties (veracity, volume,
information and data. The increased number of smart gadgets, machine- variety, and velocity) of existing data processing, and its administration
to-machine (M2M) connections, and social networking penetration are and assessment necessitate big data analytics strategies [3].
all important contributors of big data in the wireless communication Big data analytics refers to the methodologies and techniques, as well
industry. With the expansion of communication networks toward 5G, a as the software and hardware, that are used to receive, manage, and
variety of techniques such as massive multiple input multiple output analyze enormous amounts of unstructured and structured information
(MIMO) and base station (BS) densification are predicted to exponen­ in actual time. In contrast to traditional data analytics systems, big data
tially increase the quantity of information [1,2]. The information is analytics analyses all of the information rather than just a sample of it
produced on a massive scale (volume), with rapid input or output from [4]. When working with tiny amounts of data, analysis were carried out
the system (velocity), and from a wide range of resources both inside by selecting random examples (partially information) that were thought

* Corresponding author. Department of Mathematics, Sakhnin College, Israel.

E-mail addresses: Yosefabdalgani@gmail.com (Y.M. Abd Algani), arulfreedavinodhini@saveetha.com (G.A.F. Vinodhini), ruthisabels@saveetha.ac.in
(K.R. Isabels), kaur.chaman83@gmail.com (C. Kaur), trevemark@yahoo.com (M. Treve), balajiit@gmail.com (S. Balaji), ushadevi3012@gmail.com (G.U. Devi).

Received 15 June 2022; Received in revised form 25 July 2022; Accepted 2 August 2022
Available online 9 August 2022
2665-9174/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
Y.M. Abd Algani et al. Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

to be representational of the entire dataset [5]. Due to the examination also go through the open study questions and the future paths in this
of just partial data, the knowledge recovered is erroneous and incom­ exciting field.
plete, resulting in sub-optimal judgements and inefficient and subopti­ In [11]Operators can discover and analyze any anomalies and
mal effectiveness.Particularly in the context of troubleshooting, and anticipate network efficiency because to the large number of informa­
actual network analysis accurate and timely knowledge is necessary in tion accessible in operating cellular operators. Implications of developed
order to provide accurate solutions, which could only be achieved by machine learning (ML) methodologies on information consolidated from
analysing all big data. Big data provides a lot of options for present and various inputs, in specific, could yield valuable insights, not just for
future wireless services in a variation of methods, several of which are detecting anomalous behaviour but also for efficiency predicting, inte­
mentioned here [6]. grating traditional network implementation and maintenance services
with smart tracking equipment. In this study, they present a new
• Big data analytics will allow for a single effectiveness assessment. approach for diagnosing networking faults and analysing their impacts
• In wireless networks, big data analytics allows proactive and smart on major efficiency metrics by combining varied data sources from a
storage. functional LTE network and applying machine learning methods.
• Big data analytics allows for the analysis of the network’s long-term According to this study [12]in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) systems,
characteristics. the Sleeping Cell issue is a specific sort of cellular deterioration. In ac­
• Self-coordination between network operations and components is tuality, a cell interruption results in a loss of networking services, and it
enabled by big data analytics. is frequently just discovered after repeated customer complaints to op­
• Big data analytics provide wireless communication insight from end erators. A cell in this research goes to sleep owing to a Random Access
to end. Channel (RACH) error, which could be caused by hardware or software
issues. They present a data mining-based approach for detecting
Finite mixture methods have been one of the most popular model- dysfunctional cells. The evaluation of event sequencing provided by
based clustered methods in recent decades, and they’ve been utilised User Equipment (UE) to a providing Base Station (BS) is at its founda­
to a wide range of implementations and fields. In the situation of mixed tion. An anomaly identification method is a critical component of the
approaches, choosing the number of clusters to describe the information created technology.Utilizing Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
is a difficult task. For this challenge, various techniques have been and Precision-Recall graphs, they examine the effectiveness of distances,
offered. The existing methods, moreover, are dependent on the method’s probabilistic-based techniques, and centroid distance. Furthermore, a
identification of an undetermined but limited amount of factors. conceptual evaluation of the computing efficiency of the techniques is
Dirichlet systems, based on previous advancements, may give efficient offered. The sleeping cell identification methodology is tested utilizing
solutions to the classification model. Antoniak, Ferguson, and others are the Minimization of Drive Testing (MDT) feature in a dynamic LTE
credited with developing the concept of mixed Dirichlet systems.Despite network simulation. It has been demonstrated that the sleeping cell may
the fact that these approaches have been around for a significant dura­ be located.
tion, their real-world applicability in information modelling and clus­ In this research [13]Anomaly identification relates to approaches for
tered have just lately been demonstrated [7]. The difficulty of Dirichlet detecting odd actions that could jeopardise communications system
methodology mixing framework grows as new data arrives because it is performance and security. A unique approach for networking anomaly
a non-parametric Bayesian approach. As a result, Dirichlet identification is presented in this research, which combines K-means
processes-based mixture prototypes are characterized as infinite. clustering, baseline, and particle swarm optimization (PSO). K-means is
Indeed, we don’t require identifying a number of combination elements a supervised learning clustering technique intended to recognize char­
a priori with unlimited mixture frameworks. This trait enables the al­ acteristics or patterns in sets of information, and the baseline consisting
gorithms more realistic than if we assumed a set number of variables. of networking traffic normal behaviour characteristics developed by
The Gaussian assumptions are used in the majority of research with applying the Baseline for Automatic Backbone Management (BLGBA)
infinite mixture prototypes [8]. Other probabilities, including the prototype to SNMP historical network datasets.The outcomes of the
Dirichlet probability, have been established in initial research to provide testing in real-world network architecture demonstrated that the sug­
excellent outcomes in specific situations and are more suited. The gested technique is capable of detecting volume irregularities in
research given here uses unlimited Dirichlet mixture prototypes with real-world network traffic and achieves excellent findings.
Anomaly detection to handle the problems of information modelling, In [14]Data mining methods allow you to examine enormous vol­
categorization, and predictions [9]. umes of information for recurring structures and principles. They could
The remainder of this study is organised as follows: section 2 defines be utilised to identify attacks, intrusions, and abnormalities when
relevant studies on wireless network device anomaly detection using implemented to network monitored data collected on a server or in a
various methodologies. The process of the proposed algorithm is networks. This study provides a description of Network Data Mining,
described in depth in Section 3. Section 4 contains the findings and which is the implementation of data mining methodologies to network
explanation of the experiments. Finally, section 5 concludes the study. packet and flow conditions, as well as a comparison of existing meth­
odologies. A novel flow-based anomaly identification system depending
2. Related work on the K-mean clustering technique is also presented.The identification
accuracy is improved by using the clustering technique independently
According to Ref. [10], the widespread availability of numerous for various applications (defined by their port number and transport
wireless transmission methods and applications has ushered in the big protocol). The findings of the initial studies, which used both created
data age in large-scale wireless networking. The enormous diversity, and actual traffic, were analysed and reported.
real-time velocity, great volume, and enormous potential of big data
from massive capacity wireless connections create unique study diffi­ 3. Hybrid proposed methodology (DM – ADs)
culties that are distinct from conventional computer technologies. They
give an overview of state-of-the-art Big Data Analytics (BDA) method­ Anomaly detection system is dependent on a Dirichlet mixing pro­
ologies for large-scale wireless connections in this research. In specif­ totype that has been combined with a decision-making mechanism
ically, they divide BDA’s life span into 4 phases: data analytics, data predicated on the lower-upper Interquartile interval. Furthermore, in
acquisition, data storage, and data pre-processing.Furthermore, for these networks, high networking information is a barrier, as unnecessary
every phase of the BDA life span, they give a full review of technological characteristics might degrade effectiveness of the method. The large
responses to the issues in BDA for wide scale wireless connections. They complexity of networking information makes it much more difficult to

Y.M. Abd Algani et al. Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

distinguish between regular and aberrant behaviour in communication 3.2.1. Dividing a data set
networks. The effectiveness of an ADS technology is a top goal, but it’s The importance of set of data dividing is that it divides an established
also important to evaluate the time it takes to identify an approach. The NSL- KDD data set into a trained dataset (Dtrain ) and a tested dataset
three components of our anomaly identification system are as follows. (Dtest ), with two methodologies: slide-window and single shot. The
former basically divides the dataset into trained and tested sets, but the
3.1. The Dirichlet mixture model (DM) sliding-window technique extends the window as more information
comes, removing the previous information from the windows [17].
The anomaly identification component, which consists of three
phases as shown in Fig. 1, is presented below. The initial phase is data 3.2.2. Model of training
pre-processing to clean the input, the following phase is the important We’ll use the trained set (Dtrain ) to train a prototype after the pre­
phase, which is anomaly detection to build a collection of anomalies, ceding phase. In the statistical prototype, we use the Univariate
and the third phase is post-processing to enhance the identification Anomaly Detection (UAD) prototype for effectiveness. The UAD proto­
findings utilizing a variety of algorithms [15]. The next sections go into type is distinguished by the variable Top-Bottom-Percentile (TBP),
the specifics. which represents the lower and upper percentiles, as well as the
thresholds, which is calculated using TBP as sgown in Eqn (1).
3.2. Data pre-processing
Dmax = quantile(Dtrain , TBP) (1)
A vast number of cells gather the different NSL- KDD data sources The top percentile and bottom percentile, alternatively, are
necessary for DNA processing throughout time. At pre-determined du­ employed as parameters for anomaly identification in throughput KQI
rations, NSL- KDD readings are obtained from the units. Data cleaning is and latency KQI [18].
required for the anomaly identification component because the primary
information frequently contains excessive data and missing data (which 3.2.3. Anomaly detection
could be anomalies). Because recovering lost information is challenging, The testing set of information is finally examined for anomalies. We
the selectors are utilised to choose the valid NSL- KDD recordings [16]. utilize the thresholds variable Dmax trained in step two to locate anom­
Extreme values are also omitted from our training dataset, although they alous values and consider them as outliers for information gathered
would be involved in the anomaly identification technique. during the similar duration of time in the dataset. This technique can
happen again at any moment.

Fig. 1. Proposed DM – ADs block diagram.

Y.M. Abd Algani et al. Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

3.3. Post-processing Table 1

Confusion matrix with dirichlet mixture prototype for anomaly detection.
The anomaly detection creates a lot of false abnormalities because Dataset Normal Probe U2R R2L DoS
there are frequent anomalies that don’t imply system efficiency
NSL – KDD 250 200 50 200 300
decrease. To reduce the false anomalies, we devise a series of filtration,
which will be discussed in further depth in the sequels.KQI parameters,
such as throughput, are usually great whenever the system has a low
traffic flow. When the trained information collection (Dtrain ) is inade­ Table 2
The subcategories of the fundamental types of wireless network attacking traffic
quate, these variables might be recognized as abnormalities [19]. To
used in the research are listed.
prevent false anomalies, the universal range thresholds filtering uses a
threshold established from historical information to classify out incon­ Class of attacks Types of attacks

sequential anomalies.The abovementioned NSL- KDDsare averaged Probe Nmap, Satan, Ipsweep, Portsweep
across a set duration of time, such as an hour. When there are only a U2R Loadmodule
R2L Ftp write, Phf, Guess Password, Warezmaster Imap
couple activities within short hours, the KQI levels are low and might be
DoS Smurf, Back, Pod, Land, Neptune, Teardrop
misinterpreted as abnormalities. To eliminate this form of false abnor­
mality, a counting filtering is used to select out the hours with insuffi­
cient activities [20].
When a network fault develops, KQI levels [21] will decline during Table 3
Comparison of anomaly detection using various methods.
several hours. Anomalies can occur as an outcome of network traffic
fluctuations, for example. We created a regular statistical filtering that Methods Accuracy (in %)
establishes a p threshold, analyses the number of anomalies each day, NN (neural network) 74.70
and utilises the threshold to identify days when the number of anomalies K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbour) 71.10
exceeds p. Lastly, to eliminate false anomalies, anomalies that are not in SVM (support vector machine) 76.12
DM – ADs (proposed method) 79.62
these durations are eliminated.Non-significant abnormalities must be
eliminated more in real-world engineering implementations. The
magnitude filtering is designed to address this requirement. The ranges of network traffic attacking subcategories. As shown in Table 1, the NSL-
are defined as mag(a) = (a − μ)/σ , where the NSL- KDD is represented KDD database has 1000 cases divided into five types (see Table 3) (see
as a, and the standard deviations and means are represented as σ andμ, Table 2).
correspondingly. The level of anomalies of x is represented by mag(x).
The filtration establishes a Tmag threshold based on this magnitude to
discriminate among other categories of anomaly and major anomaly 4.1. Performance metrics
Precision, recall, and F-measure are few of the efficiency metrics
Algorithm 1. Decision making algorithm (DM) used to evaluate the proposed technique’s success. TN , TP , FN ,
′ ′ ′

and FP , which represent for true negative, true positive, false negative,

and false positive, are the most important elements.

4. Experimental results and discussion 4.1.1. Precision (P)

Precision is defined as the percentage ratio of true positives (TP )

This chapter goes over the databases that were utilised to evaluate recognized records divided by the sum of true positives (TP ) and false

the suggested Dirichlet Mixtures methodology, as well as the evaluating positives (FP ) classified records (P).

criteria that were utilised to comparing the suggested method to various

current approaches. At last, the characteristics chosen from the NSL-

precision = × 100 (2)
KDD databases are discussed, along with their statistical conclusions TP + FP′

Using all of the characteristics from the NSL – KDD dataset, the 4.1.2. Recall (R)
identification efficiency and training duration for different forms of at­ The recall percentage is calculated by dividing the number of true
tacks are investigated. A total of 1000 data observations from several positive records by the total number of true positives (TP’P and false
categories of wireless network traffic attacks are used in addition to negatives (FN′ ) categorised records (R).
ordinary network activity. Instances are collected from the major types

Y.M. Abd Algani et al. Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

Fig. 2. Flow chart for anomaly detection.

The suggested technology’s effectiveness is compared to the current

approaches average, Dirichlet mixture model anomaly detection with
precision, recall, and F-measure in Fig. 3(see Fig. 2).
In this part, we present outcomes that assess and demonstrate the
efficacy of the suggested methodology in both artificial and actual
implementations, such as picture classification and the difficult chal­
lenge of anomaly identification. The purpose of the artificial information
is to evaluate the efficiency of the various method to the deterministic
strategy given in Ref. [24], whereas the objective of the actual imple­
mentations is to evaluate the efficiency of limited Dirichlet Mixtures and
numerous additional various approaches. We start with a large amount
of elements (15 in this work) and identical combining co-efficients in our
tests. We have to normalise the information collection so that one
characteristic does not dominate the others in the method because the
characteristics are on various dimensions in the set of data [3]. Every
information example in our input collection has 41 characteristics, 34 of
Fig. 3. Performance comparison. which are numerical and 7 of which are symbolism. Just the 34 nu­
merical characteristics are employed in our tests (every data is therefore
expressed as 34 – Dvectors). We could convert a characteristic Xl in a

recall = × 100 (3)
TP + FN ′

data item X into the domain of [0, 1] by Xl = (XL − min(Xl ))/(max(Xl ) −
min(Xl)), where Xl is assigned to a minimal amount if the maximum is
4.1.3. F-measure (F) equivalent to the minimum.Following that, the characteristic variables
The F-measure is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, which are normalised to the unit sum. The detection performance is 79.62%,
suggests a balance among the two. according to these matrices. Table 3summarises the identification
findings using additional methods, such as NN (neural network), K-NN
F − measure = 2( ) (4) (K-Nearest Neighbour), SVM (support vector machine) trained in a

Y.M. Abd Algani et al. Measurement: Sensors 23 (2022) 100407

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