Second Summative Tle 6 Q2

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Second Rating Period


Name: _____________________________________________________ Score:____________

I. True or False. Write the word True if the stamen is correct and False if not.
________1. We can use video and audio conferencing in attending classes and seminars.
________2. Skype and zoom are examples of audio and video conferencing software.
________3. Tablet platforms and smartphone can’t connect to internet.
________4. Without access to the World Wide Web, a personal computer would be useless in communicating
________5. Internet connection uses radio signal and cable and telephone lines to connect to the personal
________6. Video conferencing software enables online communication for audio meetings etc.
________7. Smartphone is the most important technology in operating any software and connecting to the
________8. Only a fast internet access can support a successful and productive online video and audio
________9. Video conferencing is widely used in different fields all around the world.
________10. Audio is a sound wave that can be heard by human ears.

II. Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct words of materials used in ICT.
11. EOVID _______________________________
12. TERINTEN _______________________________
13. IWIF _______________________________
14. UOIDA _______________________________
15. BEW MERACA _______________________________
16. POLAPT _______________________________
17. DEAHTES _______________________________
18. OOGGEL TEEM _______________________________
19. REKSAPE _______________________________
20. OHPENMTARS _______________________________

III. Identify the following. Choose your answer inside the box.

computer internet microphone

web camera headset broadband

_______________________ 21. Uses cables or telephone lines or radio signal to connect to the personal
_______________________ 22. Type of internet connection that is widely used today because it is fastest and
most popular method to connect online.
________________________23. I is required to enable video conferencing and to be able to see the other person
whom, one is communicating with.
________________________24. It is used to speak to other person without using text messages.
________________________ 25. Device that helps connect one person to another person’s computer through the
use of different audio-video conferencing.

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