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Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola


International Human Resources





Alarco Ferradas, Maria Barbara


Alarcón Ambolaya, Sebastián Emilio

Ferrando Carranza, Illary Valeria


A. What are the key problems of expatriation discussed in the case?

The main expatriation issues discussed in the case are underutilization of:

The international experience gained: Due to Probal Ghosh, Joy's father, moving to
Kolkata, he faces challenges in his new job that do not take full advantage of his
international experience. This could lead to frustration and a sense that his skills and
knowledge gained abroad are not being put to good use.
The re-entry shock or reverse culture shock: Probal and his family returned to
Kolkata from Sydney, which may have caused them difficulty adjusting to the local culture
and work environment after their experience abroad.
Inaccurate expectations and disappointment: Probal and his family may have had
initial expectations about their move to Kolkata that were not met. Difficulties at work, project
delay, and stresses in daily life may have led to disappointment due to unrealistic initial
Family readjustments: The international move can have a significant impact on
family life. Jazz, Probal and Cathy's daughter, faces the prospect of separating from her
parents and living with her maternal grandparents in Sydney, which can lead to family and
emotional readjustments.
Threat of loss of living status and financial shock: Probal Ghosh had a high-
level position in Sydney, but by moving to Kolkata, he may have experienced a threat to his
life status. In addition, loss of income due to possible job change or financial uncertainty
could also be a concern.
Change of values and personality: The experience of living in a different country
and facing challenges at work and in daily life can lead to a change in the values and
personality of expatriates. Probal and his family may have experienced changes in their way
of thinking and acting due to his stay in Sydney and his return to Kolkata

B. What could have been the approaches of the MNC to retain talented employees
like Probal?

The multinational could have implemented retention strategies such as offering

professional growth and development opportunities, additional international assignments,
mentoring programs, recognition and rewards for outstanding performance, and an effective
repatriation policy to ensure successful reintegration and proper utilization of the experience
gained. These MNC approaches to retaining talented employees, according to Gonzales, D.
(2009,pp. 59-60), are measured through strategies and activities such as some of the most
important are:

Monetary Strategies: These include economic benefits, credit facilities for housing
and vehicles, as well as free investment. In addition, the offer support gor higher education,
health insurance, and bonuses and incentives

Non-monetary Strategies: These include development of skills with scholarships,

the quality of life that can be provided, having job stability (one of the actions most sought
after by employees) and a career plan that provides opportunities including career plans and

C. How can repatriates like Probal have a better balance between their work and
personal lives?

Repatriates like Probal can better reconcile their work and personal lives by
establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life, prioritizing, and managing
their time effectively, seeking support and resources to balance their work and family
responsibilities, and maintaining open and honest communication with their employer about
their needs and expectations. In Joy's case, changes in social norms, organizational culture,
and other issues may have occurred in unexpected ways during her time abroad, requiring a
retraining process that the company should undertake for all expatriates, such as the book

Both adjusting to the work culture and Cathy's call to join and complete her research
in Sydney with the offer of a consulting firm in the same city, she presents Probal with
options back. These choices may influence her decision about her professional future and
her work-life balance. Regarding the question, expats can have a better balance between
their personal life and work with good planning, preparation, and support from the employer.

Having a clear goal and managing in a good way the time that one as a worker may
have been essential to not be "overloaded" and stressed from so much stress and changes.
Also, employers can foster a supportive culture in which returnees feel valued and
understood. For example, as mentioned in the book, multinational companies should offer
multiple re-entry sessions or career planning sessions to discuss expatriate concerns
regarding repatriations. Reorientation programs could also be put in place to inform returning
expatriates about changes in the company, as well as offer training and seminars on
repatriation to employees and their families.

Source: López (2014)

According to López (2014), aid can be of a diverse nature and must be carried out at
each stage of the process. These are some of them and show what should be done to make
the process easier for the worker and have a better efficiency in their performance.

Pantoja, Y. V. P. (s. f.-b). Gestión de los expatriados. elementos clave del proceso para las

empresas en entornos internacionales.

ProQuest Ebook Central. (s. f.).


Gonzales, D. (2009). Estrategias de retención del personal. Una reflexión sobre su

efectividad y alcances.

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