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November 15, 2023

Matt has participated in many of the trainings and activities
Moment that Matters CLAS uses and so he was able to quickly identify and
understand the scenarios. He was able to effectively
choose and articulate the reasoning behind the choices he
Matt has participated in many of the trainings and activities made. Having prepared the options beforehand made it
CLAS uses and so he was able to quickly identify and extremely helpful to have an efficient and insightful
understand the scenarios. He was able to effectively conversation with Matt. It did not take a lot of time but it
choose and articulate the reasoning behind the choices he gave great insight.
made. Having prepared the options beforehand made it We did an online call because Matt had to travel out of
extremely helpful to have an efficient and insightful state to provide a training to other managers in Denver. I
conversation with Matt. It did not take a lot of time but it then preceded to explain to him what CLAS Ropes Course
gave great insight. is and what it provides, followed by an explanation about
A/B testing and the format of our conversation would take.
As I spoke with him, I presented the options first as an
Technique Description activity-to-training comparison, then an activity-to-activity
comparison, concluded by a training-to-training
comparison. This provided me the information to do a
For my triangulation technique, I used A/B Testing. This is
cross-analysis about which elements (trainings and
the method of comparing two versions of the same design
activities) were most desirable and helpful and why.
to see which one performs statistically better against a
predetermined goal. In layman’s terms, this means being
given the option between Choice A or Choice B, which
would you choose.
The predetermined goal was to provide a training that
aided corporate groups in improving their collaboration,
community, communication, and their responsibility.
This was the method I selected because my team and I
were discussing which are more effective, the trainings or
activities. We were unsure about what were the most
effective and wanted data to back it up. This method was Implementation
chosen to give us clear and simple data to answer that
After analyzing Carter‘s experiences, it is clear that CLAS
is meeting two of it‘s main goals of building collaboration
Implementation and community. However, there are ways to make it more
effective for the corporate groups. One is by tailoring the
trainings to each group. The more tailored, the greater
I ran the A/B method with Matt Mickelson, an Amazon the impact has been on the groups in accomplishing a
Level 7 manager who has done many corporate trainings connected, collaborative team. The second is ensure that
throughout the years with Amazon, Walmart, and other the CLAS instructors believe in what they teach. When
companies and organizations. I was not able to contact the instructor believes in it, it makes them not obtain the
anyone who has gone to CLAS, but I knew that Matt had goals of the trainings. Improving upon these two areas
participated in many trainings so I knew his insights would would improve the quantity of participants that leave with a
still be advantageous and helpful in answering the greater connection and greater collaboration within their
question on what trainings and what activities are most teams and would improve the quality of take aways for
effective. participants. w
October 25, 2023

Interview Appendix
I presented Matt with the choice between the Blind-folded
Summary & Analysis Tent Building exercise or the Pick A Symbolic Item
exercise and he chose the item exercise. He explained
From my conversation with Matt Mickelson using A/B that, in his experience, it is extremely beneficial to provide
Testing, I found that what my team and I hypothesized fell an opportunity to all participants to speak as well as to
in line with what Matt reported. personalize the training more to them as people and as
individuals. He has found that there is so much benefit in
From Matt Mickelson’s experience, there were some this for his teams.
activities and some trainings that were more advantageous
and efficient for providing a corporate training that he Overall:
would participate in.
From the A/B Testing with Matt Mickelson, it seems that
Activities: the top three exercises from his opinion and experience
are the High Ropes Course, the Lily Pad exercise, and the
Matt reported that the High Ropes Course was the most Pick A Symbolic Item exercise. These three exercises
advantageous activity because it is an intricate, enjoyable, provide the must fundamental and well-rounded trainings
and collaborative activity that boosts moral and fosters that he values as a manager over many corporate teams.
relationships within a team. This is the most important
thing Matt looks for in his corporate trainings. The activities and trainings are the peaks of the experience
and there are some exercises that have a greater impact
He described the Zip-line as the second best activity he than others. Time is precious and to make CLAS corporate
would choose, though there seemed to be a massive trainings most beneficial for the end-user, the most
difference in importance between the High Ropes Course effective exercises should be used.
and the Zip-line. The zip-line did not hold a ton of value in
regards to a team building training in his eyes. Data - Most Effective Exercises
With that being said about the Zip-line, he rated it higher
than the Leap of Faith because he has seen that the Leap
of Faith can make people feel discouraged, singled out,
and ostracized which affects them the rest of the training Unity High Ropes Course
session and leaves them with a bad taste in their mouth.
Because of this, Matt never chose the Zip-line in any of the
A/B choices presented to him.

Teamwork Lily Pad
Matt found that both the Blind-folded Tent Building
exercise and the Lily Pad exercise were both extremely
beneficial and could barely choose between the two. He
ended up listing the Lily Pad exercise as the most
beneficial though because it is a more unique exercise that
most people would not have participated in before. Personalize Pick a Symbolic Item
Additionally, it is a harder exercise and so there is more to
be learned from it than from the Blind-folded Tent Building

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