Wall Bounded Turbulent Part 2

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Wall bounded Turbulent Shear Flow

Part II

Turbulent Flows in Pipes

and Channels
Circular Pipe
 Fully Developed Turbulent Flow( 𝑫 : Consider pipe flow first, assumed
far downstream of the entrance, where velocity does not depend upon axial distance, x:

Data collected by Blasius suggested:

/ 𝟓
𝑫 (31)

/ / / /

Better result follows from the wall law or Spalding’s law


 Let the pipe radius be a, and let the wall coordinate be

Where y is the distance from the wall

 The average pipe velocity defined as

 The turbulent pipe flow has very little wake ( . Therefore,

the law of wall is accurate all the way across the pipe. Neglect the
(very thin) viscous sublayer, law of the wall (Eq. 25.4) gives

 Pipe friction coefficient is defined as
Leads to

Introducing k=0.41 and B=5.0 to Eq. 33, we may clean up Eq. 33 as

/ (35.1)
Where is the Darcy friction factor.
 Since the pervious Eq.35.1 was derived by neglecting the viscous
sublayer and wake, Prandtl slightly adjusted the constants to fit pipe
friction data better especially at lower Reynolds number. The final
formula is
/ (35.2)

Eq. 35.2 is valid for smooth wall turbulent pipe flow for any Reynolds
number greater than 4000. It supplants Eq. 31.

Transition curve in next figure is typical of the change from laminar

to turbulent flow between and 4000. This region is rather
uncertain, it should be avoided in the design of the pipe flow system.
Channel Flow between Parallel Plates
We consider turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid between two
parallel plates separated at a distance 2h. The mean flow is assumed to
in the x-y plane and steady.
All derivatives with respect to x are assumed to be zero (Fully
developed turbulent flow) except for the pressure gradient dp/dx.
Time-Averaged Continuity Equation:

Time-Averaged x-direction Momentum Equation:

Time-Averaged y-direction Momentum Equation:

 Eq. 37 integrated to

p and should be independent of x to avoid streamwise acceleration of the

Integrating Eq. 36 from y=-h upward yield

( )
∗ (38)

Where ∗ at wall (y=-h)

At the surface, The turbulent velocity fluctuation must satisfy the no slip
condition, so Reynolds stress is zero at the surface. The surface stress is
thus purely viscous stress.
At the center of the channel (y=0), the shear stress ( )
must be zero for reason of symmetry, Eq. 38 becomes

∗ (39)

In this problem the shear stress at the wall is determined by the pressure
gradient and the width of the channel.
Substitute for in Eq.39 Substitute in Eq. 38 leads to

∗ ∗ = ∗ (40)
Using Law of Wall
Assume wake is small and viscous sublayer negligible, let’s take wall
variable, Y= (h-y), the average velocity may be computed
approximately from the law of wall


By Definition, , since the channel is not round, so the

proper Reynolds number is based on hydraulic diameter concept

 Using into expression and cleaning it all up leads to

/ (43)

Eq. 43 is quite close to the pipe relation Eq. 35 but predict slightly
higher +7% at decreasing to +4% at .

 Note that, in using the law of the wall to analyze pipe and channel
flow evaluation of immediately yields the final result. No
differential equations are solved, and no real theory is involved.
The Effective Diameter for Turbulent Noncircular Duct Flow

 Best agreement between channel and pipe is predicted when one use
( ) as the effective diameter of the channel.
/ (44)

Now, in laminar flow, , and , and

the ratio of these two is 16/24=0.667, quite near the prediction of 0.64.

 A general rule for estimating turbulent friction in noncircular ducts is

to use the pipe friction law (Eq. 35) based on an effective Reynolds
Turbulent Flow in Rough Pipe

In turbulent flow, even a small roughness will break up the thin
viscous sublayer and greatly in crease the wall frication.
Let’s denote the average roughness height by ks, the wall law and
friction law become


Then the law of wall (overlap) is written as

For , there is no roughness effect, and for is
logarithmic. This defines the three roughness regimes:
 : hydraulically smooth wall
 transitional roughness regime
 : fully rough flow (no μ effect)
 To derive a pipe friction formula with sand grain roughness, we may curve
fit the dashed curve in the following figure


When this is substituted into Eq. 46 for fully rough flow leads to

 Similarity, introduction of into the pipe frication formula
(33) yields to

/ (49)

Formula 49 should be a good representation of sand grain friction over

the entire turbulent regime. The denominator term shows that if

Roughness unimportant
Fully rough (independent of )
 Commercial pipes have roughness somewhat different from sand-grain behavior,
Colebrook interpolation formula is
/ .
/ (50)

The plot of this expression (50) is known as Moody chart (see next slide) for commercial

pipe frication.
The pipe roughness height may be estimated from the given table.

Clever easy explicit formula was proposed by Haaland for commercial pipes
/ (51)

Equation 51 may be solved immediately for friction factor and varies by less than 2%

from Eq. 50
Moody chart for commercial pipe frication
1- For developed turbulent smooth wall pipe flow, assuming that the
log law analysis discussed under the circular pipe section is valid with
k=0.41, show that the maximum pipe velocity may be computed from

Where is the Darcy friction factor

2- Water at 20 °C flows through a smooth pipe of diameter 3 cm at

Assuming developed flow, estimate (a) the wall shear stress (in
Pa), (b) the pressure drop (in Pa/m), and (c) the centerline velocity in the
pipe. What is the maximum flow rate for which the flow would be
laminar? What flow rate would give
3- The overlap region of Clauser’s velocity may be fit by a power law
estimate . Use this result to estimate the wall shear stress
in and the shape factor H.
y, in u, ft/s y, in u, ft/s

0.1 16.14 0.8 22.88

0.15 17.02 0.9 23.70

0.2 17.54 1.0 24.38

0.25 18.16 1.25 26.51

0.30 18.69 1.5 28.21

0.4 19.60 2.0 31.22

0.5 20.49 2.5 32.27

0.6 21.24 3.0 32.44

0.7 22.03 3.5 32.50

4- Consider fully developed turbulent flow through a duct of square
cross section. Taking advantage of the double symmetry, analyze this
problem using the log law Eq. (25.4) plus a suitable assumptions about
variation of shear stress around the cross section. Compare your result
for with the hydraulic radius concept.

5- In the overlap layer, turbulent shear is dominant, and the effect of

viscosity is small. Suppose that we neglect μ and the approximate
gradient relationship

Show, by dimensional analysis, that this leads directly to the logarithmic

overlap law Eq. (25.4)
Assignment 3-Part 2

1- Water at 20 °C flows through a smooth square channel of length 5 cm at

Assuming developed flow, estimate the wall shear stress (in Pa).

2- Water at 20 °C flows through a commercial pipes of diameter 10 cm at

The pipe is made from cast iron. Assuming developed flow, estimate
the wall shear stress (in Pa) using
a. Colebrook interpolation formula
b. Haaland explicit formula
c. Compare a and b solution

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