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Diane Ohnemus’ Art Gallery Website Project Status Update

Alex O'Brien , Adam Momand , Royal Williams, Zachary Hester

Changes to initial objectives/approach/solution/deliverables

Initially, we agreed to start meeting every week on a Saturday at eleven o’clock in the

morning. We have recently changed our meeting time and day to Monday at seven o’clock, our

meetings are continuing weekly, same as before. Our initial approach to building the website was

to start with welcome and upload pages. We did stick to the initial plan, although the contact

page was added to the initial workload. Our initial thought was to use Google Forms for the

contact page. After further consideration, we did not want to take the easy route, so we figured

out how to create a fully functional contact form from scratch. Initially, we were contemplating

building the website using React and Node.js. We decided to go with html, js, and css/bootstrap


The current state of the project

The project at the moment is in the final stages of development, meaning the website is

finished and in the testing phase. We are currently working on finding and fixing any bugs found

by us or testers. We have chosen several volunteers of various ages and technical backgrounds to

test the website. Our client will be the first to test the website and verify the most recent changes.

It is safe to say that our project is on track to be completed on time.

Individual contributions (past and future)

Alex acted as the lead front/backend developer of this project while distributing tasks to

everyone in the group and communicating directly with our client. Adam worked on various

parts of the website, assisting both Alex and Zach on pages such as upload and portfolio. Royal
also worked on various parts of the website while assisting where needed, focusing mainly on the

frontend and contact page. Zachary acted as the co-lead front/backend developer, focusing

mainly on backend functionality and the upload page. After the Capstone Festival, Alex will

continue to manage the website. He also plans to host a domain for the website in the near future.

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