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Special Section — Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Methods

An introduction to marine controlled-source electromagnetic

methods for hydrocarbon exploration

Steven Constable1 and Leonard J. Srnka2

ABSTRACT trials of CSEM surveying in deep water 共around 1000 m or deep-

er兲, specifically for characterizing the resistivity of previously
Early development of marine electromagnetic methods, dat- identified drilling targets. Trials offshore Angola in 2000–2002
ing back about 80 years, was driven largely by defense/military by both these companies showed that CSEM data can successful-
applications, and use for these purposes continues to this day. ly be used to evaluate reservoir resistivity for targets as deep as
Deepwater, frequency-domain, electric dipole-dipole, con- several thousand meters. Both companies leveraged instrumen-
trolled-source electromagnetic 共CSEM兲 methods arose from aca- tation and expertise from the academic community to make swift
demic studies of the oceanic lithosphere in the 1980s, and al- progress. The resulting rapid growth in the use of marine EM
methods for exploration has created a demand for trained person-
though the hydrocarbon exploration industry was aware of this
nel that is difficult to meet; nevertheless, at this time, CSEM data
work, the shallow-water environments being explored at that
represent a commercial commodity within the exploration busi-
time were not ideally suited for its use. Low oil prices and in- ness, and acquisition services are offered by three companies.
creasingly successful results from 3D seismic methods further The ability to determine the resistivity of deep drilling targets
discouraged investment in costly alternative geophysical data from the seafloor may well make marine CSEM the most impor-
streams. These circumstances changed in the late 1990s, when tant geophysical technique to emerge since 3D reflection
both Statoil and ExxonMobil began modeling studies and field seismology.

INTRODUCTION is fair to say that oil and gas companies, and the national licensing
entities, hold views on marine CSEM varying from cautious obser-
Marine controlled-source electromagnetic 共CSEM兲 surveying vation, through judicious use, to enthusiastic embrace. In this paper,
has been transformed recently from a relatively obscure academic
we review some of the history of the method and present some early
discipline to a promising new tool for remotely detecting and map-
examples of the technology in use. No attempt is made here to re-
ping offshore hydrocarbon reservoirs. This transformation has been
view all CSEM technology for hydrocarbon applications or to dis-
driven in large part by the technical and economic challenges associ-
ated with exploration in the deepwater environment. For example, cuss onshore applications, which are receiving some renewed inter-
seismic hydrocarbon indicators lack perfection, and deepwater ex- est from the industry. For this we refer the reader to Strack 共1992兲,
ploration wells are expensive; therefore, collecting additional data Strack and Vozoff 共1996兲, and Hobbs et al. 共2006兲. For a recent re-
sets makes sense if they add information that can provide new in- view of academic marine EM studies, see Baba 共2005兲.
sights and significantly reduce risk. Early indications are that marine Figure 1 introduces the basic method we discuss. A horizontal
CSEM data may provide some risk reduction in this regard. Current- electric-field transmitter is towed close to the seafloor to maximize
ly, the industry is in the process of assessing this new technology. It the energy that couples to seafloor rocks. Although other source con-

Manuscript received by the Editor May 25, 2006; revised manuscript received September 11, 2006; published online March 1, 2007.
University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. E-mail:
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Subsurface Imaging Division, Houston, Texas. E-mail:
© 2007 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

WA4 Constable and Srnka

figurations have been used, such as vertical electric and horizontal The MT method has been used on land since the 1950s 共Vozoff,
magnetic dipoles 共e.g., Edwards, 2005兲, the long horizontal electric 1972兲 and in the marine environment since the 1980s 共Key et al.,
bipole offers a number of practical and theoretical advantages; 2006兲 to image geologic structure as part of the exploration process.
hence, it is the only source currently used in the industry. A series of The MT method is particularly useful for mapping salt, volcanics,
seafloor electromagnetic receivers spaced at various ranges from the and carbonates that present challenges to seismic methods. Howev-
transmitter record the time-varying source signal over source-re- er, because MT currents within the earth are generated mostly in the
ceiver ranges from zero to several tens of kilometers, depending horizontal plane, thin subhorizontal resistive formations are almost
upon source waveform period and the conductivity below the invisible to the MT method, and so the technique alone is not useful
seafloor. Data processing — including time-domain stacking 共bin- for hydrocarbon fluid detection. On the other hand, the dipole trans-
ning in time windows兲, Fourier transformation, and merging with mitters used in marine CSEM generate vertical electric fields that
navigation and position — converts these recordings into amplitude sense horizontal resistors of sufficient size.
and phase of the transmitted signal as a function of source-receiver
offset and frequency 共which is typically between 0.1 and 10 Hz兲.
Because the electromagnetic skin depth is almost always smaller in HISTORICAL CONTEXT
seawater than in subseafloor rocks, at sufficient source-receiver off-
set, the electric and magnetic fields measured by the receiver instru- Beginnings
ments have propagated almost entirely beneath the seafloor. This de- The use of electromagnetic methods in hydrocarbon exploration
sired sensitivity to subseafloor geology can be significantly weaker dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century 共e.g., Rust,
in shallow water and at higher frequencies, where the air layer exerts 1938兲 and on land continues to this day, mainly through MT surveys
a proportionately stronger influence on the data. This so-called air- carried out to provide structural constraints. Marine electrical meth-
wave effect arises from an unfavorable ratio of skin depths, where ods started with DC resistivity surveys carried out over water within
the source signal up through the water column and back down to the only a few years of the method’s inception 共Schlumberger et al.,
receivers is comparable or larger than the signal through the geolo- 1934兲. For DC methods to have any great sensitivity, seafloor resis-
gy. Equipped with magnetic as well as electric sensors, the receivers tivity has to be less than seawater resistivity 共which is 0.25 to
can recover the natural source magnetotelluric 共MT兲 signals, which 0.3 ⍀m, depending on salinity and temperature兲; thus the main ap-
can be viewed either as a source of noise for CSEM or useful data for plication was prospecting for sulfide ores. Work carried out over 80
recovering geologic structure. years ago, off the Cornish coast, was reviewed by Francis 共1985兲. A
In geophysics, electric and electromagnetic 共EM兲 methods are Wenner survey in the same area of England was reported by Francis
used to measure the electric properties of geologic formations. At 共1977兲. In the context of current marine CSEM practices, it is inter-
the low frequencies used in marine CSEM, rock resistivity accounts esting to note that this early surface-towed array had an emission
for almost all of the electromagnetic response. Because replacement current of 2000 A, provided by the generators of a minesweeper.
of saline pore fluids by hydrocarbons 共gas, gas condensate, or oil兲 in- Wynn 共1988兲 developed a marine induced-polarization system to
creases the resistivity of reservoir rocks, EM methods are clearly im- explore for mineral sands. However, because these are all shallow-
portant exploration tools. Until recently, the main application of water systems and the market for offshore mineral mining is small,
electric methods in the oil and gas business has been well logging. little commercial activity in marine DC methods has developed.

Magnetotelluric source fields

Air (resistive)

Seawater (very conductive)

CSEM transmitter
Electric and magnetic field recorders

Seafloor (variable conductivity)

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the horizontal electric dipole-dipole marine CSEM method. An electromagnetic transmitter is towed close
to the seafloor to maximize the coupling of electric and magnetic fields with seafloor rocks. These fields are recorded by instruments deployed on
the seafloor at some distance from the transmitter. Seafloor instruments are also able to record magnetotelluric fields that have propagated down-
ward through the seawater layer.
Marine CSEM for hydrocarbon exploration WA5

Some of the earliest work on AC marine electromagnetic methods Although the deepwater frequency-domain horizontal electric di-
involved military applications, dating back to early in the last centu- pole-dipole system appears to be the most appropriate tool for explo-
ry with work on submarine cables and ship guidance 共Drysdale, ration, other marine CSEM techniques have been tested, notably by
1924兲. The use of electric and magnetic fields for vessel detection Nigel Edwards’s University of Toronto group. Cheesman et al.
and characterization continues to the present time, although given 共1988兲 deployed a horizontal magnetic dipole-dipole time-domain
the nature of the applications, publications are hard to find. The pro- system, and Edwards et al. 共1985兲 tested a variation of his land mag-
ceedings of the various MARELEC conferences probably provide netometric resistivity technique in the ocean by utilizing a vertical
the best unclassified view of this field. low-frequency electric transmitter that hangs from the ship to the
seafloor. Both of these techniques are currently being used for geo-
physical surveys 共e.g., Evans et al., 2000; 2002兲, although neither
Academic development of CSEM method propagates deeply enough to be useful for hydrocarbon de-
tection. Yuan and Edwards 共2000兲 developed a short-offset time-do-
The deepwater marine CSEM method used today for hydrocarbon main electric dipole-dipole system for gas hydrate characterization.
exploration was developed by Charles Cox of Scripps Institution of Collection of data sets cannot proceed far without supporting the-
Oceanography in the late 1970s 共Cox, 1981兲, and the first experi- ory and numerical modeling algorithms. Early work depended on
ment was carried out on a mid-ocean ridge in the Pacific in 1979 the asymptotic solutions of Kraichman 共1970兲 and Bannister 共1968,
共Spiess et al., 1980; Young and Cox, 1981兲. Cox had been working 1984兲. The first widely available layered-model solution for the fre-
on seafloor magnetotelluric equipment and methodologies for a quency-domain electric dipole method was published by Chave and
while 共Cox et al., 1971兲. The original motivation for his CSEM ex- Cox 共1982兲, and some discussion developed around the issue of
periments was to study the shallow and resistive parts of the oceanic quadrature versus digital filtering for the solution of the Hankel
lithosphere by replacing the relatively high frequency energy lost to transforms involved in 1D calculations 共Anderson, 1984兲. One-di-
mensional solutions for time-domain methods were produced by the
magnetotelluric fields with a deep-towed man-made transmitter.
Toronto group 共Edwards and Chave, 1986; Cheesman et al., 1987兲.
Early funding for instrument development came from the U. S. De-
Flosadottir and Constable 共1996兲 implemented the fast Hankel
fense Advanced Research Projects Agency 共DARPA兲, which was
transform of Anderson 共1989兲 along with the OCCAM inversion al-
interested in the effect of the seafloor on submarine communica- gorithm of Constable et al. 共1987兲 into the Chave and Cox algorithm
tions. Support also came from the U. S. Office of Naval Research to produce a rapid 1D inversion code. Numerical finite-element so-
共ONR兲, which wanted to learn more about the seafloor noise envi- lutions to the 2D electric dipole problem were developed for the time
ronment. Several early experiments 共e.g., Webb and Constable, domain by Everett and Edwards 共1993兲 and for the frequency do-
1986兲 involved combined deployments of a sensitive broadband main by Unsworth et al. 共1993兲. Unsworth and Oldenburg 共1995兲
pressure variometer 共known as the differential pressure gauge, or demonstrated a subspace inversion method using the frequency-do-
DPG; Cox et al., 1984兲 and sensitive electric-field recorders 共Webb main code, but as far as we know this method was never tested on
et al., 1985兲. Because of the funding agencies’ interest in the resistiv- real data. The first 2D inversion of real data was published by
ity structure of normal oceanic lithosphere, the next few experiments MacGregor et al. 共2001兲, who modified the Unsworth forward code
moved away from the ridges to more representative crust 共Cox et al., to handle experimental geometries and bathymetry and implement-
1986; Constable and Cox, 1996兲. The oceanic lithosphere proved to ed the OCCAM inversion algorithm.
be remarkably resistive; the lower crust and upper mantle approach- Three-dimensional analytic solutions do not exist for the general
es 105 ⍀m, and the resistivity-thickness product of the lithosphere marine CSEM case, although approximate solutions exist for simple
exceeds 109 ⍀m2. Combined with the high conductivity-thickness shapes 共disks and spheres兲 in a uniform or layered background.
product of the ocean 共104 S兲, the effect of such a resistive lithos- However, modern 3D numerical algorithms are flexible enough to
phere is to trap horizontal electric currents associated with MT fields include a water layer, and sometimes an air layer, as part of the mod-
el, particularly if they have been developed for borehole applica-
or horizontal water flow in the ocean for very large distances.
tions, in which the source and receiver are both within the conduc-
As useful as this information is about the normal seafloor, geolog-
tive structure. One code that is used extensively within the marine
ic interest then 共and now兲 is biased toward areas of tectonic activity,
exploration community is the finite-difference algorithm of New-
such as the mid-ocean ridges that provided the initial target for man and Alumbaugh 共1995兲. Badea et al. 共2001兲 describe a 3D fi-
CSEM studies. Martin Sinha and his group from the University of nite-element algorithm.
Cambridge started to develop a marine CSEM system in the mid-
1980s 共Sinha et al., 1990兲. Their equipment was largely based on the
Scripps system, but with one very important improvement, the use of Early industry involvement
a neutrally buoyant transmitter antenna that allowed the deep-towed
Exxon 共now ExxonMobil兲 was aware of work being carried out by
transmitter to be “flown” about 100 m above the seafloor. This ap-
Scripps and others and investigated the use of marine EM for explo-
proach was necessary for working over the rough terrain of the ridge ration in the early 1980s: a patent was issued in this regard 共Srnka,
axis and proved to be desirable later in the hydrocarbon exploration 1986兲. By following a series of numerical and physical 共graphite兲
environment. First trials of the Cambridge system were carried out model experiments, Exxon scoped a field test using a naval mine-
in 1987 and 1988, and were followed by collaborative Cambridge/ sweeper 共like Francis兲 and both seafloor and towed electric sensors
Scripps experiments on the East Pacific Rise 共Evans et al., 1991兲, the under development at Scripps. Scripps held a meeting in April 1984
Reykjanes Ridge 共MacGregor et al., 1998兲, and the Valu Fa Ridge to generate support for the development of exploration CSEM,
共MacGregor et al., 2001兲. In mid 2000, the Cambridge group moved which resulted in a small project being funded by Amoco, Arco, Elf,
to Southampton University. and Sohio. The result of this work is reported in Constable et al.
WA6 Constable and Srnka

共1986兲 and Chave et al. 共1991兲. However, exploration water depths THE MARINE CSEM METHOD
at that time were around 300 m, and that, coupled with a lack of com-
putational capability, limited digital acquisition capacities, and the The theory and practice of the marine CSEM method are fairly
growing emphasis on 3D marine seismic technology meant that this well documented. In addition to the references cited in the introduc-
work was far ahead of its time in terms of commercial viability. tion, we refer the reader to Edwards 共2005兲 and Constable and Weiss
共2006兲. Here we will just summarize the key elements. The frequen-
By the late 1990s, exploration was being routinely carried out in
cy-domain dipole-dipole electric configuration shown in Figure 1 is
water 1000 m deep, and ExxonMobil resumed EM investigations,
the method of choice for various reasons:
and Statoil began examining, marine CSEM as a tool for hydrocar-
bon exploration. In November 1999, Steven Constable was invited 1兲 An alternative to the frequency-domain approach is the time-
to review Statoil’s internal research project which consisted of a va- domain method, which is well suited to land exploration where
riety of numerical and analog modeling 共featuring an innovative use the geologic formations are on the conductive side of the air/
of a water-bed mattress兲. The conclusion was that earth system; after transmitter turn off, the direct wave in the at-
mosphere dissipates at the speed of light to leave eddy currents
if the target is not too small compared with its depth of burial, propagating more slowly in the ground. On the deep seafloor,
and the water depth is sufficient to suppress the air wave, then the seabed is generally more resistive than seawater, and so in-
the controlled source signature of the oil-filled layer is detect- formation about the geology is embedded in the early time re-
able, yielding controlled source amplitudes that are a factor of sponse, whereas the 共uninteresting兲 seawater response domi-
2 to 10 different than models without the oil layer. The signals nates late time. In the frequency domain, however, the longer
skin depths associated with seafloor rocks mean that at a suffi-
are above the noise threshold, and the experimental parame-
cient source-receiver distance, the field is dominated by energy
ters 共frequency, range, antenna length, and power兲 are practi-
propagating through the geologic formations. Energy propa-
gating through the seawater has essentially been absorbed and
is absent from the signals. Furthermore, by concentrating all
This result was sufficient for Statoil to proceed with field trials in the transmitter power into one frequency, larger signal-to-noise
offshore Angola in late 2000. Around the same time 共research was ratios can be achieved at larger source-receiver offsets.
under way in mid 1998兲, ExxonMobil was carrying out investiga- The reader should bear in mind, however, that these are oper-
tions into the use of 3D EM methods for marine CSEM survey de- ational considerations, and that the physics of both the time-do-
sign, acquisition, data processing, inversion, and interpretation. main and frequency-domain methods are the same. In princi-
ExxonMobil’s field programs started in late 2001 with field trials off ple, a sufficiently broadband frequency-domain survey would
Scotland followed by West African tests 共examples are shown sub- be equivalent to a time-domain survey. In practice, a square
sequently兲. wave, or other binary switched waveform, is easier to generate
It is important to note that exploration’s move to deeper water had than a pure sinusoid for a frequency-domain survey. A square
already driven interest in marine MT as an exploration tool, which wave has the additional advantage that the fundamental har-
had led to the development of commercially viable CSEM/MT re- monic has an amplitude of 4/␲ times the zero to peak current.
ceiver instrumentation. Although early attempts to use the MT meth- 2兲 Electric fields are well suited to operation in seawater. Trans-
mitter currents of 1000 A or more can be passed through sea-
od in the marine environment 共Hoehn and Warner, 1983兲 foundered
water with simple electrode systems and reasonable power
for reasons similar to the early CSEM attempts 共shallow water, lack
consumption 共of order 100 kW兲, and transmitter antennas sev-
of digital equipment, etc.兲, by the early 1990s, electromagnetic tech-
eral hundred meters long can easily be towed along their length
niques were being considered as an aid to mapping the base of salt in through the seawater. Receiver noise is very low because cul-
the Gulf of Mexico 共Hoversten and Unsworth, 1994兲. In April 1994, tural and MT noise is highly 共if not totally兲 attenuated in the
a prototype MT receiver based on the Scripps CSEM receiver was CSEM frequency band. Magnetic field receivers are employed,
deployed off southern California, and the results were sufficiently but motion of the sensors as water currents move the receiver
encouraging to attract support from industry to develop the instru- instrument limits the noise floor. 共On land, magnetic sensors
mentation 共Constable et al., 1998兲 and method 共Hoversten et al., are buried to avoid this problem, but they can still be subjected
1998兲. This early work consisted of a collaboration between Mike to noise associated with ground motion from trees, mi-
Hoversten and Frank Morrison of the University of California, Ber- croseisms, traffic, etc.兲
keley, Arnold Orange of AOA Geophysics, and Scripps. Field trials 3兲 A horizontal electric dipole excites both vertical and horizontal
over the Gulf of Mexico Gemini prospect between 1996 and 2003 re- current flow in the seabed, maximizing resolution for a variety
sulted in systematic refinement of the instrumentation and method- of structures. A vertical magnetic dipole, for example, would
ology 共Hoversten et al., 2000; Key et al., 2006兲. Commercial surveys excite mainly horizontal current flow 共Chave et al., 1991兲. Hor-
were carried out by AOA using Scripps equipment in carbonate ter- izontal magnetic dipoles also excite both vertical and horizon-
ranes of the Mediterranean 共1995 and 1996 for Agip兲, subsalt pros- tal currents, but are less favored than electric dipoles for opera-
pects in the Gulf of Mexico 共1998 for Agip and BP兲, and subbasalt tional reasons.
prospects in the North Atlantic 共2001 for Agip and Statoil兲. Martin With reference to Figure 1, the CSEM transmitter excites energy
Sinha’s LITHOS consortium at the University of Cambridge exam- throughout the seafloor-seawater-atmosphere system. However, be-
ined the use of CSEM for subbasalt prospecting 共MacGregor and cause the fields decay both geometrically and 共most importantly兲 ex-
Sinha, 2000兲, which also helped to raise the profile of marine EM ponentially with a characteristic e-folding distance 共length over
methods within industry. which fields decay by 1e, or 37%, in amplitude兲 given by skin depth
Marine CSEM for hydrocarbon exploration WA7

共z = 冑2␳ /␻␮0, where ␳ is resistivity, ␮0 is the magnetic permeability in the absence of a resistive layer兲, associated with a larger skin
of free space, and ␻ = 2␲ f is angular frequency兲, the tendency is depth 共1600 m兲 in the more resistive reservoir layer. There is a cor-
that for a given source-receiver range 共r兲, propagation through one responding increase in apparent phase velocity. Finally, at ranges
part of the system will dominate the received fields. This effect is il- greater than 10 km, propagation through the atmosphere dominates
lustrated in Figure 2, where we present the amplitude and phase the receiver fields and the amplitude returns to a l/r3 dipole attenua-
curves versus source-receiver offset for the canonical oilfield model tion, along with a phase that becomes constant 共i.e., the apparent
共a 100-⍀m reservoir 100-m thick, buried at a depth of 1000 m, in a phase velocity is now comparable to the speed of light兲.
host sediment of 1 ⍀m in 1000-m water depth兲. To highlight all the Much has been made of the different behavior of the azimuthal
dominant propagation paths in one figure, we have taken a transmis- and radial modes in the presence of a thin resistor 共e.g., Eidesmo et
sion frequency of 10 Hz, which yields signals too small to measure, al., 2002; Constable and Weiss, 2006兲, whereby the azimuthal mode
and made the calculations through the use of the 1D code of Flosa- has a smaller reservoir response than the radial mode. This different
dottir and Constable 共1996兲. The two lines represent the radial elec- behavior occurs only at relatively low frequencies in which the
tric fields, in which the receiver is positioned along the axis of the CSEM fields are dominated by the galvanic response of the reservoir
transmitter and measures a linearly polarized field oriented along 共a charge buildup on the upper and lower surfaces of the resistive
this axis; and the azimuthal electric fields, in which the receiver is layer兲 generated by the vertical electric fields of the radial mode
positioned broadside to the transmitter and measures a linearly po- 共which are largely absent in the azimuthal mode兲. In Figure 2, the
larized field oriented parallel to the transmitter. frequency is high enough that inductive effects in the reservoir layer
The skin depth in water at 10 Hz is 87 m, so close to the transmit- produce a significant response in the azimuthal mode. The static ver-
ter that we see the 1/r3 amplitude falloff from a static dipole and tical offset between the radial and azimuthal modes is presumably
nearly constant phase. At ranges between a few hundred meters and associated with the galvanic contribution of the reservoir to the radi-
2 km, skin depth in the seafloor sediment 共158 m兲 is larger than in al mode fields.
seawater, and we see exponential attenuation dominated by the seaf-
loor resistivity. Up to this point, the mathematics of propagation is
reasonably approximated by the double half-space 共i.e., infinite wa- Equipment
ter depth and no reservoir layer兲 solution of Chave et al. 共1991兲, valid
for very resistive seafloor: Transmitted electric fields are directly proportional to the source
dipole moment A, in turn given by the dipole length times the emis-
sion current. Data for interpretation are normalized by the dipole
E␳ = cos ␾关共␥or + 1兲e−␥or + 共␥r2r2 + ␥rr + 1兲e−␥rr兴, moment, so the system noise floor gets lower as A gets larger, allow-
2␲r3 ing larger source-receiver offsets to be recorded and deeper structure
to be detected. Dipole lengths are typically 100–300 m; making
A␳o them significantly longer than that would make towing transmitter
E␾ = sin ␾关共␥or + 1兲e−␥or + 2共␥rr + 1兲e−␥rr兴,
2␲r3 antennas close to the seafloor a technologically challenging proposi-
tion. The current practice is to transmit a high-voltage AC 共typically
␥o = 冑i␻␮o /␳o , 400 Hz兲 current down a towing cable to a transmitter unit close to the
seafloor. Although purely AC transformed sources are in use, most
␥r = 冑i␻␮o /␳r systems transform the high voltage to low voltage/high current, rec-
tify this low-voltage AC, and switch the resulting quasi-DC into a
共␳o and ␳r are seawater 关ocean兴 and seafloor 关rock兴 resistivities, re- square wave or other binary/ternary signal 共e.g., Sinha et al., 1990;
spectively. Here, E␳ is the radial electric field, E␾ is the azimuthal Constable and Cox, 1996兲. To estimate what magnitude transmis-
electric field, r is source-receiver offset, and A is the source dipole sion currents can be achieved, we work back from the antenna elec-
moment 共transmitter current ⫻ antenna length兲. The dipole azimuth trodes. The resistance to seawater is purely a function of seawater re-
is ␾, which would be 0° for the purely radial mode shown in Figure 2 sistivity ␳ and geometry. For a long cylindrical electrode, the resis-
and 90° for the purely azimuthal mode. The ␥ terms are complex tance per electrode is given by
wavenumbers related to reciprocal skin depth.
The r3 dipole dependence is evident in these a) –6 b)
10 0
equations, along with terms associated with ex- –8 Dipole geometry Dipole geometry
ponential attenuation through the water 共first
E -field magnitude (V/(A m2))

term, in ␥o兲 and through the seafloor rocks 共the • –12
second term, in ␥r兲. It is clear from these equa- 10
–500 1 Ωm half-space
E -field phase (°)

tions that for any azimuth ␾ other than integer

–16 1 Ωm half-space
attenuation Resistive-layer Resistive-layer
multiples of 90°, both modes will be present, and 10
attenuation attenuation
–20 –1000
because the phases typically are slightly different 10
Air propagation
共see Figure 2b兲, a polarization ellipse will be
10 1/r 3 Air propagation
formed 共i.e., the instantaneous horizontal elec- 10
10 –1500
tric-field vector will sweep out an ellipse during 10

every cycle of the transmitter兲. Source-receiver range (m) Source-receiver range (m)
Referring again to Figure 2, at ranges between
2 and 10 km, we see increased electric-field am- Figure 2. Radial 共solid lines兲 and azimuthal 共dashed lines兲 amplitude and phase responses
plitudes 共relative to those that would be measured over the canonical model for a frequency of 10 Hz and a transmitter altitude of 30 m.
WA8 Constable and Srnka

ln 冋冉 冊 册
Bear in mind that 100 kW corresponds to 1000 V and 100 A at the
bottom end of a deep-tow cable, it appears that it will be hard to
achieve significantly more than the 1000 A transmission currents
now being advertised by industry, with corresponding dipole mo-
共equation 3.09 of Sunde, 1949兲, where L is electrode length and a is
ments up to 300 kA.m.
diameter. For reasonable values of L and a, 0.1 ⍀ is easy to achieve;
Switching such large currents entails dealing with stored energy
less than 0.01 ⍀ is more difficult but possible. To utilize electrodes
in the transmitter antenna. The approximate self-inductance of a
that have lower resistance, antenna resistance must be kept compara-
long wire in microhenries 共␮H兲 is given by Rosa 共1908兲 as

冋冉 冊 册
bly low, and so wire diameters are of order 2 cm. Thus, it might be
possible to construct an antenna with a total resistance of about 4L
0.01 ⍀, but much smaller would be very difficult. More likely, total Z = 0.2L ln − 0.75 .
antenna resistance will be between 0.1 and 1 ⍀. Therefore, with a to-
tal power of 10 kW delivered to the antenna, output currents of up to A typical antenna would have an inductance of order 500 ␮H. Early
1000 A are possible. With 100 kW delivered to the antenna, cur- attempts by Charles Cox to build a transmitter failed because he ig-
rents could be as large as 3000 A for the lowest-impedance antenna. nored the effect of inductance, and the back EMF during switching
destroyed the equipment. Recognizing that voltage and current were
a) 35 out-of-phase in the antenna, he solved this problem by detecting ze-
ro-current crossings in the rectifier bridge and switching at those
Tow A
times. In the current SIO transmitter, a capacitor bank absorbs the
energy associated with the back EMF during switching.
Most current seafloor receiver instruments appear to be built
25 around the principles outlined in Webb et al. 共1985兲 and Constable et
Distance north (km)

al. 共1998兲. Although modern instruments are likely to use 24-bit ana-
log-to-digital conversion instead of 16 bits, and solid-state data stor-
age instead of disk drives or tape recorders, the 1-Hz noise floor of
Approximate extent 0.1 to 1 nV/冑Hz is similar. Constable and Weiss 共2006兲 discussed
15 of reservoir the contributions to the total system noise. With reference to Figure
V 2, the noise floor of current equipment is around 10−15 V/共A . m2兲
and is unlikely to be better than 10−16 V/共A . m2兲 共i.e., such equip-
ment would not be able to detect the reservoir layer in the example
shown in Figure 2兲.
0 5 10 15 20 21 22
Distance east (km) EXAMPLES
The rapid commercialization of marine CSEM and the high cost
b) –10 of surveys has resulted in few, if any, data sets available for academ-
1D reservoir response ic studies at this time, and most of the best-quality data are propri-
Half-space response etary. However, we are able to present examples from the first two
–11 2D reservoir response research cruises carried out by Statoil and ExxonMobil.
10 2-min. stacked data
• In Figure 3a we show the survey layout from the first use of marine
Radial electric field (V/(A m2))

CSEM for hydrocarbon mapping carried out by Statoil, with support

10 from Southampton University and Scripps 共Ellingsrud et al., 2002兲.
The location is the Girassol reservoir, offshore Angola in about
1000 m of seawater — a known oil reservoir of considerable extent.
10 The receivers 共larger dots in Figure 3a兲 comprised a mixed fleet of
LEMURs from Southampton University 共Sinha et al., 1990兲, ELFs
–14 from Scripps 共Webb et al., 1985兲, and the Scripps broadband MT/
10 CSEM instrument of Constable et al. 共1998兲. The transmitter was the
1100 m
DASI instrument of Southampton, operating at a dipole moment of
Oil Reservoir 75 Ωm, 50 m thick
–15 Sediments 0.6 Ωm 16 kA.m at frequencies of 0.25 and 1 Hz.
10 This experiment was a success in that the data are clearly sensitive
–6000 –4000 –2000 0 2000 4000 6000 N
Source-receiver offset (m)
to the reservoir; this result alone provided the support Statoil and
other companies needed to move ahead with the technique. Howev-
Figure 3. 共a兲 Survey layout and 共b兲 radial-mode horizontal electric- er, the mixed fleet of receivers, along with the poor performance of
field data collected during tow A on receiver V during the first proof- the bolt-on super-short base line 共SSBL兲 navigation system and the
of-concept marine CSEM survey over the Girassol hydrocarbon res- modest-sized transmitter, resulted in a data set of highly variable
ervoir, offshore Angola 共Ellingsrud et al., 2002兲. Water depth was quality. Furthermore, the sites in the northern part of the array, which
1200 m, and the transmission frequency was 0.25 Hz. The 2D re- were designed to provide off-target control, were heavily influenced
sponse of the reservoir was calculated by using the code of Li and
Key 共2007兲. The data follow the modeled response to a remarkable by a salt body in that location. In Figure 3b we present data from one
degree because a 2D model is a reasonable approximation to the ge- of the more modern Scripps instruments 共Bandicoot兲, which was po-
ology along this survey line. sitioned close enough to the edge of the reservoir to show an on-tar-
Marine CSEM for hydrocarbon exploration WA9

get and off-target response. The amplitudes are somewhat scattered, a)

probably as a result of transmitter instability and navigational errors,
but the noise floor for this instrument of around 10−14 V/A.m2 is
comparable to modern surveys. The data saturate at about 5 ⫻ 10−11
V/A.m2 because of the high gain settings of the low-noise amplifier 9
used in these instruments. Although saturation does not compromise
the detection of the reservoir response, which does not appear until

Distance (km)
Well B Tow 2
larger source-receiver ranges have been achieved, more modern sur- 6 Receiver 21
veys employ receivers with lower gains.
In order to compress the exponential falloff of electric-field am- Well A
plitude with source-receiver separation, as well as highlight the larg-
er amplitudes associated with target structure, it has become practice
to normalize the electric-field amplitudes by a half-space response, Salt Seismic O/W
as was done by Eidesmo et al. 共2002兲, or to normalize data by the re-
sponse recorded by an instrument assumed to be off-target 共e.g., Jo- 0
hansen et al., 2005兲 共a technique that has some similarity to the shale 0 3 6 9 12 15
Distance (km)
baseline method in well-logging兲. As can be seen from 2D modeling,
simple normalization of the data by the half-space response, as was 10-10
done by Ellingsrud et al. 共2002兲, overestimates the extent of the res-
Inline E field, 0.25 Hz
ervoir because the elevated electric-field response persists indefi- Receiver 21, tow line 2
nitely off the edge of the target. 10-11
2-min. stacked data

Normalized field (V/(A m2))

ExxonMobil researchers were independently planning their own With reservoir
field trials during the Statoil experiment and surveyed three pros- • Backgound
pects offshore West Africa in early 2002 共Srnka et al., 2006兲. These
surveys were carried out in a manner very similar to the Statoil
study; they used the British research vessel RRS Charles Darwin 10-13
and the Southampton DASI transmitter. The receiver fleet, however,
was now a uniform fleet of 30 modern instruments provided by Noise level
Scripps, three of which were full MT/CSEM receivers, and more ef- 10-14

fort was put into the navigation of the transmitter and receivers.
Reservoir limits
In Figure 4 we present an example from a known discovery, with 10-15
data acquired in January 2002, during the three offshore West Africa 0 3 6 9 12 15
surveys. Saturated middle to lower Miocene oil sands are present Distance along line (km)
1400 to 2500 m below the seafloor. A total of 29 receiver positions
and 210 line-kilometers of data were collected in water 1000 m Figure 4. Marine CSEM data example over a discovered field. 共a兲
deep. The radial towing pattern maximizes the amount of inline data Survey layout. 共b兲 Data from receiver 21 for tow line 2 along with 3D
forward-model responses for the charged-reservoir 共Figure 5兲 and
collected and has advantages for data summation and 3D inversion uncharged-reservoir models. The transmission frequency was
共Srnka and Carazzone, 2003兲. The transmitter, again the DASI sys- 0.25 Hz, and the source dipole moment was 15 kA.m.
tem provided by Southampton, was towed 50 m above the seafloor
at a speed of about 1.5 knots. The maximum dipole moment was
15 kA.m.
Figure 5 shows a section of the 3D resistivity model developed by 0
iterative forward calculations guided by 3D seismic data, well-log 0.3 Ωm
data from wells A and B, and the CSEM data collected on all instru-
ments at all frequencies transmitted by all tow lines. The reservoir 1 0.6 Ωm

units are the four deep, highly resistive 共50–70 ⍀m兲, dipping units.
Depth (km)

Figure 4b shows source-normalized, inline, horizontal electric-field

amplitudes acquired on receiver 21 during survey tow line 2, for a 2
frequency of 0.25 Hz 共the source fundamental兲. The responses of the 70 Ωm
3D forward model with all oil-filled reservoirs 共solid line兲 and all
brine-filled reservoirs 共broken line兲 are also shown, calculated by us- 3
50 Ωm
ing a variant of the 3D finite-difference frequency-domain code of 0.8 Ωm
Newman and Alumbaugh 共1995兲. It is clear that a charged-reservoir
model fits the data much better than a no reservoir model. 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Figure 6 shows a second 2002 survey also collected offshore West Distance (km)
Africa prior to drilling an exploration prospect in a salt-withdrawal
minibasin. The survey parameters were similar to the previous ex- Figure 5. Section through 3D resistivity model taken along tow line 2
ample, except that fewer receivers 共23兲 and transmitter tows 共182 shown in Figure 4. Background resistivity is gradational from
0.6 ⍀m at the seafloor to 0.8 ⍀m at depth. The resistive layers in the
line-km兲 were used, and the water depth was deeper 共1900 m兲. Pro- overburden sediments are 2–4 ⍀m. Receiver positions are shown as
spective lower Miocene and Oligocene sands are located 1200 to open circles at the seafloor.
WA10 Constable and Srnka

1500 m below the seafloor; their seismic reflection signature tion relied heavily on 3D model-based interpretation utilizing seis-
showed indications of hydrocarbons. In contrast to the example mic depth control and geologic constraints. These results have con-
shown in Figures 4 and 5, the inline horizontal electric-field data fit firmed that the method is useful for distinguishing hydrocarbon res-
the 3D forward-model response for a brine-filled reservoir 共Figure ervoirs from wet sands, subject to the current limitations of the meth-
6b兲. The predicted response for models of hydrocarbon-filled reser- od. These limitations include signal-to-noise ratio, target size, and
voirs is significantly larger than the observed data. The CSEM pre- geologic structure 共e.g., targets below salt are largely invisible to the
diction was thus for a dry hole, which was confirmed upon drilling. method as currently practiced兲. However, it has been shown that in-
This result was a success for the marine CSEM method, although tegrated interpretation of marine CSEM data using iterative 3D for-
less of a success from an exploration perspective. Drilling showed ward modeling can be effective even in complex geologic settings
that the sands were partially gas saturated, which contributed to a 共Green et al., 2005兲 and that 3D inversion can illuminate subtle resis-
seismic direct hydrocarbon indicator 共DHI兲 interpretation. tivity effects that would otherwise be difficult to interpret manually
共Carazzone et al., 2005兲.
Between 2002 and the end of 2004, thirty-four additional surveys
were carried out by ExxonMobil in a variety of geologic environ-
ments offshore West Africa, South America, and North America in DISCUSSION AND A LOOK FORWARD
water depths between 100 and 3200 m. To evaluate the extent to
which marine CSEM could be applied to exploration problems, sur- Marine CSEM may well become the most important geophysical
veys were conducted with calibration from well control, over explo- technique to emerge since the advent of 3D reflection seismology 25
ration prospects, and in development and production settings. It was years ago. Calibrations of the method over known reservoirs, using
demonstrated that marine CSEM data could be successfully ac- well-data comparisons and realistic 3D model simulations, demon-
quired simultaneously with seismic surveys, drilling operations, and strate that the fundamental methodology is sound. The high quality
hydrocarbon production. From the start, ExxonMobil developed a of marine CSEM data is a result of the low noise environment at the
deep seafloor, the high sensitivity and low system noise of seafloor
strong 3D modeling and inversion capability, and prospect evalua-
receivers, and the large source strengths now being used. The utility
of the data for hydrocarbon applications stems from the good cou-
15 pling of the transmitted fields to geologic structures and the absence
of a strongly attenuated direct-source signal through the seawater at
Tow 3
large source-receiver separations. As might be expected, interpreta-
Miocene tion is improved significantly when CSEM data are integrated with
Distance north (km)

other geoscientific information such as seismic reflection data, well

9 logs, and geologic syntheses. Although the nonuniqueness of geo-
Well physical inversion and modeling, coupled with the fact that many
geologic formations exhibit enhanced resistivity 共evaporites, volca-
nics, coals, carbonates, and freshwater sands, to name a few兲, pre-
Receiver 21 sents potential pitfalls to using the method, the fact that CSEM pro-
3 vides information that is independent from seismic data and inti-
mately connected to the nature of the fluid component means that the
0 method can make significant contributions to exploration and, possi-
0 3 6 9 12 15 bly, to field development and production. Although the spatial reso-
Distance east (km) lution of EM methods is lower than for seismic methods, there is an
intrinsic sensitivity to the depth of the target, and the resolution is
b) significantly better than for potential-field methods.
Rotated inline E field The early commercial development of marine CSEM leaned
Receiver 21, tow line 3 heavily on the academic community for software, instrumentation,
Radial electric field (V/(A m2))

10–11 0.25-Hz data and methodology and has progressed very rapidly as a result. The
• Mio + Olig HC filled balance of activity has now moved heavily toward industry; thus one
Oligocene HC filled
10–12 Brine filled expects that further progress will come from the commercial sector,
as has clearly happened in the areas of 3D modeling and inversion
共Green et al., 2005; Carazzone et al., 2005兲. Another area of im-
provement is the collection of useful phase 共cf. amplitude兲 data. The
phase stability of acquisition systems used in early academic and in-
10–14 dustrial surveys was problematic, primarily because of source and
Noise level
receiver timing issues, so the use of potentially valuable information
10–15 in the frequency-dependent phase response has been limited. This
0 3 6 9 12 15 situation applies to the data examples shown in Figures 3, 4, and 6.
Distance (km) These problems have been addressed in more recent instrument sys-
tems, and now accurate absolute phase is recorded. Data quality as
characterized by signal-to-noise floor has improved by a little more
Figure 6. Marine CSEM data collected over an active exploration
prospect. Predrill CSEM data suggested that the potential reservoir than an order of magnitude, from the worst of the academic data 共a
was brine-filled, which was confirmed by drilling. The transmission little more than 10−14 V/共A.m2兲兲 to the best of the current commer-
frequency was 0.25 Hz and the source dipole moment 15 kA.m. cial data 共a little less than 10−15 V/共A.m2兲兲, mainly through increases
Marine CSEM for hydrocarbon exploration WA11

in source dipole moment. On the other hand, the only significant Bannister, P. R., 1968, Electromagnetic fields within a stratified earth pro-
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Three dimensional imaging of marine CSEM data: 75th Annual Interna-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Drysdale, C. V., 1924, The distribution of the magnetic field and return cur-
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We thank the officers and crew of the RRS Charles Darwin for sophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A224, 95–140.
their assistance with the cruises described here; David Wright and Edwards, N., 2005, Marine controlled source electromagnetics: Principles,
methodologies, future commercial applications: Surveys in Geophysics,
Ian Florence of Kongsberg Simrad; colleagues Terje Eidesmo, 26, 675–700.
Svein Ellingsrud, Lucy MacGregor, Arnold Orange, and Martin Sin- Edwards, R. N., and A. D. Chave, 1986, A transient dipole-dipole method for
ha; and the many students, postdocs, and technicians who participat- mapping the conductivity of the seafloor: Geophysics, 51, 984–987.
Edwards, R. N., L. K. Law, P. A. Wolfgram, D. C. Nobes, M. N. Bone, D. F.
ed in these projects. Steven Constable thanks Kerry Key and Yuguo Trigg, and J. M. DeLaurier, 1985, First results of the MOSES experiment:
Li for running the 2D model shown in Figure 3, and Statoil and the Sea sediment conductivity and thickness determination, Bute Inlet, British
Scripps Seafloor Electromagnetic Methods Consortium for support. Columbia, by magnetometric offshore electrical sounding: Geophysics,
50, 153–160.
Leonard Srnka thanks ExxonMobil management for their support Eidesmo, T., S. Ellingsrud, L. M. MacGregor, S. Constable, M. C. Sinha, S.
and encouragement; the R3M collaborative for their dedication, en- Johanson, F. N. Kong, and H. Westerdahl, 2002, Sea bed logging 共SBL兲, a
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search Company, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Sonangol, Ellingsrud, S., T. Eidesmo, S. Johansen, M. C. Sinha, L. M. MacGregor, and
and block coventurers for permission to publish results. We thank S. Constable, 2002, Remote sensing of hydrocarbon layers by seabed log-
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