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Children's rights

Many of the things that adults need can wait, children and adolescents we
cannot, now is the time, our bones are in formation, our blood is also and our
senses are developing, they cannot answer us tomorrow our name is today
Good morning, teachers, classmates, and the general public, my name is
Valentina Nava Ortega and I am from group 2 a at the high school level

Today I am going to talk about the rights of children, specifically about the
right to freedom of expression and access to information.

First of all, I want to make it clear that they are the rights of children;

Children and adolescents have the same human rights as adults, we are not
owned by anyone, we are human beings and holders of our own rights.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, shows children as individuals,

with rights and responsibilities appropriate to their age.
Children should have the right to a basic quality of life, instead of it being a
privilege that few children enjoy.

As I said before, today I will talk about the right we have to express our
opinion on matters that affect us and to have our opinion taken into account.
The freedom of expression of children and adolescents entails the right to
have our opinion taken into account regarding matters that directly affect us,
or our families or communities.
The authorities, within the scope of their respective powers, must guarantee
the right of children and adolescents to freely express our opinion, as well as
to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas of all kinds and by
any means.
Today I will present the case in which the parents are going through a
divorce process.

Today most people accept divorce as a way of life, completely unaware of

the damage they are doing to their children.

We have the right to give our opinion, in this case it could be to decide who
we prefer to live with instead of having the decision made by our parents.
A recurring case in which the opinion of children and adolescents is not
taken into account most of the time is when our parents go through a
separation process.
In the last year, 33% of marriages were consumed by divorce, now imagine
at the same time the number of children and adolescents who had to go
through their parents' divorce, thus affecting their emotional and mental
Just in the last year, the approximate minimum number of children with
divorced parents is the amount to fill, not one, not two, but 7 times the
Corregidora stadium in Querétaro
Separation and divorce, as well as the events that precede them, disrupt the
stability and predictability children need.
Facing such a radical change in life circumstances causes children a sense
of loss, as well as anxiety, anger and sadness. Children are afraid of being
abandoned or losing the love of their parents. Similarly, for various reasons,
parenting skills often worsen during divorce. Parents are usually worried and
may show hostility towards each other. Children feel guilty because they
believe that they were somehow the cause of the divorce.
You should also pay attention and importance to the feelings and opinion of
the children, ask them how they feel, what they need, clearly, the decision to
separate is the responsibility of the parents, but the children cannot be
Although they are decisions of the parents, the opinion of the children should
be taken into account, always seeking the physical, emotional and mental
health of children and adolescents.
Thus giving my closure, wanting to raise awareness among all parents,
including teachers, in order to further promote the mental health of all
children, giving us a voice to which we still do not have access, remember,
we are all the future, and I'm sure we all want the best.
Thank you so much!

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