Critical Analysis Paper 1A

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College of Education

ED. 110 (Building & Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum)
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Instructor: Alvin D. Tenorio

Critical Analysis Paper 1B

Read the paper of Ball et al. (2016) titled “Exploring 21st Century Skills and Learning
Environments for Middle School Youth”. Make a 5-page critical analysis of the paper using the
structure indicated below. Use a Times New Roman font, size 12, and double-spaced. Follow
the APA 7th edition format in your in-text citation and reference list. The reference list is not
counted as part of your 5-page critical analysis paper.

I. Introduction

Make an introduction to the paper being analyzed. Provide a short synthesis of the paper
to give readers a grasp of what the paper is all about. You may include a definition of technical
terms used in the paper.

II. Critical Analysis

Present your analysis in this section. Please refer to the following guide questions to
focus your critique and arguments.

1. What are the gaps/problems in education the research wanted to address? Did the
authors clearly present those gaps/problems? In what way?
2. Does the study clearly demonstrate a unique contribution to theories on 21st Century
education? In what way?
3. Are the practical applications of the results of the study in resolving a problem or
problems in education apparent/evident in the paper? Explain.
4. What is the overall implication of the study to the teaching of 21st Century life and
career skills of students and their learning environments?
5. What other points or critiques would you like to raise regarding the paper?

III. Summary and Conclusion

Summarize the arguments you have presented in the previous section and discuss the
importance of those arguments. Provide a conclusion based on the results of the research
analyzed and the points you have raised. You may cite other literatures (you can refer to the
suggested reading for Module 1 or other references) to substantiate your conclusion.

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