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1. Did you find any hazards? What were they?

There are four physical hazards found during the inspection of the outdoor area at Biloela Early Learning Centre on the 3 rd of
March. These hazards include, climbing of medium to large rocks, consumption of small rocks, potential drowning in
buckets/bodies of water and climbing of outdoor furniture.

2. What will you do about the hazard?

Educators to be actively supervising and engaging in yard inspections and in play with children. Educators to be Educator to
be positioned near all buckets and body of water to ensure no child places head in water. Buckets and bodies of water to be
tipped out and drained at the conclusion of water play. Educators to be rostered on who have CPR training and current and
valid first aid certificate.

3. How often is this area required to be inspected?

This area is required to be inspected constantly. Educators are required to have adequate supervision are always able to
observe each child, respond to individual needs, and immediately intervene if necessary.

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