Artist Statement 1

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Jenna Krueger

ENG 111

Prof. Jessica Williams

14 Nov. 2023

Artist’s Statement

I chose to do my project on my top five favorite songs for fall because I love music and

am very passionate about it. I enjoy listening to and discussing songs and artists with people who

are also enthusiastic about the topic. Fall music especially is one of my favorite times to listen to

music because of the genres of music that are normally listened to during the season. The

purpose of making this project was to share some of my favorite songs with other people so they

to listen and fall in love with them as well.

My audience for this project was anyone who listens to music or wants to find more fall

music to listen to. However, if I were to be more specific, it would probably be for a younger

audience somewhere from fourteen or mid-teen to people in their late twenties who listen to or

enjoy indie pop or folk music. I wanted to target these people because they would most likely

agree or like the songs I picked as some of my favorite fall music.

I can see my pieces of information being shared with people on social media such as

Instagram or TikTok, or possibly an article online. If I had to choose what appeal I would use for

this project, I would probably have to pick ethos to show others that they should trust my opinion

on music. Although I do not have anything that technically makes me completely credible on

anything, I believe talking about music may show people that they can trust my music taste.

In the end, I chose to do a series of TikTok posts because I think a lot of the people who

are on the app have similar music tastes. TikTok’s main audience is teenagers who are most
likely on their phones a lot and may also listen to music quite frequently. I think this was the best

and most efficient and effective way to reach my target audience. TikTok has an algorithm that

allows people to get videos recommended to them based on other videos they like so they get

content that is personalized to their interests. This seemed to be the most logical and accurate

way to get my information out to my preferred audience.

The first step to starting my project was deciding what songs I wanted to use as my top

five favorites. That was a very hard step for me because I had many fall songs that I wanted to

share with others but I was limited in the amount I was able to pick. In the end, I had to make

sure the songs I was choosing were good for fall and I didn’t just happen to like them during the

fall season. Next, I had to research the five songs I chose about what they were about so I could

give my audience a description of the song and why it is a good pick for this season. Afterward, I

made my TikTok account and made the video by taking screenshots and putting them to the song

I chose so that it would play while the person would swipe through the photos.

Finding the information for the songs went pretty easily because the internet had a lot of

background on the artists and their music but the layout of the TikTok was not working out for

me at first. When I test-posted a TikTok to see how the images looked, it ended up being cropped

and cut off part of my information. I had to figure out how to make the images so that they

would fit onto the screen without leaving anything out. I knew that I could figure it out so I did

not give up and eventually figured out that if I cropped the images to a 5:7 image ratio it was

able to all fit onto TikTok's layout. At first, I did panic because when it was in my drafts the

information was not cropped so I was very confused as to why it had changed when I posted it.

Thankfully I was able to solve the problem in about ten minutes or so.
Reflecting on my work, I am quite happy with how my TikTok page turned out. I did

somewhat change my appeals as I went along. I started going with more logos tatics than ethos

because I started stating more facts about the songs than talking about my credibility to be

suggesting songs. I think that this made more sense and was overall a good decision. If I had all

the time, money, and expertise in the world I might’ve edited the videos better to make moving

videos play in the back while the song played but I was not able to do that with free editing

equipment. I am happiest about the look and feel of the TikTok page because it looks very clean

and I’m happy with the songs I ended up choosing. I think this project was overall pretty medium

in terms of difficulty and was more of a time-consuming thing than laborers or hard work.

Having done this as a college project I can see myself using parts of this project in the future

such as analyzing works as I analyzed these songs.

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