Quiz - CSM Exam 2

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CSM Exam #2 ('Copy') ('Copy') Score

1. Exte nal customers can view the problem, change, and request records associated with
their customer se vice cases from the Customer and Consumer Se vice Po tals. Which of the
following can they approve in relation to cases via the po tals?
A Request Records and Escalations

B Change Records and Request Records

C Problem Records and Escalations

D Problem Records and Incident Records

2. Playbooks for CSM provide step-by-step guidance for resolving specific types of customer
se vice cases. What are the three out-of-the-box playbooks for CSM? (Choose three.)
A Case playbook for Onboarding

B Case playbook for Se vices

C Case playbook for Product Suppo t

D Case playbook for Complaints

E Case playbook for Billing

3. Based on which out-of-box att ibutes can Special handling Notes be applied to cases?
Choose three.)
A Se vice Contract

B Install Base Item

C Product

D Contact

E Account

4. As an agent you can repo t a knowledge gap, if you cannot find relevant a ticles that could
help resolve a case. Which action is required to create the knowledge gap?
A Document the knowledge gap in the case work notes and escalate the case

B Post a question in one of the va ious Customer Se vice Management knowledge bases

C Use Related Links on the case fo m to repo t a knowledge gap

D Use the Create Knowledge button on the case fo m to repo t a knowledge gap
5. What feature does the Product Model and Catalog Items Relationship plugin enable?
A Agents are automatically proposed catalog items related to the chosen product on the case
fo m

B Consumers can track what products they have purchased via the catalog

C It provides a contextual se vice catalog based on the custome ’s subsc ibed se vices

D Customer se vice managers can track the financial cost of custome ’s subsc ibed se vices and
the related requests

6. What happens to a case whenever the state of one of the associated IT Se vice
Management records (incident, problem, change) is updated?
A The case escalates to an assignment group as defined in the default escalation template

B The case work notes are updated automatically

C The case action status changes to Related Task Updated

D The case displays a special handling note highlighting the update

7. Application Scoping from a secu ity perspective b ings the following benefits: Choose two.)
A Improves instance secu ity by limiting access to other applications on the instance

B Scoped applications prevent versioning for complex instances

C Scoping hold the records and acts as a container for the desired CSM applications

D Scoped applications limits autonomy and control of all aspects of the CSM application

8. How can multiple se vice catalogs be made available on the Customer Se vice Po tal?
A Include them in the list of se vice catalogs on the Customer Se vice Po tal record

B Add them to the list of se vice catalogs in the Customer Se vice Po tal header widget options

C Only the Customer Se vice se vice catalog can be used on the Customer Se vice Po tal

D Create user c ite ia for each of the applicable se vice catalogs

9. Now Create provides a presc iptive methodology, leading practices, and accelerators to help
with Se viceNow implementations and upgrades. How many sequential project phases and
exit gates are there in the Now Create Methodology?
A Three

B Five

C Four

D Six
10. From which one of the following can an agent create a CSM Case:
A Human Resource Application

B Incident Management

C Chat

D Special Handling Note

11. Using the out-of-the-box major issue management process flow, a consumer se vice agent
proposes an existing case in the Open state as a major case candidate. The major case
candidate has a consumer defined and is approved by the customer se vice manager What
happens to the major case candidate?
A The major case candidate becomes a major case

B A new major case is created and the major case candidate is added as a child to the major

C The major case candidate requires an approval from the major issue manager

D The major case candidate is closed and a new major case is created

12. What types of escalation templates can be created? (Choose two.)

A Case

B Sold Product

C Consumer

D Account

13. What are the recommended good practices when unning implementation workshops?
Choose three.)
A Give the customers the data they need so they can make an info med decision

B Any financial implication of a decision should be handled by the delive y and sales team

C Enforce customers to adapt their processes towards the baseline processes

D Engage with customers to gain deep understanding of their organization

E Guide the customer toward indust y best practices

14. What is the specific type of catalog item called that allows users to create task-based
records, such as case records, from the Se vice Catalog?
A Request Item

B Record Producer

C Catalog Processor

D Case Template
15. Out-of-box, which functionality handles state transitioning for case management?
A Workflows

B State Flows

C Business Rules

D Flows

16. Which of the following are benefits of customer access management? (Choose two.)
A It defaults the responsibility for access management to the customer se vice agent.

B It increases secu ity by automatically providing access to case info mation based on account

C It increases automation by automatically granting access to cases based on access to sold


D It improves the customer expe ience by enabling related pa ties to track and collaborate on

E It defaults the responsibility for access management to the customer.

17. What are the advantages of leading indicators over lagging indicators? Choose two.)
A Hard to influence

B Prospective

C Retrospective

D Easy to influence

18. Customer Se vice Management Administrators can delegate Contact Administration

activities to specific contacts within accounts by assigning specific roles to one or more
users. Which of the following roles, if assigned, would allow the user to create contacts?
A Customer case manager (sn_customerse vice.customer_case_manager)

B Customer account manager (sn_customerse vice.customer_account_manager)

C Customer admin (sn_customerse vice.customer_admln)

D Customer (sn_customerse vice.customer)

19. What is knowledge a ticle versioning?

A A content tracker for knowledge a ticles

B A knowledge a ticle publishing guide

C The ability to manage and track a ticle updates

D A knowledge a ticle numbe ing guide

20. Se vice providers use business models to suppo t their va ious customers. What type of
customer is suppo ted with the Business-to-Consumer B2C model?
A Individuals

B Pa tners

C Contacts

D Accounts

21. When configu ing email in Communication Channels, how many outgoing email addresses
are suppo ted?
A One

B Two

C Three

D Unlimited

22. Which of the following roles have pe mission to create a relationship between a contact and
an account? Choose two.)
A sn_customerse vice_agent

B sn_customerse vice.customer_admm

C sn_customerse vice.pa tner_admin

D sn_customerse vice_manager

E admin

23. In CSM Asset Management has a different meaning than in ITSM or Corporate Finance
Which of the following defines Asset Management in CSM?
A The process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in me
most cost-effective manner

B A gene ic activity or process responsible for tracking and repo ting the value and ownership of
assets throughout their lifecycle

C Asset management has different use cases for tracking specific products or se vices
customers are using

D It includes all of the data c ucial to suppo t customers as efficiently as possible

24. What is KCS Knowledge Centered Se vices)?
A A bunch of tables st ictly pe taining to CSM case a ticles that focus on mapping a ticles to
Knowledge management

B A documented methodology to provide a set of best practices for creating and maintaining

C A dashboard with specific visualization of the different knowledge bases and catego ies

D An application that helps agents and managers to create cases from Knowledge a ticles

25. When creating or impo ting assets for CSM, model catego ies are used to: Choose three.)
A Define whether a Configuration Item CI is created when an Asset record is created or vice

B Group assets together

C Build a classification st ucture for product models

D Model the configuration options for each product model being sold to customers

E Define a link between Asset classes and Configuration Item CI classes

26. Viewing a custome ’s install base in the CSM Workspaces enables customer se vice
agents to: (Choose two.)
A Close an upsell of related products and se vices not yet purchased by a customer

B See the detailed configurations of the products and se vices deployed for a customer to
dete mine the action needed

C Trace Info mation provided in a case to the ight product or se vice to which it relates

D Monitor related operational se vices and configuration items that affect se vice health

27. Benefits of Proactive Customer Se vice Operations include: Choose two.)

A Reduced inbound calls from customers

B Reduction in staff tu nover

C Major cases can be eliminated as there will be no Impact to customers

D Reduced Mean Time To Resolve MTTR

E Guaranteed increase in customer satisfaction

28. What features are included with the Customer Se vice Po tal? Choose three.)
A Header with links for different customer activities such as creating a case

B Search feature to get info mation from several reposito ies

C Links to info mation sources such as the knowledge base, community and customer suppo t

D Links to marketing promotions and product coupons

E The ability to create new accounts

29. What does NLU stand for?
A Natural-Lea ning Userability

B Natural-Language Understanding

C Natural-Lea ning URL

D Natural-Language URL

30. When are any changes to the platfo m considered a customization?

A When they require an implementation spread across all project phases

B If they are NOT applied through the usage of built-in tools on the Now Platfo m

C When they are solely implemented for a custom application

D When there are business demands for custom functionality that is not offered out-of-the-box

31. Which solution must be implemented to let a breakdown dashboard appear as a pop-up
window on the case fo m?
A Se vice Analytics

B In-fo m Analytics

C Case Spotlight

D CSM Prediction Results

32. The case digests feature includes which types of case communication? Choose two.)
A Case Lifecycle Repo ts

B Case Action Summa ies

C Post Case Reviews

D Case Post Mo tem

33. By default what can customers with the customer (sn_customerse vice.customer) role see on
the customer se vice po tal? (Choose three.)
A Assets

B Publications

C Products

D Contacts

E Contracts
34. Which feature allows an agent to copy reusable messages to case or task fo ms to provide
quick and consistent messages to users?
A Quick Messages

B Quick Actions

C Response Templates

D Templates

35. Which capabilities does the integration with Microsoft Outlook add-in offer? Choose two.)
A Escalate a case on the add-m panel of Outlook

B Register the sender of an email as contact

C As the Microsoft Outlook user, register yourself as self-cont ibutor

D Create cases using email content in Outlook for the customer contact

36. To which entities can Special Handling Notes be applied out of the box?
A Consumer

B Entitlement

C Sold Product

37. Which se vice catalogs are available out-of-the-box in the customer po tals? (Choose
A Pa tner Se vice

B Customer Se vice

C Consumer Se vice

D Product Se vice

38. Pa tner admin (sn_customerse vice.pa tner_admin) contacts have access to:
A Their customer account

B Their pa tner accounts

C Both

D Neither
39. From a secu ity perspective, scoping b ings several benefits: Choose two.)
A Improves instance secu ity by limiting accessibility to other applications on the instance

B Provides CSM teams the autonomy and control needed to configure and manage the CSM
application, but not the CSM Se vice Po tals
C IT can manage and control the pace of the CSM teams because dependencies have been put
in place
D The scope holds the records and acts as a container for the desired Customer Se vice
Management Applications

40. Advanced Work Assignment AWA pushes work to qualified agents using work item queues,
routing conditions, and assignment c ite ia that you define. Which step would ensure the
work was allocated to the approp iate agent?
A Set the Agent Expe ience What agents see in their Workspace inbox)

B Define Assignment Rules How to assign work items)

C Define Work Item Queues Where to route)

D Configure Se vice Channels What to route)

41. What action can be pe fo med by a Pa tner Admin (sn_customerse vice.pa tner_admin) and
NOT by a Pa tner (sn_customerse vice pa tner) in the Customer Se vice Po tal?
A Can view assets belonging to their pa tner accounts

B Can create, view, and edit cases for their pa tner accounts

C Can resolve cases repo ted by their pa tner accounts

D Can create and update contacts for their pa tner accounts

42. What is a household entity?

A Group of users that usually share a common address and use se vices as a group

B Group of people that usually share a common address and use se vices as a group

C Group of customers that usually share a common address and use se vices as a group

D Group of consumers that usually share a common address and use se vices as a group

43. Why does the implementation team need to deliver core functionality to the customer as
quickly as possible?
A To expand the technical reach

B To facilitate the requirement gathe ing du ing the workshops

C To complete any complex customizations early enough

D To realize near-te m ROI Retu n on Investment)

44. Assignment workbench enables customer se vice managers to assign tasks to agents via
configurable c ite ia known as Matching Rules. Which out-of-the-box configurable c ite ia
can be used? Choose three.)
A Assigned Cases

B Agent Affinity

C Availability Today

D Matching Skills

E Agent Histo y

45. Regarding Account Teams, what is the purpose of marking a role as 'unique'?
A The role then becomes a child responsibility

B Ensure there is a dedicated account manager for that account

C The role then becomes a parent responsibility

D Prevent the same role being used on different customer accounts

46. Configuration items CIs) are entities that capture the individual configurations for each
product sold to the customer CIs are stored in the configuration management database
CMDB . Assets are specific product instances that are suppo ted for a customer. Which of
the following statements is co rect for CIs and assets?
A The contract and entitlements of an asset dictate whether or not it is stored in the CMDB

B The CMDB only tracks CIs, assets cannot be CIs

C While the CMDB may track some assets as configuration items CIs) not ALL assets are CIs

D The CMDB tracks all assets as configuration items CIs)

47. Which of the following statements is co rect when the 'Contact Local Time' field is enabled
in a case fo m?
A The field is not based of the customers profile time zone

B The field is active in the base fo m

C The field is always based on the system time zone

D Agents can use the field to identify if it is the ight time to contact customer

48. Which of the following roles can update a consume 's record? Choose two.)
A Consumer Suppo t Agent {sn_customerse vice.consumer_agent)

B Customer Se vice Manager (sn_customerse vice_manager)

C Customer Se vice Agent (sn_customerse vice_agent)

D Customer (sn_customerse vice.customer)

49. Which CSM Configurable Workspace feature enables agents to quickly view records in the
contextual side panel without switching tabs?
A Contextual Search

B Agent Assist

C Dynamic Related Records

D Record Info mation

50. With the Auto Close Resolved Cases flow enabled, and using its default settings, when will
a reminder be sent to a non-responsive customer0
A After 3 days

B After 5 days

C After 1 day

D After 7 days

51. The self-registration feature enables new customer contacts to submit registration
requests from the customer po tal. Which role is responsible for creating the unique
registration code for each account?
A Customer Se vice Manager (sn_customerse vice_manager)

B System administrator (admin)

C Se vice organization administrator (sn_customerse vice.se vice_organization_admin)

D Customer admin (sn_customerse vice.customer_admin)

52. What action is required to enable agents to create an incident record for a case?
A They must be assigned with the read role for incident

B They must be assigned with the itil role

C They must be assigned with the snc_intemal role

D They must be assigned with the sn_customerse vice.itsm_cont ibutor role

53. In the ’Action Status' column on a case list what could a red indicator dot mean? Choose
A Blocked by approval

B Blocked by case task

C Blocked inte nally and by customer

D Blocked by inte nally

54. Which of the following are co rect for parent/child synchronization? Choose two.)
A Multiple child cases can be managed from a parent case as in Major Issue Management

B The Administrator can choose which fields to synchronize from parent to child cases

C Parent to child cases can be synchronized regardless of which state the case is in

D The prope ty to synchronize parent to child cases is automatically enabled

55. When the channel field on a case fo m is set to Social where are details of the social media
conversations related to the case stored?
A Social Channels

B Social Profiles

C Social Logs

D Work notes

E Additional comments

56. Once a major case candidate is approved a major case is created. What then happens to
the customer case?
A The customer case becomes a child case of the major case

B The customer case will be automatically closed

C The customer case becomes the parent case of the major case

D The customer case will automatically be related to a problem

57. What are the types of units used to measure entitlements? (Choose two.)
A Hours

B Contract

C Cost

D Case

58. How are Se viceNow’s out-of-the-box Customer Se vice Management applications

packaged? (Choose two.)
A Store Apps

B Update Sets

C Through p ivate scopes

D Plugins
59. Which of the following statements is co rect regarding product models in CSM?
A Products models can only contain digital (logical) items

B Product models can contain either physical items or digital (logical) items but not both in the
same model
C Product models can only contain physical items

D Product models can contain both physical items and digital (logical) items in the same mode

60. Which of the following is co rect regarding the create contact (consumer) feature in CSM
A The create contact (consumer) feature is available in all CSM Workspaces

B The create contact (consumer) feature is not available in any of the CSM Workspaces

C The create contact (consumer) feature is only available in the CSM Configurable Workspace

D The create contact (consumer) feature is only available in the Agent Workspace

61. Depending on which CSM workspace you are operating within, ce tain steps can be applied
to configure the fo m header. Which of the following is co rect regarding fo m headers in the
CSM Configurable workspace?
A The fo m heade 's seconda y values can only he displayed above the ibbon components

B The fo m heade 's p ima y values can be displayed in the contextual side panes instead of
above the ibbon components

C The fo m heade 's seconda y values can be displayed in the contextual side panel instead of
above the ibbon components

D The fo m header for the case fo m can display five levels of field values from the case table

62. User c ite ia records may be applied to which knowledge items?

A Knowledge Base and Catego y

B Knowledge Base Catego y and A ticle

C Knowledge Base and A ticle

D Knowledge Base
63. What are the three main components that make up Proactive Customer Se vice
Operations? (Choose three.)
A Se vice Monito ing

B Se vice Repo ting

C Se vice-Aware CMDB

D Se vice-Aware Install Base

E Proactive Case

F Proactive Prevention

64. What are the three out-of-the-box playbooks for CSM? (Choose three.)
A Case playbook for Onboarding

B Case playbook for Billing

C Case playbook for Accounts

D Case playbook for Product Suppo t

E Case playbook for Complaints

65. Which of the following allows you to install out-of-the-box Customer Se vice Management
applications within your Se viceNow instance? (Choose two.)
A XML unloads

B Plugins

C Store Apps

D Update Sets

66. What are available matching c ite ia for case assignment in Customer Se vice Management?
(Choose three.)
A Pa tner Hours

B Matching Skills

C Distance

D Ce tifications

E Assigned Cases

F Availability Today
67. What is the purpose of the sidebar feature in CSM Configurable Workspace?
A Enables agents to keep info mation regarding details of the case visible at all times

B Enables agents to access response templates to help them resolve cases faster and more
C To enable agents to collaborate with other agents or Subject Matter Expe ts SMEs) in real-
time for faster case resolution
D Enables managers to discreetly monitor chats between agents and customers

68. What is the specific type of catalog item that allows users to create any type of task, such as
cases, from the Se vice Catalog?
A Request Item

B Se vice Catalog Request

C Record Producer

D Catalog Item

69. Which feature sends an email notification containing a list of relevant knowledge a ticles to
the case submitter and watchlist users associated with the case whenever a case is created?
A Trending Topics

B Auto-Responder

C Proactive Customer Se vice Operations

D Self-Se vice Analytics

70. Depending on the CSM application configurations, cases can be assigned to agents
manually or by using auto-assignment. Which routing and assignment features leverage
matching ules? Choose two.)
A State Flows

B Assignment Workbench

C Assignment Rules

D CSM Workspace

71. What does Major issue Management use to identify all other customers impacted by a
major case?
A Account lists

B Customer Product lists

C Notify lists

D Recipient lists
72. Which of the following is co rect regarding the social media channel?
A Cases cannot be created from any of the social channels

B Cases are NOT created automatically from any of the social channels

C Cases can be created automatically depending on which social channel is used

D Cases are created automatically from all of the social channels

73. When integrating Customer Se vice Management with IT Se vice management what
separate action is required for Request Management?
A Activation of the Customer Se vice with Se vice Management plugin (com.sn_cs_sm)

B Activation of the Customer Se vice with Request Management plugin (com.sn_cs_sm_request)

C Activation of the Customer Se vice Case Action Status plugin (com.snc.csm_action_status)

D Activation of the Customer Se vice plugin (com.sn_customerse vice)

74. New case tasks use the following prefix:

A CSMTASK prefix


C CSTASK prefix

D No specific task prefix just existing TASK prefix

75. When are child cases updated from the parent case?
A Clicking on the Child Sync UI

B Scheduled Job

C Automatically upon update of parent

D When the Sync scheduled job uns

76. Which of the following features are specific to CSM Workspaces and will not be found in the
Platfo m UI view? Choose two.)
A Special handing notes

B Lookup and ve ify

C Related search

D Agent assist
77. Customer se vice agents can use Agent Assist to search for info mation from an
interaction. BY DEFAULT, what are the available search sources? Choose three.)
A Knowledge a ticles

B Se vice catalog

C Communities

D Consumer se vice po tal

E Customer se vice po tal

78. Entitlements are counted using two types of units:

A SLAs and contracts

B Days and assets

C Cases and products

D Hours and cases

79. Se vice-aware Install Base consists of which entities? Choose three.)

A Installed Products

B Install Base Items

C Assets

D Sold Products

E Configuration Items

80. What is the p ima y output from the Requirements Gathe ing workshop?
A Schedules

B Use Cases

C Sto ies

D Personas

81. What is a limitation regarding synchronization between a case and its associated work order?
A If info mation changes on the Case fo m it is not updated on the Work Order fo m

B Updates on a case or work order will only synchronize after the work order is approved

C When creating a work order from a case only the Account field on the work order fo m is filed
in but not the Company field
D The data copied over to the Work Order fo m when creating a work order from a case cannot
be configured or customized
82. Which roles can propose a case as a Major Case candidate? Choose three.)
A Proxy contact (sn_customerse vice.proxy_contact)

B Customer case manager (sn_customerse vice.customer_case_manager)

C Customer se vice manager (sn_customerse vice_manager)

D Customer se vice agent (sn_customerse vice_agent)

E Major issue manager (sn_majo issue_mgt.major_issue_manager)

83. Which of the following is a required field in the Resolution Info mation tad in order to close a
A Cause

B Closed

C Resolution notes

D Closed by

84. Access to a Knowledge base or A ticle can be rest icted based on a custome ’s assets and
the product models using which of the following?
A Knowledge Product Entitlements

B Data Policy


D User C ite ia

85. What benefits does scoping an application b ing? Choose three.)

A CSM teams can move at their desired pace, independent of IT

B Provides CSM teams autonomy and control

C CSM application data and business logic is protected from changes by other applications

D Account records can be changed only while in the CSM scope

E Changes in different scopes can be addressed in a single update set

86. A customer se vice agent wants to escalate an account but is unable to use the Escalate
Account related link on the Account fo m. What could be the reasons why the customer
se vice agent is not able to use it? (Choose two.)
A No escalation approval flow is configured

B The parent account of the account to be escalated is not active

C The customer se vice agent is not assigned with the escalation requester role

D The account already has an open escalation record

87. After installing the Pe fo mance Analytics Content Pack for Customer Se vice, which job
must be un to ret ieve daily case data from previous months?
A Customer Se vice Histo ic Data Collection

B Customer Se vice Initial Data Collection

C Customer Se vice Daily Data Collection

D Customer Se vice Case Data Collection

88. When working with communication channels, what inbound email flows are available by
default? (Choose two.)
A Create case for product

B Create case for asset

C Update case from fo ward email

D Create case from email

E Update case using reply

89. What dete mines how an escalation request is processed?

A Escalation Rule

B Escalation Template

C Escalation Seve ity

D Escalation Justification

90. What allows the implementation of phases and tasks to meet pe fo mance goals track
progress and measure success?
A Pe fo mance Analytics Spotlight

B Scheduled Repo ting

C Se vice Level Agreement Tasks

D Continual Improvement Management

91. For secu ity purposes ce tain roles cannot be assigned to a group or individual at the same
time. Which of me following two roles would be rest icted?
A snc_intemai and snc_exte nal

B snc_inte nal and sn_customerse vice.consumer_agent

C snc_inte nal and sn_customerse vice_agent

D snc_exte nal and sn_customerse vice.customer

92. What are Special Handling Notes used for?
A B ing impo tant info mation about individual records to an agent's attention

B For agents to view a ticles an attach them to a case

C To ensure customers get the se vice they are entitled to receive

D Help agents identify in which time zone a contact is located

93. A customer se vice manager would like to limit the reading and creation of knowledge a ticles
within a specific Knowledge Base to the Customer Suppo t group only. Which features
should be used to accomplish this? (Choose two.)
A Can Read user c ite ia

B Whitelist all other groups from the Knowledge Base

C Hide the Knowledge Base from the Knowledge Base Po tal

D Cannot Cont ibute user c ite ia

94. In case management, Parent Child Synchronization allows for which of the following:
A Enabling the Customer Se vice agent to create cases so that all the children cases can be
managed by managing the parent case
B Parent cases to automatically generate child cases when all fields are filled out thus
synchronized auto-population
C Child cases to be separated from Parent cases and will not be synchronized automatically

D Synchronization of all child cases as well as children of child cases on all levels

95. Which predefined conversations are available for Customer Se vice Vi tual Agent?
Choose two.)
A Create Contact

B Check Case Status

C Close Case

D Get Help with an Order

E Get Help with an Asset

96. What will be the state of a case after a customer rejects the solution proposed by an agent?
A In Progres

B Open

C New

D Solution Rejected
97. Which of the following statements is co rect with regards to pa tners vs. third-pa ties in
Se viceNow’s CSM application? Choose two.)
A A pa tner will own the relationship with their customer

B A pa tner and a third pa ty are the same in Se viceNow’s CSM application

C A pa tner does not own the relationship with a customer. This relationship is owned by the
organization they are pa tne ing

D A pa tner is an organization that has been contracted to sell products and se vices they have
actually purchased from another organization

E A pa tner does not own any of the products or se vices provided by their pa tne ing
organization, instead they help to sell, deliver and suppo t them on their behalf

98. Advanced Work Assignment AWA automatically routes and assigns work items to agents
based on which of the following ules? Choose four.)
A Expe ience

B Skills

C Availability

D Shifts

E Capacity

F Products

99. Installing the Customer Se vice Management plugin activates:

A Only one other plugin - Field Se vice Management Plugin

B No other Plugins

C Only two other plugins - Po tal and Case Management

D Many other plugins at the same time

100. From which places in Se viceNow can a customer se vice agent

[sn_customerse vice_agent] create a case? Choose three.)
A Account

B Incident

C Customer Se vice Application

D Special Handling Note

E Chat
101. Which table must be extended when creating a new case type?
A Case (sn_customerse vice_case)

B Case Task (sn_customerse vice_case_task)

C Task (task)

D Case Type (sn_case_type)

102. What are benefits of me Conversation Histo y feature? (Choose two.)

A Sho ter calls for agents by reducing the time to search for info mation

B A customized admin chat toolbar with emojis for agents to use in chat messages

C Improved customer satisfaction as agents can respond to and resolve customer issues faster

D Better language management by flagging key words and ale ting chat managers when agents
use one or more of those words

103. What is the benefit of a phased release approach?

A Team members schedules are able to synchronize

B More time to develop sto ies

C Working across multiple systems of record

D Delive y of core functionality quickly

104. On the Customer Se vice Po tal which personas can see work orders from their company
hierarchy? Choose two.)
A Pa tner admin

B Pa tner contact

C Customer admin

D Customer contact

105. What is the most efficient way to get cases to be dosed automatically after a few days?
A Set the prope ty glide.auto.close.cases resolved to t ue

B Create a workflow associated with cases with a timer that changes the state after a few days

C Create a Scheduled job that looks at the resolved_at date

D Activate the Auto Close Resolved Cases flow

106. Which roles can specify both skills and mandato y skills for cases and tasks? Choose two.)
A Customer se vice manager (sn_customerse vice_manager)

B Customer se vice agent (sn_customerse vice_agent)

C Customer administrator (sn_customerse vice.customer_admin)

D Pa tner (sn_customerse vice.pa tner)

107. An account is a suppo ted exte nal customer and a contact is a user who is an employee of
an account. How many accounts can a contact be associated with?
A One

B Two

C Three

D Multiple

108. A contact can submit a self-registration request from the customer po tal with a registration
code. Which of the following roles can approve the request? Choose three.)
A Customer se vice manager (sn_customerse vice_manager)

B System administrator (admin)

C Customer administrator (sn_customerse vice.customer_admin)

D Pa tner administrator [sn_customerse vice.pa tner_admon]

E Se vice organization administrator (sn_customerse vice.se vice_organization_admin)

109. What benefits can be gained by integrating CSM with Field Se vice Management? Choose
A Reduces agent workload

B Reduces monthly case volume

C Work orders can be created from a case

D Customer can access work order details and tasks created for their case

110. Guided decisions is a decision autho ing and execution capability that dynamically guides
agents to resolve complex cases. Guided decisions consist of decision trees. What is a
decision tree?
A A step-by-step methodology for creating and solving different case types

B A detailed check list for customer se vice teams

C A multi-step process consisting of a se ies of questions answers, and guidance

D A set of steps used to define a complex process

111. In the 'Action Status' column on a case list, what could a blue indicator dot mean?
A Needs attention

B Blocked inte nally

C Blocked exte nally

D Work in progress

112. Customer se vice personnel who are allocated the customer se vice agent
(sn_customerse vice_agent) role are responsible for which of the following tasks? (Choose
A Assist customers with questions, issues and problems

B Create cases

C Propose major cases

D View, edit, and work on cases

E Approve customer contacts

F Manage customer entitlements

113. The Se viceNow add-in for Microsoft Outlook enables you to manage workflows such as
creating and updating contacts and cases from within Microsoft Outlook. How could this
feature positively affect customer expe ience?
A As email is being used fewer agents would be required to create cases so se vice costs would
go down

B It is easier to repo t on data in emails which means managers would be better placed to track
pe fo mance

C It can lead to taster resolution of customer issues and faster response to customer inqui ies

D It would guarantee less wait time for customers who chose to call the customer se vice center

114. In Se viceNow’s CSM Application, what is an interaction?

A Any configuration item that has been made accessible to customers

B A record that a Customer Se vice Agent uses to identify and resolve a question or an issue for
an exte nal customer

C A binding agreement between two pa ties

D A request for assistance made through a chat, phone call, or walk-up

115. Which se vices does a Customer (sn_customerse vice.customer) have access to? Choose
A Can research questions issues, or problems, and create view and edit cases for only their own

B Can assign the roles to other contacts in the same account

C Can view assets belonging to their account

D Can edit info mation or roles for existing contacts

116. To which recipient types can targeted communications (publications) be sent? (Choose
A Outsourced Se vice Providers

B Contacts

C Inte nal users

D Households

117. What does viewing a custome ’s install base enable customer se vice agents to do?
(Choose two.)
A See the detailed configurations of the products and se vices deployed for a customer to
dete mine the action needed

B Monitor ale ts for operational se vices and configuration items that affect se vice health

C Trace info mation provided in a case to the ight product or se vice to which it relates

D Close an upsell of related products and se vices not yet purchased by a customer

118. Which step in Advanced Work Assignment AWA would ensure the work was allocated to
the approp iate agent?
A Set the Agent Expe ience

B Define Assignment Rules

C Define Work Item Queues

D Configure Se vice Channels

119. When working with case types, what is the lowest level in the case type hierarchy called?
A Sub-level

B Leaf-level

C Decision-level

D Base-level
120. Which roles are responsible for maintaining account team membership? Choose two.)
A Customer Admin [sn_customerse vice.customer.admin]

B Customer Case Manager [sn_customerse vice.customer_case_manager]

C System Administrator [admin]

D Customer Se vice Manager [sn_customerse vice_manager]

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