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The full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language that is
used to create web pages. HTML is a subset of the XHTML language, which is used to
create XML documents that are valid and well-formed.
You can think of HTML as the skeleton, structure, or layout of a web page. Everything on
a webpage is built using components of HTML.
The smallest unit of HTML is called a tag. A tag is a piece of code that tells the browser
how to display a certain part of the page. For example, the <h1> tag tells the browser
to display the text inside the tag as a heading.


In the year 1980, a physicist named Tim Berners-Lee come up with an idea of a system
in which documents could be stored and shared with the researchers at CERN.
The idea was to create a system where researchers could create documents and share
them with other researchers. The documents would be stored on a server and the
researchers could access them through a web browser.
Then in 1989, he composed an update proposing an Internet-based Hypertext
System for global computers. Tim Berners-Lee's idea was a model in which users can
navigate from one set of information on a computer to another set of information on
another computer.
Note: A hypertext system is a network of text documents connected using
a hyperlink and can be jumped from one document to another using some action like
a mouse click.
Tim Berners-Lee wrote the browser and server software for HTML in 1990.
Berners-Lee and another data system engineer collaborated in 1990 to request funding
but CERN rejected the project. In late 1991 Tim Berner-Lee publicly posted the
description of HTML in a document called HTML Tags.
The first version of HTML had 18 elements which were mostly influenced by SGML
(Standard Generalized Markup Language) except for the hyperlink. 11 of those 18
elements exist in HTML4.
The basic characteristics for each element were defined in the browsers and these
characteristics can be modified and enhanced using CSS.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a language that describes the style of an
HTML document.
CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed its size, its color, its position, its
orientation all are decided by CSS.
CSS is a stylesheet language, a language for describing the presentation of a document
written in a markup language.
CSS has an old history and its current version is called CSS3. CSS3 is a combination of the
old version + some new specifications like a media query, namespace, selector, etc.
It works with HTML files so before learning CSS you must be knowing HTML.

History of CSS
CSS was first proposed on 10th Oct 1994 by Håckon Wieum Lie. In that year Microsoft's
Internet Explorer 3 was released with very limited support of CSS.
In those days browsers were unable to add complete CSS and also had bugs. It took
more than 3 years when any browser reached full implementation of CSS.
It has multiple versions and each version is built upon the previous version, typically
adding new features. Newer versions are a subset of one or more levels of CSS built
for a particular device and user interface.

JavaScript is a scripting language that is famously used in web development. It is a high-level,
object-oriented, dynamic, and an interpreted language.
JavaScript is a weakly typed language, meaning that variables do not have a type.
JavaScript is a member of the ECMAScript family of languages. ECMAScript is a family of
specifications that define the syntax, semantics, and behavior of the JavaScript language.
JavaScript is a prototype-based language. It is a prototype-based language because it is
designed to be used as a language for creating objects.
JavaScript was originally developed by Brenden Eich in 1995 and was first released in 1997. It
was later open-sourced in 1998 and is maintained by the Netscape Foundation.
Brenden Eich
JavaScript is significantly utilized for web development but nowadays it is also used for many
other things, including:
 Web development
 Web servers
 Desktop applications
 Games
 Mobile applications
 Data visualization
 WebGL
JavaScript is now everywhere you can do front-end, back-end, mobile app development,
desktop app development, game development, application testing, and many more.
JavaScript is an interpreted language. It is interpreted because it is executed by the browser.
JavaScript is versatile and beginner-friendly, using JavaScript you will be able to create
interactive webpages, games, 2D and 3D graphics, and much more!

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