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ASPAK 11/04/23 15.


RSU RS Umum Haji Kamino

Resume Kelengkapan Alat
Nama alat Standar Total Berfungsi Validasi

Pelayanan Medik dan Keperawatan

Pelayanan Rawat Jalan

Ruangan Klinik Spesialis Penyakit Dalam

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Footstep - 1 1 

Tiang infus - 1 1 

Diagnostic ultrasonic - 1 1 

Ruangan Klinik Spesialis Kesehatan Anak

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Stetoskop anak 1 1 1 

Stetoskop bayi 1 1 1 

Timbangan anak 1 1 1 

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Baby Suction Pump 1 1 1 

Resusitator Anak 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp Page 1 of 55
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periksa / Hanging lamp

Cool box immunization / 1 1 1 

Cold Chain (untuk
penyimpan vaksin)

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1 1 1 

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Sudip/penekan 1 1 1 
lidah/Tongue depressor

Alat pengukur panjang bayi - 1 1 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Hecting set 1 1 1 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Reflex hammer/Palu 1 1 1 
pengukur reflex

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Footstep - 1 1 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Alat pembuka gips 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Kebidanan dan Kandungan

Implant Kit 1 1 1 

IUD Kit 1 1 1  Page 2 of 55
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Pap smear kit 1 1 1 

Sonde Uterus (Uterine 1 1 1 


Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Tampon tang 1 1 1 

USG 4D 1 1 1 

Forcep Biopsi 1 1 1 

Obstetric-gynecologic 1 1 1 
general manual instrument

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Doppler 1 2 2 

Gynecological Bed/Obstetric 1 1 1 
table and accessories

Utility Trolley 1 1 1 

Lemari obat kaca 1 1 1 

Kursi roda 1 1 1 

Tiang infus 1 1 1 

Bak instrumen 1 1 1 

Tromol Kasa / Kain Steril 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Bak instrument kaca 1 1 1 

Nierbeken 1 1 1 

Colposcope 1 0 0 

O!ice histeroscopy 1 0 0 

Sterilisator Portable 1 0 0 

USG Transvaginal 1 1 1 

Cardiotocograph/CTG 1 1 1 

USG 2D 1 1 1 

USG 3D 1 1 1  Page 3 of 55
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USG 3D 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Mata & Sub Spesialistik

Bingkai ujicoba trial lens 1 1 1 

(trial frame)

Buku Ishihara-kanehara 1 1 1 

Lembar kartu tes baca 1 1 1 

Slit Lamp 1 1 1 

Snellen test Projector 1 1 1 

Tonometer Schiotz 1 1 1 

Trial Lens Contact (Fitting) 1 1 1 

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1 

Autorefraktometer 1 0 0 

Basic opthalmic instrument 1 0 0 

Biometer A-scan 1 0 0 

Contrast Sensitivity Test 1 1 1 

Elektroretinogram (ERG) 1 0 0 

Fundus camera + FFA 1 0 0 

Hertel O"almometer 1 0 0 

Kampimeter automatic 1 0 0 

Kampimeter Goldman 1 0 0 

Refrakto keratometer 1 0 0 

Portable Keratometer 1 0 0 

Lembar optotip snellen 1 0 0 

dengan clock dial

Lensmeter / Lensometer 1 0 0 

Lensa Gonioskopi dengan 3 1 0 0 


Lensa gonometri dengan 3 1 0 0 


Lup/Kaca Pembesar 1 1 1 

Lup binokuler 1 0 0 

OCT (Optical Coherent 1 0 0  Page 4 of 55
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OCT (Optical Coherent 1 0 0 


Opthalmoscope direk 1 0 0 

Opthalmoscope indirek 1 0 0 

Pachymetri 1 0 0 

Pelli Robson Test 1 0 0 

Retinometer 1 0 0 

Set dilator punktum 1 0 0 

Spekular mikroskop 1 0 0 

Strabismus diagnostik set 1 0 0 

Streak retinoskopi 1 0 0 

Synophtofore 1 0 0 

Tonometer aplanasi 1 0 0 

Tonometer non-kontak 1 0 0 

Topografi kornea 1 0 0 

USG Mata 1 0 0 

Visual Evoked Potential 1 0 0 


Anasthesi local set 1 0 0 

Laser Fotocoagulasi 1 0 0 
Glaukoma Set

Laser Fotocoagulasi Retina 1 0 0 


Lasik Set 1 0 0 

Ophthalmic trial lens set 1 1 1 

Worth Four Dot Test 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik THT dan Sp. THT

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 1 1 

Tang untuk mengambil 1 1 1 

benda asing

Garpu tala 1 1 1 

ABR/BERA (Brain Evoke 1 0 0 

Respon Audiometer)

Audiometer 1 0 0 

Kaca Laring 1 1 1  Page 5 of 55
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Kaca Laring 1 1 1 

Cermin Risnoskopi Posterior 1 0 0 

Diafanoskop 1 0 0 

THT Unit/Ent Diagnostik 1 1 1 

unit/ENT Examination
set/ENT treatment

Hak serumen 1 1 1 

Lensa frenzel 1 0 0 

Luc serumen 1 1 1 

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Nasofaringoskop 1 0 0 

Otoscope 1 1 1 

Parasintesis set 1 0 0 

Rhinuscope 1 0 0 

Rinomanometer 1 0 0 

Set irigasi serumen 1 1 1 

Set irigasi sinus 1 1 1 

Sinuskop 1 0 0 

Sound proof box 1 0 0 

Spekulum hidung 1 1 1 

Spekulum telinga 1 1 1 

Sudip/penekan 1 1 1 
lidah/Tongue depressor

Trocar anthrum 1 0 0 

Tymphanometer 1 0 0 

Wattendrager (pembawa 1 0 0 

Wondspuit 1 0 0 

Nasopharyngoscope 1 0 0 
(flexible or rigid) and

Stetoskop/Stetoskop - 1 1 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 2 2 

/ Intrumen table Page 6 of 55
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Ruangan Klinik dr. Gigi umum, Gigi Spesialis dan Gigi Sub Spesialis

Implant set untuk dental 1 1 1 

Dental unit - 1 1 

Set preparasi mahkota dan 1 1 1 


Stainless steel crown set 1 1 1 

Alat endodontic dasar 1 1 1 

Alat peraga penyuluhan 1 1 1 

kesehatan gigi

Tang ortodontik dasar 1 1 1 

Acrylic trimmer bur 1 0 0 

Abrasive device and 1 1 1 

accessories/Alat poles

Articulator 1 1 1 

Bite fork 1 0 0 

Brush polisher 1 1 1 

Crown retractor 1 1 1 

Dental vibrator 1 0 0 

Feltcone 1 0 0 

Gingival retraction cord 1 0 0 


Lecron 1 1 1 

Model trimmer 1 0 0 

Periodontal Probe 1 1 1 

Stone bur 1 1 1 

Tang Klamer 2 jari 1 1 1 

Tang Klamer 3 jari 1 1 1 

Anasthesi local set 1 1 1 

Bor Intan (Diamond Bur 1 1 1 

Assorted) untuk Air Jet Hand
Piece (Kecepatan Tinggi)
(round, inverted dan fissure)

Calipers for clinical use 1 0 0 

Cavity preparation set 1 1 1 

Cheek Retractor 1 0 0  Page 7 of 55
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Cheek Retractor 1 0 0 

Exodonsia set 1 1 1 

Inlay Indirect set 1 0 0 

Oral Hygiene Set 1 0 0 

Pulp tester 1 0 0 

Rotary scaler/Tip scaler 1 1 1 

Set orthodensi 1 0 0 

Shade guide 1 1 1 

Bor Intan / Diamond Boor 1 1 1 

Endodonty set 1 0 0 

Operating stool 1 0 0 

Rotary brush 1 1 1 

HEPA filter - 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Kedokteran Jiwa/ Psikiatri

ECT/Electro Convulsion 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Saraf/ Neurologi & Sub Spesialistik

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Reflex hammer/Palu 1 1 1 
pengukur reflex

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Garpu tala 1 1 1 

Elektromyogram 1 0 0 
(EMG)/Evoke Page 8 of 55
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Electroencephalograph 1 0 0 

Brainmaping 32 channels 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Klinik Umum

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Penyakit Dalam

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Tensimeter Digital - 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Lever biopsi set 1 0 0 

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1  Page 9 of 55
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Defibrilator 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph - 1 1 
6 CH

Trocar 1 0 0 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Set Aspirasi Sumsum Tulang 1 0 0 


Renal biopsi set 1 0 0 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 0 0 
pump portable

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 

Ruangan Tindakan Sp. THT

Polipektomi set 1 1 1 

Tang biopsi nasofaring 1 1 1 

Tonsil anses forceps 1 1 1 

Anthrum biopsi tang 1 0 0 

Biopsi tang 1 0 0 

ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1 0 0 

Mastoidectomy set 1 0 0 

Septum corection set 1 0 0 

Set bedah minor THT 1 0 0 

Adenotonsilektomi sluder & 1 0 0 

diseksi set

Biopsi nasopharing, tumor 1 0 0 

hidung set

Trakeostromi set 1 0 0 

Mikroskop operasi 1 0 0 

Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Bedah Umum/ Bedah

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital - 1 1 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur - 1 1 

periksa / Examination Table

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Circumsisi set - 1 1 Page 10 of 55
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Circumsisi set - 1 1 

Hecting set 1 1 1 

Sterilisator kering/Dry-heat - 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Emergency set - 1 1 

ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1 1 1 

Anasthesi local set - 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa - 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 1 1 

Reflex hammer/Palu 1 1 1 
pengukur reflex

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Alat pembuka gips 1 0 0 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 0 0 
pump portable

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Jantung & Pembuluh Darah, Sub Spesialis

Defibrilator 1 0 0 

Doppler Perifer 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 

Echo/Echocardiograph 1 0 0 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Kursi roda 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Hydraulic, pneumatic, or 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0  Page 11 of 55
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Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Treadmill 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Paru + Pernafasan

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Nebulizer 1 0 0 

Resusitation Set / 1 0 0 
Resusitation bay /
Resusitation kit

Spirometer/Diagnostic 1 0 0 

Stetoskop anak 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah Orthopaedi Umum & Sub Spesialistik

Alat pembuka gips 1 0 0 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Hecting set 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Minor Surgery Set 1 0 0 

Termometer digital 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Kulit dan Penyakit Kelamin / Sp. Kulit dan KelaminSp. Kulit dan

Lup/Kaca Pembesar 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 
Dewasa Page 12 of 55
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Sudip/penekan 1 0 0 
lidah/Tongue depressor

Woods lamp 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah Syaraf

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 0 0 

Reflex hammer/Palu 1 0 0 
pengukur reflex

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 1 0 0 

Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Paru dan Pernafasan

Alat biopsi lengkap 1 0 0 

Astograph 1 0 0 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Resusitator Dewasa 1 0 0 

Suction Thorax 1 0 0 

Thoracoscopy 1 0 0 

Under Water Seal Drainage 1 0 0 


Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Bedah Syaraf

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Set angkat jahitan 1 0 0 

Set punksi lumbal 1 0 0 

Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Kulit dan Kelamin

Comedo extraktor 1 0 0 
instrument set

Cryosurgical unit and 1 0 0 


Dioda laser surgical 1 0 0  Page 13 of 55
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Dioda laser surgical 1 0 0 

ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1 0 0 

Obstetric-gynecologic 1 0 0 
general manual instrument

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Laser CO2 1 0 0 

Magnifying lamp 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Microsurgery with 1 0 0 

Minor Surgery Set 1 0 0 

Mosquito clamp (lurus dan 1 0 0 


Peralatan Bedah Skalpel 1 0 0 

Peralatan Botox 1 0 0 

Peralatan Chemical peeling 1 0 0 

Peralatan Filler 1 0 0 

Phototherapy unit 1 0 0 

Punch set 1 0 0 

Skin curette 1 0 0 

Spekulum Vagina/Cocor 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Laser Nd YAG 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Pelayanan Gawat Darurat

Ruangan Triase

Kursi roda 1 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 2 2 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital / - 1 1  Page 14 of 55
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Tensimeter Digital / - 1 1 
Sphygmomanometer Digital
dengan manset untuk bayi
dan anak

Pocket oximetry 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

HEPA filter - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid 1 1 1 

Ruangan Resusitasi

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Nebulizer 1 2 2 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Resusitation Set / 1 1 1 
Resusitation bay /
Resusitation kit

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 2 2 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Laringoskop 1 2 2 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Bed patient electric 1 0 0  Page 15 of 55
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Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Observasi

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Resusitation Set / 1 1 1 
Resusitation bay /
Resusitation kit

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Pneumatic Splint Set 1 0 0 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Ruangan Tindakan

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 2 2 

Gynecological Bed/Obstetric 1 1 1 
table and accessories

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 1 1 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 1 1 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Electrocauter/Electro - 1 1 
Cauterisasi/Thermal cautery

Ruangan Isolasi tipe tekanan standar (kelas S) Page 16 of 55
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Ruangan Isolasi tipe tekanan standar (kelas S)

Bed patient 1 2 2 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 1 1 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

External negative pressure - 1 1 


Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Pelayanan Perawatan Intensif Bayi (NICU)

Ruang Rawat Pasien/ NICU

Continuous positive airway 1 5 5 

pressure (CPAP)

Inkubator infant 1 6 6 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Phototherapy unit 1 2 2 

Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Infusion pump 1 2 2 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 4 4 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0  Page 17 of 55
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ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 

Infant radiant warmer 1 1 1 

Infant ventilator 1 0 0 

Infant ventilator HFO 1 0 0 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Baby Suction Pump 1 1 1 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur - 2 2 

periksa / Examination Table

Laringoskop - 1 1 

Pelayanan Perawatan Intensif Anak (PICU)

Ruangan Perawatan Pasien PICU

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Ventilator 1 0 0 

Tempat tidur anak / - 3 3 

Pediatric Hospital Bed

ICU Bed Electric 1 0 0 

Phototherapy unit 1 0 0 

Pelayanan Rawat Inap

Ruangan Perawatan Isolasi tipe tekanan standar (kelas S)

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Bed patient - 2 2 Page 18 of 55
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Bed patient - 2 2 

Ruangan Perawatan Obstetri dan Ginekologi

Doppler 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 2 2 

Bed patient 1 13 13 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Termometer digital - 2 2 

Infusion set 1 1 1 

Oxygen set+flowmeter 1 1 1 

Resusitation Set / 1 1 1 
Resusitation bay /
Resusitation kit

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Antidecubitus Matras 1 1 1 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Vena section 1 1 1 

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Utility Trolley - 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Waskom 1 1 1 

Pinset anatomis 1 1 1 

Pinset Chirurgical 1 1 1 

Bak instrumen 1 1 1 

Bak Catheter 1 1 1 

Kantong buli - buli 1 1 1 

Flowmeter Oksigen 1 1 1 

Semprit, Gliserin - 1 1 

Irigator 1 1 1  Page 19 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Irigator 1 1 1 

Dressing Forceps/korentang - 1 1 

Nierbeken 1 1 1 

Kursi roda 1 1 1 

Tiang infus - 1 1 

Tabung Oksigen 1 1 1 

Arteri clamp 1 1 1 

Bak sputum 1 1 1 

Peralatan Halus/Kayu - 1 1 
Orthotik dan Prostetik/ OP

Pispot 1 1 1 

Laser therapy - 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa - 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Box/TT Bayi/bed baby 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Cardiotocograph/CTG 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 
3 CH

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Sterilisator/Sterilisator 1 0 0 

Obstetric-gynecologic 1 1 1 
general manual instrument

Emergency set 1 1 1 

Food trolley 1 14 14 

Meja Suntik 1 1 1 

Lampu Operasi 1 1 1 
Bergerak/Operating Lamp
Mobile Page 20 of 55
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Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen 1 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Gilyserine Spuit 1 1 1 

Meja obat 1 1 1 

Gelas ukur 1 1 1 

USG 2D 1 1 1 

Stetoskop anak - 1 1 

Papan CPR - 1 1 

UV Sterilizer 1 0 0 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / - 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Inkubator infant 1 0 0 

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Lemari obat kaca 1 0 0 

Lemari Steril 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Projection Vein Finder - 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Penyakit Dalam/ Sp. THT/ Sp. Syaraf

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 2 2 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen Page 21 of 55
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Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen


Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction - 1 1 
pump portable

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 23 23 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan Pasien - 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

Reflex hammer/Palu 1 1 1 
pengukur reflex

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Bed patient electric 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Matras decubitus 1 1 1 

THT Unit/Ent Diagnostik 1 0 0 

unit/ENT Examination
set/ENT treatment

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Papan CPR - 1 1 

Tiang infus - 1 1 

Bed-side cabinet - 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Anak

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1  Page 22 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Stetoskop anak 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid / - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Baby Suction Pump 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Stetoskop bayi 1 1 1 

Tempat tidur anak / 1 6 6 

Pediatric Hospital Bed

Toynbee diagnostic tube 1 0 0 

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Projection Vein Finder - 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Paru + Pernafasan

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Resusitator Dewasa 1 1 1 

Spirometer/Diagnostic 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction Page 23 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

body fluid suction

apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Suction Thorax 1 0 0 

Bed patient 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Bedah Umum/ Sp. Bedah Syaraf/ Sp. Ortopedi Umum/
Ortopedi Spesialistik

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Nonpowered orthopedic 1 0 0 
traction apparatus and

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Bed patient 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Perinatologi Page 24 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1 1 1 

Baby Suction Pump 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Inkubator infant 1 1 1 

Infant radiant warmer 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 2 2 

Intubation set 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 19 19 

periksa / Examination Table

Phototherapy unit 1 1 1 

Stetoskop bayi 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital / - 2 2 
Sphygmomanometer Digital
dengan manset untuk bayi
dan anak

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan bayi - 1 1 

Sudip/penekan - 1 1 
lidah/Tongue depressor

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Suction pump/Pompa - 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Stetoskop Infant - 1 1 

Termometer rectal - 1 1 

Termometer axial - 1 1 

Reflex hammer/Palu - 1 1 
pengukur reflex

Tensimeter 1 1 1  Page 25 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Continuous positive airway 1 1 1 

pressure (CPAP)

Fetal phonocardiographic 1 0 0 
monitor and accessories

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Isolasi tipe tekanan negative (Kelas N)

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph - 1 1 

Bed patient - 10 10 

Bed patient electric 1 1 1 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop - 2 2 

Termometer digital - 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital - 2 2 

Laringoskop - 1 1 

Nebulizer - 2 2 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / - 2 2 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

HEPA filter - 2 2 

Examination light / - 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

External negative pressure - 2 2 


Glucose test system/reagen - 1 1 

pemeriksaan Glukosa

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Emergency Trolley / - 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Footstep - 3 3 

Bed-side cabinet - 10 10  Page 26 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Bed-side cabinet - 10 10 

Kursi roda - 1 1 

Tiang infus - 10 10 

Waskom - 2 2 

Tabung Oksigen - 1 1 

Ruangan Perawatan Jiwa/ Psikiatri

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Bed patient 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Perawatan Sp. Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 0 0 
patient monitor/Patient

Defibrilator 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 

Infusion pump 1 0 0 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Timbangan bayi 1 0 0 

Sudip/penekan 1 0 0 
lidah/Tongue depressor

Ruangan Perawatan Isolasi tipe tekanan positive (kelas P)

Bed patient electric 1 0 0 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 0 0 
patient monitor/Patient

Pelayanan Perawatan Tingkat Tinggi (HCU)

Ruangan Perawatan HCU

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 2 2 
patient monitor/Patient

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1  Page 27 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

ICU Bed Electric 1 2 2 

Infusion pump 1 2 2 

Matras decubitus 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 2 2 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Resusitator Dewasa 1 1 1 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Central Monitor 1 0 0 

Infusion warmer 1 0 0 

Ventilator 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 
6 CH

Defibrilator 1 0 0 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Pelayanan Bedah Sentral (OK)

Ruangan Persiapan

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient
monitor Page 28 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05


Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Recovery/Pemulihan

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Blanket warmer/Hipotermia 1 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Laringoskop 1 1 1 

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Magill forcep 1 0 0 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Infant radiant warmer 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Ruangan Bedah Minor/endoscopy

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Lampu operasi (Ceyling 1 1 1 


Lampu Operasi 1 1 1 
Bergerak/Operating Lamp

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Bronchoscope and 1 0 0 

Colonoscopy 1 0 0  Page 29 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Colonoscopy 1 0 0 

Endoscope washer 1 0 0 

Endoscopic electrosurgical 1 0 0 
unit and accessories

Endoskopik video monitor 1 0 0 

Gastroscopy 1 0 0 

Hospital Endoscope Cabinet 1 0 0 

Lightsource for endoscopy 1 0 0 

Mesin Anestesi ventilator 1 0 0 

Rectosigmoidoscopy 1 0 0 

Video for endoscopy 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Bedah Besar/Mayor

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Blanket warmer/Hipotermia 1 1 1 

Amputation Set 1 0 0 

Arthroscope 1 0 0 

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1 1 1 

Boor Ortopedi 1 0 0 

Pesawat Sinar-X, C-Arm 1 0 0 

Caspar Cervical Retractor 1 0 0 

Caspar Microlumbar 1 0 0 

Cervical Kerisson 1 0 0 

Cryogenic surgical device 1 0 0 

Cryosurgical unit and 1 0 0 


Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator 1 0 0 


Damage Screw Set 1 0 0 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1  Page 30 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Embriotomi set 1 0 0 

General Instrument Bone 1 0 0 


Hak Orbita 1 0 0 

Peralatan Bedah Skalpel 1 0 0 

Implan orbita 1 0 0 

Instrument Set For 1 0 0 

Intramedullary Pins

Intraoperatif neurofisiology 1 0 0 

Kerrison Set 1 0 0 

Set kraniotomi dasar 1 0 0 

Laminectomy 1 0 0 

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 1 1 

Laparoscopy 1 0 0 

Large Fragment Lcp & 1 0 0 

Standard Instrument Set

Laringoskop 1 1 1 

Lumbar Subcutaneous 1 0 0 

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk abdomen Dewasa

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk abdomen pediatric

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk bedah plastik

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk kepala (Dewasa dan

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk leher (Dewasa dan

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk thorak dan cardiac
Baby Page 31 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk thorak dan cardiac

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk urologi Dewasa

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk urologi pediatric

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk vaskuler

Mastektomi set 1 0 0 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen 1 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Medical Saw 1 0 0 

Microsurgical instrument 1 0 0 

Mini Instrument Set In 1 0 0 

Graphic Case

Minimal invasive surgery set 1 0 0 

Monitor for laparoscopy 1 0 0 

Lampu operasi (Ceyling 1 0 0 


Operating lamp with CCTV 1 0 0 

Mikroskop operasi 1 0 0 

Operating table, electric 1 0 0 

Operating table with 1 0 0 

orthopedi set

Periosteal elevator 1 0 0 

Periosteal elevator iga 1 0 0 

Plaster Cast Cutter Set 1 0 0 

Plate Bending Instrument 1 0 0 

Printer video 1 0 0 

Probe Lakrimal 1 0 0 

Rounger 1 0 0 

Thoracolumbar Posterior 1 0 0 
Stabilization Instruments

Sectio Caesarian set 1 1 1 

Set dilator punktum 1 0 0  Page 32 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Set dilator punktum 1 0 0 

Set Instrumen Bedah Mikro 1 0 0 

Set Instrumen Bedah Saraf 1 0 0 


Set Instrumen Bedah Saraf 1 0 0 

Minimal Invasif

Set Instrumen Bedah 1 0 0 


Set Instrumen Skullbase 1 0 0 

Set Instrumentasi Bedah 1 0 0 

Saraf Spinal

Silicon lacrimal tube 1 0 0 

Small Fragment Lcp 1 0 0 

Instrument Set

Spine Electric Motor 1 0 0 

Spine Endoscopy Instrument 1 0 0 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Torniket / Torniquet 1 1 1 

Urologi instrumen set 1 0 0 

USG untuk regional anastesi 1 0 0 

dan pemasangan CVP

UV Sterilizer 1 0 0 

Mesin Anestesi ventilator 1 0 0 

Video laringoscope set 1 0 0 

Wire Instrument Set 1 0 0 

Ruangan Bedah Umum

Lampu operasi (Ceyling 1 1 1 


Minor Surgery Set - 1 1 

Hecting set - 1 1 

Major Surgery Instrument 1 1 1 

Set utk abdomen Dewasa Page 33 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Set utk abdomen Dewasa

Lampu Operasi 1 1 1 
Bergerak/Operating Lamp

ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1 2 2 

Mesin Anestesi ventilator 1 2 2 

Bedah retraktif set 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Blanket warmer/Hipotermia 1 1 1 

Chart Projector 1 1 1 

Opthalmoscope direk 1 1 1 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Glaukoma set 1 1 1 

Hertel O"almometer 1 1 1 

Opthalmoscope indirek 1 1 1 

Major Surgery Instrument 1 1 1 

Set utk abdomen pediatric

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen 1 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Microsurgical instrument 1 1 1 

Operating table, electric 1 1 1 

Ophthalmic trial lens set - 1 1 

Sectio Caesarian set 1 4 4 

Slit Lamp 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 2 2 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Tonopen 1 1 1 

Bingkai ujicoba trial lens 1 1 1 

(trial frame)

UV Sterilizer 1 1 1 

Cryosurgical unit and 1 1 1 

accessories Page 34 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05


Operating table, Manual 1 1 1 

Fakoemulsifikasi Unit 1 0 0 

Strabismus diagnostik set 1 0 0 

Arthroscope 1 0 0 

Autorefraktometer 1 0 0 

Bleharostat bayi 1 0 0 

Cryophthalmic unit 1 0 0 

Dakriosistorhinostomi (DCR) 1 0 0 

Elektroretinogram (ERG) 1 0 0 

Embriotomi set 1 0 0 

Endolaser unit 1 0 0 

Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator 1 0 0 


Infusion pump 1 0 0 

Katarak dan Bedah Refraktif 1 0 0 

Keratoplasti 1 0 0 

Laparoscopy 1 0 0 

Video laringoscope set 1 0 0 

Laser Fotocoagulasi 1 0 0 
Glaukoma Set

Laser Fotocoagulasi Retina 1 0 0 


Lateral set 1 0 0 

Lensmeter / Lensometer 1 0 0 

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk bedah plastik

Major Surgery Instrument 1 1 1 

Set utk kepala (Dewasa dan

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk leher (Dewasa dan

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk thorak dan cardiac Page 35 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Set utk thorak dan cardiac


Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk thorak dan cardiac

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk urologi Dewasa

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk urologi pediatric

Major Surgery Instrument 1 0 0 

Set utk vaskuler

Mastektomi set 1 0 0 

Mikroskop operasi 1 0 0 

Monitor for laparoscopy 1 0 0 

Okuloplasti set 1 0 0 

Opthalmic refractometer 1 0 0 

Ophthalmic trial lens set 1 0 0 

Orbitotomy lateral set 1 0 0 

Peralatan Adneksa dan 1 0 0 

orbita sederhana

Peralatan Bedah Segmen 1 0 0 


Peralatan Diagnostik Retina 1 0 0 

Peralatan Segmen Anterior 1 0 0 

Preferential looking 1 0 0 

Printer video 1 0 0 

Set Transplantasi Tembus 1 0 0 


Simple Vitrioretinal Surgery 1 0 0 

Streak retinoskopi 1 0 0 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Urologi instrumen set 1 0 0 

USG untuk regional anastesi 1 0 0 

dan pemasangan CVP

Visual Evoked Potential 1 0 0 


Vitrectomy unit 1 0 0  Page 36 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Vitrectomy unit 1 0 0 

YAG Laser Set 1 0 0 

Operating headlamp 1 0 0 

Minimal invasive surgery set 1 0 0 

Ruang Transfer (Ganti Brankar) + Parkir Brankar

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Pelayanan Rawat Intensif (ICU)

Ruangan rawat pasien non isolasi ICU

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 6 6 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

ICU Bed Electric 1 5 5 

Infusion pump 1 2 2 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 2 2 

Tensimeter 1 2 2 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Antidecubitus Matras 1 2 2 

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Bed patient - 2 2 

Ventilator 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / - 2 2 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Timbangan bayi - 1 1  Page 37 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Timbangan bayi - 1 1 

Defibrilator 1 1 1 

Tiang infus - 11 11 

Bed-side cabinet - 7 7 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop - 3 3 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen - 2 2 

/ Intrumen table

Papan CPR - 1 1 

Ruangan rawat pasien Isolasi tipe tekanan standar (kelas S) ICU

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Nebulizer 1 0 0 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Suction pump/Pompa 1 0 0 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

ICU Bed Electric 1 0 0 

Ventilator 1 0 0 

ICCU Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 0 0 
patient monitor/Patient

Cardiac Resuscitation 1 0 0 

Defibrilator 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 
6 CH

Ultrasonic pulsed echo 1 0 0  Page 38 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Ultrasonic pulsed echo 1 0 0 

imaging system

Emergency Trolley / 1 0 0 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Image-intensified 1 0 0 
fluoroscopic x-ray system

Infusion pump 1 0 0 

Intra-aortic Ballon Pump 1 0 0 


Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Pacemaker generator 1 0 0 
function analyzer

Pericard Sintesis Set 1 0 0 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 0 0 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Syringe Pump 1 0 0 

Ventilator 1 0 0 

Pelayanan Kebidanan dan Penyakit Kandungan

Ruang Persiapan Bersalin (Observasi) dengan komplikasi (pre-eclamsy labour)

Doppler 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Cardiotocograph/CTG 1 1 1 

Bed patient electric 1 1 1  Page 39 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Ruangan Perawatan (Post Partum)

Antidecubitus Matras 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 2 2 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Kursi roda 1 1 1 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen 1 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Nebulizer 1 1 1 

Stretcher/Brankar 1 1 1 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Bed patient electric 1 1 1 

Ruangan Persiapan Bersalin (Observasi) Tanpa Komplikasi/Kala II-III (labour)

Alat partus set 1 1 1 

Curretage instrument set 1 1 1 

Doppler 1 1 1 

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Obstetric forceps/Forceps 1 1 1 

Hecting set 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 2 2  Page 40 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Examination lamp / Lampu

periksa / Hanging lamp

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Alat pemecah selaput 1 1 1 

ketuban atau 1/2 kocher

Sendok kuret 1 1 1 

Sim Utarine Currete Blunt 1 1 1 

Sonde Uterus (Uterine 1 1 1 


Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Vacum Ekstraktor/Fetal 1 1 1 
vacuum extractor

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Tampon tang 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Forcep Biopsi - 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Autotransfusion apparatus 1 0 0 

Embriotomi set 1 0 0 

Gynecological Bed/Obstetric 1 2 2 
table and accessories

Sterilisator Portable 1 0 0 

Obstetric-gynecologic 1 1 1 
specialized manual

Inkubator infant Tansport 1 0 0 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Infant radiant warmer 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Resusitator Dewasa 1 1 1 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 1 1 
pump portable

Defibrilator 1 1 1  Page 41 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Meja Mayo / Meja instrumen 1 1 1 

/ Intrumen table

Lampu Operasi 1 1 1 
Bergerak/Operating Lamp

Ruang Bersalin Tanpa Komplikasi (VK/delivery)

Doppler 1 1 1 

Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Ultrasonograph - 1 1 
ultrasonic imager

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Cardiotocograph/CTG 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- - 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

USG 4D - 1 1 

Delivery instrument set 1 1 1 

Curretage instrument set 1 1 1 

Minor Surgery Set 1 1 1 

Suction pump/Pompa 1 1 1 
vakum /Vacuum-powered
body fluid suction
apparatus; Suction Pump

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Oxygen set+flowmeter 1 1 1 

Sterilisator suhu rendah 1 0 0  Page 42 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Obstetric forceps/Forceps 1 1 1 

Vacum Ekstraktor/Fetal 1 1 1 
vacuum extractor

Resusitation Set / 1 1 1 
Resusitation bay /
Resusitation kit

Sectio Caesarian set 1 0 0 

Mesin Anestesi 1 0 0 

Infusion warmer 1 0 0 

Autotransfusion apparatus 1 0 0 

Embriotomi set 1 0 0 

Lampu operasi (Ceyling 1 0 0 


Utility Trolley 1 1 1 

Hecting set 1 1 1 

Alat partus set 1 1 1 

Gynecological Bed/Obstetric 1 1 1 
table and accessories

Spinal fluid manometer 1 0 0 

Alat pemanas / warmer 1 0 0 

Gunting Bedah Standar, 1 1 1 


Pengait IUD 1 1 1 

Spekulum Vagina/Cocor 1 1 1 

Tenakulum (uterine 1 1 1 

Pinset Bedah/Operasi 1 1 1 

Dressing Forceps/korentang 1 1 1 

Tromol Kasa / Kain Steril 1 1 1 

Pean bengkok 1 1 1 

Gagang pisau no. 3 1 1 1 

Meja Periksa Ginekologi dan 1 1 1 

kursi pemeriksa

Lampu ginekolog 1 1 1  Page 43 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Lampu ginekolog 1 1 1 

Pinset Chirurgical 1 1 1 

Meja obat 1 1 1 

Busi / Dilatator 1 1 1 

Himinoplasti 1 0 0 

Bak instrumen 1 1 1 

Nierbeken 1 1 1 

Alat pemecah selaput 1 1 1 

ketuban atau 1/2 kocher

Sendok kuret 1 1 1 

Tampon tang 1 1 1 

Metal catheter 1 1 1 

Tabung Oksigen 1 1 1 


Examination light / 1 1 1 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 1 1 

Syringe Pump 1 1 1 

Bed patient 1 2 2 

Tensimeter Anaeroid - 1 1 

Termometer digital 1 1 1 

Timbangan dewasa; 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 0 0 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Bed patient electric 1 1 1 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 1 1 

Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 1 1 
patient monitor/Patient

Infusion pump 1 1 1 

Ruang Bayi Normal/Transisi

Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1 1 1  Page 44 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1 1 1 

Baby Suction Pump 1 1 1 

Inkubator infant 1 1 1 

Inkubator infant Tansport 1 1 1 

Infant radiant warmer 1 1 1 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 1 1 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Stetoskop bayi 1 1 1 

Tensimeter Digital / - 1 1 
Sphygmomanometer Digital
dengan manset untuk bayi
dan anak

Tempat tidur bayi 1 7 7 

Timbangan bayi 1 1 1 

Tensimeter 1 1 1 

Ruangan Laktasi + KIE

Breast pump/breast pump 1 0 0 

Penunjang Medik RS

Instalasi Radiodiagnostik

Ruangan General X-ray (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

Emergency Trolley / 1 1 1 
Resuscitation Crash Cart

Pesawat Sinar-X, 1 1 1 
Stationer,Fixed Table x-ray
system, general x-
ray,Pesawat Rontgen

CR(Computed 1 0 0 
radiography)/Cine or spot
fluorographic x-ray camera

Oxygen Concentrator / 1 1 1 
Portable Oxygen Generator.

Surveymeter 1 0 0 

Printer Processing Film / 1 0 0 


Ruangan Ultra Sonografi/ USG (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

USG 2D 1 1 1  Page 45 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

USG 3D 1 1 1 

Ruangan Mobil X-Ray (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

Pesawat Sinar-X, Mobile 1 1 1 

Ruangan Dental X-Ray + Panoramic (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

Pesawat Sinar-X, Dental 1 0 0 

Pesawat Sinar-X, Dental 1 0 0 


Kamar Processing Film (digital ataupun AFP Kering)

Printer Processing Film / 1 0 0 


Ruangan Fluoroskopi (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

Image-intensified 1 0 0 
fluoroscopic x-ray system

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 0 0 
pump portable

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Personnel protective shield 1 0 0 

Ruangan Mammografi (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

Pesawat Sinar-X, 1 0 0 

Ruangan Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik Sp. Jantung & Pembuluh Darah (Tindakan)/

Kamar Cath Lab

Angiographic injector and 1 0 0 


Bed-side Monitor/Bed- 1 0 0 
patient monitor/Patient

Angiographic x-ray system 1 0 0 

Defibrilator 1 0 0 

ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1 0 0 

Elektrofisiologi set 1 0 0 

X-Ray Film Viewer 1 0 0 

Minor Surgery Set 1 0 0 

Oxygen set+flowmeter 1 0 0  Page 46 of 55
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Ruangan MRI (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)

MRI/Magnetic Resonance 1 0 0 

Ruangan CT-Scan (R.Operator, R.Mesin, R.Ganti) ; Ruang Pemeriksaan/


CT-Scan 1 0 0 

Instalasi Farmasi

Ruangan Peracikan Obat

Laminary air flow - 1 1 

Instalasi Laboratorium

Ruangan Imunologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

EIA Sistem 1 0 0 

Fluorometer for clinical 1 0 0 


Imunologi analyzer 1 0 0 

Isoelectric focusing system 1 0 0 

Nefelometer 1 0 0 

Ruangan Kimia Klinik (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Ultra sentrifuse 1 2 2 

Blood Gas Analyzer 1 0 0 

Electrophoresis apparatus 1 0 0 
for clinical use/Elektroforesis

Flame emission photometer 1 0 0 

for clinical use/Fotometer
flame emission

Centrifugal chemistry - 1 1 
analyzer for clinical
use/centrifuge kimia klinik

Electrolyte Analyzer 1 0 0 

Ruangan Urin/Tinja (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Microscopes and 1 1 1 

Automated urinalysis 1 0 0 
system/urin analizer

Ruangan Hematologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Automated hemoglobin 1 2 2  Page 47 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Automated hemoglobin 1 2 2 
system/hematology analizer

Microscopes and 1 1 1 

LED 1 1 1 

Agregometer 1 0 0 

Coagulation 1 0 0 

Mesin Polymerase Chain - 0 0 

Reaction (PCR)

Flame emission photometer 1 0 0 

for clinical use/Fotometer
flame emission

Flow cytometri 1 0 0 

Analisa Hb 1 0 0 

Ruangan Patologi Anatomi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Alat pengukur (penggaris 1 0 0 


Alat pengukur berat 1 0 0 

(timbangan) > 1 Kg

Alat pengukur berat 1 0 0 

(timbangan) < 1 Kg

Electrophoresis apparatus 1 0 0 
for clinical use/Elektroforesis

Autoclave 1 0 0 

Autoclave table top 1 0 0 

Automatic tissue processing 1 0 0 

Autopsi set 1 0 0 

Cryostat 1 0 0 

Cytocentrifuge/Sitosentrifus 1 0 0 

Cyto spin 1 0 0 

Embedding center 1 0 0 

Five headed microscope 1 0 0 

Fully motorize rotary 1 0 0 


Fume hood 1 0 0  Page 48 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Fume hood 1 0 0 

Gunting Lurus, Ujung Tajam 1 0 0 

(Metzenbaum) (18 Cm)

Microbiological incubator 1 0 0 

Laminary air flow 1 0 0 

Lemari penyimpanan bahan- 1 0 0 

bahan FNAB

Liquid base cytology 1 0 0 

automatic / machine

Liquid base cytology manual 1 0 0 

Lup/Kaca Pembesar 1 0 0 

Manual microtome 1 0 0 

Manual tissue processing 1 0 0 

Blood storage refrigerator 1 0 0 

and blood storage
freezer/refrigerator & freezer

Mesin standar automatic 1 0 0 

pulasan immunohistokimia

Micro balance 1 0 0 

Microscopes and 1 0 0 

Microscope binocular 1 0 0 

Microscope double head 1 0 0 

Microscope fluoresens 1 0 0 

Microscope 1 0 0 

Mikrosentrifus 1 0 0 

pH Meter 1 0 0 

Scalp clip 1 0 0 

Pipetting and diluting 1 0 0 

system for clinical
use/Perangkat pipet

Pisau 1 0 0 

Piston gun 1 0 0 

Rak slide 1 0 0 

Centrifugal chemistry 1 0 0 
analyzer for clinical Page 49 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

analyzer for clinical

use/centrifuge kimia klinik

Speculum and accessories 1 0 0 

Stereomicroscope 1 0 0 

Sterilisator kering/Dry-heat 1 0 0 

Timbangan / balance untuk 1 0 0 


Virtual microscope 1 0 0 

Shaking waterbath 1 0 0 

Work station / grossing 1 0 0 


Ruangan Biologi Molekuler (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Mesin Polymerase Chain 1 0 0 

Reaction (PCR)

Mesin pembaca produk PCR 1 0 0 

Ruangan Mikrobiologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)

Autoclave table top 1 0 0 

Biosafety cabinet level 2A 1 0 0 

Biosafety cabinet level 2B 1 0 0 

Bunsen 1 0 0 

Centrifugal chemistry 1 0 0 
analyzer for clinical
use/centrifuge kimia klinik

Microbiological incubator 1 0 0 

Fully automated short-term 1 0 0 

incubation cycle
antimicrobial susceptibility

Instrumen sterilisasi cairan 1 0 0 

menggunakan filter

Jar anaerob 1 0 0 

Blood storage refrigerator 1 0 0 

and blood storage
freezer/refrigerator & freezer

Mesin diagnostik M. 1 0 0 
tuberculosis otomatik

Mesin pembaca produk PCR 1 0 0 Page 50 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Mesin pembaca produk PCR 1 0 0 

Pipetting and diluting 1 0 0 

system for clinical
use/Perangkat pipet

Microscopes and 1 0 0 

Mikroskop lapang gelap 1 0 0 

Electrophoresis apparatus 1 0 0 
for clinical use/Elektroforesis

pH Meter 1 0 0 

Refrigerated centrifuge 1 0 0 

Shaking waterbath 1 0 0 

Atomic absorption 1 0 0 
spectrophotometer for
clinical use/Atomic
spectrophotometer (AAS)

Timbangan / balance untuk 1 0 0 


Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik

Ruangan Diagnostik Dokter

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Biotrigger Computerize 1 0 0 

Cognitive Evaluation and 1 0 0 


Electromyograph 1 0 0 

EN-Tree 1 0 0 

Gait Analyzer 1 0 0 

Goniometer elektrik - 0 0 

Handgrip Streght 1 0 0 

Handheld Dynamometer 1 0 0 

Inclinometer 1 0 0  Page 51 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Inclinometer 1 0 0 

Isokinetic Dynamometer 1 0 0 

Mobility Analyzer 1 0 0 

Nebulizer jet 1 0 0 

Nebulizer ultrasound 1 0 0 

Pulse Oxymeter / Oximeter / 1 0 0 

Pulse Oximeter / Oksigen

Peak-flow meter for 1 0 0 


Plantar Pressure Analysis 1 0 0 

Posture Analyzer 1 0 0 

Seating & Positioning 1 0 0 


Spirometer/Diagnostic 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Ultrasonography 1 0 0 

Urodynamic 1 0 0 

Voice Analyzer 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Goniometer 1 0 0 

Ruangan Terapi Psikologi

Peralatan Organis 1 0 0 

Peralatan Konsultasi dan 1 0 0 


Ruangan Fisioterapi Pasif

Acupunture therapy 1 0 0 

Ankle / wrist 1 0 0 

Bath whirl pool 1 0 0 

Biotrigger Computerize 1 0 0 

Cane, crutch, and walker tips 1 0 0 

and pads Page 52 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Compression therapy 1 0 0 

kruk/penopang/Crutch 1 0 0 

Electro stimulation & 1 0 0 


Ergocycle 1 0 0 

Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur 1 0 0 

periksa / Examination Table

Exercise bicycle 1 0 0 

Powered exercise equipment 1 0 0 

Faradic - Galvanic therapy 1 0 0 

Finger muscle therapy 1 0 0 

Hidro therapy 1 0 0 

Hotpacks & perculator 1 0 0 

Isostation for accurate 1 0 0 

Lampu infra merah 1 0 0 

Laser therapy 1 0 0 

LF electro therapy 1 0 0 

Lymphatic physiotherapy 1 0 0 

Microwave diathermy 1 0 0 

Parafin Bath 1 0 0 

Parallel bars 1 0 0 

Platform Walker 1 0 0 

Pulse erator unit 1 0 0 

Reciprocal Walker 1 0 0 

Reverse Walker 1 0 0 

Rolling Triceps Walker 1 0 0 

Rolling/Gliding Walker 1 0 0 

Rowing machine 1 0 0 

Shortwave diathermy. 1 0 0 

Stair-Climbing Walker 1 0 0 

Standar Walker 1 0 0 

Suspension & pulley 1 0 0 

equipment Page 53 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05


Therapeutic Position and 1 0 0 

Equipment Set

Therapeutical nerve & 1 0 0 

muscle stimulation

Tilt table 1 0 0 

Traction Unit 1 0 0 

Treadmill 1 0 0 

Ultrasound theraphy 1 0 0 

Ultraviolet quartz 1 0 0 

Kursi roda 1 0 0 

Kursi roda elektrik/Powered 1 0 0 


Ruangan Terapi Okupasi

Peralatan Latihan ADL 1 0 0 

Alat Terapi Sensori Integrasi 1 0 0 


Snoozlen Set 1 0 0 

Alat Latihan Sensori 1 0 0 

Instalasi Pemulasaraan Jenazah

Ruangan Dekontaminasi dan Pemulasaraan Jenazah

Body Bags 1 1 1 

Preparation table 1 1 1 

Ruangan Pendingin Jenazah

Refrigerated Mortuary 1 0 0 

Laboratorium Otopsi

Lampu kepala / head lamp 1 0 0 

Examination light / 1 0 0 
Examination lamp / Lampu
periksa / Hanging lamp

Autopsy table 1 0 0 

Dissection table 1 0 0 

Autopsy instrument 1 0 0 

Body trolley 1 0 0  Page 54 of 55
ASPAK 11/04/23 15.05

Weighting machine for 1 0 0 

weighting dead bodies

Weighting machine for 1 0 0 


Unit Hemodialisa

Ruangan Cuci Darah

Hemodialisa 1 0 0 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 0 0 
pump portable

Sterilisator/Sterilisator 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Isolasi Cuci Darah

Hemodialisa 1 0 0 

Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction 1 0 0 
pump portable

Sterilisator/Sterilisator 1 0 0 

Stetoskop/Stetoskop 1 0 0 

Tensimeter 1 0 0 

Ruangan Pencucian Filter (Reuse Filter Cleaning)

Reuse filter machine 1 0 0 

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