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Lesson Class 2: Life cycle of grass start Course Science



● Living Systems: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by
investigating natural systems and their interactions.
● Guiding Question: How do plants and animals live and grow?
● Learning outcome: Students investigate the growth and development of plants and
animals and consider their relationship to humans.
● A life cycle shows the different stages of life that a plant or an animal goes through.
● Life cycles can be represented in many ways, such as
○ Illustrations
○ Diagrams
○ Models
○ Stories
● Plants and animals have observable patterns or stages in their development


At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. State the beginning stage of grass’ life cycle.

2. Create a habitat for grass

3. Begin to tell the story of how their grass pet has grown.

4. Explain a life cycle in the format of a creative story.


· Styrofoam cups, soil, grass seeds, something to go under cups

· Pet Grass Story - 25 × 20 cm (


● Students will need styrofoam cups, grass seeds, and soil.

● Students will need their worksheets to be stored with their pets for ease of


Introduction Time

· Students will be introduced to the activity. They will be told they will 5 min
create a story of how their grass pets life cycle.

Body Time

Topic 1) Supplies will be set out and students will be told to 10 min
get creative with their pet decorations.
The cup decor

Topic 1) Students cups will be filled with dirt and grass seeds and 5 min
watered. They will take their pets back to their desks.

Topic 1) Students will fill out their worksheet “day 1” explaining 20 min
how their grass pet has come to be. This will be through
both drawing and writing some basic sentences.

2) Students will be instructed that their story must contain

“__________ started as seeds” but can take on a creative

Topic 1) min


Conclusion Time

· Students will store their grass pets on the back counter with their story sheets 4 min
and be told that over the next few weeks we will be checking in on the life cycle
of our grass pets and continuing to write their stories.


● Students will be assessed on their ability to explain the life cycle of grass in the form of
creative storytelling.

Additional Notes:

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