Quiz - CSM EXAM 1

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CSM EXAM #1 ('Copy') ('Copy') Score

1. Agents and managers cannot create knowledge a ticles from Community questions.
T T ue

F False

2. Info mation about a custome ’s se vice contract is found in Knowledge.

T T ue

F False

3. From what places in SN can an agent create a case? (Choose three.)

A Customer Se vice Application

B Contact

C Account

D Chat

4. What are the conditions that matching ules are based on? (Choose two.)
A Agent resources best suited to work on a case

B Specific routing ules

C Filters set up in advanced work assignment

D Specific case att ibutes

5. Matching ules enhance assignment capability by ____________________.

A Matching best agent by availability

B Providing dynamic matching of cases to groups or individuals

C Dete mining if account is a customer or pa tner

D Matching best agent by skill

6. Special Handling Notes can apply to which one of the following based on specific att ibutes?
A Domain

B Contact

C Holiday


7. Predictive Intelligence improves Case management by:

A Predicting what values should have gone into empty fields in histo ical records

B Reducing the number of records needed to accurately predict a value

C Replacing legacy routing ules

D Predicting Case values without manual inte vention

8. Which of the following is a condition for matching ules?

A Agent domain

B Assignment

C Switching

D Specific case att ibutes

9. What do blue circles in the timeline of a case fo m represent?

A Note

B State

C Activity

D Comment

10. Predictive Intelligence improves t iage quality by eliminating the guesswork. Predictive
Intelligence suppo ts which of the following decisions? (Choose two.)
A Case Escalation

B Case State

C Case Catego ization

D Case P io itization
11. Which Business Rules are pa t of the Customer Se vice Management baseline configuration?
(Choose two.)
A Apply Role by Customer

B Auto Assessment

C Change Update to Close

D Update Case Entitlement

12. What are the C itical Success Factors that are related to CSM Suite Implementations?
(Choose four.)
A Define the Business Pain Points

B Provide consistent se vice to customers

C Have a clear understanding of the use cases

D Define the number of hours needed to develop the associated requirements

E Implementation is only as good as the underlying process

13. What should be emphasized when designing solutions? (Choose three.)

A Minimize customizations

B Focus Out-of-the-box functionality

C Design for Scalability

D Mobile f iendly functionality

14. What should be pa t of the pre-engagement collateral?

A Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

B Scoping Guide

C Customer Se vice roles template

D Stock Keeping Unit SKU and p icing sheet

15. A ticles can provide the following: (Choose three.)

A Document cu rent and known issues

B Provide answers and responses to common issues or questions

C Info mation about custome ’s se vice contract

D Share product info mation

16. What role does the Engagement Manager play before the Workshop? (Choose two.)
A Project Manager

B Acts as inte media y

C Provides answers to technical problems

D Assists with technical requirements

17. Contextual Search framework is used for providing Knowledge search results in which of
these scena ios?
A Ente ing question in po tal only

B Record Producer only

C Both po tal question ent y and Record Producer

D None of the above

18. Which of the following are t ue regarding integrating a Se viceNow Knowledge base with
exte nal content? (Choose two.)
A Impo ted exte nal a ticles appear as attachments in Se viceNow

B Only applications that allow WebDAV connections can be integrated

C The impo ted a ticle will have the same catego y it had in the source knowledge base

D SharePoint blocks this integration

19. Access to a Knowledge base or A ticle can be rest icted based on a custome ’s assets and
the product models using which of the following? (Choose two.)
A Knowledge Product Entitlements

B Data Policy


D User C ite ia

20. What are some benefits that Knowledge Product Entitlement provide? (Choose three.)
A Reduces call volume

B Makes it easier for Agents to manage case volume

C Allows access to Knowledge A ticles that are related to products owned by a customer

D Info mation about custome ’s se vice contract

E Focused product marketing

21. What are the characte istics of Knowledge Catego ies?
A Shareable across KBs: Yes ; Multi-Level: No

B Shareable across KBs: No ; Multi-Level: Yes

C Shareable across KBs: No ; Multi-Level: No

D Shareable across KBs: Yes ; Multi-Level: Yes

22. Users with the sn_customerse vice.proxy_contact role can do which of the following?
(Choose two.)
A Manage cases on behalf of customer se vice agents

B Create cases on behalf of customers

C Manage requests on behalf of customer se vice agents

D Create requests on behalf of customers

E Manage major incident communication on behalf of a customer se vice manager

23. What is the purpose of a Catalog Item va iable?

A Grants the customer the oppo tunity to ask a question

B Opens a wizard to help a customer fill in a case fo m

C Guides a customer by providing hints on case fo ms

D Allows the customer or consumer to qualify their answer

24. What one of the following is optional when creating a Catalog workflow?
A Publishing the workflow

B Defining workflow activities

C Approving the workflow

D Managing workflow versions

25. What module is used to create Case Record Producers?

A Case Record Producers

B Edit Records

C Record Producers

D Maintain Records
26. Which one is NOT a dependency for the Customer Se vice Plugin?
A Task Activities

B Skills Management

C Openframe

D Communities

27. ACME corporation wants to use Se viceNow CSM for suppo ting their customers through
Twitter. What CSM entity would you recommend ACME to store the custome ’s Twitter
profile details?
A Account

B Not suppo ted

C Consumer

D Social Profile

E Personnel File

28. Which social media channels are NOT available out-of-box?

A Facebook

B Twitter

C LinkedIn

D All of the above

E None of the above

29. What is the equivalent of NOT selecting any group, when configu ing multiple active
configurations of OpenFrame?
A Selecting all the groups

B Selecting none of the groups

C Missing configuration

D Misconfigured

30. How many outbound email accounts are suppo ted in Customer Se vice Management?
A One

B Unlimited

C Two

D One per business se vice

31. What are features of Customer Se vice Management? (Choose four.)
A Timed Audits

B Se vice Entitlements

C Demand Management

D Se vice Prospecting

E Real-time SLAs

F Se vice Contracts

G Skills-based routing

32. What are the Fo um User Types? Choose three.)

A Admin

B Registered

C Public

D Custom

E Moderator

33. Which of the following are t ue regarding the Community Po tal application? (Choose two.)
A It is available to any customer with a Community license

B It is available by default with the Suppo t and Se vice po tals

C It is only available to CSM license holders

D Most of the configuration does not require System Administrator role

34. If only one user repo ts a content for moderation, the content will be hidden.
T T ue

F False

35. The available case types are: (Choose two.)

A Product Suppo t

B Order

C Product

D Suppo t
36. What is required to enable the Follow the sun field on the Customer Se vice Case fo m?
A Nothing, it is a standard field

B The value prope ty on the fo m must be set to t ue

C The plugin ‘com.snc.csm_time_recording’ needs to be activated

D The value prope ty on the fo m must be set to t ue and the field added to the case fo m

37. In the Customer Se vice Management space, what does the te m asset management mean?
A Financial, contractual and invento y info mation of assets

B A set of business activities and processes used to track assets

C Tables in the Asset application

D Tracking products or se vices customers are using

38. Which of the following roles cannot update a consume ’s record?

A sn_customerse vice_agent

B sn_customerse vice_manager

C sn_customerse vice.consumer_agent

D admin

39. Major Issue Management uses which one of the following capabilities?
A Gove nance Risk and Control

B Targeted Communications

C Asset management

D Record producers

40. What is required to synchronize fields from a parent to a child case(s)?

A The advanced plugin (com.sns.pa.customer_se vice_advanced) needs to be activated

B Major Issue Management needs to be installed and ce tain prope ties enabled

C No action required, this is a standard Customer Se vice Management feature

D The role of sn_customerse vice.customer_case_manager must be assigned

41. Match the definitions for roles relationships.
A Account --→ A Customer account, a pa tner account or both

B Pa ner --→ A suppo t exte nal customer that, sells and

suppo ts one or more customers
C Contact --→ A member of an account

D Consumer --→ A person who purchased goods and se vices

for personal use.

42. Which of the following functions can be completed when using the Field Se vice Management
Application on a mobile device offline? Choose three.)
A Manage requests

B Execute assigned tasks

C Close work orders

D Manage cases

E Manage assets

43. Info mation in the Case Field ‘Contact’ is copied to which Incident Field?
A Contact

B User

C Customer

D Caller

44. How many active OpenFrame configurations can you have on an instance?
A 2

B Unlimited

C 1

D 3
45. What are common types of application record data that are impo ted du ing a CSM data
migration? Choose two.)
A Knowledge A ticle

B Accounts

C Chat

D Case

46. Which are the key self-se vice functions of the Customer Suppo t Po tal? Choose three.)
A Community

B Knowledge Base

C Open An Incident

D Se vice Catalog

47. Which of the following are channels? Choose two.)

A Contacts

B Web

C Chat

D A ticle

48. Out-of-the-box, the consumer suppo t po tal (/csp) CANNOT be used for which one of the
following actions?
A Open an incident

B Viewing knowledge a ticles

C Live chat

D Consumer self-registration

49. The Customer Suppo t Po tal default configuration provides the following channels to
interact with customers? Choose two.)
A Web

B Social

C Chat

D Email
50. Match the business ule to its function in the Self-
Se vice Po tal.
A B ...

C ... D ...

51. The Se viceNow Communities feature is only available for customers with Se viceNow
Customer Se vices Management licenses.
T T ue

F False

52. Read the use case below to dete mine if the customer se vice relationship is B2B or B2C.
Ma y Contra y expe iences a power outage and call the elect ical company. The agent
dete mines the outage is local to the customer and scheduled a technician to Ma y’s house.


53. If the CSM Demo Data Plugin has been installed what are two options either of which will
prepare that instance to be used as pa t of the release path to production? (Choose two.)
A Zboot the instance

B Disable the Case Interceptor

C Remove the Demo Data via a HI Request

D Clone back to this instance from a valid instance

54. What c ite ia can be used to dete mine when a new inbound case should be opened?
A When a new customer is created

B When an inte nal problem occurs

C When a customer has a question or issue to resolve

D When we have new marketing mate ial for a customer

55. From a se vice provide ’s perspective, is the following a product or an asset?

A cable modem model that the se vice provider sells.
A Product

B Asset
56. Entitlements specify the level of se vice provided to customers.
T T ue

F False

57. Pa tner admin contacts have access to the data of both their pa tner accounts and customer
T T ue

F False

58. Which of the following are best practice with regard to data impo ts? Choose two.)
A When impo ting to multiple instances impo t to each instance separately.

B Use Se viceNow automatic functionality to clean the data after it is in Se viceNow tables rather
than in the legacy reposito y.
C Ensure the field data lengths in Se viceNow are adequate for the impo ted data because
Se viceNow does not automatically adjust the length.
D Images embedded in Knowledge A ticles should be uploaded separately.

59. Cost Info mation on cases is available as pa t of the Pe fo mance Analytics Content Pack for
Customer Se vice.
T T ue

F False

60. What is the purpose of the Guided Decisions capability?

A Provide agents with an escalation guide

B Guide agents through account management

C Dynamically guide agents to help resolve complex cases

D Provide agents with a knowledge guide

61. Which feature enables you to quickly identify high-p io ity tasks based on multiple
dimensions, not just by a single field value like p io ity?
A Case Pe fo mance

B Case Analytics

C Case Digest

D Case Spotlight
62. Du ing which Now Create stage are workshops conducted?
A Execute

B Initiate

C Deliver

D Plan

E Close

63. Which application must be activated to enable customers to check in on-line for future
A Business Location

B Walk-Up Expe ience

C Field Se vice Management

D Se vice Organization

64. What are some of the influencing factors that will help dete mine the type of customer
suppo t desk st ucture required? (Choose four.)
A Knowledge and skills required for agents

B Geographical location of customer

C Languages spoken by agents

D Number and type of suppo t tools available

E Number of customer se vice po tals used

F Number of agents required

65. What is the default value in the Channel field when a new case is opened by a customer in
the Se vice Catalog, using the Customer Se vice Po tal?
A Web

B Catalog

C Po tal

D Vi tual Agent
66. When activating the Customer Se vice Management Demo Data plugin, which case type is
available besides product case?
A Order

B Contract


D Monito ing

E Request

F Billing

67. What’s the purpose of the Deactivate Special Handling Notes Scheduled Job?
A Runs at the end of the month and deactivates all Special Handling notes more than 30 days old

B Runs weekly and must have the Active checkbox unchecked in order for Special Handling notes
to be deleted by the end of the week

C Runs on demand by the System Admin who must set specific weekly schedules and set only
those that are p io ity 1-c itical to be deactivated

D Runs daily at midnight, checks all active ale ts and sets the status to Expired for those that
have reached their expiration dates

68. What does the Agent Whisper function do?

A Lets agents and chat supe visors have a conversation without the requester knowing

B Lets the chat supe visors have a conversation with the requester without the agent knowing

C Lets agents have chat conversations with other agents without the requester knowing

D Lets agents and requesters have a conversation without the chat supe visor knowing

69. Upon self-registration through the Consumer Se vice Po tal, a record is created in: (Choose
A Contact (customer_contact)

B Consumer User (csm_consumer-user)

C Consumer (csm_consumer)

D CSM User (csm_user)

70. Who can create a customer se vice case from a community discussion? (Choose two.)
A Customer se vice agent (sn_customerse vice_agent)

B Proxy case creator (sn_customerse vice.proxy_case_creator)

C Pa tner (sn_customerse vice.pa tner)

D Case Viewer (sn_customerse vice.case_viewer)

71. The assignment workbench uses configurable matching c ite ia to evaluate agents in a
selected group and provide an overall ranking. What are the different types of c ite ia
available for the assignment workbench? Choose three.)
A Co relation

B Availability

C Sc ipted

D Simple Match

E Aggregate

72. Asset classes are defined to allow for logical grouping of assets. There are five asset classes
provided to group assets, each Asset class provides unique functionality for that group of
Assets in the platfo m. Which of the following are the asset classes used? Choose five.)
A Hardware assets

B Facility assets

C Configuration assets

D Software licenses assets

E Enterp ise Software assets

F Network assets

G Consumables assets

73. Which of the following best desc ibes how the CSM application uses the Asset table?
A CSM uses the Product table instead of the ITSM Asset table

B CSM uses the Product Model table instead of the ITSM Asset table

C Se viceNow uses the same Asset table for both CSM and ITSM, however CSM has a different
subset of fields

D Because CSM Assets are managed differently from ITSM Assets Se viceNow uses different
Asset Tables for CSM than it does for ITSM

74. A consumer se vice agent receives and accepts a case which was created by a consumer.
The agent needs and requests more info mation from the consumer. After receiving the
info mation, the agent proposes a solution that is accepted by the consumer. Given this
scena io, what is the chronological order of case states used to manage this case?
A New > Work in Progress > On Hold > Work in Progress > Resolved > Closed

B New > Open > Work in Progress > Solution Proposed > Closed

C Open > Pending > Work in Progress > Resolved > Closed

D New > Open > Awaiting Info > Open > Resolved > Closed
75. What are the types of matching c ite ia for Customer Se vice? Choose four.)
A Matching Skills

B Last Assigned

C Ce tifications

D Distance

E Assigned Cases

F Availability Today

G Pa tner Hours

76. What is a suppo ted exte nal customer that, in tu n, sells to and suppo ts one or more
A Pa tner

B Account

C Contact

D Consumer

77. Customer Se vice Trending Topics is a capability that enables companies to use Predictive
Intelligence to quickly pinpoint factors d iving up case volume and act to mitigate them.
Which of the following would be a benefit of using Predictive Intelligence Customer Se vice
Trending Topics?
A Eliminate the need for more traditional pe fo mance analytics

B Auto-generate clusters of cases that point to similar underlying issues

C Create root cause solutions for similar cases

D A guaranteed reduction in call volume per month

78. Which Se viceNow applications can be integrated out-of-the-box with CSM? Choose
A Se vice Po tfolio Management

B Project Management

C DevOps

D Risk Management

E ITOM Event Management

79. Which of the following are benefits that may be gained from using communities? (Choose
A Reduce suppo t costs

B Engagement with Customers

C Get product feedback

D Reduce cost per sales

E Increase marketing effectiveness

80. What is a case?

A An individual record that handles and resolves incidents for exte nal customers

B An individual record that is used to identify and create automation oppo tunities

C An individual record that is used to identify and resolve a question or issue for an exte nal

D An individual record that handles and routes issues for inte nal users

81. Exte nal content integration is impo tant for agents to be able to access knowledge a ticles
from exte nal sources. ALL exte nal sources must be:
A WebDAV-versioned

B Web-configurable

C WebDAV-compliant

D Web-based

82. An Account Relationship is based on a defined account relationship hype. Users with the
System Administrator role can define two types of relationships: Choose two.)
A Pa tner-to-customer

B Account-to-customer

C Account-to-account

D Customer-to-Consumer

E Pa tner-to-account

83. Which knowledge records can be configured with User C ite ia?
A Knowledge Base

B Knowledge Base and Catego y

C Knowledge Base, Catego y and A ticle

D Knowledge Base and A ticle

84. When the vi tual agent plugin is installed NLU is activated but is not available for use until
what two configurations are completed? Choose two.)
A Choose the NLU se vice provider

B In the NLU Settings configure the Intent confidence threshold

C Enable NLU in Vi tual Agent

D In the NLU Settings configure the Entity confidence threshold

85. An entitlement defines the types of suppo t a customer receives. Entitlements are based on
a number of standard fields such as product and asset. When Proactive Customer Se vice
Operations is implemented which additional fields could be used? Choose two.)
A Contact

B Configuration Item

C Business Se vice

D Install base item

E Sold product

86. When implementing Knowledge Product Entitlements, what is enabled when activating the
Enable access control of Knowledge A ticles system prope ty?
A Allows access to knowledge a ticles based on custome ’s secu ity access

B Allows access to knowledge a ticles that are related to entitlements owned by a customer

C Allows access to multi-product line knowledge a ticles

D Allows access to knowledge a ticles that are related to products owned by a customer

87. Advance Work Assignment assigns work to agents based on their availability, capacity, and
skills. Agent Affinity enhances the Advanced Work Assignment process by adding
additional agent details organized by affinity type. Which of these are these affinity types?
Choose three.)
A Skill senio ity

B Account team responsibility

C Histo ical

D Related task

E Product expe tise

88. In Agent Workspace Chat, Agents have the ability to use quick actions to work more
efficiently. What action does the /r quick action pe fo m?
A Rejects an incoming chat and moves it automatically to the “General” queue

B Routes the chat towards another group

C Uses response templates to inse t as text in a conversation

D Rolls up the cu rent chat histo y towards an existing case

89. Name a secu ity benefit gained from using scoped applications:
A Prevents changes to tables without explicit pe mission from IT

B Prevents third pa ty integrations

C Limits accessibility to other applications in the instance

D Limits the number of update sets that can be applied

90. The CSM application has a feature that can be used to filter records in CSM-related tables
which are accessible by users with CSM roles. This feature makes it unnecessa y to create
business logic for those persona access the data. What is this feature?
A CSM Que y Rules

B Data Policies

C Filtered Lists

D Access Types

91. In Advanced Work Assignment, what does the ove flow assignment capability do, if
A When one suppo t group reaches capacity the work item is automatically routed to another
B Uses matching and assignment ules to send work items to the agent with the highest
C Routes cases to different groups based on their skill set and availability

D Uses matching and assignment ules to send work items to the agent with the most capacity

92. Which role must B2B and B2C customers obtain, at a MINIMUM, to access to a Se viceNow
A Exte nal (snc_exte nal)

B Account Contact (sn_customese vice.account_contact)

C Customer (sn_customerse vice.customer)

D Case Creator (sn_customerse vice.case_creator)

93. Which Flow Designer flow can be used to automatically close resolved cases if customers
do not respond within a specified time?
A Close Cases in Resolved state

B Auto Close Resolved Cases

C Resolved to Close State

D Move Resolved Cases to Closed

94. What role can be assigned to employees who are not fulfillers, such as those in sales and
se vices, or do not have other CSM-specific roles, but have a need to create cases on behalf
of customers?
A Consumer (sn_customse vice.consumer)

B Customer (sn_suctomse vice.customer)

C Exte nal (snc_exte nal)

D Proxy Contact (sn_customse vice.proxy_contact)

95. Proactive Customer Se vice Operations works Event Management to proactively monitor
and fix issues affecting customers. It can also t igger case workflow’s and enable
organizations to notify customers whose se vices or products are impacted by an outage or
issue. What are the three main components that make up Proactive Customer Se vice
Operations? (Choose three.)
A Proactive Prevention

B Se vice-Aware Install Base

C Se vice Repo ting

D Proactive Case

E Se vice-Aware CMDB

F Se vice Monito ing

96. Which roles are considered exte nal? Choose two.)

A Consumer Suppo t Agent (sn_customerse vice.consumer_agent)

B Customer Admin (sn_customerse vice.customer_admin)

C Pa tner Admin (sn_customerse vice.pa tner_admin)

D Customer Se vice Agent (sn_customerse vice_agent)

97. The default configuration automatically closes resolved Cases after how many days?
A 5 days

B 3 days

C 10 days

D Cases are not automatically closed by default

98. What do blue circles in the timeline of a case fo m represent?

A T iggered SLAs

B Activity updates

C Customer comments

D State changes

99. What are the different resource matching methods on the Matching Rule fo m? (Choose
A Histo y

B Sc ipted

C Advanced

D Simple

E Skill

F Selection C ite ia

100. Which of the following child case states would cause parent - child case synchronization to
fail? Choose three.)
A Resolved

B In Progress

C Awaiting Info

D New

E Closed

F Cancelled

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