Texto Ingles

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If you won

the lottery, what would you do?

R// If i won the lottery , the first thing i would do is buy a box of cereal and then a new pone

If you saw
a ghost, what would you do?

R// if i saw a ghost , i would go scare braulio because surely because of his fault i am a ghost

If animals
could talk, what would they say

R// If animals could talk would ask them what they think about humans

If you

could travel to the future, what would you do?

I would go to see what happened during the Bogotazo and important dates in history

If you

could travel to the past, when would you go to?

I would go to see what happened during the Bogotazo and important dates in history

If you

could be 10 forever or 60 forever, which would you choose?

I would choose to be 60 forever, you will have more freedom than to be 10 forever

If you
could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?

Physically, I would change my cheeks, I feel that they are very wide and big and I don't like it

If you

could speak any language perfectly, which would you choose?

I would choose English, it is the language that opens the most doors and windows, I could travel all over

the world with good English

If you had

a 3D printer, what would you print?

if i had a 3d printer print some necklaces and rings, but especially action figures

If you

could have one superpower, which would it be?

I would choose to be able to fly, in order to be able to travel from one place to another without having to

wait for the hateful public transport

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