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Bhakti-sastri KL Unit 3 Bhagavat Gita Open Book Assessment

Student ID: BS 20003

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A Krsna conscious person is beyond the material miseries and

experience sustained happiness or higher taste. The general
symptoms and characteristics of a self-realized person or one
who acts in Buddhi Yoga are when he speaks only of Lord Krsna
or everything relating to the Lord.

One who gives up material desires and completely engages in the

service of the Lord without hesitation will instantly get onto the
platform of transcendental consciousness. And one who performs
his service to the Lord with determination and enthusiasm will be
happy in this life and the next life. A person who uses his sense
for the service of the Lord attains higher taste and can control his
senses. Self-control can be defined as the snake who needs the
snake charmer to control its senses and the tortoise who controls
its senses on its own. A Krsna conscious person should be steady
minded as a muni who has surpassed all mental speculation and
come to understand that Krsna is everything and accepts
everything including happiness and distress as Krsna's mercy. A
good example of a person who is free from all material desires
and who has all good qualities manifest is Ambarisa Maharaj.

One can practice sense control but if one is not in Krsna

Consciousness it is very difficult to remain without falling.
Without acquiring a higher taste one cannot control his agitated
mind. Krsna consciousness is the only transcendental platform
which makes the material enjoyment tasteless. Krsna
Consciousness is like satisfying a hungry man with sufficient

Senses can only be controlled by devotional service. Devotional

service is compared to “Visnu as fire” who burns the impurities in
the heart. Krsna consciousness brings peace and lasting
happiness when the sense is engaged in regulated devotional
activities. If the mind is not fixed on Krsna then it gets fixed to
illusions. When the mind is in illusion, contemplation of sense
arises and leads to attachment which develops into lust which
deprived leads to the anger of delusion. This is when the
intelligence is lost and one falls into the material pool. Krsna
consciousness is the only way to save us from falling. By
engaging our senses completely in the service of the Lord by
following the regulative principle one obtains the complete mercy
Bhakti-sastri KL Unit 3 Bhagavat Gita Open Book Assessment
of the Lord and freed from the cycle of birth and death.

With the mercy of the Lord, one is completely satisfied and the
threefold miseries do not exist and intelligence is well
established. Lord Krsna is the only enjoyer and the supreme
proprietor and lives in the heart of all living entities. When one’s
sense is not controlled then one is dragged into illusion and
forgets one's relationship with Krsna. This is referred to as the
strong wind sweeping away the boat on the water, as the
roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a
man’s intelligence. The only way to control our minds is to
engage all our senses in Krsna Consciousness which can establish
real intelligence. This should be practiced under the guidance of
the bona fida spiritual master as to how controlling enemies
requires a superior force.

One is purified by the discharge of the prescribed form of duties.

Prescribed duties purify the heart of a materialistic man. Thus, no
one accepts the renunciation order without being purified by the
discharge of the prescribed form of duties. A little endeavor in the
transcendental service of the Lord purifies and saves one from
the greatest difficulties. The soul is always active either engaged
in the service of Krsna or under illusory energy. By the
association of pure devotees one gets contact with Krsna and
process of purification happens. The sastra presents different
prescribed duties according to the kind of modes one is affected.
Krsna Consciousness is the utmost point of purification or to
reach sannyasa. One who renounces without purification is
defined as a ‘pretender’, who preaches dry philosophy but
dwelling upon sense enjoyment.

Ultimately my practice in Krsna Consciousness is following the 4

regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krsna
Maha Mantra and eating prasadam and associating with devotees
and doing as much service as possible. To read as many Srila
Prapubhapad’s books as possible. And always remember Krsna.

(709 words)

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