Code of Conduct

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The CODE OF CONDUCT describes the standards of TRANSPARENCY
and INTEGRITY that BITEXCO Group pursues as well as expects from
its employees. As a diversified multi-industry corporation, rules and
policies of BITEXCO Group related to transparency and integrity in
each business and subsidiary need to be consistent. In any case,
leaders and staff of subsidiaries, affiliated companies, joint venture
companies and partners related to BITEXCO Group will always
comply strictly with the Vietnamese laws and this Code of Conduct.

Dear Bitexco Colleagues,

It is a privilege and honor to lead the Bitexco Group. This leadership comes with absolute
accountability to our shareholders, customers, partners and employees. I am proud of what we
have so far been able to accomplish together. My pride grows stronger each day as we continue
to learn and to build a common future that emphasizes achieving the highest human potentials.

As leader in critical business sectors - real estate, energy, oil/gas exploration, and infrastructure
development - underlying Vietnam’s economic growth, we are making significant contributions
in ensuring social stability, creating prosperous future and enhancing quality of life of the
Vietnamese people.

To deliver the above contributions, we must join hands and leverage our combined talents in
creating common core values and behavioral standards. Through unified Mission, aligned
Vision, and standardized Code of Conduct, we aim to become a highly respected conglomerate
applying best-in-class international standards. The Code of Conduct will in particular enable us
to live our values and to serve as a daily compass in our efforts to fulfill our Mission.

On behalf of the Bitexco Group, I call for unanimity and absolute compliance from each and
every member of Bitexco Staff to this Code of Conduct. I truly hope that this important
document will provide useful decision making guidance in how we should behave in our daily
life at Bitexco.

Vu Quang Hoi

Bitexco Group's goal is to be a leading international, multi-industry
corporation. We aim to be globally competitive by executing
world-class projects, thus making a significant contribution to the
economic development and future of Vietnam

The Bitexco Group aspires to lead in the innovation of Vietnam's economy.
Therefore, contributing to Vietnam's economic development and improving the
quality of life for Vietnamese are central to our philosophy. We continually strive
to deliver world class standards on every project we undertake. We adhere to
the highest principles possible in the conduct of our business. We believe that
this path, while challenging, is the only way to generate long-term, sustainable
value and success for all of our shareholders, employees and partners.

1. Striving for market leadership in all of the businesses we operate

2. Creativity and efficiency backed by determined actions

3. Achieving industry best practices while honoring traditional values

4. Accountability in all circumstances

5. Teamwork spirit and respect each other's differences

6. Humble about past achievements and resolute to build a brighter

future for our Group and for Vietnam

CODE OF CONDUCT A code of conduct is intended to be a central guide and reference for BITEXCO's
members in support of day-to-day decision making. It is meant to clarify the
group's mission, values, methods and principles, linking them with standards of
professional conduct. As a reference, it can be used to locate relevant documents,
services and other resources related to ethics within the organization.
The code also serves as an important communication vehicle that reflects the cove-
WHAT IS THE CODE? nant that an organization has made to uphold its important values, such as its com-
BITEXCO's code of conduct is a set of mitment to employees, its standards for doing business and its relationship with
rules, principles and standards the community. A code is also a guide to deal with the ethical dilemmas, prejudices
outlining the guidelines for attitude, and gray areas that are encountered in everyday work. Nevertheless, a code is not
thinking and proper practices for any meant to substitute for relevant standards, policies and rules, it just complements
individual employee or groups of them, and support BITEXCO and relevant organizations to create a positive public
employees at BITEXCO group identity, standardize processes and policies, and increase level of public confidence
and trust among important constituencies and stakeholders.
A code of conduct will help BITEXCO
members to align in our choices of
actions and to improve the harmony HOW DO WE USE IT?
as a group. The code helps all of us to
live with our values and follow our The code provides guidelines for the organization
priorities consistently to conquer the that are based on BITEXCO's core values as well as
long-term achievements. important policies and legal obligations.
Ultimately, BITEXCO relies on every employee to
use good judgment in everything he or she
The code is not a manual that contains all
detailed guidelines for every case in practice.
WHO IS IT FOR? Each employee needs to evaluate and consider
carefully specific cases in practice to make the
BITEXCO's code of conduct is for every employee, director or officer in every right choices and decisions in everything he or
wholly-owned BITEXCO company and in every Joint Venture company, she does.
affiliated company under BITEXCO control.
Beside the code, every employee also needs to
Contract staff, contractors or consultants who are our agents or working on remember other values, policies and regulations
our behalf or in our name through outsourcing of services, processes or any of BITEXCO to apply according to different cases
business activity, will be required to act consistently with the code when
acting on BITEXCO group's behalf. Please feel free to ask questions of our managers
or responsible governance office whenever in
Independent contractors or consultants will be made aware of the code as it doubt as to the appropriate course of conduct.
applies to BITEXCO's staff in their dealings with them.
Joint venture companies not under BITEXCO control are encouraged to
adopt similar principles and standards.

10 11
Table of content
Fair and respectful treatment Upholding Fiduciary Protecting Privacy and Personal Legal Obligations Fair and equal Raising concerns
Page 15 Responsibilities Confidentiality Page 38 treatment Page 45
Page 20 Page 34 Page 42
Appropriate Use of Power Community and Country Protecting confidentiality
Page 16 Personal Conflicts of Interest when conducting
Page 21 Information Security Commitment First employees, then
Page 35 Page 39 family members investigations
Discrimination Partial Conflicts of Interest Page 46
Page 43
Page 17 Page 25 Communication with Environment Commitment
mass media Page 40 Retaliation Protections
Work-Life Balance Superior-subordinate and Whistle-blower
Relationships and Page 36
Page 18 Protections
Supervisory Relationships Page 47
Page 26
Accuracy of Books and Tools and Resources
Records Page 48
Page 27
Contact Information for
Procurement integrity Guidance and Assistance
Page 28 in Handling Issues
Use of BITEXCO Assets Page 49
Page 29
Intellectual Property
Page 30
Preventing and Fighting
Fraud and Corruption
Page 31
Duty to Report
Page 32

12 13
A fair and respectful working environment Ensuring fair treatment
implies that everyone is given equal chances
to work and develop within BITEXCO group Listen and pay attention to subtle cues

In other words, BITEXCO is built from within, Guard against assumptions and biases regarding
promoting and rewarding people without differences between us, our colleagues, or
regard to any difference unrelated to government officials
performance. Such foundation is a basis to Be willing to give someone the benefit of the
attract and retain the finest people. BITEXCO doubt
acts on the conviction that employees are
always the corporate most important asset Support colleagues facing health, family, or other
life challenges
Upon this principle, innovation is encouraged
to flourish, creating more values to the group
and its stakeholders
Role of manager and supervisor
Ensure that staff at all grade levels can
express their views
Description - Definition Transparency in administrative decisions
Fairness affecting staff
Fairness is being impartial, just, or free Performance reviews to provide
of favoritism. It means BITEXCO treats constructive feedback
everyone the same, regardless of Apply rules and procedures
positions and/or ranking within the
group. The group follow the stated
rules and is honest and reasonable, thus
creating a fair working environment.

BITEXCO believes that each employee
possesses unique values and capabilities
and all deserve equal respect from not
only the company itself but also from
each and every subsidiary companies
BITEXCO actively promote and develop
respectfulness is one of its key elements

Fair and respectful treatment

Appropriate Use of Power
Work-Life Balance
In order to build BITEXCO to become a What employees should do The Company will respect the human rights of Each individual at BITEXCO has responsibility in
world-class conglomerate in diversified all employees and will not discriminate against preventing discrimination in our BITEXCO
In line with multi-industry and national-scale working environment
businesses, the managers are empowered to on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin,
characteristics of the group, staff often face
make decisions on their own authorities gender, age, citizenship, religion, regional
situations in which the appropriateness use of
background, physical disability, marital status,
It is important that we must use given power authorized power might not be explicitly clear
or any other characteristics that protected by Of managers and supervisors
wisely and responsibly when performing our
For that reason, contact your manager or law
work Ensure the recruitment, selection, recognition,
related governance office is necessary for
The Company will determine conditions of and career development processes are fair
further clarification on response action
employment and compensation for personnel Encourage and support staff of all backgrounds
Symptoms for abusing of power in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, taking to fulfill their potential
Bullying or harassing behavior What managers should do into consideration relevant international
standards and national, local or state laws, with Recognize staff for their contributions based on
Requesting staff to do personal favors Managers always need to make sure that they the laws of host jurisdiction prevailing ability and merit
or errands fully understand the situations
Provide equal access to opportunities for career
The Company encourages everyone within its
Communicate with your subordinates in a clear growth and advancement
Pressuring a staff member to distort power to bring questions or concerns in this
and transparent manner
facts or break rules area to their management Promote diversity at all levels of the organization
If necessary, ask for help from senior managers
Interfering with the ability of a and/or related governance office Strict disciplinary action for violations of this Ensure that vendors, contractors, and consultants
colleague to work effectively (for policy will be taken are selected through a fair and inclusive process
example, by impeding access to
information or resources)

Using company letterhead to draw Description - Definition

attention to a personal request Discrimination is the unjustifiable Of staff
differentiation between individuals or BITEXCO staff must understand and follow the
groups within staff commitment and policy that we pursues and
believes in
Respect everyone you deal with and behave fairly
towards them according to BITEXCO's values of
fairness and respectfulness. Staff should under-
stand the value of the power that comes from
people of diverse backgrounds and experiences
and never discriminate
Management should base hiring, evaluation,
promotion, training, development, discipline,
compensation and termination decisions on
qualifications, merit, performance and business
considerations only
Be aware of other company's rules and cultural
factors that may impact decisions

16 17
Work-life balance will help every member of Encourage a culture of “working smart,
BITEXCO to have the harmony between not long"
physical health and mental health, a well-being
life, thus we can work and dedicate effectively Promote the messages about work-life
to the development of BITEXCO group. balance to individuals in the workplace

BITEXCO encourages staff to maintain work-life Give better training to managers so that they
balance to contribute persistently to the group. can spot stress, poor work-life balance and its
Simultaneously, the group has practical actions effects on the individuals.
to take care of its members' physical and Encourage activities that promote good
mental health. mental health, for example lunchtime
exercise or relaxation classes

Examples of actions to support

work-life balance
For staff
Planning ahead before leaving on
mission to minimize demands on local
business staff
Understand that local staff members have
other demands and need to maintain the
Maintain a reasonable work schedule
Do not make requests for personal

For managers and supervisors

Create a number of supporting programs,
resources, and policies
Work stress counseling
Family network
Health care program TRUST AND TRANSPARENCY
Flexible remote work program (time, Upholding Fiduciary Responsibilities
location..) Personal Conflicts of Interest
Partial Conflicts of Interest
Encourage sports and fitness at the Superior-subordinate Relationships and Supervisory Relationships
company Accuracy of Books and Records
Procurement integrity
Use of BITEXCO Assets
Intellectual Property
Preventing and Fighting Fraud and Corruption
18 Duty to Report
The very core of every BITEXCO member's BITEXCO members are requested to comply Personal conflicts of interest can adversely BITEXCO's staff are entrusted with placing the
heart is the core values and fiduciary strictly with internal rules and regulations related impact BITEXCO's activities and reflect poorly interests of the entire company ahead of
responsibilities, truth, righteousness to every to fiduciary responsibilities. on the institution. personal, intra or inter-organizational.
shareholder, client, partner and stakeholder. Complying strictly to this principle is the
When we face any confusion or unclear issues, it Even potential or perceived conflicts of interest essential key to develop BITEXCO sustainably.
Every member of BITEXCO in every position is our responsibility to raise question to our line can undermine stakeholder relationships and
has fiduciary responsibilities for whatever managers or Governance Office to seek further damage BITEXCO's reputation. Having a conflict of interest does not necessarily
actions they take support and guidance. mean a staff member has done something
wrong. However, promptly disclosing and
BITEXCO expects its members to behave in dealing with the conflict is critical to avoiding
accordance with standard values that go beyond potentially serious consequences.
company rules and regulations. All of our actions Definition - Description We need to consider carefully feelings and
and decisions must be guided by BITEXCO's
Conflicts of interest may arise when a staff assessment of partners and public opinion of
member has competing professional BITEXCO's reputation when making decisions
BITEXCO will take all actions to nurture and and/or personal interests. That competion that are sensitive and contain potential conflicts
preserve the fiduciary value for its long-term can make it difficult to fulfill his or her of interest.
sustainable development. duties objectively and impartially

Any violations or non-compliance actions will

not be permitted in BITEXCO work environment.

20 21
PERSONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Gifts/benefits/favors, relatives
Gifts/benefits/favors and financial interest
Gifts, benefits and favors Gifts, benefits and favors Relatives Relatives
Gift giving is an accepted way of showing In no case may cash or securities be given or The potential perception of favoritism or BITEXCO staff cannot use their positions to
appreciation. accepted improper influence exists when relatives are promote the relatives' interests and harming
employed whether as staff or through vendors, the group's general interest.
But giving or accepting a gift may create the Giving or accepting gifts of more than nominal restrictions apply.
expectation of a favor in return. BITEXCO staff value should be approved in advance by your Directing a grant, business oppotunity or
A conflict of interest exists when an employee confidential information, that could be
must, as a general rule, avoid giving/accepting supervisor.
or a family member is in a position to benefit beneficial to BITEXCO, to a third party with
any gifts, favors, benefits, or gratuities in personally, directly or indirectly, from his or her which the employee (or his/her family
connection with their official duties. It is forbidden to give or accept a gift where it
would be unlawful to do so or if it would relationship with a pers on or entity conducting member) has a financial relationship.
business with BITEXCO.
Gifts may never be solicited. knowingly violate the policy of the other party's Reviewing, approving or controlling a
employer. BITEXCO is committed to maintaining contractual or business relationship between
stakeholder relationships based on fairness, BITEXCO and a business with which the
If there is any doubt about the appropriateness impartiality, and a transparent competitive employee or a family member has a financial
of accepting a gift, favor, or benefit, staff should process relationship.
consult their manager.
Personal honesty and integrity are important Hiring, managing, reviewing or appraising a
Refer to the "Evaluating personal conflicts of BITEXCO core values relative or friend whose competencies do not
interest tools" section. meet the job requirements.
Financial interests
Financial interests
It is imperative that our personal financial
circumstances be beyond reproach. All staff Establishing and ensuring the compliance with
must therefore resolve any conflicts of interest rules and policies which are specifically
that arise from their personal financial interests defined regarding how to deal with the
or business relationships. personal conflicts of interest-financial related
issues, subject to different situations and
The conflicts must be disclosed to both related
governance offices and the next-inline senior
manager. In consultation, a resolution will be
worked out (eg. as simple as sending an e-mail
to document the nature of the possible
conflict), or could require particular actions
(such as divesting certain stock).
Refer to the "Evaluating personal conflicts of
interest" section for further clarification.

22 23
Evaluating personal conflicts of interest OF INTEREST
Evaluating personal conflicts of interest BITEXCO performs multiple roles, with All business decisions must be made and all
numbers of affiliate, associate, subsidiary business activities must be conducted, aligned
companies and business units under the with the best interests of BITEXCO as a group.
Does a gift, proposed activity, or relationship group's management. Therefore, situations in
which conflicts of interest occur between Subsidiaries and affiliated companies should
subsidiaries due to opposite in business avoid any action which may involve, or may
Affect BITEXCO activities or stakeholders? objectives and directions. appear to involve, a conflict of interest with the
Affect BITEXCO relations with the public, or with other stakeholder groups? group.
Consequences of this type if conflict may lead
Create an impression of BITEXCO group or staff bias or partiality? All entities in which BITEXCO has a non-con-
to waste of resources as wel as unhealthy
Overlap with my BITEXCO role or responsibilities? competition within the group. trolling interest, including affiliates (franchisees)
and alliance partners with whom BITEXCO has a
Utilize or result in the disclosure of BITEXCO non-public information?
strategic relationship, are strongly encouraged
Involve others who do-or intend to do-business with BITEXCO? to follow policies in this Code of Conduct.
Involve remuneration?
Any employee or Director who becomes aware
Involve a for-profit concern? of a conflict or potential conflict should bring it
Adversely reflect on BITEXCO's reputation or compromise its operations in anyway? to the attention or a supervisor, manager and
related governance office

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", refrain from the activity or from accepting the The group's business units are
gift/benefit entrusted with placing the interests of
the entire company ahead of personal,
If the situation is unclear, seek guidance from a senior manager or related governance office
and intra-organizational

24 25
Superior-subordinate relationships and A healthy supervisory relationship is built on All accounting books, time recordings, and BITEXCO commits to maintain transparency
supervisory relationships are important lifelines trust and empathy. It is where managers and other records... of BITEXCO are important asset of accounts with accurate recording of
that ensure the combined power and engage- subordinate can openly share views and get that need to meet requirements of laws and transactions
ment of BITEXCO. feedbacks to produce the results in the efficient BITEXCO's standards. BITEXCO will accurately record and manage
ways. all transactions in compliance with interna-
Supervisors and managers have responsibilities Books, diaries, records, and documents must
tional standards and national accounting
to treat their staff in a fair and objective way Supervisors have responsibility to instruct his or truthfully and accurately convey BITEXCO's
regulations, and will be subjected to
without any preconception or partiality. her subordinates to deliver the expected results information. accounting audits by outside parties at
and to develop the career ladder at BITEXCO regular intervals.
group. Subordinates have responsibility to
follow the instruction and take advice from BITEXCO will make every effort to refrain
supervisors. from entering into a business relationship
with customers of uncertain identity, and will
Responsibility of more senior managers not participate nor cooperate with illegal,
false, or irregular transactions
It is the responsibility of the more senior person
to promptly resolve the conflict of interest by To maintain BITEXCO's valuable reputation,
bringing it to the attention of the next-in-line compliance with our requirements and all
other laws and regulations is essential.
senior manager and HR professional by taking
appropriate action.

26 27
BITEXCO upholds its high standard of Every individual at BITEXCO make decision and In order to develop and compete with BITEXCO's assets are used only for the group's
ethical and ensure a competitive, fair, and participate in procurement process with highest international corporations, BITEXCO will business purposes.
transparent procurement process both in ethical standard and protect the integrity principle continuously accumulate, expand, develop and
its own procurement and in BITEXCO at BITEXCO. enrich our properties everywhere we operate. Avoid loss, waste or damage unnecessarily.
supported projects Stealing the group's assets, acting out of self-interest
For high-value procurement, the bidding process BITEXCO staff are entrusted with a special
Decisions in purchasing at BITEXCO should be with various participants' involvement should be responsibility to protect the group's assets. We are not allowed.
guided by financial integrity and cost strictly applied. need to use them with appropriate care. Employees should endeavor to protect the Company's
effectiveness aligned with the group assets and ensure their efficient use. Any suspected
long-term interests When facing any potential conflicts of interest,
BITEXCO member must actively report potential incident of fraud or theft should be immediately
reported to superior for investigation.
The procurement policies and controls are conflicts to line manager. Definition
being conducted strictly to protect our
institution against fraudulent and corrupt Any violations to rules and policies in procurement Asset to be mentioned here is a broad
practices should be investigated carefully term, including tangible and intangible
asset, information source and business Examples of misuse of BITEXCO assets
BITEXCO will continuously and consistently do Corruption or misbehavior will be punished strictly advantage that BITEXCO possesses
Using BITEXCO staff, services, supplies,
its best efforts to insert control and to insure
equipment or facilities for private gain or
the integrity of procurement at BITEXCO
for personal purposes, or allowing others
to do so

Using BITEXCO time and resources

(telephone system, email...) for personal

Using the diplomatic pouch to send

prohibited items, such as weapons,
sexually explicit materials, or illegal

Using BITEXCO information systems to

send, view, or download pornographic,
offensive, or illegal material.

28 29
To develop BITEXCO become an international Ensure that internal intellectual property and BITEXCO is committed to demonstrate high Fair dealing with customers and suppliers.
corporation, we need to create valued and confidential information will not be disclosed integrity in all stakeholder relationships. It
unique intellectual property, initiatives and to external parties by its employees without its commits to create a corruption-free environment, Commercial bribery: Any personal payments
improvements with specific characters. prior permission and consent. which provides utmost transparency in every or bribes to individuals employed by BITEXCO's
For that reason, being aware of and acting in relationship. customers or suppliers, or receipt of bribes or
compliance with intellectual property is a very Ensure that any proprietary information personal payments by employees is not
important task with strategic significance. acquired through its business activities shall be Management/supervisor may be responsible for permitted.
recorded and safely kept and managed as addressing issues in their respective areas.
* Most BITEXCO staffs are both users and intellectual property. Violators will be mandated to terminate contract
producers of intellectual property. or refer to appropriate legal authorities.
Respect the intellectual property rights of third
* When we produce new works as part of our parties, such as patents, copyrights and
work in the BITEXCO, the intellectual property trademarks. We shall not intentionally infringe
right belongs to the institution. or improperly use such intellectual property.

Ensure that due attention is paid to the security

of intellectual property during the course of
telephone, data storage or other communica-
tion with external parties.

30 31
AND VIOLATION Protecting Privacy and Confidentiality
Information Security
OVERVIEW ACTIONS Communication with mass media
All staff have a duty to report concerns relating Staff are encouraged to raise concerns about
to significant fraud or misconduct that he or suspected misconduct to a direct manager or
she finds out or suspects. even more senior ones depending on the issue,
and must cooperate with an investigation.

Managers must promptly report allegations or

suspicions of misconduct to the appropriate
BITEXCO office and also must cooperate with an

Staff members should not investigate alleged

misconduct such as fraud or corruption
themselves. It may be dangerous and could
compromise an ongoing or future investigation.


Report on any activities which violate

the BITEXCO code of conduct against
fraud and corruption activities, which
ultimately include the following

Commercial bribery

Accepting or giving anything of material

value without reporting to supervisor
and/or related governance office

Dishonest activities which act in

contrast to BITEXCO's interests

An employee and/or manager and/or

director abuse his/her position of trust in
order to achieve personal gains

The deliberate falsification, concealment,

destruction or improper use of documen-
tation used for a normal business
purpose or the improper use of other
information or position.

BITEXCO operates in many areas and has access Develop protocols to ensure information is BITEXCO operates in many important areas of Need to categorize information and develop
to many different sources of personal and private kept secure and protected from inappropriate the economy with high complexity and information storage & confidentiality mechanism
information inside and outside the Group. access, unauthorized use, or disclosure. knowledge content which requires the ability with appropriate levels of confidentiality
to collect, process and retain information in a
In order to achieve sustainable development and Develop and strictly implement the policy of professional and effective manner. Only share information in accordance with
avoid unexpected incidents, we are obliged to confidentiality for internal information and information confidentiality rules. When in doubt,
protect personal information, privacy and stakeholders. Protecting the confidentiality of information consult competent superiors.
confidentialities entrusted to us. and intellectual assets of BITEXCO is an
Examine the information security of partners, important task which dectermines the failure Obey information confidentiality rules even if
contractors and third parties in the access to or success and the sustainable development you no longer work at BITEXCO
and confidentiality of BITEXCO's information. of the whole group. Respect the BITEXCO's password policy and
Respect the privacy and personal information never share passwords to others.
Example of privacy & confidentiality of BITEXCO's staff members.
Follow procedures of disclosing confidential
Documents containing sensitive country Every staff needs to be careful in communicat- information to any third party
data ing and handling personal information in
order to avoid inadvertent disclosure of BITEXCO will not permit any activity that utilizes
Terms of reference and proposals from proprietary information of BITEXCO for private
contractors and vendors gain, for example insider trading, irrespective of
whether or not this activity was conducted
Records related to BITEXCO – related
directly by an employee or via third parties
Actions to protect privacy and
Medical records of staff members confidentiality
Guidelines on Retaining Records
Personnel and benefits files of staff Protect the confidential and proprietary Employees must comply with the
members information we use in our work guidelines in the BITEXCO records
management plan in their retention and
Demonstrate good judgment with
disposal of BITEXCO documents. The plan
e-mail and other media
applies to information in any media,
Respect the privacy of coworkers by including both hard copy and electronic
avoiding gossip records such as email...
Information defined as "essential" be
Respect the personal property of
retained in a recoverable format for the
duration of its assigned retention period.
Treat documents of BITEXCO Group and Information that is not essential or whose
others carefully to protect their retention period has expired should be
confidentiality, within and outside the disposed of as soon as possible, unless it
office is subject to a document retention order
issued by authorized bodies.
Where such an order exists, you must
strictly follow the retention requirements
specified in the order until you receive a
notice from BITEXCO authorized bodies
that the order is no longer in force

34 35
Being a big and prestigious group operating in Appoint spoke-person to deliver official informa-
many areas and localities, BITEXCO pays special tion to media / press and public community ...on
attention to building and protecting its image behalf of BITEXCO …
in the eyes of mass media.
Organize the Corporate Communications depart-
Each staff member of BITEXCO must always ment to manage the relationship and working with
respect, maintain and contribute to the good media / press and public community
image of BITEXCO in the eyes of the public. At
the same time, each individual needs to strictly Staffs and managers are not allowed to speak and
comply with the rules of communication with communicate on behalf of BITEXCO to media /
mass media. press and public community without the written
permission from BITEXCO

Refer all media calls to Corporate Communications.

Do not call a reporter directly without first

consulting Corporate Communications.

Corporate Communications will work with you to

gather information and determine if and how the
news media should be contacted. Similar measures
used by editors and reporters will be considered to
determine if your story is newsworthy.


Personal Legal Obligations
Community and Country Commitment
36 Environment Commitment
A staff's failure to act in accordance with the BITEXCO staff must be responsible for their own BITEXCO has been and will always be a BITEXCO always respects the laws, culture,
legal system can indirectly compromise the actions and behaviours not only in working responsible citizen in the communities and values and beliefs of the local communities in
interests and image of the Group in the sites but also in other environments in life. countries where we operate and have offices. which it operates, and shall contribute to the
community and among other stakeholder improvement of the quality of life of local
groups. Staff should be aware that their behaviour at BITEXCO considers itself as a part of the residents
home or at other environments also affects the communities where it operates. Contributing
If BITEXCO is notified of a staff member's failure overall image of BITEXCO. Therefore, the Group to the development of communities with The Company, as a corporate citizen, will
to meet these obligations, it may intervene also assesses its staff through their behaviour at innovative and effective methods is the contribute to promote and support
according to applicable rules and policies. other related environments. mission that BITEXCO takes and proudly public-interest activities such as academic
pursues in the long term. advancement, art, culture and sports
All the staff must respect and strictly comply
with personal legal obligations. We will satisfy these commitment through
Examples of staff personal legal cooperating with different partners in the
obligations Each staff must take every effort within their society and community.
capability to ensure and encourage members of
Making payments of child support or their household to respect their personal legal We take initiative in creating or participating
alimony obligations. in initiatives that bind us to the community,
Paying court-ordered fees supporting and sharing with those less
Paying income taxes where required or
repaying personal loans BITEXCO encourages involvement of
individual staff in the communities where we
Complying with local laws, including live and work.
immigration laws

38 39
Fair and equal treatment
First employees, then family members
BITEXCO operates its business activities with Make every effort to comply with environmental
environment friendly manner and towards a requirements, national laws and regulations relating
sustainable development. to the environment and internal environmental
regulations within all of its business operations
BITEXCO promotes environmentally sound
and sustainable economic development as a Actively attempt to minimize the generation of
fundamental element of the company's harmful materials, utilize resources efficiently and
management system recycle waste products for the benefit of the

Carefully consider and monitor the impact of

projects on local environmental conservation and

Raise questions and concerns regarding conditions

that might be harmful to human health, safety, and
the environment

Are receptive to environmental concerns raised by

partners, governments, and other stakeholders

Model good environmental behavior

OVERVIEW ACTIONS First employee …
BITEXCO commits as its highest efforts to create Policy for family members Family members working at BITEXCO have all the obligations and responsibilities the
a environment of fair treatment and equal BITEXCO welcomes all qualified members same as all members in the Group
opportunities for everybody—both family and (including family members) to contribute to the
non-family member—to work and develop enduring growth of the businesses at BITEXCO. Behave professionally as an employee in a organization not owned by family
long-term career at the BITEXCO Group and all
Family members are encouraged to participate Comply with all requirements of BITEXCO as an employee
its subsidiary and related companies
in developing BITEXCO as far as their capabilities Follow the professional communication rules and reporting routes defined by BITEXCO
BITEXCO understands that fair and equal permits
treatments to every member is the best way to Align with the interests of BITEXCO and all other members at BITEXCO
Once a family member becomes an employee,
create sustainable value for its owners and he/she will be treated as any other non-family
stakeholders employee … then family member
By treating employees as equal as family Family employees will be trained, supervised,
Family members should have further responsibilities and obligations to the family and to BITEXCO
members, BITEXCO can strengthen the evaluated, and promoted the same way as all
solidarity of the group and the commitment of other employees Behave in the highest ethical manner and set good example as an employee at BITEXCO
its employees There will be no authority higher than other Build and protect the reputation of the family in BITEXCO
employee for family member role
Remind other members in family to comply with BITEXCO rules and with family constitution and family
Family member have to follow all of the policies internal rule
and direct orders of their line managers just as
every member at BITEXCO Support other members at BITEXCO to realize the vision and mission of the BITEXCO Group

Recruitment and selection

How should you treat family members?
Family members will go through the standard
interviewing, assessment and selection process Working with and treating family members as every members at BITEXCO with sincerity�and
The final decision for hiring, or rejecting a family
candidate rests with the HR department and Make friend with family members if you'd like
group leaders You should not stay at a distance
Nor try to be more friendly than you want to be
Compensation Family members are just as other colleagues at BITEXCO
Family members will receive compensation Give them appropriate and fair orders the same way as others
and benefits based on being employees, and Challenge them and protect your ideas as you are doing with other colleagues
not on the shares they own
Compensation and benefits of family employees
How family members should treat others?
will be based on their position, responsibilities,
qualifications and performance Respect and treat all members at BITEXCO in a sincere and professional way—no matter they
are family member or not
Will be comparable to that of non-family
employees in the same position and with similar Making best efforts to perform the roles and responsibilities of the position just as every
qualifications other employee at BITEXCO
Listen and follow directions of line managers and other leaders
Perform the best at work to be recognized and promoted
Follow the code of conduct and lines of reports designed by BITEXCO
No short-cuts or "priority lanes" in reporting

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Violation or actions inconsistent with standards Responsibilities and Obligations of Employees
can exist in any organization. A healthy to raise concerns
organization is the one that can detect those
kinds of action early to prevent and correct Employees are responsible to promptly report
them and complete the compliance of the any (potential) misconduct activities to their
organization. supervisor, manager, or related governance
office due to the following vital rationales
BITEXCO encourages everyoone to report
violation or inappropriate actions which can Allows the company to resolve problems
have a negative impact on the organization. Fulfills a shared responsibility to stakeholders
Raising concerns is respected, recognized and
protected by BITEXCO's policy. Helps to improve operations

We consider raising concerns as a goodwill Fosters a more productive work culture

warning which helps us prevent or correct the
Bolsters open communications within the
violation. Whoever stops and retaliates against
the whistleblower will be strictly punished.
Contributes to a safer work environment

BITEXCO commit to ensure the best policies to

protect for raising concerns

Confidentiality protections when conducting the

investigation, undisclosed information must
include the identification of a whistleblower, and
perhaps the identification of the potential
misconduct person

Retaliation prevention

Whistleblower protection

Provides explicit guidelines regarding the

reporting and investigating procedures, as well as
tools for evaluating the (potential) misconduct

Raising concerns
Protecting confidentiality when conducting investigations
Retaliation Protections and Whistle-blower Protections
Tools and Resources
Contact Information for Guidance and Assistance in Handling Issues
Confidentiality protection in raising concerns BITEXCO (business units) involved in an We consider raising concerns as a goodwill Staff members play a critical role in raising
and in the conduct of an investigation is a very investigation develops, maintains, and warning which helps us prevent or correct the issues and concerns, which helps BITEXCO
important task to ensure the objectivity, communicates their confidentiality standards violation. Whoever stops and retaliates against better identify, address, and ultimately deter
honesty and accuracy of the investigation. to staff. the whistleblower will be strictly punished. misconduct

Confidentiality also helps us prevent undesired The substance of an inquiry and/or the identity Any staff member who in good faith raises a
negative effect arising from rumor and gossips, of staff members are only disclosed on a strict concern is protected from retaliation.
which affects the morale and atmosphere at need-to-know basis. This is determined based
work. on the facts needed to conduct a thorough BITEXCO has adopted whistleblower
investigation, respond appropriately, and Description and example of retaliation protections to ensure that it provides a safe
BITEXCO develops standard procedures and resolve the situation. Retaliation is any direct or indirect environment for reporting and addressing
regulations for confidentiality and investigation. detrimental action recommended, suspected misconduct
All the staff must strictly comply with these Staff also have the option of raising concerns threatened, or taken against (a)
procedures and regulations. or allegations anonymously, although this can Consult the applicable policies for detailed
whistleblower(s) information on the retaliation protections
impede the ability of the BITEXCO to follow up
and take action on a concern Retaliation in the workplace encompass- afforded to staff by BITEXCO
es a range of behavior, from something
Additionally, staff may contact BITEXCO related as small as a remark to something as
governance offices. They cannot disclose any serious as an administrative action Protection policy
information without authorization from the affecting a staff member's work program
BITEXCO has adopted whistleblower
staff member unless there is a risk of imminent Other examples include: Reprimand, protections to ensure that it provides a
harm discharge, suspension, demotion, denial safe environment for reporting and
of promotion, and denial of transfer addressing suspected misconduct
Requirements for disclosure No employee or other person shall be
retaliated against for the good faith
Employees and Directors must maintain reporting of any violation of this code of
the confidentiality of the investigation conduct
information entrusted to them by the
No employee shall be discharged,
authorized offices.
demoted, suspended, threatened,
The confidential information related to harassed, or otherwise discriminated
the conduct of an investigation is only against for providing truthful informa-
disclosed to related and authorized tion to his or her manager, BITEXCO's
parties related governance office, law enforce-
ment agents, or any authorized
legislative or judicial body, or for
assisting in the investigation of conduct
that the employee reasonably believes
constitutes violations of BITEXCO's
policy as well as the laws

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Resources for staff
When staff members face a business conduct issue, the first step is to clearly think through the situation. Obligations of employees
Evaluating a situation does not mean conducting an investigation. Rather, it is a process for identifying
potential issues and knowing when it is appropriate to take action The company shall apply this code of conduct to all of its employees and subsidiaries, and, where
The LEAD steps—learn, evaluate, act, develop a plan—provide a useful framework for determining when relevant and appropriate, shall also recommend specific clause(s) of the code of conduct to affiliates
and how to take action and external business partners

Employees will make every effort to faithfully abide by the code of conduct, and in the case of violation
will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action

A decision making tool Officers and managers will be responsible for cultivating and maintaining a sound organizational
culture by acting as role models in the observance and propagation of the code of conduct
Learn the facts
Who, what , where, when, how?
Do you have all the information you need? (if you suspect misconduct, do not fact-find or Enquiries and improvement of the code of conduct
What factors or influences are at play? Any breaches of the global code of conduct should be reported to the head of the employee's
department or respective director, Human Resources Team or Auditing Team

Evaluate the issue Any questions or suggestions for improvement on the global code of conduct should be referred to
What is the business conduct concern? Corporate Governance Office or Human Resources Department.
Who among BITEXCO resources should I consult?
What do the Code, Principles, relevant guidelines, and Staff Rules say?
Which stakeholder(s) could be affected by this?
How might the issue affect the BITEXCO's reputation?
What is my responsibility? Should anyone else be involved?
How would a reasonable person view the situation?

Act appropriately
Should I take action of refer the matter?
What action(s) can help to reach a resolution?
Should any immediate steps be taken?
Does the proposed action(s) uphold BITEXCO values?
Am I unsure of the appropriate course of action(s)?

Develop a plan for follow up

How can I communicate effectively about the issue?
How can I prevent the problem from arising in the future?

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BITEXCO governance office

Address: __________________________________

Contacts: __________________________________

Email: __________________________________

Hotline: __________________________________

I acknowledge receipt of the BITEXCO Code of Conduct.
I further acknowledge that I have read and wish to show my commitment to the Code of Conduct.

Signature of employee




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