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Milena Ortiz. /223019704
Rachell Burgos. / 223054046

Conversation 1:

R: Who is Ms. Brown?

M: She is the new manager whit the short blonde hair and black eyes.
R: How old is she?
M: I think she’s 27
R: What’s she like?
M: Well, she’s really quiet
R: Ok, let’s go into the meeting

Conversation 2:

R: Hey Milena, are you free this Saturday?

M: I think so. Why?
R: Do you want to go running with me?
M: Yeah, why not? What time do you want to meet?
R: Is seven o’clock good for you?
M: Yes, no problem.
R: Ok, see you there.
Conversation 3:

R: I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat.

M: Would you like pasta?
R: No, thanks I don’t like pasta.
M: How about some noodles?
R: Oh, yes please!

Conversation 4:

M: Nice movie
R: Yes, it’s great
M: I’m Milena, by the way. What is your name?
R: I’m Rachel, Rachell Burgos. Nice to meet you
M: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?
R: I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina
M: Oh, are you student there?
R: I’m a teacher. What about you?
M: I’m from Santa Cruz and I’m a student. I study International business.
R: Really? International business is my favourite. How old are you?
M: I’m eighteen years old. And you?
R: Well. I’m twenty-one
Conversation 5:

M: This photo is cool, but who are they?

R: They’re my friends, Camila and her sister Juliana
M: Juliana! Really?
R: Yes, she’s got short blonde hair now
M: So, who’s the girl with the curly hair?
R: That’s Camila’s cousin, Sophia. She’s an artist
M: Really? Cool

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