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Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... 1
Instructions to Learner............................................................................................................ 2
Assessment instructions......................................................................................................... 2
Assessment requirements...................................................................................................... 4
Section A: Knowledge Activity (Q & A) .................................................................................. 5
Part 1 ..............................................................................................................................................5
Part 2 ............................................................................................................................................10
KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Instructions to Learner

Welcome to KII4015 Prep 1! This KII unit covers the following unit/s of competency.

SITHCCC001 Use food preparation equipment

SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

Assessment instructions

Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the
terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your
trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to
the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully
addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor
will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.

Written work
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of
the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you
address the following criteria:

▪ Address each question including any sub-points

▪ Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

▪ Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

▪ Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

▪ Your assessment tasks include your full legal name in the provided cover page.

Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is
completing all the assessment tasks on time.

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing
them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a
course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please
consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be
accused of plagiarism:

▪ Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

▪ Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

▪ Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

▪ Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used,

including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be
organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.

Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole
or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the
cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct
and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other
learners is not permitted and will result in a “NS” grade and NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten
assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor
to confirm).

Competency outcome
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory

Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be
awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and
“will” be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.

Additional evidence
If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative information/evidence
in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such information/evidence, subject to
privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time, including after submission of your

We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict
confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not
provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others, that
they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or details about
aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary consents and
ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with
such information.

Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with your
assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an appeal. You
must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the request
after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal to the course coordinator, in
writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. For more information please refer to our policy and
procedures by visiting or login to your LMS account by clicking the link :

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Recognised prior learning

Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.

Special needs
Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required adjustments
as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs immediately

Assessment requirements
Assessment can either be:
▪ Direct observation

▪ Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

▪ Questioning

The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria,
skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities in this Assessment and have
them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain tasks,
and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you supplementary
questions to determine your competence. Once you have demonstrated the required level of performance,
you will be deemed competent in this unit.

Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you may have the opportunity to resubmit your
assessments or appeal the result.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided
during induction (orientation). For more information refer to our assessment policies by visiting or login to your LMS account by clicking the link

If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your
assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish to
do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1



Course Name: Commercial Cookery
task: Assessment 1

Student must fill this section:

Student Name: Grazielle M. Ampongan

Student ID: 20210159

Privacy Release
Clause: “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
assessment validation & moderation Process”
“I declare that:
• The material I have submitted is my own work;
Authenticity • I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material
Declaration: that I used in the production of my work;

• I have given references for all sources of information that are

not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others.”
Student Date:
Signature: g.ampongan

Assessment Completion Status

Non- Assessor’s
Attempt Satisfactory Date
Satisfactory Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Feedback to student:

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Information for Student:

• All work is to be entirely of the Student.

General Information for this assessment:
• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
• Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided or follow the word limits
as instructed.
• For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc.
The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
• All assessment tasks must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit
of competency.
• If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to
interpret the assessment.
• All assessments must be submitted online. Login to and follow the
subject link to submit your assessments. Note that the hard copy of the assessments
will not be accepted.
Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a
written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Operations Manager. This should be
submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new
Re-assessment Process:
• An appeal in writing is made to the Operations Manager providing reasons for re-assessment
• Operations Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
• The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
• If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is
formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Operations Manager OR if need be
an external assessor.
• The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal.
The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
• If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek
independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
• Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-
enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her
judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair,
practical and valid.
Academic Appeals
• If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to
appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
• To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the KII- Request for Appeal of a
Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via
our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student
Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Kingsford International Institute (KII), Level 6, 128-136 Chalmers
St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Email:
• The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Operations Manager and submitted
within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
• If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in
the unit.
• In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a
medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within
three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
• The decision of Operations Manager will be final.
• Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body
as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.
“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”

Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Grazielle M. Ampongan g.ampongan

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Section A: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Part 1

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational

requirements for each one.

All answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the
learner should be able to answer each question competently.

1. What is the definition of mise-en place and when is this technique used?

Mise in place is a French phrase that means "set in place." This means that all of the
materials and equipment needed to prepare the dish are prepped and ready before you
begin cooking. It can also refer to the preparation and planning of equipment and
ingredients prior to serving cuisine.

Reference: Prep 1 Learner Guide page 9.

2. Answer the following:

a) Describe the features and functions of the following food preparation


▪ Blenders
▪ Food processors
▪ Graters
▪ Mixers

b) Describe how to use knife sharpening equipment, such as sharpening steels

and stones accurately and safely.

c) Describe the features and functions of the different types of knives:

▪ Butcher and boning

▪ Chef
▪ Filleting
▪ Palette
▪ Utility
▪ Vegetable

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

d) Describe the features and functions of the following food preparation


▪ Measures
▪ Peelers, corers, and slicers
▪ Scales
▪ Thermometers
▪ Whisks

a. Blenders - Blenders are among the most affordable kitchen appliances available. They are
ideal for creating smoothies because their primary function is to blend soft food and
liquids. Some blenders also contain an ice crushing function for making frozen drinks.

Food Processor - Processors come in handy when you need to chop, shred, slice, or mix
soft or hard ingredients. You may want to consider purchasing a larger and more powerful CPU
for the job at hand. Read the manual for instructions on cleaning and maintaining the

Grater - Box graters are the most common variety, and they are available in stainless steel
or plastic. A rotary grater is mostly used to shred hard cheeses like parmesan. Electric
graters are also available for persons with arthritic hands. They are secure, of high quality,
and long-lasting.

Mixer - A good mixer should be easy to use and clean, and it should have stainless steel
fixings. Depending on how much space you have in your kitchen, you can get a hand mixer
or a stand mixer. They're made for combining components like cream, eggs, and flour.

Reference: Learner Guide page 14 to 15.

b. Sharp knives will get dull with time and will not provide the greatest cutting
performance. Sharpening stones or sharpening steel can be used to smooth the edges of a
blade after it has been sharpened on a stone, such as a whetstone.

Make sure the sharpening steel is the same size or larger than the knife.
Hold the knife sideways against the steel at a 22-degree angle.


c. Butcher and Boning - To remove raw meat off the bone, boning knives are used to cut
through ligaments and connective tissue. Boning knives must be razor sharp, and the
stronger the blade, the longer it will keep its edge.

Vegetable - These knives have a straight edge and are ideal for chopping and mincing.
carefully slicing veggies They must be very sharp to get the optimum results, thus they
should be sharpened on a regular basis with sharpening steel.

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Chef - Boning knives are used to cut through ligaments and connective tissue to remove raw
meat from the bone. Boning knives must be razor-sharp, and the stronger the blade, the
longer it will keep its edge.
Filleting - Using a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, cut off the fins. Make an incision directly
behind the head and under the flesh along the backbone with a filleting knife until the entire
fillet is released.
Palette - knives can be used to apply clean color patches on a blank canvas or over an
existing dried layer of paint. The blade allows you to swipe a layer of color onto the canvas,
much to how a baker would smooth frosting over a cake.
Utility - These are miniature versions of chef's knives. They are quite
They are flexible and are best used for cutting and slicing smaller foods such as sandwich
meats, salad, and veggies. Reference: Learner guide page 12-14.

d. Measures - Some chefs measure, and if they don't, it's usually because they've been cooking
for a long time. Because they began by measuring, they understand the quantities of
substances they are adding. This is the main reason you should measure: you will learn
more about cooking.
Peelers, corers, and slicers - This is a traditional instrument for peeling or slicing fruit and
vegetables including apples, onions, and oranges. They are considerably easier and faster to
use than knives and may be really useful in the kitchen.

Scales - Food scales are extremely important for weighing ingredients for a dish to ensure
that the correct amount is used. You may buy traditional scales or digital scales, which are
considerably easier to use because they display the precise weight on a screen rather than
requiring you to calculate it yourself.

Thermometer - They are especially handy for testing if meat is thoroughly cooked without
having to cut it open. They may also be used to monitor the temperature of other meals to
avoid eating pathogens such as salmonella.

Whisks - A whisk is a kitchen tool that may be used to smooth out components and add air
into a recipe, a process known as whisking or whipping. Bamboo is also used to make
whisks. Whisks are widely used to produce meringue by whipping egg whites into a crisp
froth and whip cream into whipped cream. Reference: Learner guide 14-16

3. Match the following equipment with the tasks they would be used for:

Equipment Used to prepare

Blender Preparing a pizza dough Food
Processor Parmesan for a pasta dish Grater
Making breadcrumbs from stale
Mixer To puree a soup
Equipment Used to prepare
Blender To puree a soup
Processor Preparing a pizza dough
Making breadcrumbs from bread
Mixer Parmesan for a pasta dish grater

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

4. Explain how to handle and store meat safely, considering food safety practices.

 Food is stored in a variety of ways to ensure that it remains at the proper temperature, is
free of infection, and lasts as long as possible. It should be stated on packaging how it should
be stored, and this guidance should be followed by health officials. Keep raw meat and
poultry in a fridge, freezer, or esky at temperatures below 5o C until ready to cook. Cooked
meals should never be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Keep heated food
above 60o C in an oven or on a burner until ready to serve. Cooked meals should be
refrigerated if not consumed within 2 hours.

Reference: Learner guide page 10-11

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

5. List different types of cleaning materials/agents and their purpose.

 Detergents are the most often used cleaning material in both commercial and residential
kitchens. They are used to break up dirt or soil so that it may be easily washed away.
 Degreasers, also known as soluble cleaners, are used to remove oil from surfaces such as
broiler tops, worktops, and flame broil backsplashes.
 Abrasives are substances or chemicals used to remove dirt from tough surfaces. They are
frequently used in commercial kitchens to clean floors, pots, and pans.
 Acids: Acid is the most effective and dangerous cleaning agent, and it must be used with
caution to avoid any mishaps. These cleaning professionals are used to remove mineral
deposits. They are useful for descaling dishwashers and removing rust.


6. Describe what the different precision cuts are:

▪ Brunoise
▪ Chiffonnade
▪ Concasse
▪ Jardinière
▪ Julienne
▪ Macédoine
▪ Mirepoix
▪ Paysann

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 Brunoise - This French word refers to chopping a vegetable into precise 3mm 3D forms for
use in sauces and soups. Abrunoise is made out of carrots, onions, leeks, and celery. To
make this, form a rectangle or square, cut into 2" long pieces, then cut into 4mm thick
slices, then stack them together, cutting off portions 4mm wide.
 Chiffonade - This means slicing food into thin shreds and is commonly used to garnish
dishes with lettuce, kale, and herbs. To make this, stack the servings of mixed greens on
top of each other, roll them together, then cut through it, leaving a 3mm gap.

 Concasse - This means to pulverize or pound, and it is frequently used to refer to Tomato
Concasse, which might be a tomato that has been peeled, seeded, and diced to remove the
skin and unpleasant bits before adding to a sauce or salad.

 Jardiniere - This entails slicing a vegetable into thick twirly doo shapes, such as carrots. To
make this, cut the veggie into a rectangle or square shape, then into 4" long pieces, and
then into batons of 2"-5" width.

 Julienne - This means cutting ingredients into a matchstick shape with the measurements
3mm x 3mm x 3-5cm. To do this, cut food into 2" rectangles and then stack them together
and vertically cut them 1/8" apart. Typically used in coleslaw formulations to encourage
the lean strips of veggies.

 Macédoine - A exquisite combination of vegetables and natural products sliced and served
raw or cooked in 3D forms measuring 4mm x 4mm x 4mm. To make this, shape food into a
rectangle or square, cut into long pieces at first, then stack and chop them until you're left
with small cubes.


7. What are the safe operating practices at your workplace when using any

 Keep Children and Pets Away! Children and dogs have no place in the kitchen. Wear
appropriate footwear and clothing.
 Take your time.
 Use Hot Pads at all times.
 Away from Your Body, Stir.
 Discover How to Use Knives.
 Know Your Equipment and Use It Correctly.
 Spills must be cleaned immediately.


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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

8. Describe how you would carry out the following equipment maintenance:

▪ Adjusting blades
▪ Oiling machines

 Adjusting blades - If the apparatus isn't performing properly, the edges in hardware like
nourishment processors and blenders will require releasing or repairing. They may be
balanced using a suitable tool, such as a spanner or a screwdriver, and instructions may be
included in the equipment handbook.


 Oiling machines - Electrical hardware will need to be oiled on a regular basis to keep it
functioning smoothly and prevent it from breaking. This entails lightly oiling around the
joints of the rotating edge and let it to rest before blotting with kitchen paper.

Part 2

Answer each question in the space provided.

1. Provide 5 examples of how you would identify the required food quantities to be prepared to
enable you to select ingredients and prepare your mise en place for the shift.

1. Determine the items that will be needed some time before you begin cooking and prepare all of the components.
2. Place the sorted ingredients in the holder and place all of the holders near the cooking surface.
3. Prepare all necessary equipment, such as a chopping board, burner, container, and so on.
4. Prepare the garnishes.
5. Protein preparation, such as steak cutting.

2. You have identified the food requirements for the dishes you have to prepare for service. List 3
details you must check when collecting these from storage areas or upon delivery from stores to
ensure quality and freshness and prevent spoilage:

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Details to be checked
1. Upon arrival, inspect the ingredients for signs of deterioration or contamination. Make certain that no
damaged or tainted items are used.

2. Stock rotation techniques such as FIFO (first-in-first-out) are critical to ensuring that the oldest goods is
consumed first.
3. When opening cans, look for dents or swollen cans, which indicate that the food within is no longer safe to

3. Complete the following table relating to the common methods of cookery, providing details for:
▪ The definition and principles
▪ a menu example for each method of cookery using protein or dairy as a main ingredient
▪ a menu example for each method of cookery using vegetables, farinaceous or fruit as a
main ingredient

Method of Cookery Definition Menu example Meat Menu example

or dairy product vegetable or
farinaceous product
In its most basic form, boiling Stocks (beef, chicken, Vegetables (carrots,
Boiling refers to the process of heating
fish), Milk cabbage, and potatoes)
fluids to a temperature at which
they bubble and transform into

Steaming food makes a Dumplings, steamed Vegetables such as

significant impact in retaining
Steaming cheese buns carrots and broccoli
all of the nutritious value of
that dish.

It might be a cooking method Poached egg Figs in port

that involves immersing food
Poaching in fluids such as water, milk,
stock, and so forth.

Stewing is a moderate method in

which food is chopped uniformly and
Chicken, beef stew, etc. Tomatoes stew, carrots,
Stewing cooked with the least quantity of etc.
fluid, water, stock, or sauce to
enhance the softness and tastes of
the meal.

Braising is a blend of both Braised beef Tomatoes stew, carrots,

moist and dry heats. This
Braising etc.
strategy begins with sautéing
at the following temperature.

Roasting is a dry cooking Pork, lamb, or beef Roasted pumpkin salads

technique that includes cooking
Roasting food in an uncovered skillet in roast
an oven at 150 degrees Celsius.

Grilling is the most prevalent Grilled barramundi with Grilled eggplant

way of cooking that uses a
Grilling substantial quantity of direct chips or salad hummus
and radiant heat to swiftly cook
meat and vegetables.

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

Baking Baking is the earliest Whole baked fish Thai Baked potatoes
method of cooking with dry style
heat and an oven. It uses
indirect heat in the oven
rather than direct heat for
Shallow-frying, sautéing Shallow frying refers to Stir fry chicken noodles, Shallow fried potatoes
and stir-frying foods fried in a tiny pork fried rice chips, sautéed vegetables
amount of fat with a
pan and tongs or a
Deep-frying Deep-frying culinary Tempura prawn chicken Vegetables spring rolls
concepts are the same snitzel
whether you use a wok, a
pot, a benchtop fryer, or a
Microwaving commercial deep fryer with
In industrial kitchens, they Re heat pre made beef Re heat pre made veggies
are often used to reheat stews
dishes before serving.

4. Choose 4 methods of cookery and list the suitable equipment that is used for these (no

Method of cookery Equipment used

 Boiling Bratt pan

 Grill Grill bars

 Baking Baking tray

 Deep fry Deep fryer

5. List 5 safety aspects which must be considered for each to prevent injuries when using

Safety aspects

1. To provide a safe working environment, follow Work Wellbeing and Security guidelines.
2. Always keep your mind on your task and be aware.
3. Report to your chef if you observe any dangers that have lately resulted in serious injuries or accidents.

4. Handle or work with the supplies that you are allowed to handle.
5. To keep yourself and your group safe, follow all of the guidelines.


6. What are the cleaning requirements and considerations for equipment maintenance to ensure
efficiency during service? What should you inspect when assembling equipment?

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Cleaning requirements, maintenance, and inspection for assembly of equipment

 Knowing work wellness and security standards will help you predict any injury or even death in the

 Any gear that has been amassed ineffectively should not be used to ensure everyone's safety.

 The workplace should have standard operating procedures or instruction papers on how to gather
materials and use them correctly.

 Do not use or assemble any equipment unless you have appropriate knowledge of that equipment.


7. What are the scales of doneness and temperatures which apply for meat? What are the critical
aspects that need to be considered when cooking pork and poultry products, as well as cooking
times based on weight and type of meats?

English term French term Internal Temperature

Well done Bien cuit 70 degrees Celsius

Medium A point 50 degrees Celsius
Rare Signiant 55 degrees Celsius
Very rare Bleu 52 degrees Celsius

Critical aspects
Pork Cooking
• The juices must be clear and brown in color.
• While grilling, cook the meat all the way through.
• Undercooked ground meats can cause "hamburger illness," a dangerous infection that damages the intestines
and kidneys.
• Chicken should always be well-cooked; it should not be pink or red, and it should not be raw around the bones.

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

8. How does the location of muscle in an animal affect your choice of cookery method for the
preparation of a dish? How does this affect economic aspects in commercial cookery?

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

The effect of location of muscle in an animal on preparation and cookery method used

The front section of grazing animals, such as sheep and cattle, does a lot of effort. Because the animals'
rear legs perform less effort, the primitive hindquarters are more delicate. This is due to the fact that this muscle
is more heavily employed to remove feed from the animal's head.

Age, diet, gender, and species are all elements that contribute to toughness:
 Older animals are tougher than younger animals, such as mutton, which is rougher than lamb.
 Animals given milk are more delicate than grain-fed animals.
 Male animals are often tougher than female animals because they are more muscular and active.
 Because they are more active, feathered game animals are tougher than domesticated fowl.

9. What is the meaning of cold water start and hot water start when applied to vegetables?
Provide examples and reasons.

Cold water start Hot water start (blanching)

The object is immersed in cold water before being Blanching is the process of fast cooking objects in hot
brought to a boil for a cold water start. Because root water. Green vegetables are frequently blanched to
vegetables are thick, if you put them in boiling maintain taste and prepare them for serving. The
water, they will cook on the exterior but be bones that will be used to make stock can be
uncooked or mushy on the inside. blanched first. This causes the contaminants to settle,
allowing them to be cleaned out before being added
to the stock.

10. Provide 5 aspects which should be applied to ensure even cooking when using a microwave

Provisions for microwave cookery

1. utilizing baking paper, cling wrap, and sandwiching

2. Items that can be microwaved should be put beneath it.
3. Spread the ingredient along the outside rather than in the center.
4. Cover the meal to prevent water from evaporating.
5. utilizing baking paper, cling wrap, and sandwiching


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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

11. What is the correct procedure for preparing and cooking pulses?


To assist remove toxins and make pulses simpler to digest, they are cooked
quickly. They must be rehydrated before cooking, either by soaking in cold
water overnight or by rapid-soaking. This permits any contaminants in the
steeping liquid to seep out before it is removed before cooking.

12. Why is teamwork important in a commercial kitchen? Provide examples for typical
communication requirements to ensure efficient preparation, cooking and service of food items:

Importance of teamwork

One of the most essential things you can learn at university is how to work as
part of a team. Teamwork may help you complete jobs faster and more
efficiently. Remember that the total of its components is larger than the sum of
its parts. This means that the team as a whole can do more than any individual
member could.
Examples for communication requirements
Teamwork may enable you to finish tasks more quickly and efficiently.
Remember that the total of its components is larger than the sum of its parts.
This signifies that the team as a whole is capable of accomplishing more than
any individual member could. At university, it is critical to learn how to operate
as part of a team.


13. Lunch service has concluded. You have various foods in left your mise en place and your
workstation needs to be cleaned for the next shift. List the processes required to store left-over
foods correctly and the requirements to clean and sanitize your section to meet food safety

Food Safe Storage requirements Cleaning and Sanitation Specific areas and equipment
that need to be cleaned
A temperature maintenance device Cleaning should be done in an After usage, all equipment
inefficient manner, such as with cold
that is effective is required. must be cleaned and sanitized.
and hot water.required.
enough storage room for meat and Used utensils and equipment should be Drainage areas, such as sinks,
cleaned and sanitized.required.
other products must be kept clean.required.

A steady supply of electricity to After cleaning, return the The refrigerator must be
power the generators equipment to its proper location. cleaned and disinfected.

Stock that has expired must be Sanitize the area from which the Every day, the trash should be
removed from storage. damaged meat was removed. emptied.

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KII4015 Prep 1 Assessment 1

14. Calculation

The recipe below yields 3 portions. Calculate the required ingredients to yield 18 portions and enter
the results in the grey marked fields:

Standard Recipe Card

Name of dish: Tandoori Chicken Portions: 3

Commodities 3 Portions 18 Portions

Item Specification Weight kg/l/Unit Weight kg/l/Unit

Chicken Breast 0.240 kg 1.44 kg

Tandoori Paste 0.010 kg 0.06 kg

Yoghurt 0.090 kg 0.54 kg

Mesclun Lettuce 0.030 kg 0.18 kg

Cucumber Telegraph 0.250 ea 1.5 ea

Tomatoes Grape 0.500 pun 3 pun

Pooris 6.000 ea 36 ea

Coriander Fresh 0.125 bch 0.75 bch

Lemon 0.500 ea 3 ea

Accompaniments 2.000 ea 12 ea

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