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74-87 - Article
74-87. Persons and
Family Relations
Chapter 1. General Provisions absence of a marriage settlement or if the
settlement is void.
Art. 74. The property relationship between Art. 75. The future spouses may, in the
husband and wife shall be governed in the marriage settlements, agree upon the
following order: regime of absolute community, conjugal
(1) By marriage settlements executed partnership of gains, complete separation of
before the marriage; property, or any other regime. In the
(2) By the provisions of this Code; and absence of a marriage settlement, or when
(3) By the local custom. (118) the regime agreed upon is void, the system
of absolute community of property as
 The law allows the spouses to fix their established in this Code shall govern. (119a)
property relations during the marriage
through a device known as marriage Art. 76. In order that any modification in the
settlement subject only to the condition marriage settlements may be valid, it must
that whatever settlement they may have be made before the celebration of the
must be within the limits provided by marriage, subject to the provisions of
this Code. Articles 66, 67, 128, 135 and 136. (121)
 In the absence of a marriage settlement
Art. 77. The marriage settlements and any
or when the property regime agreed
modification thereof shall be in writing,
upon by the spouses in their marriage
signed by the parties and executed before
settlement is void, the provisions in the
the celebration of the marriage. They shall
Family Code shall govern the property
not prejudice third persons unless they are
relations between the spouses.
registered in the local civil registry where
 The future spouses may agree upon the the marriage contract is recorded as well as
regime of absolute property, conjugal in the proper registries of properties. (122a)
partnership of gains, complete
separation of property, or any other Art. 78. A minor who according to law may
regime that is not contrary to law, contract marriage may also execute his or
customs, public order and public policy. her marriage settlements, but they shall be
 Prior to the Family code, the system of valid only if the persons designated in
relative community or conjugal property Article 14 to give consent to the marriage
governs in absence of a marriage are made parties to the agreement, subject
settlement. Now, the system of absolute to the provisions of Title IX of this Code.
community or conjugal property (120a)
governs in
Art. 79. For the validity of any marriage
settlement executed by a person upon
whom a sentence of civil interdiction has
been pronounced or who is subject to any
other disability, it shall be indispensable
for the guardian appointed by a competent cannot be proven without a written agreement.
court to be made a party thereto. (123a)  For a marriage settlement to affect third
persons, it is necessary that it be in
 A marriage settlement or ante nuptial writing and registered in the local civil
contract is a contract which is entered registry and proper registries of property.
into before, but in consideration and
contemplation of marriage, where the Art. 80. In the absence of a contrary
property relations of marriage are fixed stipulation in a marriage settlement, the
and determined. property relations of the spouses shall be
 The marriage settlement itself or its governed by Philippine laws, regardless of
modifications thereto must be made the place of the celebration of the marriage
prior to the celebration of marriage. It is and their residence.
however possible for the parties to
modify their agreement in their This rule shall not apply:
settlement by resorting to complete (1) Where both spouses are aliens;
separation of property pursuant to the (2) (2)With respect to the extrinsic
provisions of Art. 135 or 136 FC. Also, if validity of contracts affecting
one of the parties to the marriage is property not situated in the
suffering from civil interdiction or any Philippines and executed in the
incapacity to give consent, it is country where the property is
indispensable for the guardian appointed located; and
by a component court to be made a part (1) (3)With respect to the extrinsic
of party thereto, otherwise the
validity of contracts entered into in
settlement is void.
the Philippines but affecting
 The law requires that the settlements property situated in a foreign
and any modifications to be made be country whose laws require
done in writing. Prior to the FC, marriage different formalities for its extrinsic
settlements were governed by Art. 122 validity. (124a)
NCC. Notwithstanding express provisions
in the present article, the marriage This rule shall not apply in these cases:
settlements and its modifications shall be  If there is contrary stipulation in the
governed by Statute of Frauds under
marriage settlement
Art.1403, par 2 sub- par C: “Any
agreement made in the consideration of  With respect to the extrinsic validity of
the marriage, other than a mutual contracts affecting property not situated
promise to marry. in the Philippines and executed in the
country where the property is located;
 A contract that infringes the Statute of
Frauds is not void but unenforceable, it
must be ratified. An oral marriage  With respect to the extrinsic validity of
contract is unenforceable since its contracts entered into in the Philippines
existence but affecting property situated in a
foreign country whose
laws require different formalities for its extrinsic settlement itself, it only gives rise to the cause to
validity. revoke to which if not revoked shall remain valid.
 The rule does not apply to any provision
 The future spouses are free to stipulate where its validity does not depend on the
in their settlement what laws shall celebration of the marriage.
govern their property relations especially
if they are residents in a foreign country. Chapter 2. Donations by Reason of Marriage
However, that with respect to the
mandatory provisions of the FC, that Art. 82. Donations by reason of marriage are
shall govern since the freedom of the those which are made before its celebration,
spouses to stipulate must be gone within in consideration of the same, and in favor of
the limits provided by the FC. one or both of the future spouses. (126)
 Philippine laws shall not apply to
contracts in relations properties not  Donations propter nuptias are those
located in the Philippines, Following Art. made before the celebration of marriage,
16 NCC, the issues relating property, in consideration of the same and in favor
whether personal or real, shall be of one or both spouses.
governed by the law where such  The following requisites are required
property is located. before a donation can be considered as
 Above provisions also apply if one of the donation propter nuptias:
parties in the marriage is a Filipino o Must be made before the
citizen. celebration of the marriage
o Must be made in the
Art. 81. Everything stipulated in the consideration of the marriage
settlements or contracts referred to in the o Must be in favor of one or both
preceding articles in consideration of a spouses
future marriage, including donations
between the prospective spouses made
 The marriage is a consideration but not
necessary to give birth to the obligation
therein, shall be rendered void if the
(Art. 86 par 1 FC). This donation would
marriage does not take place. However,
remain valid if the proper action were not
stipulations that do not depend upon the
instituted or not instituted before the
celebration of the marriages shall be valid.
lapse of the statutory period for
 The celebration of marriage is a
Art. 83. These donations are governed by
condition sine qua non for the validity of the rules on ordinary donations established
the marriage settlement. in Title III of Book III of the Civil
 In donations propter nuptias, the fact
that the marriage did not take place
does not render the donation void,
except if the donation is contained in
the marriage
Code, insofar as they are not modified by other in a marriage settlement, such donation
the following articles. (127a) must not exceed one fifth of the present property
of the donor, if the property regime agreed upon
 Under the Civil Code, the donations in the marriage settlement is other than absolute
propter nuptias were governed under community. The excess shall be void. If it is
the Statute of Frauds under Art. 122 absolute community, then there is no limitation.
NCC. Under the Family Code, the same The reason is that in absolute community, both
formal requirements must follow Articles spouses are co-owners of all the property at the
748 and 749 NCC; otherwise such time of the marriage or thereafter, unless
donations shall be void. otherwise provided in Art. 92 or in the marriage
 If what is donated is personal property settlement.
has a value that exceeds than 5,000  In the situation where he future spouses
pesos, the law requires that such agreed upon a regime other than
acceptable also be in writing, otherwise absolute community but the donation
the donation is void. If donations are propter nuptias by one spouse in favor of
real property, the law requires that the the other is not contained in the marriage
acceptance must be in a public settlement, the one fifth rules shall apply
instrument and if it is made in a separate as long as the regime is not absolute
instrument, there is an additional community. The reason based on the
requirement that the donor be notified in policy that no spouse should be allowed
an authentic form and this step should to take advantage of the love and
be noted in both instruments, otherwise feelings of the other to acquire property
the donations shall be void. from the latter.
 Donations propter nuptias for future
Art. 84. If the future spouses agree upon a property are not prohibited, however they
regime other than the absolute community will be governed by provisions on
of property, they cannot donate to each testamentary succession and formalities
other in their marriage settlements more of wills which are effective after the
than one-fifth of their present property. death of the spouse.
Any excess shall be considered void.
Art. 85. Donations by reason of marriage of
Donations of future property shall be property subject to encumbrances shall be
governed by the provisions on testamentary valid. In case of foreclosure of the
succession and the formalities of wills. encumbrance and the property is sold for
(130a) less than the total amount of the obligation
secured, the done shall not be liable for the
 Donations propter nuptias must be made deficiency. If the property is sold for more
by either or both of the spouses, than the total amount of
 If the donation is to be made by one of
the future spouses in favor of the
said obligation, the done shall be entitled to rise to a cause for revocation, the rule
the excess. (131a) is that voidable marriage must be
1. If the marriage is not celebrated or  If there is legal separation, the
judicially declared void ab initio innocent spouse has the right to
except donations made in the revoke donation.
marriage settlements, which shall  If a donation is subject to a
be governed by Article 81; resolutely condition and the
 Donations propter nuptias are condition is fulfilled, the donor
valid except if made in the acquires a right to revoke the
marriage settlement. donation.
 Non-celebration of the marriage  Donations are revocable by
only gives grounds for reason of ingratitude based on
revocation of such donations. presumed will of the donor as a
2. When the marriage takes place penalty for failing to observe the
without the consent of the parents moral imperatives that devolve
or guardian, as required by law; upon him by virtue of benefit
3. When the marriage is annulled, and received from donation. Such
acts are those referred in Art.
the donee acted in bad faith;
765 NCC (Offense against the
4. Upon legal separation, the donee person, the honor or property of
being the guilty spouse; the donor, or of his wife, children
5. If it is with a resolutory condition under his parental authority;
and the condition is complied with; donor imputes to the donor
6. When the donee has committed an criminal offense of moral
act of ingratitude as specified by turpitude, even though he should
the provisions of the Civil Code on prove it unless crime is against
donations in general. (132a) the donee, his wife or children
 If marriage is judicially declared under his parental authority;
void ab initio, donations shall unduly refusal of the donee to
remain valid but such grounds support the donor even though
gives rise for revocation. If it is he is legally and morally bound to
declared void ab initio under Art. do so).
40 FC, then such donations is  Except those under Art, 86(4)
revoked under operation of law and 64, the FC does not give a
(due to Art. prescription period for actions to
50 making Art. 43 and 44 applicable for marriages revoke donations. Under Art. 64,
void under Art. 40) the innocent spouse may revoke
 If marriage is annulled, the the donations made by him in
donee in bad faith gives grounds
for the donor to revoke the
donation. To give
favor of the offending spouse after the finality of the declaration of legal separation, where it must be
within 5 years after the decree is final. For acts of ingratitude under Art. 86 (6), the period is one year for
revocation of donations and donations p.n.

Art. 87. Every donation or grant of gratuitous advantage, direct or indirect, between the
spouses during the marriage shall be void, except moderate gifts which the spouses may give
each other on the occasion of any family rejoicing. The prohibition shall also apply to persons
living together as husband and wife without a valid marriage. (133a)

 Donating to each other is prohibited during the marriage. However, such rule is not absolute as it
recognizes the validity of moderate gifts during family rejoicing.
 Husband and wife are prohibited from selling property to each other, such sale is deemed void,
except under Art. 1490 NCC under the following conditions (due to the remoteness of danger of
fraud in contracts of sale that may be celebrated between husband and wife):
o When a separation of property was agreed upon in the marriage settlements
o Where there has been a judicial separation of property under Art. 135 and 136 FC
 Such exceptions do not apply in the prohibition between spouses from
donating to each other under Art. 87
unless their regime is complete
separation of property or otherwise.
 The spouses are prohibited from
leasing each other parcels of land as
stated in Art. 1646 NCC.

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