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Functional Nausea in Children

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Katja Kovacic and yCarlo Di Lorenzo

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Chronic nausea is a highly prevalent, bothersome, and difficult-to-treat What Is Known

symptom among adolescents. When chronic nausea presents as the predomi-
nant symptom and is not associated with any underlying disease, it may be  Functional nausea is common in children with func-
considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder and named ‘‘functional tional bowel disorders.
nausea.’’ The clinical features of functional nausea and its association with  Gastric motor disturbances including gastric empty-
comorbid conditions provide clues to the underlying pathophysiological ing and accommodation abnormalities commonly
mechanisms. These may include gastrointestinal motor and sensory disturb- present with nausea.
ances, autonomic imbalance, altered central nervous system pathways, or a  Plausible mechanisms involve complex vagal neural
combination of these. This review summarizes the current knowledge on circuits and higher brain regions such as the limbic
mechanisms and treatment strategies for chronic, functional nausea in children. system.
 Altered sensations and visceral hypersensitivity
Key Words: chronic nausea, cyclic vomiting syndrome, functional
gastrointestinal disorders, migraines likely play a role but mechanisms remain unclear.

(JPGN 2016;62: 365–371) What Is New

 Nauseous patients experience many comorbidi-

C hronic nausea is a frequent complaint encountered by

pediatric gastroenterologists. It is usually described as an
unpleasant and painless sensation of imminent vomiting. It tends to 
ties, greater symptom severity, and psychosocial
Migraines, cyclic vomiting syndrome, and autonomic
cluster with several functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) dysfunction appear closely linked to functional
but may also present as a primary symptom, not associated with any nausea.
demonstrable underlying disease (1). As such, it is often termed  Treatment is mainly empiric or aimed at comorbid
‘‘functional nausea’’ because of the lack of diagnostic biomarkers. features.
The adult Rome III criteria define chronic idiopathic nausea as
occurring several times per week, typically not associated with
vomiting and without an organic cause (2). The current pediatric
Rome III criteria do not yet recognize a category for chronic nausea
despite its high prevalence in adolescents, but the Rome IV daily chronic nausea. Nausea is also a common manifestation of
pediatric committee is considering adding ‘‘functional nausea’’ many acute and chronic medical conditions, drug or toxin effects,
to the next iteration of the criteria. gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders, motion, autonomic or cen-
A recent study reported a 53% prevalence of chronic nausea tral nervous system (CNS) pathology, and emotional arousal and
in children with pain-associated FGIDs (3). Notably, more frequent anxiety. Despite this broad prevalence, surprisingly little is known
nausea was associated with impaired social and school functioning. about the pathophysiology underlying chronic nausea. This review
Functional nausea can be highly distressing but given its subjective summarizes the current concepts and knowledge regarding the
nature, the absence of evidence-based guidelines for a diagnostic clinical features, possible mechanisms, and available treatments
workup, and the lack of proven effective treatments, it is often for functional nausea in children.
neglected by medical providers. Other, more episodic FGIDs, such
as abdominal migraines and cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS), are
also highly associated with nausea and may evolve into debilitating, CLINICAL FEATURES
Genetic vulnerability and psychosocial susceptibility are
Received September 18, 2015; accepted December 8, 2015. cardinal features of several FGIDs. The biopsychosocial model
From the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, for FGIDs represents a broadly accepted term that encompasses
Hepatology, and Nutrition, Center for Pediatric Neurogastroenterology, interactions among genetic, environmental, physiologic, and psy-
Motility, and Autonomic Disorders, Medical College of Wisconsin, chosocial factors. Patients with chronic nausea share many features
Milwaukee, and the yDivision of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatol- and comorbidities with other FGIDs including chronic pain, fatigue,
ogy, and Nutrition, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH. headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and family history of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Katja Kovacic, MD, FGIDs. There is, however, increasing evidence that nauseated
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Medical patients experience more severe symptoms. A study comparing
College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI
patients with primary (likely ‘‘functional’’) chronic nausea to those
53226 (e-mail:
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
with nausea associated with functional abdominal pain found that
Copyright # 2016 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, these comorbidities are prevalent in both groups but are present
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric at an even higher rate in those with primary nausea (1). This
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition same study found that chronic nausea is more common in white
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001076 adolescent girls and that 70% experienced anxiety. A large,

JPGN  Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016 365

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Kovacic and Di Lorenzo JPGN  Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016

prospective study of children with functional abdominal pain found emetogenic substances and hormones, vestibular pathways, CNS
a 45% prevalence of nausea and noted the presence of more severe activation, and signals through abdominal vagal afferent chemo-
GI and somatic symptoms, depression, low self-esteem, disability, and mechanoreceptors (1,9). The latter responds to changes in
and family stress in subjects with nausea (4). Long-term nausea was tension and contractility of the gastric wall and may underlie the
also linked to greater disability, anxiety, and depression. Persistent sensations of functional dyspepsia, including nausea and postpran-
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nausea in adult patients with migraines is also more common in dial fullness (10). Signals from chemoreceptors responding to
white girls and linked to greater pain, disability, and depression. substances (eg, serotonin, cholecystokinin, substance P) released
Many of these features appear to be closely linked to an altered from enteroendocrine cells are carried by vagal afferent nerve fibers
brain-gut axis and heightened visceral sensitivity, akin to the to higher brain centers (Fig. 1) (11). The blockage of these signals
broadly accepted concept of FGIDs that is based on abnormal by serotonin (5-HT3) antagonists accounts for some of the effec-
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processing of afferent signals, altered microbiota, and heightened tiveness of these drugs in vomiting induced by chemotherapy,
reactivity to both noxious and physiologic visceral signals. toxins, and viruses. Yet, there is limited evidence to support the
classic emetic pathways as the model for functional nausea (8,12).
PSYCHOLOGICAL COMORBIDITY Chronic functional nausea and chemotherapy-induced nausea do
Psychological factors are known to influence digestive not respond particularly well to standard antiemetic therapies such
symptom perception and coping strategies in FGIDs. Chronic GI as 5-HT3 antagonists (5). These clinical observations coupled with
distress may also influence pathways that process sensations of recent neuroimaging studies point to a broader network of higher
discomfort and nausea, leading to amplified perception. In irritable cortical centers involved in the generation of functional nausea (13).
bowel syndrome (IBS) there is evidence that both physical and
mental stress may increase proinflammatory cytokines through the CENTRAL MECHANISMS
autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis There is growing evidence that apparently distinct emetic
(5). A large community-based survey in adults found that anxiety pathways converge to the brainstem nucleus tractus solitarius
significantly increased the risks of nausea (6). Anxiety appears (NTS) and from there to higher cortical regions where they evoke
more prevalent in adolescents with chronic nausea and nausea is the sensation of nausea. The limbic system also has inputs to the NTS
associated with long-term psychological distress and disability and is a plausible path to how nausea and vomiting signals influence
(1,4). A study in adolescents with chronic nausea linked nausea the autonomic nervous system. The NTS is not just a simple brainstem
to social disability and worse school functioning (3). A morning relay center. It receives descending modulation signals from higher
surge in cortisol production has been associated with anxiety cortical regions (hypothalamus, vestibular, and limbic systems) and is
disorders and may explain the common clinical presentation of modulated by gut hormones and various afferent inputs (8). Afferent
morning nausea in adolescents, who then slowly tend improve later signals carried by the vagus nerve relay a vast amount of sensory
in the day (3,7). It is unclear from these studies whether psycho- information from the GI tract to the brainstem dorsal vagal complex
logical distress is a primary or secondary manifestation of chronic (NTS, area postrema, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus) (14).
nausea in children. The disabling nature of the symptoms coupled There is ample support for a major role of the vagal neurocircuitry in
with frequent diagnostic uncertainty and lack of effective therapies the generation of nausea and vomiting. Activation of mechano- and
may account for a higher mental distress in this population. chemoreceptors in the GI tract initiate vagovagal reflexes (sensory
and motor vagal fibers) that carry signals to and from the CNS.
NAUSEA AND EMETIC PATHWAYS Furthermore, the integrity of the abdominal vagus nerve appears
Nausea is historically viewed as a prodrome of emesis or as a essential for initiation of emesis (14).
low-grade activation of the emetic pathway (8). The main pathways A study using functional magnetic resonance imaging
of emesis include activation of the area postrema by circulating evaluated the involvement of the limbic brain structures in



Cerebral cortex ANS Vagal afferents

(CCK, HT Substance P)
limbic system
Vestibular nucleus Accommodation
Hypothalamus hyperalgesia

Nausea Gastric
Vagal efferents emptying
Area postrema

Hypersensitivity to
Blood borne duodenal acid/lipids Constipation
toxins and hormones “Cologastric break”


Immune activation

FIGURE 1. Postulated brain-gut pathways in the generation of nausea. CCK ¼ cholecystokinin; HT ¼ hydroxytryptamine; NTS ¼ nucleus tractus


Copyright 2016 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016 Chronic Nausea

experimentally induced nausea (motion induced) (13). In that study, without nausea. Another large survey of patients with migraine
transition to strong nausea caused phasic activation mainly in reported that frequent, persistent (>2 years) nausea is common in
brainstem and limbic brain regions known to process stress, migraineurs and carries twice the risk of progression to chronic
emotion, and fear conditioning (amygdala, ventral putamen, and migraine compared with migraineurs without nausea (11). Nausea
dorsal pons/locus coeruleus). Once strong nausea was experienced, in tension-type headaches is also a predictor of chronic migraines in a
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there was, however, a ‘‘sustained’’ activation in a broader network population-based study (29). These observations support the concept
of interoceptive, limbic, somatosensory, and cognitive regions. of centrally driven nausea in patients with comorbid migraines.
There are also data indicating the presence of altered white matter
microstructure in individuals susceptible to motion-induced nausea GASTRIC EMPTYING ABNORMALITIES
(15). These studies suggest that nausea is a multidimensional state Nausea is one of the cardinal symptoms associated with
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involving several higher brain structures. It is, however, unclear delayed gastric emptying. Unfortunately, nausea and other symp-
whether the data based on motion-induced nausea translate to other toms of gastroparesis (vomiting, early satiety, postprandial fullness,
mechanisms of nausea. bloating, and abdominal discomfort) are nonspecific and overlap
GI pain and emetic signals transmitted to the CNS may be with other FGIDs such as functional dyspepsia. A large study in
amplified or attenuated depending on environment, emotions, and adults with gastroparesis reported nausea as the most common
internal perceptions specific to each individual. The limbic system (84%) and often the most bothersome symptom, but nausea was
appears to play a key role in regulating these signals. Thus, a equally prevalent in subjects with normal gastric emptying (30). In a
complex interconnected neurocircuitry appears involved in the smaller study of children with delayed compared with normal 4-
input signals for nausea. hour gastric emptying of a solid meal, nausea was the only symptom
linked to delayed gastric emptying (31). A larger, retrospective
study in children with gastroparesis based on 2-hour gastric empty-
AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION AND MIGRAINES ing scans found nausea to be the third most common symptom (after
The sensation of nausea is associated with physiologic corre- vomiting and abdominal pain) (32). In younger children, there is
lates of autonomic outflow such as diaphoresis, salivation, palpita- some evidence that vomiting is the most common clinical feature,
tions, pallor, and stomach awareness. Multiple studies have shown whereas older children with gastroparesis have more predominant
evidence for autonomic dysregulation in several FGIDs, IBS being nausea and abdominal pain (33).
the most commonly studied condition (16,17). Heart rate variability Nausea as a result of functional dyspepsia may be difficult to
studies in motion-induced nausea also suggest altered sympathovagal differentiate from that associated with gastroparesis as the clinical
balance. Although some studies are conflicting and methodologies presentation is similar. Furthermore, an estimated 25% to 50% of
differ, there is evidence for gradual sympathetic activation with patients with functional dyspepsia have delayed gastric emptying,
increased nausea and decreased parasympathetic tone during nausea and there is controversy whether these conditions are part of the same
(18,19). Autonomic dysfunction is also well described in clinical spectrum of disorders (34,35). Nausea can also be a presentation of
studies of FGIDs with chronic nausea as a frequent complaint (20,21). rapid gastric emptying, which presents with symptoms overlapping
In a small study, Sullivan et al described significant associations with gastroparesis. Two studies in adults with ‘‘symptoms of delayed
between orthostatic intolerance and chronic GI complaints, including gastric emptying’’ reported rapid gastric emptying in 11% and 28% of
nausea, and GI symptom improvement with treatment of orthostasis patients (36,37). Rapid gastric emptying is also described in adult
(22). Retrospective data on adolescents with chronic idiopathic patients with CVS (38) and in autonomic dysfunction, with the
nausea also noted a high cooccurrence of dizziness, fatigue, majority (80%) of individuals experiencing nausea (39).
migraines, and postural tachycardia syndrome (1). Constipation may represent another plausible link between
CVS is another disorder with features of autonomic dysregu- nausea and gastric emptying abnormalities. Clinically, it is com-
lation and reported autonomic abnormalities (23). It is thought to monly recognized that constipated children have concurrent nausea
represent a migraine variant and often evolves into either true and dyspeptic symptoms. A Brazilian study demonstrated an associ-
migraines or a chronic, debilitating nausea. These overlapping ation between childhood functional fecal retention and delayed
features suggest the possibility of a primary disorder of autonomic gastric emptying based on liquid gastric emptying scans (40).
function in some children presenting with chronic nausea with or Another study of children with dyspepsia showed an association
without other functional bowel complaints and autonomic symptoms. between constipation and delayed gastric emptying based on ultra-
The latter may include dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, chronic sound measurements of gastric emptying time (41). In this study,
fatigue, mental clouding, anxiety, headaches upon sitting/standing, laxative therapy improved both gastric emptying time and dyspeptic
and more worrisome symptoms such as palpitations and shortness symptoms. A ‘‘cologastric brake,’’ whereby colorectal impaction
of breath. Autonomic imbalance should thus always be considered in stimulates reflex inhibition of gastric motor activity, is a
the differential diagnosis of patients with chronic nausea. postulated mechanism.
Autonomic abnormalities are commonly found in patients
with migraine headaches, and there is a migraine subcategory termed
syncopal migraine (24). Nausea is also a cardinal feature and part of OTHER GASTRIC AND DUODENAL
the diagnostic criteria for migraine headaches (25). The complex ABNORMALITIES
pathophysiology of migraines involves inappropriate activation of Postprandial nausea is one of the classic features of func-
the trigeminocervical pain system, possibly mediated by the brain- tional dyspepsia. Concurrent symptoms of postprandial fullness,
stem (26). Nausea is highly associated with pain during migraine early satiety, and meal-induced epigastric discomfort suggest that
attacks, but it is also a feature of the migraine prodrome, suggesting the nausea may originate from gastric accommodation abnormal-
that nausea also occur independent of pain (27). A recent neuroima- ities. The gastric accommodation reflex consists of relaxation of the
ging study with positron emission tomography scans in migraine proximal stomach to accept food without an increase in gastric
patients with nausea showed activation of central medullary brain pressure. Impaired proximal stomach function in response to food
structures including the NTS, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and ingestion is well documented through electronic barostat studies in
the nucleus ambiguous in addition to the periaqueductal grey (28). adults with functional dyspepsia (42). Abnormal distribution of the
These same nuclei were not activated in patients with migraine gastric contents in the distal stomach is also described (43). Apart 367

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Kovacic and Di Lorenzo JPGN  Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016

from gastric emptying abnormalities, there is evidence that both placebo for a wide variety of causes of nausea and vomiting,
structural and functional duodenal abnormalities exist in patients with including pregnancy, postoperative, and motion-induced nausea
dyspepsia (35). Postprandial nausea appears to occur both during (56). STW5 is an herbal supplement with proven efficacy in clinical
gastric and duodenal transit of food, suggesting that the mechanism trials for functional upper GI symptoms including nausea (57). This
may not solely involve poor stomach compliance (44). Other plaus- supplement is not yet approved for use in the United States.
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ible mechanisms include gastric and duodenal hypersensitivity to Peppermint oil has shown efficacy in children with IBS (58) and
mechanical distention but also sensitivity to duodenal acid and although never studied in nausea, children with nausea and dys-
lipids as well as mucosal inflammation (35). Duodenal hypersensi- peptic features may benefit from it.
tivity to acid has been correlated with sensation of nausea in patients Like in many other functional disorders, an interdisciplinary
with dyspepsia (45). Lee et al (46) have demonstrated increased approach addressing psychosocial burden is likely to represent the
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duodenal acid exposure during daytime and postprandially in patients most effective intervention. Educating family on the role of stress in
with prominent nausea. The role of hypersensitivity to gastric dis- functional disorders, using simple analogies to explain brain-gut
tention is also well established in functional dyspepsia and may be a connections and establishing a trustworthy relation will facilitate
factor in the sensation of nausea (47). There is increasing evidence treatment. After careful medical history and assessment, providing
of low-grade inflammation with increased mast cell counts and reassurance and nonpharmacological alternatives that are unlikely
eosinophilia in functional bowel disorders such as IBS and func- to be associated with adverse effects is often well received by
ional dyspepsia (48). Duodenal eosinophilia has been linked to families. Early involvement of a psychologist and emphasis on
dyspeptic symptoms in children, with nausea being the most common coping strategies and maintaining functioning with continued
symptom (49). The mechanisms may involve immunological altera- school attendance is a primary goal. Cognitive behavioral therapy,
tions with release of mediators that increase excitability of enteric biofeedback, and relaxation strategies may be of great benefit.
nerves and resulting hypersensitivity to distention (50,51). Dietary guidance with a focus on low fat, liquid calories and more
Finally, gastric myoelectrical disturbances are abnormalities frequent meals may help those experiencing postprandial nausea
in the normal 3 cycles per minute slow wave activity of the stomach. even in the absence of gastroparesis. There is evidence that stimu-
Gastric dysrhythmias have been recorded by electrogastrography in lation of the wrist acupuncture point P6 is as effective as medi-
subjects with autonomic dysfunction, gastroparesis, and unexplained cations in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (59).
nausea and vomiting (52–54). Diagnostic usefulness is, however, Based on the same principle, there are now several commercially
limited because of inconsistent correlation among electrogastro- available devices that are marketed for nausea of pregnancy or
graphy disturbances, symptoms, and gastric emptying rates (55). motion sickness, which may also provide benefit to adolescents
with chronic functional nausea.
Based on clinical experience and retrospective data, there is Medications
little role for extensive diagnostic evaluations in patients with
features of functional, chronic nausea (1). A thorough clinical Psychotropic medications such as tricyclic antidepressants
history and assessment of nausea characteristics such as timing, (TCAs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be reserved
frequency, relation to meals, and concurrent GI symptoms (pain, for more refractory symptoms but are frequently used in FGIDs
bloating, postprandial fullness, early satiety, heartburn, concurrent (Table 1). Amitriptyline is perhaps the most commonly used TCA
vomiting, stooling pattern) are essential. It is equally important to for a variety of FGIDs including IBS, functional abdominal pain,
assess comorbid symptoms such as autonomic disturbances, abdominal migraine, and CVS. It is also a primary prophylactic
migraine headaches, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, and psycho- migraine drug (60) with both antimigraine and visceral analgesic
logical distress. A family history of functional disorders or functions. Given the plausible relations of chronic nausea with these
migraines may be supportive of functional nausea rather than disorders, empiric therapy with TCAs is often trialed. Retrospective
organic conditions. Alarm features such as weight loss, neurological data in children with chronic nausea indicate that nearly half have
symptoms, severe morning vomiting/headaches, and bilious or good response (>50% improvement) to amitriptyline at a mean
bloody emesis should prompt further workup. Pregnancy always dose of 50 mg nightly (1). Other migraine therapies such as beta-
needs consideration in postpubertal girls. Allergic and inflamma- blockers and anti-epileptics, including topiramate and levetirace-
tory conditions, celiac disease, and peptic or Helicobacter pylori tam, have shown efficacy in related disorders such as CVS (61,62)
mucosal diseases deserve consideration in patients with chronic and may prove beneficial in nausea as well.
nausea if supported by other clinical symptoms or personal/family If clinical history reveals symptoms of autonomic imbalance,
history. It is important to note that in the absence of clinical red nausea may be approached with several lifestyle measures. These
flags, endoscopy has low yield in the evaluation of patients with include aggressively increasing hydration and salt intake, regular
chronic nausea. Nearly all (98%) of endoscopies were normal in a sleep and exercise, and carefully addressing comorbid symptom
larger cohort of children with chronic nausea (1). A 4-hour nuclear burden. The addition of a low-dose mineralocorticoid (fludrocorti-
medicine gastric emptying study may be justified, especially when sone) may improve nausea as documented by Fortunato et al in 2
symptoms persists hours after meal ingestion. Comorbid symptoms studies (63,64).
and clinical features should closely guide diagnostic workup. Cyproheptadine is another drug commonly used for FGIDs
and migraine prophylaxis (65,66). Cyproheptadine has antiseroto-
nergic and antihistamine effects and is postulated to improve gastric
TREATMENT accommodation in patients with functional dyspepsia (67). It also
There are no published treatment trials on chronic nausea to stimulates appetite and therefore may help many patients with
guide therapy. Treatment of functional nausea is challenging and chronic, meal-related nausea with dyspeptic features and weight
generally based on empiric strategies. Retrospective data suggest loss. Given the possible role of immune alterations and mast cell
little benefit of classical antiemetics such as 5-HT3 antagonists activation, other antihistamine therapies may be effective. Limited
(ondansetron) (1). Alternative therapies such as ginger, STW5, and pediatric data suggest efficacy of montelukast (a leukotriene recep-
peppermint oil may have some efficacy for meal-related nausea. In tor antagonist) in children with dyspepsia (68). Buspirone is an
a systematic review, ginger 1 g daily was found more effective than anxiolytic shown to reduce symptoms in adults with dyspepsia by


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TABLE 1. Drug therapies commonly used for FGIDs and possibly efficacious for functional nausea JPGN 

Class Drug Mechanism of action Adverse effects Indications/comments

Alternative therapies Ginger Unknown, possible 5-HT3 antagonism Heartburn, abdominal cramps Functional dyspepsia, nausea, morning sickness,
sea sickness, CINV
STW5 (Iberogast) Unknown, possible improved gastric fundic Abdominal cramps, dizziness Herbal combination preparation, functional
relaxation dyspepsia, IBS
Peppermint oil Possible Ca2þ channel and 5-HT3 antagonism Heartburn, flushing, headaches Plant-derived, presumed antispasmodic, IBS,
functional dyspepsia
Antiemetics Ondansetron 5-HT3 antagonist Headache, QTc prolongation CINV, post-operatively, CVS
Promethazine D2-Antagonist and H1 antagonist Somnolence, tardive dyskinesia, CINV, motion/morning sickness,
anti-cholinergic effects postoperatively, migraines
Prochlorperazine D2-antagonist Migraines, CINV, postoperatively
TCAs Amitriptyline Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, QTc prolongation, sedation, weight gain, IBS-D, chronic nausea, anxiety, migraines, and
antagonism of several 5-HT, NMDA and anticholinergic effects, nightmares, CVS. Start with low dose, titrate to effect.
a1-adrenergic receptors postural hypotension Consider EKG for QTc prolongation.
Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016

Imipramine and nortriptyline less constipating

SSRIs Citalopram Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Suicidal ideation, akathisia, nausea, Anxiety/depression, IBS, functional dyspepsia
vomiting, sexual dysfunction
Anxiolytics Buspirone Presumed 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 agonist Dizziness, headache, somnolence, tremors Functional dyspepsia, small trial in adults
Tetracyclic antidepressant Mirtazapine 5-HT2, 5-HT3, H1- and a2-adrenergic antagonist Somnolence, weight gain, orthostatic Gastroparesis, anxiety
hypotension, constipation
Antimigraine Cyproheptadine 5-HT2A and H1-antagonist Somnolence, weight gain, restlessness, anti- Migraine, CVS prevention
cholinergic effects
Propranolol Nonselective beta-adrenergic blocker Bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, insomnia, CVS and migraine prevention, contraindicated in
constipation asthma and diabetes
Topiramate Unknown, anticonvulsant Weight loss, somnolence, mental clouding Limited data in CVS, migraine prevention
Levetiracetam Anticonvulsant Somnolence, headache Limited data in CVS
Prokinetics Erythromycin Macrolide antibiotic, motilin receptor agonist QTc prolongation, torsades, seizures, Prokinetic, tachyphylaxis common with long-
abdominal pain term use
Metoclopramide D2-Antagonist, 5-HT4 agonist Irritability, dystonic and extrapyramidal Chronic use may result in tardive dyskinesia
Domperidone D2-Antagonist Headaches, serious cardiac effects Gastroparesis, need FDA exemption
Mineralocorticoid Fludrocortisone Mineralocorticoid Swelling, hypertension, headache, Autonomic dysfunction
NK-1 receptor antagonist Aprepitant NK-1 antagonist Fatigue, dizziness, diarrhea CINV, gastroparesis
Cannabinoids Dronabinol CB1, CB2-receptor agonist Disorientation, hallucinations, paranoia, CINV, schedule III controlled substances
vertigo, addiction
Nabilone CB1-receptor agonist

Many of these drugs are indicated for comorbid features and used off-label for gastrointestinal symptoms. TCAs, SSRIs, and tetracyclic antidepressants have an FDA black box suicide warning.
Anticholinergic effects include dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, and so on. CINV ¼ chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting; CVS ¼ cyclic vomiting syndrome; FDA ¼ Food
and Drug Administration; IBS ¼ irritable bowel syndrome; SSRI ¼ selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA ¼ tricyclic antidepressant.
Chronic Nausea


Copyright 2016 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Kovacic and Di Lorenzo JPGN  Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016

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