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NOTES IN POLITICAL LAW (For following the rati:ication of the

2019 BAR) Constitution nor more often than once

Jose Edmund E. Guillen, LL.B, every \ive years thereafter.
Republic Act No. 6735 [An Act Providing for a
Amendment vs. Revision System of Initiative and Referendum]

Amendment Initiative – the power of the people to propose

- Refers to the a change that adds, reduces, amendments to the Constitution or to propose and
deletes, without altering the basic principle enact legislation through an election called for the
involved; affects only the speci:ic provisions purpose.
being changed. 1) Initiative on the Constitution
2) Initiative on statutes
Revision 3) Initiative on local legislation
- Implies a change that alters a basic principle
in the Constitution; affects several provisions. Procedure
▪ The essence of amendments directly
Lambino vs. Comelec proposed by the people through initiative
- In determining whether the Lambino upon a petition is that the entire proposal on
proposal involves amendment or a revision, its face is a petition of the people.
the Court considered the two-part test. ▪ Two essential elements:
1) Quantitative Test – the Court examines only 1) The people must author and sign the
the number of provisions affected and does entire proposal; no agent or
not consider the degree of the change representative can sign in their behalf.
2) Qualitative Test – inquires into the 2) As an initiative upon a petition, the
qualitative effects of the proposed change in proposal must be embodied in the
the Constitution. petition.
- Main inquiry: whether the change will ▪ In Lambino Case, the great majority of the
“accomplish such far-reaching changes in the 6.3M people who signed the signature sheets
nature of our basic governmental plan as to did not see the full text of the proposed
amount to a revision.” changes before signing; they were not
Held: The Lambino proposal constituted a apprised of the nature and effect of the
revision, not simply an amendment of the proposed amendments. Failure to comply
Constitution, because it involved a change in with these requirements was fatal to the
the form of government, from presidential to validity of the initiative petition.
parliamentary, and a shift from the present
bicameral to a unicameral legislature. Note: People’s initiative applies only to an
Note: amendment, not a revision of the Constitution.
- Majority of the justices had voted to declare
RA 6735 suf:icient and adequate for the (ii) Rati\ication
people’s initiative abandoning the ruling in - Proposed amendment shall become part of
Defensor-Santiago vs. Comelec, G.R. No. the Constitution when rati:ied by a majority
127325, March 19, 1997. of the votes cast in a plebiscite held not
earlier than 60 nor later than 90 days after
Steps in the amendatory process: [2] the approval of the proposal by the Congress
or the Constitutional Convention, or after the
(i) Proposal [3] certi:ication by the COMELEC of the
(1) Congress suf:iciency of the petition for initiative under
▪ By a vote of 3/4 of all its members Sec. 2, Art XVII.
(2) Constitutional Convention - Doctrine of proper submission: There will
▪ Which may be called into existence either no longer arise the question of whether the
by a 2/3 vote of all the members of the time given to the people to determine the
Congress, or (if such vote is not obtained) merits and demerits of the proposed
by majority vote of all the members of amendment is adequate.
Congress with the question of whether or
not to call a Convention to be resolved by
the people in a plebiscite.
▪ Through the power of initiative
▪ Requisite: A petition of at least 12% of State – a community of persons, more or less
the total number of registered voters, of numerous, permanently occupying a de:inite
which every legislative district must be portion of territory, independent of external
represented by at least 3% of the control, and possessing a government to
which a great body of inhabitants render
registered voters therein.
habitual obedience.
▪ Limitation: No amendment in this manner
shall be authorized within 5 years
-can there be a state without a government? 2) 1973: all other territories belonging to the
-can there be a government without a state? Philippines by historic right or legal title
Give an example • Provision for the Sabah claim
-has legal personality; has the capacity to do • Legal title – all accepted modes of acquiring
business or join other states in making territory
international law (customary) or enter into • 1987: all other territories over which the
international agreements Philippine has sovereignty or jurisdiction; it is
• Montevideo Convention of 1933 [a Convention open to all modes of acquiring territory under
on Rights and Duties of States,]: people, international law and also open to settling of
territory, government, sovereignty con:licting claims under international law
• United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea
1. People (UNCLOS) - 1982: the concept of archipelago
Suppose all the people living in the island are and archipelagic state
women? Does it comply with the requirement of
statehood? No. Archipelago Doctrine – based on the principle that
an archipelago, which consists of a number of islands
As a requisite for Statehood: Adequate number for separated by bodies of water, should be treated as
self-suf:iciency and defense; of both sexes for one integral unit and the waters inside the
perpetuity. baselines are considered internal waters.

• Differentiate from inhabitants

o Art. XIII Section 1
o Art. II Section 15 and 16
o Art. III Section 2
• Citizens
o Art. II Section 1
o Art. II Section 4
o Art. III Section 7
• Electors
o Art. VII Section 4
o Art. XVI Section 2
o Art. XVIII Section 25
3) The territorial sea: 12 nautical miles; contiguous
2. TERRITORY: zone: 24 nautical miles; exclusive economic zone:
200 nautical miles
Baseline – the line from the seaward limits of a
Does it comply with the requirement state’s territorial sea and certain other
of statehood if there are still boundary maritime zones of jurisdiction are measured.
disputes? Normally, a sea baseline follows the low-
• The case of Palestinian statehood water line of a coastal state.
1) Refer to Article one of the Constitution: where Internal Waters – include waters on the landward
exactly is the Philippine archipelago? What are side of the baseline of a nation’s territorial
those islands that are included therein? waters, except archipelagic states. [not subject
to innocent passage]
National Territory Territorial Waters or territorial sea – a belt of
coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical
The national territory comprises the miles (22.2 km, 13.8 mi) from the baseline
Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and (usually the mean low-water mark) of a
waters embraced therein, and all other coastal state.
territories over which the Philippines has
sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its Contiguous zone – a band of water extending
terrestrial, \luvial, and aerial domains, including from the outer edge of the territorial sea to up
its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the to 24 nautical miles (44.4 km, 27.6 mi) from
insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The the baseline, within which a state can exert
waters around, between, and connecting the islands limited control for the purpose of preventing
of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and or punishing “infringement of its customs,
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the :iscal, immigration or sanitary laws and
Philippines. regulations within its territory or territorial
• Treaty limits Exclusive economic zone – extends from the outer
o Treaty of Paris December 10, 1898
limit of the territorial sea to a maximum of
o Treaty of Washington November 7,
200 NM (370.4km, 230.2 mi) from the
1900 between the US and Spain, territorial sea baseline, thus it includes the
ceding Cagayan, Sibuto and Sulu contiguous zone.
o Treaty of January 2, 1930 between the
US and UK, ceding the Turtle and Continental shelf – comprises the seabed and
Mangsee Islands subsoil of the submarine areas that extend
beyond its territorial sea throughout the
natural prolongation of the land territory to miles as long as it is not more than
the outer edge of the continental margin, or to 300 feet deep. It is also known as
a distance of 200 NM from the baselines from intercontinental shelf
which the breadth of the territorial sea is • The exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical
measured where the outer edge of the miles- the coastal state has sovereign rights
continental margin does not extend up to that to explore, develop, or exploit and conserve
distance. the natural resources. If the Philippines will
not undertake any exploration, development
• Baselines: normal baselines and the straight or exploitation of these marine resources,
baselines (Article 7 (1) of the UNCLOS) then no country has the right to do so. China
o Uses of baselines: should not and cannot under the law, bully us
o Determine what constitute internal regarding our EEZ
waters and the scope of internal • Such as the production of energy from the
waters water, currents and winds
o Determine the 200 mile EEZ • Exclusive rights and jurisdiction with respect
o Archipelagic doctrine – the body of to the establishment and utilization of
water strudded with islands, or the arti:icial islands, off-shore terminals,
islands surrounded with water, is installations and structures; preservation of
viewed as a unity of islands and the marine environment, including the
waters together forming one unit. prevention and control of pollution and
The purpose of the doctrine is to scienti:ic research
protect the interests of the • Including also such other right recognized by
archipelago. international law
o Other states are allowed to use the
Low-tide elevations [UNCLOS, Article13] zone for:
1. A low-tide elevation is a naturally formed area of ▪ Navigation and over-:light
land which is surrounded by and above water at ▪ Laying of submarine cables
low tide but submerged at high tide. Where a low- and pipelines
tide elevation is situated wholly or partly at a ▪ Other lawful uses related to
distance not exceeding the breadth of the navigation and
territorial sea from the mainland or an island, the communication
low-water line on that elevation may be used as the • The Philippines has sovereignty over her
baseline for measuring the breadth of the territory and that includes the territorial
territorial sea. sea but she has only sovereign rights over
2. Where a low-tide elevation is wholly situated at her exclusive economic zone.
a distance exceeding the breadth of the territorial
sea from the mainland or an island, it has no 3. GOVERNMENT
territorial sea of its own. - the agency or instrumentality through which the
will of the State is formulated, expressed and
Regime of islands [UNCLOS, Article 121] realized.
1. An island is a naturally formed area of land,
surrounded by water, which is above water at high • Differentiate from administration
tide. • Constituent or ministrant functions?
2. XXX Governmental or proprietary functions?
3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or
economic life of their own shall have no exclusive Functions [2]
economic zone or continental shelf. (1) Constituent/Governmental – mandatory for
the Government to perform because they
• Sovereignty over territorial waters subject to constitute the very bonds of society, such as the
right of innocent passage; but no such right maintenance of peace and order, regulation of
if referring to internal waters; but consider property and property rights, the
Article 8 (2) where the effect of the straight administration of justice, etc.
baseline method is the enclosing as internal - involves the exercise of sovereignty and
waters those areas which have not been therefore compulsory
considered before as such, then there must be (2) Ministrant/Proprietary – functions intended
the right of innocent passage. Here the to promote the welfare, progress and
Philippines made its reservations upon prosperity of the people, and which are merely
signing of the UNCLOS. SEE page 27-28. optional for the government to perform.
- connotes merely the exercise of
Right of innocent passage – all States enjoy the right proprietary functions and thus considered as
of innocent passage through archipelagic waters. The optional.
archipelagic State, may, however suspend
temporarily, without discrimination, the right to • Administration of justice, how will you
innocent passage in speci:ied areas, when deemed classify it? Constituent
essential for the protection of national security • Implementation of the land reform program –
provided that such suspension shall take effect only may not be strictly constituent in the sense
after due publication [Art. 52 & 53, UNCLOS]. discussed in the case of Bacani vs. NACOCO,
but take note of the urgency that the
4) The insular shelf, the continental shelf constitution emphasizes social justice
o The land which is submerged under • How about housing, how will you classify it in
water which may extend beyond 12 terms of functions of the government?
• Jurisdiction is the manifestation of
De jure and de facto government? sovereignty.
• De jure – government has rightful title but o Territorial –is the authority of the
no actual power or control, either because state to have all persons and things
this has been withdrawn from it or because it within its territorial limits to be
has not yet actually entered into the exercise completely subject to its control and
thereof. protection. It is necessarily exclusive
and absolute. Any restriction upon it,
• De facto –is a government in fact, that is, it
deriving from an external source,
actually exercises power or control without
would imply a diminution of its
legal title.
sovereignty to the extent of the
• The government of Cory Aquino in restriction. All exceptions must be
1986? traced up to the consent of the state
itself. There is no other legitimate
• Revolutionary? De:iance of the source.
existing legal processes?
o Personal –is the authority of the state
• Despotic? There is still the Bill of over its nationals, their persons,
Rights in the Freedom constitution. property, and acts whether within or
outside its territory. Civil Code
• Militaristic? The principle of civilian provisions that mandatory laws
supremacy is enshrined in the follow citizens wherever they go. This
constitution also. is usually being followed in Taxation
Laws of the country as well as in laws
• Temporary? Yes!
affecting marriages and its dissolution
• De facto or de jure: Explain it in the
o Extraterritorial –is the authority of
local context or international level
the state over persons, things or acts,
• In the latter it depends on the outside its territorial limits by reason
recognition received by the of their effects to its territory. Article 2
government from other states of the RPC.

• Is recognition by other states a ▪ Commission of the offense on Philippine ship

constitutive element that even with or airship
the presence of the four under the
▪ Forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
Montevideo Convention it is not yet a
of the Philippines
state if not recognized? There are two
schools of thought here in ▪ Introduction into the Philippines of any forged
international law: the declarative item mentioned in number preceding section
theory and the constitutive theory.
▪ While being public of:icer or employee, one
4. SOVEREIGNTY commits an offense in the exercise of his
- the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent functions
in a State by which the State is governed.
▪ Commits any of the crimes against national
• Legal –the supreme power to make laws security and the law of nations de:ined in Title
one of Book 2 of the RPC.
• Political – sum total of all the in:luences in a
state, legal or non-legal which determine the o Universal Jurisdiction – being
course of law. exercised by states over offenders of
certain crimes and prosecute them
o Imperium – refers to the state’s
regardless of the place where the
authority to govern; in this capacity,
crimes were committed.
jure imperii – it enjoys immunity from

o Dominium –the capacity of the state to SECTION 3. The State may not be sued without its
own property; in this capacity jure consent. [ARTICLE XVI, The 1987 Constitution]
gestium, the state descends to the level
of ordinary persons and thus becomes IMMUNITY FROM SUIT
liable for the consequences of its Dates back to the time of the monarchy
actions. - the king could not be sued without his consent
• The king could not do any wrong

• With the constitutionalism or republicanism, Del Mar v. PVA: there is already funds appropriated
who would give the consent?- Legislative for the purpose but the functionary failed to release
• There is no constitutional provision regarding it to the claimant as part of his statutory duty.
it before the 1973 constitution
• But already part of the legal system brought Veterans Manpower and Protective Services, Inc.
to the country by the Americans vs. CA – the PC Chief and the PC-SUSIA are being
sued for their of:icials acts in refusing to grant the
What are the reasons for this provision? renewal of the license of VMPSI due to the absence
• Juridical and practical notion that the state can of the certi:icate of membership from the PADPAO
do no wrong Shauf v. Court of Appeals: the of:icial is being sued
• Holmes: not based on formal conception or for his discriminatory acts performed beyond his
obsolete theory but on the logical and practical authority; for acts contrary to law; he acts without
ground that there can be no legal right as authority or in excess of the powers vested in him
against the authority that makes the law on by law; acts done with malice and bad faith or
which the right depends (Kawanakoa v. beyond the scope of his authority or jurisdiction
Polybank) (Republic vs. Villasor)
• Public funds cannot be the subject of a Republic v. Feliciano: classic example of a suit
garnishment proceeding even if the consent to against the state; the defendant is really the RP;
be sued had been previously granted and the this is a suit for recovery of property which is an
state liability adjudged.(Villasor) action in personam not action in rem.
o Failure to invoke the defense of immunity
• Lasco vs. United Nations Revolving Fund for from suit is not fatal because it can be invoked
Natural Resources Exploration (UNRFNRE) by the court sua sponte (of one’s own will or
The private respondent here argued that the volition even without any request from the
NLRC has no jurisdiction over it because it parties) or at any stage of the proceedings.
enjoyed diplomatic immunity pursuant to the
1946 Convention on the Privileges and Republic v. Sandoval: the heirs of the 12 rallyists
Immunities of the United Nations. The DFA :iled an action for damages for the death during the
con:irmed the immunity being enjoyed by rally. There is a recommendation by the Mendiola
UNRFNRE and the issue as to whether or not an Commission that the victims will be compensated.
international organization is entitled to There was also the pronouncement of the President.
immunity is a “political question” and the o This is not a suit against the state because the
determination by the executive department is recommendation of the Commission does not
conclusive on the courts. mean that liability already attaches to the
• The same conclusion is reached in the cases of government
SEAFDEC V. NLRC and Callado v. IRRI. These o The pronouncement or acts of the President is
organizations are immuned from the legal not tantamount to waiver
writs and processes issued by the courts or o The republic here is sued by name but the
tribunals of the countries where they are found. ultimate liability does not pertain to the
• Metran v. Paredes: from the concept of government. The of:icers were discharging
republicanism – when they surrendered some their of:icial functions but their functions
of their rights which may come in con:lict the ceased to be of:icial the moment they
higher rights and larger interests of the people exceeded their authority.
as a whole – in suing the state it seems like o The principle of immunity from suit does not
they are suing themselves apply. The relief being demanded by the suit
• Practical reasons does not require any af:irmative of:icial action
on the part of the state even though the
Two important questions: of:icers or the agents who are made
1) Whether or not it is a suit against the defendants claim to hold or act only by virtue
state? of a title of the state as its agents and
2) If it is a suit against the state, whether or servants.
not there is consent. o The of:icers would be personally liable.
o When a suit against the state is proper: [3]
How one will determine whether if it is a suit against (1) When the republic is sued by name
the state? (2) When the suit is against an
• No problem if the Republic of the Philippines is unincorporated government agency
named as the defendant in the suit. (3) When the suit is on its face against a
• What if the suit is against the agency or the govt. of:icer but the case is such that
public of\icial or an unincorporated agency? the ultimate liability will belong not
to the of\icer but to the govt.
Begoso v. Philippine Veterans Authority: there is a
failure on the part of the public of:icial to follow his Suit against government agencies, of\ices or
duty imposed by law appropriating funds for the entities:
bene:it of the plaintiff; there was error in the • Determine if incorporated or not
disapproval of the disability claim. Take note that • If incorporated, therefore it has a separate
there is already an appropriations for payment of legal personality; it can sue and be sued—
those claims. The actuations here of the of:icials are the “sue sue” provision
patently illegal, the doctrine of exhaustion cannot PNB V. CIR – Laborers and employees got a :inal
apply. judgment from CIR and is seeking garnishment of
the PHHC funds deposited with PNB. Garnishment

is proper. PHHC has a separate personality with o Thus, even if the local govt. units are
sue-sued provision. suable because of their respective
charters, it does not automatically follow
SSS V. CA – the property of one Socorro Cruz was that LGUs are also liable. Their liability
foreclosed due to the negligence of the regular must still be proven with suf\icient even
employee of SSS. The SC granted nominal damages. in court. Most likely liability will depend
The charter of SSS provides that it can sue and be on the validity of the LGUs defense. If the
sued in court. The court seems to imply that that LGUs can prove that the acts for which
SSS could have invoked the defense of Article 2180. they are being sued are in the
So, a government entity could be sued for tort but it performance of their governmental
can put up the defense that it acted through its functions, they would not be liable. But if
regular employees and not through a special agent. the acts were done pursuant to their
proprietary functions, then LGUs can be
RAYO V. CFI of Bulacan – victims of :loods due to liable for damages attributable to the
the simultaneous openings of the dams. NPC as negligence of their of\icers and
operators of the dam is sued. NPC’s charter allows employees. (Torio v. Fontanilla, 85 scra
it to sue and be sued and there is no quali:ication 599)
as to the cause of action that can be :iled, thus tort o Because of its being an integral part in the
is included. political subdivision of the govt., it shares in
the sovereignty of the state. Thus it cannot
MALONG V. PNR – PNR is not performing any be made liable even for torts in the
governmental function, and may therefore be sued. performance of its of:icial functions except
The court said that like any private common carrier of course if the law expressly makes them so
the PNR is subject to the obligations of persons liable.
engaged in that private enterprise. o Take note however, that even if it is
performing governmental functions, it can
FAROLAN V. CTA – the Bureau of Customs, being an still be LIABLE, for torts and damages if
unincorporated agency without a separate juridical there is an express consent for such
personality, enjoys immunity from suit. It is liability.
invested with an inherent power of sovereignty, ▪ For instance, when it acts through a
namely the power of taxation. special agent under Article 2180 of
the Civil Code
function of maintaining an irrigation system is a • If unincorporated, determine if the function
governmental function, thus it enjoys immunity is governmental or proprietary
from suits. The System was a division of the Bureau • If governmental, there is immunity from suit
of Public Works. This is a 1957 case.
Meltran v. Paredes (CB) – was created in order to
NATIONAL AIRPORTS CORP. V. TEODORO (CB)- provide the public with means of transportation
here the agency is Civil Aeronautics Administration, more ef:icient, cheaper, and faster than those in
and it is held that its functions are proprietary in existence. It possesses no separate juridical
nature. personality. So a suit against Meltran was in fact a
• If there is an express consent in the form of suit against the government whose consent has not
“sue-sue provision” the capacity to be sued in been given. Take note that the SC did not make any
this instance encompasses any kind of action, attempt to analyze the nature of the functions being
including one from tort. performed by Meltran.
o Suability is made to depend not on the • In the subsequent cases, SC made a distinction
separate personality of the entity but on the between unincorporated government agencies
express grant of authority to sue and be performing governmental function and those
sued performing proprietary functions.
o That includes those corporations which are
performing governmental functions o Angat River Irrigation System Case (CB) -
▪ BERMOY V. PHILIPPINE NORMAL the court was careful to point out the
COLLEGE (CB) governmental character of the functions of
▪ OLIZON V. CENTRAL BANK (CB) the irrigation system. The agency is part of
• This is also true with regards to municipal the DPWH. Immunity here was upheld.
corporations, which have their own original o National Airports Corporation v. Teodoro
charters. For LGUs, the provision in their (CB) – Civil Aeronautics Administration,
charters that they can sue and be sued is an successor to the National Airport Corporation,
express waiver. Thus, they are suable for was performing proprietary function because
damages suffered by private persons even its function is “not to maintain a necessary
in the exercise of governmental functions. function of government, but to run what is
(Municipality of San Fernando, La Union vs. essentially a business, even if revenues be not
Judge Firme et. al) its prime objective but rather the promotion
of travel and the convenience of the traveling
• However, LGUs share in the immunity of the public.”
sovereign. So these municipal corporations
may not be liable for torts and damages • Take note the immunity is not lost if the
committed by their of:icers except when the proprietary function is only incidental to the
law expressly grants consent for their liability. main governmental function of the agency.

o Bureau of Printing Case: the additional o Festejo v. Fernando (CB) – action for
printing job done for private parties was damages against the Director of Public Works
found to be insigni:icant incident to the for having caused the construction of an
printing job being done for the government irrigation canal without :irst securing a right
of:ices. of way over plaintiff’s property. The suit was
o Mobil Philippines v. Customs Arrastre for return and restoration of the property to
Service – the arrastre operation was found to the owner. The restoration here is still
be an incident to the governmental task of practicable, thus the court granted the prayer
collecting revenues and duties. For otherwise, at the expense of the public of:icer.
the bureau could not perform its o The same abuse of authority happened in
governmental functions without necessarily Ministerio vs. CFI because the private
exposing itself to suit. Sovereign immunity property was taken without the bene:it of
granted as to the end, should not be denied as expropriation proceedings. In both cases
to the necessary means to that end. immunity could not bar the suit, however,
• Worth noting that the functions of restoration is no longer practicable in the case
Meltran and the CAA have really no of Ministerio due to the long lapse of time
signi\icant difference but the resulting after taking. Moreover, personal responsibility
decisions are different. As pointed out for the unlawful action would be dif:icult to
earlier the SC in Meltran did not make pinpoint.
any distinction as to the functions it o In Ministerio also the court declared that
performs, eventhough it is an doctrine of immunity from suit cannot serve
unincorported agency. Bernas submits as an instrument for perpetuating
that both Meltran and CAA could very injustice on a citizen.
well qualify for immunity under the o Both set of of:icers in Festejo and Ministerio
doctrine laid down in Mobil. were acting in their of:icial capacities.
• The principle of quantum meruit – it applies
Suits against government of\icers even if the contract is null and void due to lack
• The threshold question: whether liability will fall of legal requirements
ultimately on the government? o EPG Construction v. Vigilar – there is
• Determine if the of:icer is performing his functions already the :inished additional constructions
within the scope of his authority which the government can use.
• If within, then he is acting as the agent of the state,
thus apply the threshold question Consent: how it is given and who is authorized to
o Veterans Manpower Case – the suit against give it? Basically LEGISLATIVE.
the PC Chief and PC-SUSIA is a suit against the • Take note of the ruling in Festejo that the
public of:icers acting in the discharge of their unlawful act of an executive of:icer does not
of:icial functions. divest the state of immunity because the
o Larkins v. NLRC – the US of:icer was acting waiver must be controlled by the
for and in behalf of the US Government, which legislative branch.
by right of sovereign power, operated and
maintained the dormitories at the Clark Air Express
force Base for USAF members. • Given through a general law passed by Congress
• Sandoval: statement of the President that the
• If he exceeds his authority, then the state cannot grievances of the farmers will be redressed or the
be made liable for his abuse recommendation of the Commission is not a valid
o Republic v. Sandoval – supra. waiver of immunity.
o Whether or not government immunity • CA 327 – claim maybe \iled with the Auditor
from suit can be pleaded in a suit against General (COA). If the auditor did not act within 60
the government of\icers is made to turn on days then the claimant could :ile his claim with the
whether ultimate liability will fall in the RTC. If the auditor renders a decision then appeal
government. If it does but it is against the could be made to the SC, unless the claimant is a
foreign state, then such suit is also public of:icial in which case he has to appeal to the
dismissable because of the sovereign President.
immunity being enjoyed by states. o Now under the 1987 Constitution, all money
claims must be \iled with the COA which has
Syquia v. Almeda Lopez – this involves 60 days within which to act. If not yet acted,
immunity of a foreign state and the then the claimant has to wait. Then he has 30
application of the threshold question of that days to appeal to the SC the decision of the COA.
state being ultimately liable. The commanding • Act 3083 – money claim based on contracts,
general and other of:icers of the US army are express or implied
sued for collection of back rentals on • Quasi-delict committed by special agents
apartments where they were billeted. This o Article 2180 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
case however seems not to have considered – tortious acts: the state could be liable if it acts
the nature of the contract entered into by the through a special agent.
parties. o If the tortious act was committed by a regular
employee, then the victim could only :ile a case
• If the of:icer commits the act with malice, ill will, against the employee in his personal capacity.
bad faith, any tortious act, or if there is an abuse of • Special Law – Meritt v. Govt. of the Philippine
authority, then he may be personally liable Islands
o Shauf v. Court of Appeals o Republic v. Purisima – RCA entered into a
contract with a freight company and there is a
stipulation in the contract that in case of o Ministerio Case – supra.
breach, action must be :iled in the courts of o Santiago v. Republic (CB) – the
Manila. The freight company :iled a money government as a donee, and it failed to
claim against RCA. RCA is not incorporated and follow the conditions of the donation.
in fact it is an of:ice under the Of:ice of the Therefore the donor is entitled to go to
President. Consent can only be given through court in order to recover the property
a statute. donated.
o Department of Agriculture v. NLRC – it is
worth noting in this case that the court made (4) When government \iles a complaint,
the distinction as to the character of the defendant may \ile a counterclaim against
contract entered into by a government agency it
which may result to a waiver of its immunity. o Froilan v. Oriental Pan Shipping – the
Distinction must still be made between one government :iled a complaint in
which is executed in the exercise of its intervention for the purpose of asserting a
sovereign function and another which is done claim for af:irmative relief against the
in its proprietary capacity. Here, the contract plaintiff, to wit, for the recovery of a vessel.
was entered into pursuant to its governmental o But not if the complaint in intervention
functions. But the claims of the respondents for is for the purpose of resisting a claim
underpayment of wages, holiday pay and against the government, that may result
overtime pay and similar items arising from in the loss of its property or the
Contract of Service, clearly constitute money disbursement of funds.
claims. Department of Agriculture may be
sued for money claims based on a contract Scope of the Consent: LIABILITY HAS ALREADY
entered into in its governmental capacity BEEN DETERMINED BY THE COURTS
because of the express consent contained in
Act No. 3083 provided that the claim be • General rule: the consent is only up to the
brought :irst to the Commission on Audit in judgment stage of the case when the decision
accordance with CA 327, as amended. is already :inal and executor. The consent given,
expressly or impliedly does not extend up to
Implied Consent: [4] the satisfaction of a judgment that has
(1) When the government enters into a already become \inal and executor. Thus,
business contract there is a need for another consent to be given
o Take note of the Harry Lyons case (CB, by the state which may take the form of an
Bernas) – in relation to the principle in the appropriations law or ordinance.
Mobil Case.
o The SC held in Lyons that the US had • Exceptions:
waived its immunity by entering into a 1) When there is already an appropriation passed
contract of stevedoring services at the U.S. by Congress or by the respective council of
Base in Subic. But it looks like that the the LGUs
stevedoring function is only incidental to 2) The charter of the GOCC provides that it can
its military function. The ruling here seems sue and be sued
to be in con:lict with the doctrine laid o PNB v. Pabalan – GOCCs whose charters
down in Mobil. Although, one has to take provide that they can sue or be sued
note that Lyons was decided in 1958 while consents that their funds can be garnished.
Mobil Oil in 1966. (Also Rizal Commercial Bank v. De Castro)
o Funds of the local government units which
(2) It must not be any kind of contract, but have charters with provisions that it can sue
must be a business contract. If the contract or be sued: their funds are public in
is still pursuant to its governmental functions, character, therefore there must be a
then the immunity stays. corresponding appropriation ordinance
o United States of America v. Ruiz – duly approved by the Sangguniang Bayan
contract for the repair of wharves and authorizing the payment of the amount for
piers at US Base in Subic was held to be which the LGU is liable
pursuant to its governmental function of ▪ Mun. of San Miguel Bulacan v. Fernandez
the US government o As a general rule Mandamus cannot be
o Malong v. PNR supra. – when the \iled to compel the Sangguniang Bayan to
government organized the Philippine pass an ordinance for the payment of a :inal
National Railway, it divested itself of judgment. It is within the discretion of the
sovereignty because the purpose for the Sanggunian to decide whether or not to pass
operation of the PNR is proprietary. It can an ordinance considering that public funds
be liable for damages for the death of one may have been earmarked already for
who fell from the train. governmental purposes. An exception to
that rule may be availed of as laid down in
(3) When it would be inequitable for the state the case of
to invoke its immunity, or when it takes ▪ Mun. of Makati v. CA – where the
private property for public use without Municipality refuses to pay a :inal
any expropriation proceedings nor judgment without any justi:iable reason,
payment of just compensation. then the remedy of mandamus may
o Amigable v. Cuenca – no payment of just prosper against the municipality for the
compensation and the proper passage of the corresponding ordinance to
expropriation proceedings
and the corresponding disbursement of • To secure action, to forestall overaction, to
funds. prevent despotism, and obtain ef:iciency
• Take note that as to municipal corporations or • Not independence but interdependence
the LGUs, its funds cannot be subjected to
garnishment or execution; there has to be o In Re: Manzano – Judge Manzano :iled a
an appropriations covering the payment petition allowing him to accept the
o Commissioner of Public Highways v. San appointment by Ilocos Sur Governor Farinas as
Diego (CB) – Disbursement of public funds member of Ilococ Sur Committee on Justice
must be covered by the corresponding created pursuant to a Presidential Order. He is
appropriations required by law. the executive judge of the RTC. Petition is
• But the municipality or the entity cannot denied. Violation of Section 12, Article VIII of
simply refuse to pay without any valid the 1987 Constitution. – prohibits the
reason as when there is a showing that there designation of members of the judiciary to any
are available funds for the purpose. See the agency performing quasi-judicial or
Municipality of Makati case, supra. administrative functions.
• NIA v. CA, reiterating Meritt – consent to be o Administrative functions are those which
sued was granted through a special law, but it involve the regulation and control over the
does not automatically follow that the conduct & affairs of individuals for their own
government is liable for damages because welfare and the promulgation of rules and
under the circumstances, the government was regulations to better carry out the policy of the
not acting through a special agent. Article Legislature or such as are devolved upon the
2180 of the Civil Code in relation to Article administrative agency by the organic law of its
2176. existence.
o “Administrative functions” as used in Sec. 12
refers to the Government’s executive machinery
and its performance of governmental acts. It
refers to the management actions,
determinations, and orders of executive
of:icials as they administer the laws and try to
make government effective. There is an element
of positive action, of supervision or control.
o In the dissenting opinion of Justice Gutierrez:
Administrative functions are those which
involve the regulation and control over the
conduct and affairs of individuals for their own
welfare and the promulgation of rules and
regulations to better carry out the policy of the
legislature or such as are devolved upon the
administrative agency by the organic law of its
existence “we can readily see that membership
in the Provincial or City Committee on Justice
would not involve any regulation or control
over the conduct and affairs of individuals.
Neither will the Committee on Justice
promulgate rules and regulations nor exercise
any quasi-legislative functions. Its work is
purely advisory. A member of the judiciary
joining any study group which concentrates on
the administration of justice as long as the
group merely deliberates on problems
involving the speedy disposition of cases
particularly those involving the poor and needy
litigants-or detainees, pools the expertise and
experiences of the members, and limits itself to
recommendations which may be adopted or
rejected by those who have the power to
legislate or administer the particular function
involved in their implementation.
o Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima - RA
9335 was enacted to optimize the revenue-
generation capability and collection of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the
Bureau of Customs (BOC). Section 12 of the law
SEPARATION OF POWER provides for the setting up of a Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee the
purpose of which is the approval of the
What is the objective of the doctrine of separation of implementing rules and regulations (IRR) to be
powers? [3] formulated by the Department of Finance,
• Prevent a concentration of authority
Department of Budget and Management, NEDA,

BIR, BOC and the Civil Service Commission. o Belgica et. al. vs. Ochoa Jr. et. al. – Whether or
After the Oversight Committee will have not the 2013 PDAF article and all other
approved the implementing rules and congressional pork barrel laws similar thereto
regulations it shall become functus of[icio and are unconstitutional considering that they
therefore cease to exist. W/N Section 12 violate the principles of/constitutional
violates the principle of separation of powers? provisions on a) separation of powers; b) non-
Congressional Oversight in the following: delegability of legislative power; c) checks and

a) budget hearing or during balances; d) accountability; and e) local
appropriations hearing autonomy

Question hour (Section 22, Article VI) Same; Same; Pork Barrel System; Post-enactment

measures which govern the areas of project
▪ Investigation and monitoring of the identi:ication, fund release and fund realignment are
implementation of the law pursuant to the not related to functions of congressional
power of congress to conduct inquiries in oversight and, hence, allow legislators to intervene
aid of legislation (Section 21) and/or assume duties that properly belong to the
S e p a r a t i o n o f P o w e r s ; L e g i s l a t i v e Ve t o ; sphere of budget execution; Towards this end, the
Congressional oversight is not unconstitutional Supreme Court must therefore abandon its ruling in
per se, meaning, it neither necessarily constitutes an Philconsa which sanctioned the conduct of legislator
encroachment on the executive power to implement identi:ication on the guise that the same is merely
laws nor undermines the constitutional separation of recommendatory and, as such, respondents’ reliance
powers, but to forestall the danger of congressional on the same falters altogether.―Clearly, these post-
encroachment “beyond the legislative sphere,” the enactment measures which govern the areas of
Constitution imposes two basic and related project identi:ication, fund release and fund
constraints on Congress—it may not vest itself, any of realignment are not related to functions of
its committees or its members with either executive congressional oversight and, hence, allow legislators
or judicial power, and, when it exercises its legislative to intervene and/or assume duties that properly
power, it must follow the “single, :inely wrought and belong to the sphere of budget execution. Indeed, by
exhaustively considered, procedures” speci:ied under virtue of the foregoing, legislators have been, in one
the Constitution, including the procedure for form or another, authorized to participate in — as
enactment of laws and presentment; Any post- Guingona, Jr. puts it — “the various operational
enactment congressional measure should be aspects of budgeting,” including “the evaluation of
limited to scrutiny and investigation. work and :inancial plans for individual activities” and
the “regulation and release of funds” in violation of
It is clear that congressional oversight is not the separation of powers principle. The fundamental
unconstitutional per se, meaning, it neither rule, as categorically articulated in Abakada, cannot
necessarily constitutes an encroachment on the be overstated — from the moment the law becomes
executive power to implement laws nor undermines effective, any provision of law that empowers
the constitutional separation of powers. Rather, it is Congress or any of its members to play any role in the
integral to the checks and balances inherent in a implementation or enforcement of the law violates
democratic system of government. It may in fact even the principle of separation of powers and is thus
enhance the separation of powers as it prevents the unconstitutional. That the said authority is treated as
over-accumulation of power in the executive branch. merely recommendatory in nature does not alter its
However, to forestall the danger of congressional unconstitutional tenor since the prohibition, to
encroachment “beyond the legislative sphere,” the repeat, covers any role in the implementation or
Constitution imposes two basic and related enforcement of the law. Towards this end, the Court
constraints on Congress. It may not vest itself, any of must therefore abandon its ruling in Philconsa which
its committees or its members with either executive sanctioned the conduct of legislator identi:ication on
or judicial power. And, when it exercises its legislative the guise that the same is merely recommendatory
power, it must follow the “single, :inely wrought and and, as such, respondents’ reliance on the same
exhaustively considered, procedures” speci:ied under falters altogether.
the Constitution, including the procedure for
enactment of laws and presentment. Thus, any post- Same; Same; Same; Priority Development Assistance
enactment congressional measure such as this should Fund (PDAF); The Supreme Court hereby declares
be limited to scrutiny and investigation. In particular, the 2013 Priority Development Assistance Fund
congressional oversight must be con\ined to the (PDAF) Article as well as all other provisions of law
following: which similarly allow legislators to wield any form of
post-enactment authority in the implementation or
(1) scrutiny based primarily on Congress’ power e n f o rc e m e n t o f t h e b u d g e t , u n re l a t e d t o
of appropriation and the budget hearings congressional oversight, as violative of the separation
conducted in connection with it, its power to ask of powers principle and thus unconstitutional.―The
heads of departments to appear before and be heard Court hereby declares the 2013 PDAF Article as well
by either of its Houses on any matter pertaining to as all other provisions of law which similarly allow
their departments and its power of con:irmation and legislators to wield any form of post-enactment
(2) investigation and monitoring of the authority in the implementation or enforcement of
implementation of laws pursuant to the power of the budget, unrelated to congressional oversight, as
Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. violative of the separation of powers principle and
thus unconstitutional. Corollary thereto, informal
Any action or step beyond that will undermine the
practices, through which legislators have effectively
separation of powers guaranteed by the Constitution.
intruded into the proper phases of budget execution,
Legislative vetoes fall in this class. Abakada Guro
must be deemed as acts of grave abuse of discretion
Party List vs. Purisima, 562 SCRA 251, G.R. No. 166715
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and,
August 14, 2008
hence, accorded the same unconstitutional treatment.
That such informal practices do exist and have, in ▪ Grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
fact, been constantly observed throughout the years or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
has not been substantially disputed here. Belgica vs. branch or instrumentality of the
Ochoa, Jr., 710 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 208566 November 19, Government
2013 ▪ What is the effect of this provision to the
Take note of the interplay (blending of powers) political question doctrine?
• It limits the scope of political question
b e t we e n t h e t h re e b ra n c h e s o f t h e
government: but not abolished
• The President prepares the budget and • What is the de:inition of political
submits it to the Congress question?
o Congress will deliberate on the said budget o Tanada v. Cuenco – a question of policy;
o It may decrease the budget for some those question which under the
department or of:ices constitution, are to be decided by the people
o There are budget hearing conducted with in their sovereign capacity or by duly elected
heads of different department being called representatives by delegation; issues which
to testify on their respective budget are dependent upon the wisdom not
o Congress will approved the budget – GA bill legality of a particular measure
and submits to the President
o Sanidad v. Comelec –
o The president may veto some items in the
bill and send the bill with its vetoed items Same; Amending process of the Constitution raises a
back to Congress (Section 27, par 1 and 2, judicial question.—The amending process, both as to
Article VI) proposal and rati:ication, raises a judicial question.
o Congress may override the veto of the This is especially true in cases where the power of the
President Presidency to initiate the amending process by
o The SC may decide, if a complaint is :iled, if proposals of amendments, a function normally
the veto is constitutional or the overidding exercised by the legislature, is seriously doubted.
of the veto is done within the limits of the
constitution Same; Political question; Political questions are
associated with the wisdom, not legality, of a
This is also an exercise of the mechanism of particular act.—Political questions are neatly

the checks and balances associated with the wisdom, not the legality of a
• Congress may also refuse to give particular act. Where the vortex of the controversy
concurrence to the grant of pardon or the refers to the legality or validity of the contested act,
senate may refuse to ratify or concur in that matter is de:initely justiciable or non-political.
the treaty entered into by the President
• Congress may refuse to con:irm the Same; Same; Issue of whether the President can
appointment made by the President assume the power of a constituent assembly is a
• Congress may limit the jurisdiction of the justiciable question.—What is in the heels of the
Supreme Court and other lower courts Court is not the wisdom of the act of the incumbent
(Article VIII, Section 2) President in proposing amendments to the
• The President may nullify the conviction Constitution, but his constitutional authority to
in a criminal case by pardoning the perform such act or assume the power of a
offender (Article VII, Section 19) constituent assembly. Whether the amending process
• The judiciary in general has the power of confers on the President that power to propose
j u d i c i a l rev i e w – t o rev i e w t h e amendments is therefore a downright justiciable
constitutionality of the acts of the question. Sanidad vs. Commission on Elections, 73
executive and legislative branches as well SCRA 333, No. L-44640, No. L-44684, No. L-44714
as those of the constitutional October 12, 1976
o Daza v. Singson – Daza questioned his
• Grant of amnesty by the president replacement in the CA due to the
o Requires concurrence by majority of all reorganization of the LDP. He contends that
them members of the congress (Article the realignment was not registered with the
VII, Section 19, par 2) COMELEC. When the latter granted
• Role of the courts: registration, he contends that it must pass
o Memorize the words of Article VIII, Section the test of time to see whether it is
1, second paragraph permanent or not. The issue regarding the
composition of the CA is a justiciable
Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in question, not political.
one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
may be established by law. • What is the basis for the exercise of power?
o Express conferment of power
Judicial power includes the duty of the o But not always the case that traditional exercise
courts of justice to settle actual controversies of powers are lodged in that speci:ic department
involving rights which are legally demandable ▪ Example the power to impeach, which is
and enforceable, and to determine whether or executive, and to decide impeachment cases
not there has been a grave abuse of discretion which is judicial is lodged in congress
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on ▪ Also the power of investigation, which is more of
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the an executive and judicial function, but is being
Government. exercise by congress
▪ Supreme Court exercises the executive power to o Article VII, Section 18, illustrates the principle of
remove judges of the lower courts eventhough checks and balances
they were appointed by the President
▪ The President may be authorized by the ▪ The president can declare martial law and
Congress to exercise tariff powers and suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
emergency powers both of which are legislative corpus
in nature, because the constitution allows it
• Grounds of invasion and rebellion
o Under the doctrine of necessary implication –
the grant of express power carries with it all • Limited to 60 days only
other powers that may be reasonably inferred
from it. • Report to congress
▪ Angara v. Electoral Commission – the power of
the electoral commission to promulgate its own ▪ Congress can revoke the declaration of the
rules of procedure was sustained by the SC
President. It can also extend the proclamation of
▪ Example is the power to cite one for contempt,
which is judicial in nature the President
• Take note that congress may exercise the power
to cite one in contempt when it conducts ▪ The Supreme Court can also nullify the
investigation in aid of legislation under article VI, proclamation of the President if there is
Section 21 insuf[icient factual basis for such declaration and
o Incidental power – although not speci:ically suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
granted by the constitution either expressly or corpus
by implication, may be justi:ied as inherent or
▪ Example, the president may deport undesirable ABAKADA GURO Party v. Hon Cesar Purisima – R.
aliens A. 9335 was passed by Congress to optimize the
▪ The contempt power of the court
revenue – generation capability and collection of the
▪ Illustration of political question and justiceable BIR and the BOC. Section 12 of the law provides for
question: Article XI Section 2 provides for the the setting up of the Joint Congressional Oversight
grounds for impeachment Committee. The committee will become functus
• Other high crimes or betrayal of public trust of:icio after the approval of the implementing rules
o Failure of the Chief Justice to declare some of his and regulations.
properties in his SALN, interpreted by Congress
as betrayal of public trust? This was questioned Issue: WON the creation of a congressional
before the Supreme Court as wrong
oversight committee violates the principle of
interpretation. Can the court intervene?
• Disorderly behavior separation of powers? No.
o A congressman was caught at the airport
possessing illegal drugs. It was used as a ground It is clear that congressional oversight is not
for his expulsion from the house for disorderly unconstitutional per se, meaning, it neither
behavior. Can it be questioned before the court necessarily constitutes an encroachment on the
as invalid ground? executive power to implement laws nor undermines
the constitutional separation of powers.Any post-
▪ Power to declare martial law and the suspension enactment congressional measure should be
of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus limited to scrutiny and investigation.
• Early cases indicate that the power is
discretionary and therefore not justiciable

o Barcelon v. Baker

o Montenegro v. Castaneda

• Then it was reversed in the case of Lansang v.


o The court can intervene and see if the ground

invoked by the President are really present DELEGATION OF POWERS
The rule is potestas delegate non delegari potest –
• Then the court again reversed and returned to what has been delegated cannot be delegated
the doctrine laid down in Barcelon v. Baker
A further delegation of the power would constitute a
o The power is discretionary on the part of the negation of the duty reposed on the delegate to
President perform, in violation of the trust placed in the
delegate mandated to discharge it.
• Under the present constitution, provisions were
already provided for the questioning of the • Why then delegation is allowed? [3]
declaration before the Supreme Court
i. Increasing complexity of the task of
4) Delegation to the Local Government
ii. Growing inability of the legislature to cope
directly with the many problem demanding ▪ R. A. No. 7160 – The Local Government Code
its attention

iii. the need for specialization in a given :ield

5) Delegation to Administrative Bodies

▪ The Administrative Code of 1987

▪ Example the regulation of common carriers
▪ Tablarin v. Gutierrez – the requirement that all
those who are going to enroll in medical schools
must pass NMAT. Based on MECS Order No .52 S.
• Permissible delegation [5] 1985. The cut off score will be determined by the
Board of Medical Education. Passers of NMAT
1) Tariff powers to the President – Article VI, will be given the required Certi:icate of
Section 28 (2) Eligibility for Admission (CEA)
▪ Garcia v. Executive Secretary: The President • This is still a valid delegation of legislative power
issued an EO which imposed, across the board,
including crude oil and other oil products, • Even the requirement of 3 :lunk rule was
additional duty ad valorem. The tariff sustained as valid
commission held public hearing on said EO and
submitted a report to the President for ▪ Eastern Shipping Lines v. POEA-Vitaliano Saco
was Chief Officer of the M/V Eastern Polaris when he was
consideration and appropriate action. The
killed in an accident in Tokyo, Japan on March 15, 1985.
President, on the other hand, issued an EO which His widow sued for damages under Executive Order No.
levied a special duty of o.95 per liter of imported 797 and Memorandum Circular No. 2 of the POEA. The
crude oil and 1.00 per liter of imported oil petitioner, as owner of the vessel, argued that the
prodeucts. complaint was cognizable not by the POEA but by the
Social Security System and should have been filed against
Issue: WON the president may issue an EO the State Fund Insurance. The POEA nevertheless
which is tantamount to enacting a bill in the assumed jurisdiction and after considering the position
nature of revenue generating measures. papers of the parties ruled in favour of the complainant.
Issue: Validity if Memorandum Circular No.
▪ The president is allowed by the Constitution 2 as violative of the the Non-delegation of
legislative power.
under Article VI, Section 28 (2) and pursuant to
HELD: No. Memorandum Circular No. 2 is an
the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines administrative regulation. The model contract
prescribed thereby has been applied in a significant
number of the cases without challenge by the employer.
The power of the POEA (and before it the National
2) Emergency power to the President – Article VI, Seamen Board) in requiring the model contract is not
Section 23 (2) unlimited as there is a sufficient standard guiding the
delegate in the exercise of the said authority. That
▪ War and other national emergency standard is discoverable in the executive order itself
which, in creating the Philippine Overseas Employment
▪ Limited period only Administration, mandated it to protect the rights of
overseas Filipino workers to "fair and equitable
▪ Subject to the restriction imposed by Congress employment practices."
▪ Paci\ic Stream Laundry Inc. v. Laguna Lake
▪ To carry out a declared national policy of
Development Authority
Issues: does LLDA have the implied power to
▪ Cease only if withdrawn by Congress through a
impose :ines as set forth in PD 984?
Does the grant of implied power to LLDA to
▪ Or upon next adjournment
impose penalties violate the rule on non-
▪ Different from martial law power of the delegation of Legislative powers?
president o There is no undue delegation of legislative power
because the power of LLDA to impose :ines is not
unrestricted. It is provided that if after
3) Delegation to the people at large investigation it is proven that the discharge
failed to meet the water and ef:luent quality
▪ R.A. No. 6735 –The Initiative and Referendum standards, then the penalty is P1,000 per day, in
Act, commonly known as the Roco Law accordance with the amount of penalty
prescribed under PD 984. There are adequate • Emmanuel Pelaez v. Auditor General – the two
statutory limitations on LLDA’s power to impose tests must be applied concurrently.

• Tests of Valid Delegation [2] Principles and State Policies (Article II Section 1-
6) The Completeness Test
Principles – it is a standard to be observed
▪ The law must be complete in all its essential because it is required by justice, fairness or other
terms and conditions when it leaves the dimensions of morality.
legislature so that there will be nothing left for
the delegate to do when it reaches him but to Section 1
– democratic and republican state; sovereignty
enforce it.
resides in the people and all government
authority emanates from them.
• Relate to Article V –Suffrage
• Article VI- Section 1 – legislative power vested
7) The Suf\icient Standard Test
in Congress
o Not a pure democracy
▪ The law may not give all the details but may be
o True that people are possessors of sovereign
sustained if there is a suf:icient standard power but they exercise it through their
elected representatives
▪ Standard is meant to map out the boundaries of o Their participation in the government
the delegate’s authority by de:ining the consists of:
legislative policy and indicating the ▪ Suffrage
circumstances under which it is to be pursued ▪ Plebiscite
and effected. ▪ Initiative and referendum
▪ Recall
▪ The purpose is to prevent a total transfer of o Features of republicanism
legislative power from the lawmaking body to ▪ Government of laws and not of men
the delegate
• Villavicenio v. Lukban
▪ It is indicated in the law itself ▪ Periodic holding of elections
▪ Principle of separation of powers and checks
• Blue Sky Law –public interest and balances
▪ Legislature cannot pass or enact
• R.A. No .51- to promote simplicity, economy, and irrepealable laws
▪ Principle of transparency and accountability
▪ Bill of rights
• Hirabayashi v. United States (Cruz)–the
Section 2
standard may not be found in the law itself, but – a) renunciation of war; b) adoption of the generally
may be found in the Executive Order of the accepted principles of international law; c)
President which maps out the national policy to adherence to the policy of peace, freedom, and
be followed in dealing with the Niseis amity with all nations
( American citizens of Japanese ancestry) • Relate to the UN Charter, Article 2(4): refrain
from the use of force or the threat of force
o Exceptions:
▪ Article 51, individual and collective self-
• People v. Vera – concerning the old Probation defense
Act, held to be unconstitutional due to ▪ Chapter VII, UN Security Council Resolution
violation of equal protection clause. The on the use of force
effectivity of the law would depend on the ▪ Kellogg Brian Pact – also known as the
ordinance to be passed by each province in order General Treaty for the Renunciation of War,
to appropriate funds for the salary of the rati:ied by 62 states which forbade war “as
Probation Of:icer. It would appear that the an instrument of national policy.”
effectivity of the act would depend on the action
of the Provincial Board. • Doctrine of incorporation
o International law has also the force of
• Ynot v. IAC – the questionable manner of the domestic law
disposition of the con:iscated property. It o Can be used to settle domestic disputes
depends on the discretion of the Chairman of the o Principle of incorporation differentiate
National Meat Inspection Commission, the from principle of transformation
Director of the Animal Industry. There is no usual ▪ Applies only to customary laws and those
standard and the reasonable guidelines, or treaties which have become part of
limitations on the discretion of those of:icers in customary law (even if not rati:ied by the
the distribution of the meat products. states)
▪ Which of the generally accepted principles that
the country accepts?
• Can be done by the courts Section 5
• Mejoff v. Director of Prisons (CB) – What are the blessings of democracy?

• Kuroda v. Jalandoni (CB) – defendants herein • This is a new provision under the 1987
are Japanese of:icers accused of committing war constitution.
crimes and crimes against humanity during the • Hierarchy of rights: Life, liberty, and then
second world war. The principles of the Hague property
Conventions and the Geneva Conventions have
already been part of customary international law. Section 6
–Separation of church and state
• Agustin v. Edu (CB)
• Reinforced by:
• Ichong v. Hernandez o Article III, Section 5
o Article IX-C –religious sect cannot be
• Gonzales v. Hechanova – the importation of rice registered as a political party
violates R.A. 2207 & 3452. Treaty or Executive o Article VI, Section 5 (2)- no sectoral
agreements with other countries should not representative from the religious sector
violate the law and the constitution. The o Article VI, Section 29 (2) – prohibition
Executive Secretary has exceeded his authority, against appropriation for sectarian bene\it
even under the powers of the Commander-in- ▪ Article VI, Section 28 (3) –ADE exempted from
Chief. real property tax
▪ Article VI, Section 29 (2) – appropriation for the
Section 3 salaries of those working in government facilities
– civilian supremacy at all times; military as the and institutions
protector of the people and the state; goal: ▪ Article XIV, Section 3(3) – optional religious
secure sovereignty and integrity of the national instruction for public and high school students
territory. ▪ Article XIV, Section 4(2) – Filipino ownership for
educational institutions excepts for those
• Relate to Article VII, Section 18 – powers of the established by religious groups and missions
President as Commander-in-Chief
• Relate to Article XVI, Section 4 – composition of ▪ Aglipay v. Ruiz – the stamps printed by the
the Armed Forces of the Philippines g ove r n m e n t to c o m m e m o ra te t h e 3 3 rd
• Section 5: provisions on the Armed Forces International Eucharistic congress in Manila did
• Relate to Article XVI, Section 6 – maintenance of not violate the separation of church and state
one police force because the main purpose was to promote
Manila as the seat of congress and thus
Section 4 attract tourists to it.
– government as protector of the people and people • Here the bene\it derived by religion from the
as defenders of the state expenditure of public funds is merely
• Government as servants of the people and not incidental to the public purpose.
vice versa
• The people may by law be required to render
personal (not proxy) military or civil service
o Under conditions provided by law Policy – a standard which sets out a goal to be
o Congress may pass a law which can provide reached, generally an improvement in economic,
also for :lexibility in cases of conscientious political and social features of the community.
▪ The person refuses to render military Section 7
service because his religion or religious – independent foreign policy. The paramount
beliefs prohibits them from carrying or consideration shall be:
:iring guns or for saluting the :lag • National sovereignty
▪ Ebralinag v. School Superintendent of Cebu • Territorial integrity
Issue: Whether school children who are • National interest
members or a religious sect known as • Right to self-determination
Jehovah's Witnesses may be expelled from
school (both public and private), for refusing, Section 8
on account of their religious beliefs, to take – freedom from nuclear weapons
part in the :lag ceremony which includes • Relate to Article XVIII, Section 4 – treaties and
playing (by a band) or singing the Philippine international agreements
national anthem, saluting the Philippine :lag • Relate to Article XVIII, Section 25 – expiration of
and reciting the patriotic pledge. the Bases Agreement
o Not a ban to the peaceful uses of nuclear
Ruling: No, they cannot be expelled for this energy
reason. We hold that a similar exemption may be o Not a ban to nuclear capable vessels
accorded to the Jehovah's Witnesses with regard o It must be determined that the vessel is
to the observance of the :lag ceremony out of actually carrying nuclear weapons
respect for their religious beliefs, however
"bizarre" those beliefs may seem to others. Section 9
- Just and Dynamic Social Order
▪ People vs. Lagman and Manayao case (CB) • Relate to the Preamble

• Relate to Article XII, Section 1 –the goals of the abortion, after prior consultation with her
national economy physician
▪ With respect to potential life, the compelling
Section 10 and Section 11 point is placed at about seven months (28
– promotion of social justice weeks) but may occur earlier at 24 weeks. The
fetus then presumably has the capability of
• De:inition of Social Justice meaningful life outside the mother’s womb. After
o Calalang v. Williams – “Social justice is that period of time, the state may impose
"neither communism, nor despotism, nor regulation protective of fetal life after that
atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization period, except when it is necessary to preserve
of laws and the equalization of social and the life and health of the mother.
economic forces by the State so that justice in • It does not say that the unborn is a legal person.
its rational and objectively secular conception o Article 41 of the NCC: For civil purposes, the
may at least be approximated.” fetus is considered born if it is alive at the
• Relate to Article XIII, Section 1 –priority must be time it is completely delivered from the
given to the right of the people to human dignity mother womb. However, if the fetus had an
and reduction of inequality intrauterine life of less than seven months, it
• Relate to Article XIII, Section 2 is not deemed born if it dies within twenty
• Relate to Article II, Section 26 four hours after its complete delivery from
• Relate to Article VII, Section 13, par 2 – the maternal womb.
appointment of spouses and relatives within the • It does not assert that the life of the unborn is
4th degree of consanguinity or af:inity placed on exactly the same level as the life of the
• Relate to Article IX, B, Section 7 - ban on mother.
appointment to any other of:ice during tenure of
elective of:icials ▪ Natural right and duty of parents
• Relate to Article XIII, Section 17, 18 and 19 – the • Pierce vs. Society of Sisters (1925) – the SC
creation of the Commission on Human Rights, held that the compulsory public education
with the enumeration of their powers and violated parental substantive due process
functions. right though the government may require that
o CHR has no power to adjudicate basis educational requirements be met in private
o Only the power to investigate and \ile cases schools.
in court • Wisconsin vs. Yoder (CB) – the SC here
invalidated a law compelling school attendance
Section 12 upon reaching age 16 as applied to Amish
– sanctity of family life and protection of the family parents who refused on religious grounds to
send their children to high school.
• Family refers to hetero-sexual relationship
• Protection to the life of the mother and the Section 13
unborn – vital role of youth in nation building
o Republic Act No. 10354- Reproductive
Health Law • National youth Commission
▪ When does life begins? • SK Elections – take of the latest amendments to
• At the moment of conception? Conception takes the law on SK
place at the moment of fertilization
• At the moment when the fertilized egg Section 14
embedded itself in the uterus of a woman? – the role of women in nation building and
• Can the Supreme Court decide this issue? fundamental equality between women and men
o Bernas: the constitution did not pin-point the • Relate to Article XIII, Section 14 – protection to
exact moment when conception takes place working women
o Roe v. Wade: the US Supreme Court did not • Relate to Article XIII, Section 11 – integrated and
decide on the issue. The Texas statutes make comprehensive approach to health development,
procuring an abortion a crime except by priority among others must be given to women
medical advice for the purpose of saving the • Relate to RA 7192 – Women in Development and
life of the mother. Jane Roe alleged that she Nation Building Act
was unmarried and pregnant and that she • Relate to RA 9262 – Anti Violence Against
was unable to get “legal” abortion in Texas Women and Children
because her life did not appear to be • Relate to 8353 – Anti Rape Law of 1997
threatened by the continuation of her • Relate to RA 8505 – Rape Victim and Assistance
pregnancy. and Protection Act of 1998
▪ Legal basis is the right to privacy, zones of • Relate to RA 10354- The Reproductive Health
privacy based on the provisions of the Law
constitution on freedom of expression and
personal liberty under the right against Section 15
unreasonable search and seizures –promotion of health
▪ The state compelling interest in the health of the
mother, the compelling point in the light of the • Relate to Article XIII, Section 11
present medical knowledge, is at the :irst • Relate to RA 7883 – The Barangay Health
trimester. For the period of pregnancy prior to Workers Bene:its and Incentives Act of 1995 –
the compelling point the state cannot impose February 20, 1995
regulation, if the mother decides to have

• Relate to RA 8344- Act Penalizing the Refusal of
Hospitals to Administer Appropriate Initial
Medical Treatment Section 18
• R. A. 9439 = An Act Prohibiting the Detention of – protection to labor
Patients in Hopitals and Medical Clinics • This proclaims the primacy of the human factor
over the non-human factors of production.
Section 16 * Primacy of human dignity over things
– right of the people to balanced and healthful • Relate to Article III, Section 8 – the right to form
ecology unions and associations or societies for purposes
not contrary to law
• This provision is interpreted by the SC as self- • Relate to Article XIII, Section 3 – full protection
executing in the case of Oposa vs, Factoran to labor, the enumeration of the rights of all
• Oposa v. Factoran (CB)–minors duly joined by workers.
their parents had a valid cause of action in • Section 2(5), Article IX-B – the right of self-
questioning the continued grant of Timber organization of government employees
License Agreement for commercial logging • Protection to labor does not indicate promotion
purposes because the case focuses on a of employment alone. Of paramount
fundamental legal right: the right to a balanced consideration also is the government’s
and healthful ecology as well as right to health constitutional duty to provide mechanisms for
o It is inter-generational, for the next protection of the workforce, local or overseas; to
generation to enjoy, not only the present ensure also that such employment be above all,
generation decent, just and humane. There is always the
• LLDA v. Court of Appeals (2 cases) –upheld the interplay of the police power of the state being
authority of the LLDA to protect the inhabitants exercised vis-à -vis protection to labor.
of Laguna Lake Area from the deleterious effects o JMM Promotion and Management v. CA, 260
of pollutants coming from garbage dumping; also SCRA 319
the same exclusive authority to regulate the o Philippine Association of Service Exporters v.
exploitation of Laguna Lake, as against the claim Drilon, 163 SCRA 386
of the municipalities around the lake.
• MMDA v. Residents of Manila Bay – December Section 19
18, 2008, MMDA as well as LGUs have obligations – self-reliant and independent national economy
under the Clean Water Act or under the Solid effectively controlled by Filipino
Waste Management Act • Relate this provision to the goals speci:ically
enunciated in Article XII
Section 17
– priority to ESTACS Section 20
• To foster patriotism, nationalism – indispensable role of private sector
• To accelerate social progress • Relate to Article XII, Section 6
• To promote human liberation and development • These provisions reveal that the economic
• This is just a :lagship provision for Article XIV. policy of the Philippines is one closer to
Section 1 states that “the state shall protect and socialism than capitalism. Balance the private
promote the right of all citizens to quality sector’s pursuit of pro:it with the concern of
education at all levels and shall take appropriate the state to promote distributive justice.
steps to make such education accessible to all. • The use of distributive justice is based on the
o Right to quality education and even for free Aristotelian notion of giving to each one what
up to the secondary level is due him on the basis of personal worth and
o But subject to the right of the school to value, and not merely what he has contracted
impose reasonable standards and to make for.
education available only on the basis of merit o Garcia v. BOI – the BOI approved the transfer
of the site of the petrochemical plant from
Villar v. Technological Institute of the Bataan to Batangas and shift of feedstock
Philippines, 135 SCRA 706 (1985) – the from naphtha only to naphtha and/or LPG.
school denied enrolment to those students The plant was to be a joint venture between
activists who took in mass protests and who, the PNOC and the BPC which is a Taiwanese
at the same incurred scholastic de:iciencies. group. According to BOI, it is the investor
The denial based on failures of students in which has the :inal say as to the site and the
their academic subjects is valid but not if feedstock to be used. The SC held that the
solely based on their participation in the mass BOI gravely abused its discretion in
actions. approving the transfer. No cogent advantage
▪ Togonan v. Cruz Pano, 137 SCRA 245 – nursing to the govt. by the transfer. Repudiation of the
student who was denied readmission after she independent policy of the govt. expressed in
failed a subject during her previous provisional numerous laws and the constitution to run its
admission. The SC upheld the right of schools of own affairs the way it deems best for the
higher learning to choose the students which it national interest.
thinks could best achieve their goal of excellence ▪ Was it prudent for the court to venture into
and truth, while af:irming the right of students to decisions by the executive that affects economic
quality education. policies. Was the court too interventionist in this
▪ DECS v. San Diego, 180 SCRA 533 (1989) – the regard?
SC upheld the DECS three :lunk rule for the
NMAT exams. The SC reiterated the ruling in the o Tanada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18 – the WTO
case of Tablarin v. Gutierrez, 152 SCRA 730 agreement does not violate Section 19, Article
II nor Sections 10 and 12 of Article XII - non-governmental, community-based or
because the said sections should be read in sectoral organizations that promote the
relation to section 1 and 13 of Article XII. welfare of the nation
▪ Pursuit of trade policy that serves the general • Relate with Section 15 and 16 of Article XIII
welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements
of exchange on the basis of equality and Section 24
reciprocity – the role of communication and information in
▪ Sections of Article II are not self-executing; they nation-building.
do not embody judicially enforceable rights, but • Relate with Section 10 of Article XVI
merely guidelines for legislations • Relate with Section 11 also:
▪ Here the court said that it lacks authority to o Ownership and management of mass
wade into the uncharted ocean of social and media – Wholly owned by Filipinos or
economic policy-making. Filipino corporations
o Congress can regulate or prohibit
Section 21 monopolies in media
– promotion of comprehensive rural development o No combination in restraint of trade
and agrarian reform. or unfair competition
• Relate to R.A. 6657 as amended by o Advertising industry – 70% Filipino
RA 9700. o w n e r s h i p ; a l l e xe c u t i v e a n d
• Association of Small Landowners in management positions must be held
the Phils. v. Sec. of the DAR by Filipino citizens
o Both an exercise of the police power and
eminent domain Section 25
– the state shall ensure the autonomy of local
Section 22 government
– promotion of the rights of indigenous cultural • The ful:illment of the mandate was placed in
communities within the framework of the hands of the legislature.
national unity and development. • Relate to Article X
• Relate to Section 5(2) of Article VI – • Congress enacted R. A. 7610 – the Local
sectoral representation in congress Government Code
for indigenous cultural communities o Basco v. Pagcor – the local autonomy simply
• Relate to R. A. 8371 – An Act to means “decentralization” and does make the
Recognize, Protect and Promote the local governments sovereign within the state
R i gh t s o f I n d i g e n o u s Cu l t u ra l or an imperium in imperio
Communities/Indigenous Peoples, o L i m b o n a s v. M a n g e l i n – t h e c o u r t
Creating a National Commission on distinguished between decentralization of
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) administration and decentralization of power.
o What is the concept of Free Prior Consent in The latter is abdication by the national
the IPRA? Under what conditions it is government of governmental powers while
applicable and mandatory? t h e fo r m e r i s m e re ly d e l e g a t i o n o f
- The consensus of all members of the ICCs/ a d m i n i s t r a t ive p o w e r s t o t h e l o c a l
IPs to be determined in accordance with their government unit in order to broaden the base
respective customary laws and practices, free of governmental powers.
from any external manipulation, interference
and coercion, and obtained after fully Section 26
disclosing the intent and scope of the activity, – guarantee equal access to opportunities for
in a language and process understandable to public service and prohibit political dynasties
the community as may be de:ined by law.
- required for the exploration, development • Relate to Section 13, Article VII – prohibitions
and use of natural resources; displacement against the President, the VP, members of the
and relocation; and the entry of military cabinet, their assistants and deputies.
personnel, as well as for research and • Relate to Section 1 and 2 of Article XIII –
bioprospecting; archaeological explorations; reduction of inequalities and equitable
and policies affecting Indigenous people distribution of wealth and political power for
o The City Govt. of Baguio City v. Atty. Brian the common good; creation of economic
Masweng et. al. – demolition advice and opportunities based on freedom of initiative
order were issued against settlers in Busol and self-reliance
Forest Reservation, who are claiming that the
land they are occupying is part of their Section 27
ancestral land, they being members of – honesty and integrity in the public service; take
indigenous cultural communities. The NCIP positive and effective measures against graft
issued TRO and injunction against the City and corruption
Of:icials. The SC held that Proclamation No.
15 did not recognize the vested rights of the Section 28
settlers over a portion of the reservation. Take – policy of full public disclosure of all transactions
note that according to the SC the NCIP has involving public interest
authority to issue TRO and injunction on this • Complements the right of access to
matter. information on matters of public concern in
Article III, Section 7
Section 23 • Relate to Sections 12 and 20 of Article VI –
disclosure by the members of congress
• Relate to Section 20, Article VII – borrowing ▪ One of the issues raised by the petitioners is
power of the President violation of Section 28, Article II.
• Relate to Section 4, Article IX-D – submission
by the COA of report to congress and the
President regarding the :inancial condition
and operation of the government
• Relate to Sections 4-15 and 17 Article XI – the
role and powers of the of:ice of the
Ombudsman and the graft court known as the
• Relate to Sections 12 and 21 Article XII –
contracting of foreign loans by the President
o Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission -
o Valmonte v. Belmonte – petitioners are members
of the media. They requested from the respondent
as head of the GSIS information regarding clean
loans granted to members of congress guaranteed
by Mrs. Imelda Marcos before the February 7,
1986 elections. The request was refused on the
ground of con:identiality. The funds being held by
GSIS assumed a public character and the
borrowers were holding public of:ice. The
information being sought clearly is a matter of
public concern. GSIS, as a juridical entity cannot
invoke right to privacy because the basis of right
to privacy is injury to a person’s feelings and
sensibilities. GSIS , cannot also claim right to
privacy of the borrowers because the right is
personal. The borrowers also cannot claim the
right because of the public of:ices they were
holding at the time they made the borrowing.
o The GSIS was exercising proprietary function,
thus it would not justify the exclusion of the
transactions from the coverage and right of
o Aguino-Sarmiento v. Morato -
o The Province of North Cotabato et. al. v. Govt of
the Phils. Peace Panel – On August 5, 2008, the
Govt. of the Republic of the Phils (GRP) and the
MILF through the Chairpersons of their respective
negotiating panels were scheduled to sign a
Memorandum of Agreement on the Ancestral
Domain (MOA-AD) Aspect of the GRP-MILF Tripoli
Agreement on Peace of 2001 in Kuala Lumpur.
▪ MOA-AD grants to the “Bangsamoro Juridical
Entity” (BJE) the authority and jurisdiction over
the ancestral domain and ancestral lands of the
Bangsamoro. It also provides for the BJE’s
capacity to enter into economic and trade
relations with foreign countries, the commitment
of the Central Govt. to ensure the BJE’s
participation in meetings and events in the
ASEAN and the specialized UN agencies, and the
continuing responsibility of the Central Govt.
over external defense.
▪ The agreement contains a “suspensive clause”
(paragraph 7 on government) that any provision
of the MOA-AD requiring amendments to the
existing legal framework shall come into force
upon the signing of the Comprehensive Compact
and upon effecting the necessary changes to the
legal framework with due regard to non-
derogation of prior agreements and within the
stipulated timeframe to be contained in the
Comprehensive compact.
▪ Among the issues discussed in this case is
whether the suspensive clause of the MOA-AD, as
worded, is consistent with the limits of the
President’s authority to propose constitutional
amendments. The SC held in the negative.

1. The national baseline laws (RA 9522, 3. Immunity from Suit.
March 2009) is not a mechanism to
determine the territories of the Philippines. Once there’s express consent (GOCC, LGUs,
Chartered entities), it is irrelevant whether it
- It does not reduce the territories of the performs governmental or propriety
Philippines under Article 1. functions. It is suable.
- It is only a statutory tool to demarcate
the country’s Maritime Zones and ➢ If unincorporated,
Continental Shelf under the UNCLOS III - then determine the function for which the
(Rati:ied Feb. 27, 1984) of:ice is being sued. If governmental then
- Regime of Islands, UNCLOS, Art 121, are cannot be sued without its consent.
islands that are maternally formed areas
of land, surrounded by water, which are i. However, Art 3038 is a form of express
above water at high tide. This principle consent. The government consents to be
forces claimant states to maintain peace sued upon any money claim involving
in the area, because no one country can liability arising from contract, express
claim exclusive ownership of any of these or implied, which could serve as a basis
islands. for civil action between private parties.
- Islands, above-water at high tide, capable ii. DA vs NLRC, Nov. 11, 1993, Contract for
of sustaining human habitation. It can security services entered into by DA. DA
generate territorial sea, EEZ is suable even if unincorporated and
- Rocks- which cannot sustain human performing governmental functions
habitation or economic life of their own iii. But even if there’s already :inal decision
shall have no exclusive economic zone or by the court, the liquidated monetary
continental shelf. Only Territorial sea. claim must be :iled :irst before COA. COA
- LTEs and submerged banks don’t generate has the primary jurisdiction for the
any maritime entitlements. approval of monetary claim.

2. Joint Venture Agreement with China for - The scope of express consent of GOCC is
exploration and development of marine up to execution of judgment.
resources in the West Philippine Sea which is
within the EEZ of the Philippine. - Although LGUs are chartered, the scope of
Constitutional? consent found in their charters is only up
to the :inality of decision. Another consent
a) Art. XII, Sec. 2 – exploration, development is needed in the form if an appropriation
and utilization of natural resources shall ordinance.
be undertaken
i. Directly by the state i. Mandamus generally cannot lie to compel
ii. Co – production, joint the Sanggunian to pass an appropriation
vent u re o r p ro d u ct i o n ordinance in order to satisfy an adverse
sharing with Filipino decision against the LGU.
Citizens or 60% Filipino ii. However, if there’s an available fund and
Owned Corporation the Sanggunian has no valid reason for
their refusal, then mandamus can be
b) Foreign – owned Corporation – technical availed of.
or :inancial assistance for large scale
exploration, development and utilization 4. Eminent Domain
of minerals, petroleum and other mineral
oils. - Taking should not be momentary period
o n ly, a n d n e e d n o t b e c o m p l e t e
c) IDEAL vs Power Sector Assets and deprivation of property. It is enough that
Liabilities Management Corporation there’s imposition of additional burden or
(PSALM), Oct. 9, 2012, the court ruled that right of way.
the sale of Angat Hydro – Electric Power
Plant (AHEPP) to a foreign corporation - There’s taking even in voluntary offer to
pursuant to the privatization mandated by sell under the CARP (Hacienda Luisita,
RA 9136 or EPIRA of 2001, does not Inc. vs. PARC)
violate SEC. 2, ART XII.
i. Government leased the piece of land in 1993
However, it must be made clear in Operations by virtue of a 10 – year contract of lease. In
and Maintenance Agreement that the water 2003, the government :iled an expropriation
rights shall remain with NPC and cannot be proceeding over the same parcel of land.
transferred to foreign corporation. NPA shall When is the date of taking? 2003. That’s
continue to hold the water permit even as the also the reckoning date for the
operational control and day – to – day determination of just compensation.
management of AHEPP is in the hands of K-
Water (Korean Corporation).
- If only a portion of the property is taken,
Just Compensation includes not only the
market value but also the consequential
damages, if there’s still one after
deduction of consequential bene:its.

- The 20% tax discount granted in favor of

senior citizens is an exercise of police
power, not power of imminent domain. It WRIT OF POSSESSION: COMPARISON
is similar to price regulation and rate of
return on investment control laws which Rule 67, Sec. L o c a l RA 8974
protect consumers from oppressive 2; Government 100% of the
pricing systems (Manila Memorial Park, et value of the
al. vs Sec. of DSWD et al., Dec. 3, 2013).
-Complaint Code
:iled, 15% of the fair property based
-Due notice to market Value on the current
- However, the tax credit given to
LO as stated in relevant
commercial establishments (RA9527) for zonal of BIR
discount enjoyed by senior citizens -Deposit of the Tax Dec.
upon :iling of the
pursuant to RA 7432 (Senior Citizen Act) assessed value upon :iling of
is a form of just compensation for private as stated in expropriation RA 10752 –
property taken by the State for public use. Tax Dec. proceedings. Right of
(Com. of BIR vs. Central Luzon Drug. Way Act
Corp., June 26, 2006).

- The decision of the PARAD need not be

appealed to the DARAB Central. But if - Right to repurchase expropriated
appealed to the DARAB and one still property once the speci:ied purpose is
wants to question it before the RTC, then ended or abandoned, is not automated. It
it must be thru petition for determination still depends on the character of the
of just compensation not thru notice of expropriation.
appeal. But the petition must be :iled
within 15 days from the time the would i.e. there’s a condition that once the public
be appellant received the decision of the purpose has ended or abandoned, the
DARAB. It made beyond 15 days the property will revert back to the public to
decision already became :inal and the landowner (Mactan – Cebu vs. CA,
executory. Nov. 27, 2000).

- In agrarian cases, payment of just i. The above does not apply if the mode
compensation through a “trust account” of transfer is sale to the
opened by LBP was declared invalid. government.
However, even if the landowner rejects
the valuation made by Landbank of the - Sec. 17, Art. XII, temporary takeover of
Philippines, he can still withdraw the public utility [5]
amount deposited in the subject trust i. President must be granted emergency
account. To rule otherwise is oppressive powers
exercise of eminent domain considering ii. Temporary and only for a limited
that the LO is already deprived of period
possession of his land. iii. Required by public interest
iv. Under reasonable terms
- If there’s delay in the payment of just v. Privately owned public utility or
compensation, the interest is 12% per business
annum until June 30, 2013. After that, it is
6% per annum. This is an exercise of police power, so
there’s no payment of just
- No recovery of property in case of non – compensation. (Lopez vs. PIATCO,
payment of just compensation, only case May 5, 2003; David vs. Arroyo)
to compel payment plus interest. Except
in Vicente Lim case applies – lapse of 51 - Sec. 18, Art. XII, on the other hand, in an
years. eminent domain power
i. Interest of national welfare or defense
ii. Permanent takeover, transfer of
iii. Payment of just compensation
iv. Vital industries
- Provision that support the principle that
civilian authority is supreme over military

- The nuclear free provision is not allow religious sects to dictate policy or
absolute. “Consistent with the national restrict other groups would violate Article
interest” can be determined by the III, Section 5 of the Constitution or the
President and Congress. President is the Establishment Clause. This would cause
Chief Architect of foreign policy. the State to adhere to a particular religion,
and thus, establishes a state religion.
- ICC withdrawal without the participation Thus, the State can enhance its population
of Congress. It is within the broad power control program through the RH Law even
of the President as Chief Architect of if the promotion of contraceptive use is
foreign policy. No provision in the contrary to the religious beliefs of e.g. the
constitution that requires Senate petitioners.
concurrence in withdrawing from a treaty.
- Sections 7, 23, and 24 of the RH Law
- Treaty, once rati:ied is transformed into a obliges a hospital or medical practitioner
domestic law. Any repeal or withdrawal to immediately refer a person seeking
can only be done through majority of health care and services under the law to
quorum. another accessible healthcare provider
despite their conscientious objections
- President is mandated to faithfully based on religious or ethical beliefs.
execute the laws and make sure that all These provisions violate the religious
laws are faithfully followed. He has no belief and conviction of a conscientious
power to repeal or not implement it. objector. They are contrary to Section
29(2), Article VI of the Constitution or
- Pacta Sunt Servanda- Party to a treaty in the Free Exercise Clause, whose basis is
obliged to comply with the provisions of the respect for the inviolability of the
the treaty in good faith. human conscience.

5. Art II, Sec 12 – “Sanctity of Family Life… equally - The provisions in the RH Law compelling
protect the life of the mother and the life of non-maternity specialty hospitals and
the unborn from conception.” hospitals owned and operated by a
religious group and health care service
- Framers intended for “conception” to providers to refer patients to other
refer to the moment of “fertilization” and providers and penalizing them if they fail
the protection of the unborn child upon to do so (Sections 7 and 23(a)(3)) as well
fertilization. as compelling them to disseminate
information and perform RH procedures
- No intention to ban all contraception for under pain of penalty (Sections 23(a)(1)
being unconstitutional, only those that kill and (a)(2) in relation to Section 24) also
or destroy the fertilized ovum would be violate (and inhibit) the freedom of
prohibited. religion. While penalties may be imposed
by law to ensure compliance to it, a
constitutionally-protected right must
- The RH Law is in line with this intent
prevail over the effective
and actually prohibits abortion. By
u s i n g t h e wo rd “ o r ” i n d e : i n i n g implementation of the law.
abortifacient (Section 4(a)), the RH Law
prohibits not only drugs or devices that - Excluding public health of:icers from
prevent implantation but also those that being conscientious objectors (under Sec.
induce abortion and induce the 5.24 of the IRR) also violates the equal
destruction of a fetus inside the mother’s protection clause. There is no perceptible
womb. The RH Law recognizes that the distinction between public health of:icers
fertilized ovum already has life and that and their private counterparts. In
the State has a bounded duty to protect it. addition, the freedom to believe is
intrinsic in every individual and the
- Rede:ining the meaning of abortifacient protection of this freedom remains even if
by the term “primarily” is invalid. he/she is employed in the government.
Abortifacient are those that primarily
induce abortion or destruction of a fetus - Using the compelling state interest test,
inside the mother’s womb or the there is no compelling state interest to
prevention of the fertilized ovum to reach limit the free exercise of conscientious
and be implanted in the mother’s womb. objectors. There is no immediate danger
This violates Sec. 12 that includes the to the life or health of an individual in
de:inition in the IRR (Sec. 3.01(j) (Imbong the perceived scenario of the above
vs. Ochoa, April 8, 2014). quoted provisions. In addition, the limits
do not pertain to life threatening cases.
- The State may pursue its legitimate
secular objectives without being dictated - The respondents also failed to show
upon the policies of any one religion. To that these provisions are least
intrusive means to achieve a legitimate
state objective. The Legislature has of the Government.” In addition, the
already taken other secular steps to portion of Section 23(a)(ii) which reads
ensure that the right to health is “in the case of minors, the written consent
protected, such as RA 4729, RA 6365 (The of parents or legal guardian or, in their
Population Act of the Philippines) and RA absence, persons exercising parental
9710 (The Magna Carta of Women). authority or next-of-kin shall be required
only in elective surgical procedures” is
- WO N t h e R H L aw v i o l a t e s t h e invalid as it denies the right of parental
guarantee of religious freedom by authority in cases where what is involved
requiring would-be spouses, as a is “non-surgical procedures.”
condition for the issuance of a
marriage license, to attend a seminar - H o w e v e r, a m i n o r m a y r e c e i v e
on parenthood, family planning, information (as opposed to procedures)
breastfeeding and infant nutrition about family planning services. Parents
are not deprived of parental guidance and
- NO. Section 15 of the RH Law, which control over their minor child in this
requires would-be spouses to attend a situation and may assist her in deciding
seminar on parenthood, family planning, w h e t h e r t o a c c e p t o r re j e c t t h e
breastfeeding and infant nutrition as a information received. In addition, an
condition for the issuance of a marriage exception may be made in life-threatening
license, is a reasonable exercise of police procedures.
power by the government. The law does
not even mandate the type of family - Whether or not (WON) RA 10354/
planning methods to be included in the Reproductive Health (RH) Law is
seminar. Those who attend the seminar unconstitutional for violating the due
are free to accept or reject information process clause
they receive and they retain the freedom
to decide on matters of family life without - NO. The RH Law does not violate the
the intervention of the State. due process clause of the Constitution
as the de\initions of several terms as
- Whether or not (WON) RA 10354/ observed by the petitioners are not
Reproductive Health (RH) Law is vague.
unconstitutional for violating the right
to privacy (marital privacy and - The de:inition of “private health care
autonomy) service provider” must be seen in relation
to Section 4(n) of the RH Law which
- YES. Section 23(a)(2)(i) of the RH Law, de:ines a “public health service provider”.
which permits RH procedures even with The “private health care institution” cited
only the consent of the spouse undergoing under Section 7 should be seen as
the provision (disregarding spousal synonymous to “private health care
content), intrudes into martial privacy service provider.”
and autonomy and goes against the
constitutional safeguards for the family - The terms “service” and “methods” are
as the basic social institution. also broad enough to include providing of
Particularly, Section 3, Article XV of the information and rendering of medical
Constitution mandates the State to procedures. Thus, hospitals operated by
defend: (a) the right of spouses to found a religious groups are exempted from
family in accordance with their religious rendering RH service and modern family
c o nv i c t i o n s a n d t h e d e m a n d s o f planning methods (as provided for by
responsible parenthood and (b) the right Section 7 of the RH Law) as well as from
of families or family associations to giving RH information and procedures.
participate in the planning and
implementation of policies and programs
that affect them. The RH Law cannot
- The RH Law also de:ines “incorrect
information”. Used together in relation to
infringe upon this mutual decision- Section 23 (a)(1), the terms “incorrect”
making, and endanger the institutions of and “knowingly” connote a sense of
marriage and the family. malice and ill motive to mislead or
misrepresent the public as to the nature
- The exclusion of parental consent in cases and effect of programs and services on
where a minor undergoing a procedure is reproductive health.
already a parent or has had a miscarriage
(Section 7 of the RH Law) is also anti-
family and violates Article II, Section 12 of
- Whether or not (WON) RA 10354/
Reproductive Health (RH) Law is
the Constitution, which states: “The unconstitutional for violating the
natural and primary right and duty of prohibition against involuntary
parents in the rearing of the youth for servitude
civic ef:iciency and the development of
moral character shall receive the support
- NO. The requirement under Sec. 17 of the organizations, and (c) sectoral parties or
RH Law for private and non-government organization.
health care service providers to render 48
hours of pro bono RH services does not 2) National parties or organizations and regional
amount to involuntary servitude, for parties or organizations do not need to organize
two reasons. First, the practice of along sectoral lines and do not need to represent
medicine is undeniably imbued with any “marginalized and underrepresented” sector.
public interest that it is both the power
and a duty of the State to control and 3) Political parties can participate in party-list
regulate it elections provided they register under the
in order to protect and promote the party-list system and do have not :ield
public welfare. Second, Section 17 only candidates in legislative district elections. A
encourages private and non-government political party, whether major or not, with :ields
RH service providers to render pro bono candidates in legislative district elections can
service. Besides the PhilHealth participate in party-list elections only through
accreditation, no penalty is imposed its sectoral wing that can separately register
should they do otherwise. under the party-list system. The sectoral wing
is by itself an independent sectoral party, and is
- However, conscientious objectors are linked to a political party through a coalition.
exempt from Sec. 17 as long as their
religious beliefs do not allow them to 4) Sectoral Parties or organizations may either be
render RH service, pro bono or otherwise. “marginalized and underrepresented” lacking in
“well-de:ined political constituencies.” It is
enough that their principal advocacy pertains to
LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT the special interest and concerns of their sector.
The sectors that are “marginalized and
Election of Of:icers – the constitution is silent as to underrepresented” include labor, peasant,
how the other of:icers of the senate and HOR will be :isherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
elected i.e. minority leader. Political question as to communities, handicapped, veterans, and
the process or rules of selecting these of:icers. overseas workers. The sectors that lack “well-
(Baguilat vs. Alvarez, July 25, 2017) de:ined political constituencies” include
professionals, the elderly, women and the youth.
The process of amending the constitution through
initiative and referendum is subject to judicial 5) A majority of the members of sectoral party or
review if there’s grave abuse of discretion (Lambino organizations that represent the “marginalized
vs. Comelec) and underrepresented” must belong to
“marginalized and underrepresented” sector
Repeal of a national law or passage of a law they represent. Similarly, a majority of the
through initiative and referendum cannot be members of sectoral parties or organizations
vetoed by the President. that lack “well-de:ined political constituencies”
must belong to the sector they represent. The
Residence is identical with domicile. Be careful in nominees of the sectoral parties or organization
determining change of residence. It must be that they represent the “marginalized and
clearly shown that he abandons his domicile of underrepresented,” or that represent those who
origin and he intends to permanently reside in lack “well-de:ined political constituencies,”
the new address. (Poe-Llamanzares vs. either must belong to their respective sectors; or
COMELEC) must have a track record of advocacy for their
- If there is no change of residence, respective sectors. The nominees of national and
determine if there is still animus regional parties or organizations must be bona
revertendi. :ide members of such parties or organization.

The start of term, June 30, may be changed by 6) National, regional, and sectoral parties or
Congress. The same is true with the date of organizations shall not be disquali:ied if some of
election, 2nd Monday of May. their nominees are disquali:ied, provided that
they have at least one nominee who remains
Voluntary renunciation of of:ice is not an quali:ied.
interruption. Be mindful if the term is 6 years,
and he is appointed to the executive branch. He - Two percent thresholds is no longer
cannot run within the period of his term, even mandatory.
though he resigns from his position in the
executive. - N o t l i m i te d to m a rg i n a l i z e d a n d
underprivileged sectors.
Parameters set in the case of Atong Paglaum.
Vacancy during the term that can validly trigger
1) Three different groups may participate in the special election. Senate, at least 18 months before
party-list system: (a) national parties or next election and 12 months for HR. If congress is
o rga n i z a t i o n s , ( b ) re g i o n a l p a r t i e s o r in session, senate or HR will pass a resolution. If not

in session, Senate President or Speaker will write to Sec. 16 (3) is punitive in nature and requires
COMELEC. 2/3 votes of all its members. This is for acts
committed while being a member of Congress.
Effectivity of increase in salary of the members of
the Congress will be upon expiration of the terms Incompatible Of\ice for Congress
of members of Senate who took part in the – only refers to of:ices “in the government.” Not
passage of the law that made possible the increase. prohibited to hold of\ices in the private sector
during weekends and holidays.
Immunity from arrest
– whether or not Congress is in session is relevant “Hold” – refers to permanent appointment or
only if the imposable penalty is not more than 6 temporary designation or membership in ad
years. If more than 6 years immunity from arrest is hoc committees under the executive branch or
not applicable. judiciary. Exception here is, if allowed by the
- There is a difference between the validity of the constitution.
issuance of the arrest by the MCTC, MTC, MTCC
and the enforceability of the warrant. The ➢ For Pres. VP, Members of the Cabinet, their
latter is covered by the immunity provision. deputies and assistants, the only exception is
if provided by the constitution. (Sec. 13,
Reapportionment Article VII).
– the 250,000 requirement for population applies
only to cities. It is not required in the second ➢ For other appointive of:icials, the exceptions
legislative district once there is a division into two are: [2]
districts. (Aquino vs. COMELEC) 1) provided by law;
- Law creating legislative district does not 2) allowed by the primary functions of his
require a plebiscite for its effectivity. (Bagabuyo of:ice (Sec. 7, Art. IX – B)
- Exclusive jurisdiction of Congress. Regional Prohibited Of\ice
Assembly cannot create legislative district even - prohibition lasts only during the term when the
though granted authority by Congress. The grant of:ice was created or the emolument increased.
is unconstitutional. (Sema Case) The next term is not covered.
- Reapportionment in connection with the three
term-limit. There is a creation of new legislative - Prohibition does not apply if the increase in
district or new district in the province. Can the salary applies to all of:ices. i.e. salary
incumbent run in the newly created district if it standardization law.
was created during his second or third term? No.
A provincial board member’s election to the Quorum – Basis for determining will be the
same position for the third and fourth time, but number of those who are members of the HR
now in representation of the renamed district, is and Senate within the territory of the
a violation of the three-term limit rule. (Naval Philippines. It will not include those who are
vs. Comelec, July 8, 2014) outside the Philippines.

Parliamentary Immunity It is different from “majority of all the

- Antero Pobre vs. Santiago members” or “2/3 of all the members” which is
No matter how disrespectful the speech and based on all the elected members present or
language, immunity still applies as long as made outside the Philippines.
during privilege speech or committee hearings
and :loor deliberations. Con\lict between the journal and the enrolled bill
—enrolled bill will prevail except those matters
- But Senator Santiago can still be disciplined by which are required by the constitution to entered
her fellow senators by 2/3 votes of all its in the journal.
members on the ground of disorderly
behavior. “Of all its members” refers to all the Electoral Tribunal
elected and sitting members regardless of – the composition, proceeding and decisions of the
whether or not they are present during the electoral tribunal are subject to judicial review
session. The same determination with the votes once there is grave abuse of discretion. Take note
of the senate in the impeachment trial. of the valid ground by which you can be replaced
as member of the tribunal: death permanent
- Differentiate the above from the suspension disability, defeated in the election, change of party.
imposed by the Sandiganbayan for 90 days for
violation of RA 3019 or plunder law for acts - Who to sit in the tribunal under the parameters of
committed before he was elected to Congress. proportional representation is solely determined
(Santiago vs. COMELEC) by the Speaker of the HR or Senate President. This
can be within the scope of political question.
- RA 3019 or Plunder Law requires only a validly
:iled information, The suspension here is - Determination of jurisdiction of tribunal in
preventive in nature. election contest: [3]
(1) Validly proclaimed

(2) Taken oath - Mere :iling or pendency of a criminal or an
(3) Assumed of:ice (Ongsiako – Reyes vs. administrative complaint before a court or a
COMELEC) quasi-judicial body should not automatically
bar the conduct of legislative inquiry. Sub
- As long as the three requisites are present, the judice rule is not violated if the investigation
tribunal has jurisdiction even over party-list will proceed so long as the rights of the
representative (Jovito Palparan Case). It does not resource persons are respected.
matter how a member is elected – in the
legislative district or party – list election. - The right of Congress to know through legislative
inquiry is not identical with the right of the
Commission on appointment people to information on matters of public
– relate with Art VII, Sec. 16 as to who are those concern. (Neri vs. Senate Committees)
required to be con:irmed by CA.
- Generally, the right to privacy, being claimed by a
“… and other ofPicers whose appointment are private bank over ordinary :inancial transactions
vested in him in this Constitution” refers to those cannot prevail over the right of the people to
of:icials whose appointments are stated in the access information on matters of public concern.
Constitution, such as regular members of JBC and (Standard Chartered Bank vs. Senate committee
sectoral representatives appointed by the on Bank; Miguel vs. Gordon)
President for three consecutive election after the
effectivity of the 1987 Constitution. - A valid claim of executive privilege may limit
Investigation in aid of Legislation- what Congress can know in a legislative inquiry.
a) In aid of legislation Executive privilege however depends on the
b) In accordance with duly published kind of information being asked by congress
rules NOT on the position of public of:icial being
c) Rights of person appearing during the summoned to appear. That’s why Section 2B and
investigation must be respected 3 of E.O. 464 is unconstitutional.

- It is not required that upon the start of the

- Know, therefore what are those information
investigation there is already a draft of the bill which are privilege. Section 2A of E.O. 464.
or amendments to be proposed. The court
cannot review on the ground of grave abuse of
“xxx Executive privilege covers all con[idential or
d i s c re t i o n a s to wh e t h e r o r n o t t h e
classi[ied information between the President and
investigation is in aid of legislation. Bengzon vs.
the public of[icers covered by this executive
SBRC case is not controlling, or not the general
order, including: [5]
(1) Conversations and correspondence between the
- The rules must be published every 3 years, President and the public of[icial covered by this
when the membership of the Senate and HR
changes. executive order;
(2) Military, diplomatic and other national security
- It is not suf:icient that the rules will be matters which in the interest of national security
published online. However, if there’s a should not be divulged.
provision in the adoption of the rules that it (3) Information between inter-government agencies
shall remain in force until they are amended or prior to the conclusion of treaties and executive
repealed, then the rules can be deemed
effective beyond the senate that adopted it. agreements;
(4) Discussion in close-door Cabinet meetings;
- Once the Congress (18th, 19th) adjourns after (5) Matters affecting national security and public
the last session day of the 3rd regular session, order. Xxx”
the investigation is considered terminated.
Although Senate as an institution is a
- Executive privilege when properly claimed is
available in Sec. 21 and 22.
continuing body, its day to day functions, such
as committee hearings, investigations and
deliberations are not. They are deemed - Legislative inquiry conducted on the law that
terminated upon adjournment. (Neri vs. created the JDF with the objective of amending
Senate ; Romero II vs. Estrada) the law and improving the provision that would
ensure transparency and accountability.
Congress, thru its committee invited the court
- The detention of a person declared in contempt administrator. Will this violate the judiciary’s
by the senate is terminated in two ways. [2] independence and :iscal’s autonomy?
(1) When the committee report is approved or
disapproved by the plenary - Senate Committee on Electoral Reforms, invited
a general and a colonel to appear during its
(2) Upon expiration of one (1) Congress, (after
investigation in connection with the cheating and
three regular sessions when Congress
irregularities committed during the last
expires) (Balag vs. Senate of the Phils., July
Presidential Election. The President as
3, 2018)
Commander-in-Chief ordered the military men

not to appear for it may affect national security. - In allowable partial veto, only an item not a
(Gudani vs. Senga) provision can be vetoed, except if the provision
is inappropriate.(The Doctrine of
How to resolve if there’s a deadlock? Inappropriate Provision)

Question Hour The provision is inappropriate if it is: [4]

– if the ones being summoned by Congress are the (1) Rider
heads of executive departments (Secretaries of (2) It is unconstitutional
DND, DOT, DOF), it does not necessarily follow that (3) It collaterally amends another law
the inquiry is a question hour. You still need to :ind (4) It has the effect of blocking or preventing
out from the facts if it is question hour or the action of the executive branch for
investigation in aid of legislation. If the fact is silent, matters which are mandated already by
then qualify it in your answer. law.

- Question Hour is basically an exercise of Transfer of funds “within their respective

oversight function of Congress. Other ways of of:ices” – for example within the executive
validly exercising oversight are appropriations department. It requires that the realignment of
hearing, investigation in aid of legislation, and to funds must be to an existing project funded
some extent, con:irmation hearing in the CA. under the GAA. If the project is not funded in the
- Question Hour requires the consent of the GAA, funds cannot be transferred to them. The
President, which said consent is not required in transfer will be unconstitutional. (Araullo vs.
investigation in aid of legislation. Thus, even the Aquino)
person invited is a cabinet secretary he cannot
simply refuse to appear on the ground that he “Appropriation made by law” requires two
has no consent from the President if it is under elements: [2]
Sec.21, Art VI. He must appear but during the 1) Set apart determinate or determinable amount
inquiry, he can refuse to answer the questions if of money;
the kind of information being asked is covered by 2) Allocates the same for a particular purpose. All
executive privilege. The President should claim post-enactment measures that are necessary
the executive privilege for the said Cabinet for the implementation or enforcement of the
Secretary (Neri Case) and only he can claim it. a p p ro p r i a t i o n m a d e by C o n g re s s a re
considered intermediate appropriations which
Origin Clause are not constitutional because they are made
– this refers to the bill, not the law subsequently by individual legislators after the GAA is
passed. As long as the bill :iled in the HR :irst, and passed. For this reason the 2013 PDAF article
the HR acted on it, even though there is also an does not constitute “Appropriation made by
anticipatory bill :iled before the Senate, the law.”
provision is not violated. As long as the committee - The power to appropriate cannot be delegated to
hearing in the Senate is conducted only after the individual legislator. It violates non-delegability
receipt of the House version. principle. (Belgica et al. vs. Ochoa, Nov. 19, 2013)

- Even if the law passed is the complete version of In the case of Belgica vs. Ochoa, the SC did not apply
the Senate, there is no violation of this provision res judicata inspite of its previous decision
because the Senate may propose or concur with upholding the validity of the CDF (Philconsa) and
amendments. Amendment by substitution is PDAF as enacted in the GAA. There was no identity
allowed by the Constitution. in subject matter. Previous cases only involved
constitutional challenges against the 1994 CDF and
2004 PDAF articles in the GAA, while the instant
Three Reading Rule – what is the exception that cases call for a more expansive review of the entire
will make possible the 3 readings in one day? Pork Barrel System.

- Certi:ication of the President as to the urgency of Congressional Pork Barrel in the 2013 PDAF Article.
the bill is grounded on public calamity and These are the violations: [5]
emergency. However, the Supreme Court
declared in Tolentino vs Sec. of Finance, that 1) The Principle of Separation of Power
“growing budget de:icit” can be an acceptable 2) The Principle of non-delegability of
ground. So other grounds may be considered by Legislative Power
analogy. 3) Deprives the President of the exercise of his
prerogative of item-veto, impairs the system
- The bicameral conference committee may of checks and balances
propose an entirely new provision, even 4) Post-enactment features dilute
several provisions, referred to as “an Congressional oversight and violate Sec 14,
amendment in the nature of a substitute.” Art. VI of the Constitution (cannot intervene
in any matter before any of:ice)
General Rule: partial veto is not allowed except 5) Individual legislators are authorized to
in appropriations, revenue and tariff bills. intervene in purely local matters and subvert
genuine local autonomy

Presidential Pork Barrel- is limited to Malampaya 3 types:
funds and the President Social Fund. Malampaya 1) Origin – acquired at birth
Funds – Sec. 8 P.D. 910 which provides “and for such 2) Choice – the one chosen after abandoning
other purpose as maybe hereafter directed by the the old domicile
President” – invalid delegation of legislation power. 3) By operation of law – which the law assigns
to an individual independently of his
Sec. 12 of PD 1869- Presidential Social Fund (PSF) intention. Only one domicile at any given
may be used: time.
1) “to :inance the priority infrastructure
development project;” Acquisition for new domicile.
2) “to :inance the restoration of damaged and Requisites: [3]
destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may 1) Actual removal or an actual change of
be directed and authorized by the Of:ice of the domicile
President” 2) Bona :ide intention of abandoning the former
place or residence
The second use of the PSF is a valid 3) Establishing a new one and de:inite act which
delegation. correspond with the purpose.

Q: An act increasing the vote requirement for the ➢ Can be considered a resident even before the
amendment and repeal of laws to 2/3 vote of all granting of dual citizenship or the cancelation of
members of Congress voting separately. his foreign citizenship or foreign visa.
Constitutional? ➢ However, re-acquisition of citizenship is not a
➢ Unconstitutional. Majority of each house mode of reestablishing domicile. RA 9225 treats
shall constitute a quorum to do business. citizenship independently of residence.

Q: An act requiring that the commission on

appointments shall only reject a nominee of the Under the constitution, there is no way that the
President by 2/3 votes of those present during the Senate President or the Speaker of the HR will
deliberations. Constitutional? BECOME president without an election.
➢ Unconstitutional. MAJORITY VOTE of all
members. [Section 18, Article VI] Know the difference if the President, Vice President,
Senate President and Speaker all die or are killed or
Q: The grant of emergency powers to the permanently incapacitated at the beginning of their
President contains the following conditions: a) terms compared to “in the middle of their terms”.
For limited period, & b) That if not withdrawn by
Congress, it shall terminate on the last session SECTION 8. In case of death, permanent disability,
day of the present session of Congress. removal from of:ice, or resignation of the President,
Constitutional? the Vice-President shall become the President to
➢ YES. “xxx (2) In times of war or other serve the unexpired term. In case of death,
national emergency, the Congress may, by law, permanent disability, removal from of:ice, or
authorize the President, for a limited period resignation of both the President and Vice-
and subject to such restrictions as it may
President, the President of the Senate or, in case
prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and
of his inability, the Speaker of the House of
proper to carry out a declared national policy.
Representatives, shall then act as President until
Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of the
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the the President or Vice-President shall have been
next adjournment thereof.” [Section 23, elected and quali:ied.
Article VI]
The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve
as President in case of death, permanent disability,
ARTICLE VII or resignation of the Acting President. He shall
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT serve until the President or the Vice-President shall
have been elected and quali:ied, and be subject to
PET – is the sole judge of all contest relating to the same restrictions of powers and
the election, returns, and quali:ication of disquali:ications as the Acting President.
President and Vice President.
Q: A bill is passed by Congress mandating that once
- Can be through election protest or quo the Pres., VP, Senate President and Speaker of the
warranto House die at the time, then the Chief Justice of the
- Comes into play only after the President and SC shall become President until the expiration of
Vice President had been elected and the term of the President . Under any
proclaimed. circumstances he is not eligible for re – election. Is
- Election protest 30 days, quo warranto the law valid? NO.
within 10 days after the proclamation (Poe-
Llamanzares vs. COMELEC) ➢ Under the Constitution, any designated
survivor must only serve as ACTING
Domicile –

PRESIDENT until the new President is duly Commission (Biraogo vs. PTC of 2010)
elected in a special election. President is bound by the faithful execution
clause (Sec. 17) to know that laws have been
Q: The executive agreement permits Indonesian faithfully executed, he must investigate, and to
military troops to participate in War Games investigate effectively he needs to set up an
with Filipino Marines off the coast of investigation body, thus, the PTC.
Batangas in order to enhance the landing and
attacking capabilities of the troops of both The two months ban before the next Presidential
countries. Does this agreement require Senate election and up to the end of his term does not
concurrence? apply to appointments of the justices of the SC
and by implication, the judiciary (De Castro Case)
➢ YES. The Constitution prohibits the entry of
foreign military bases, troops or faculties - The appointments also of relatives within the
except by way of a treaty concurred in by 4th Civil degree of consanguinity and af:inity
the Senate, a clear limitation on the does not apply to the judiciary ( Sec. 13)
President’s dual role as defender of the state
and as sole authority in foreign relations. Memorandum Circular No. 04, August 22, 2016,
(Saguisag vs. Ochoa, Jan. 12, 2016) Courtesy Resignations of Presidential Appointees,
does not apply to career of:icials, judiciary, Of:ices
Q: Supposed the troops involved are American created under the Constitution. For instance, the City
Troops, should the agreement be concerned Prosecutor of Iloilo.
in by the Senate?
➢ Not anymore. Two reasons: - Temporary appointments do not enjoy security
a) The agreement is no longer the instrument of tenure but positions which are primarily
that allows the presence of foreign military con:idential, highly technical and policy
bases, troops or facilities. determining are protected by security of tenure
b) It merely aims to implement an existing (Corpus vs. Cuaderno). However, cabinet
law on treaty (MDT and VFA) members are unique under the class of of:icial
occupying primarily con:idential positions.
Temporary incapacitated under Sec 11. Their term simply expires once President
Congress can only act and decide as to the wants to change them.
\itness of the President after the SECOND letter
from majority of the cabinet members. Power of Control. The President exercises power of
control over the City Prosecutor. Thus, he can order
Prohibition on HOLDING any other of:ice during the Sec. of DOJ to reverse the decision of the
their tenure (both in the government and outside prosecutor but he cannot order the dismissal of the
of government) applies to President, Vice Prosecutor without valid cause and compliance with
President, Members of the Cabinet, their due process.
deputies and assistant secretaries.
- This includes the authority to recognize the
- to “hold” means both temporary or permanent executive department, which incidentally may
capacities, even only as OIC. (Funa vs. Exec. include abolition of an of:ice. This can still be
Sec. Ermita). The only exception here is, if justi:ied under his residual power.
provided by the Constitution. The exception
under the Civil Service (Art IX- B) “unless - This power to re-organize can be delegated to
otherwise provided by law and the primary cabinet secretaries.
function of his of[ice does not apply”
- The alter ego doctrine is applicable to acts of
- however, it does not cover ex-of:icio capacity Board of Directors of a GOCC, even if not all the
and without additional compensation as members of the said GOCC are government
provided by law and primary function of his of:icials sitting as ex- o:icio members of the BOD.
- The power of general supervision over local
The President is not eligible for any re-election. government does not exclude the authority of
Two possible interpretations here. the President to suspend or dismiss an of:icial
through an administrative case.
Residual Power
– can be validly claimed by the President if - Powers as Commander-in-Chief. If there’s a
there’s no violation of the Constitution, Law or direct order from the President to the General or
separation of powers. (Marcos vs. Manglapus). Colonel not to attend the Senate Inquiry in aid of
Cannot be allowed if it violates separation of legislation without the consent of the President,
powers (Review Center Assoc. of the Phil. vs. then it is a valid order based on his power as
Ermita) or if it violates the constitution Commander-in-Chief. Usually not limited by the
(Province of North Cotabato vs. GRP. Peace same degree of restriction attended to executive
Panel) privilege or executive control. (Gudani vs. Senga).
- Residual Power was validly claimed in the
President’s Act of Creating the Phils. Truth - Sequence of graduated powers: from the most to
the least benign: calling out, suspension of the
privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus, declaring of
Martial Law. The graduation refers only to Worthy to note, however, that above-cited acts that
hierarchy based on scope and effect, not to order the President may perform do not give him
of priority. It really depends on the President unbridled discretion to infringe on the rights of
which power to use :irst. civilians during martial law. This is because
martial law does not suspend the operation of
- Martial and Suspension of the privilege of the Writ the Constitution, neither does it supplant the
of Habeas Corpus need separate proclamation. operation of civil courts or legislative assemblies.

“Appropriate proceeding” does not refer to - If the person is arrested for any other crime, and
Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65. It is a the warrantless arrest is valid, then article 125 of
unique proceeding solely for the purpose of RPC applies. If the warrantless arrest is not valid,
determining the suf\iciency of the factual basis. Art 125 does not apply, suspect must be released
It can be denominated as a complaint, case, immediately even before inquest proceedings. If
petition or matter to be resolved by the court. not released, then he can :ile petition for the
issuance of the Writ of habeas corpus.
Suf\iciency of factual basis test
– totality of the factual basis, and not piecemeal or - If the arrest is by virtue of a warrant, Art. 125 and
individually. Not required that there should be HC is unavailing.
absolute correctness of the facts stated in the
proclamation and in the written report. It is - Terrorism (RA 9372) and rebellion (Art 134 or
simply whether the facts in his possession prior to RPC) are not mutually exclusive of each other. But
and at the time of the declaration or suspension one cannot absorb the other because of
are suf:icient for him to declare martial law or differences in elements.
suspend the privilege. It is enough that there is
probable cause for the President to believe that President’s power under Sec. 18, Art VII are not
there is actual rebellion or invasion. exactly the same as declaring State of National
Emergency (David vs Arroyo), or state of Emergency
- Note of the differences between the judicial in three provinces in Mindanao (Ampatuan vs. Puno)
power to review and the review made by or State of Rebellion (Sanlakas vs. Executive Sec.). The
congress, as to its scope, degree of correctness of Constitutional basis of the :irst two is Sec. 18, Art. VII
facts, passiveness and in placed mechanism for (Calling out power) while the last one is Sec 4, Chap2,
review. Book II, Administrative Code of 1997.

- Eachone is independent of the other, and can - In this declaration, the President does not exercise
proceed independently. emergency powers, such as promulgating
“decrees” or regulations and take over public
- There is no limit as to how many times the utility companies under Sec. 17 of Art XII, which
President may ask for extension and Congress requires congressional grant of emergency
granting it. powers.

- Void for vagueness doctrine as a ground in facial - Provincial governor does not exercise any calling
challenge cannot be used for questioning the out powers.
declaration of Martial Law or Suspension of the
Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus. It applies only LIMITATIONs to the pardoning power of the
in cases that challenge government regulation and President: [6]
restriction on speech and expression. 1) Cannot be granted in cases of impeachment
(Sec 19, Art. VII)
- Even if the arrest is illegal but once there’s Martial 2) Cannot be granted in cases of violation of
Law and the privilege of the writ is suspended, the election laws without favorable
person arrested or his family cannot do anything recommendation of the Commission on
to question the legality of the arrest within the Elections (Sec. 5, Art. IX- C)
need 72 hours from the time of the arrest. No 3) Can be granted only after conviction by :inal
habeas corpus, no petition for bail. Judicial judgment
remedies can be availed only after the lapse of 72 4) Cannot be granted in cases of legislative
hours. But only if the person was arrested for contempt (as it would violate separation of
rebellion or invasion. powers), or civil contempt (as the State is
without interest in the same)
- In David vs. President Macapagal-Arroyo, the Court 5) Cannot absolve the convict of liability
quoting Justice Vicente V. Mendoza’s (Justice 6) Cannot restore public of:ices forfeited
Mendoza) Statement before the Senate Committee (Monsanto vs Factoran, supra)
on Justice on march 13, 2006, stated that under a
valid declaration of martial law, the President as - No reinstatement if convicted in a criminal case
Commander in Chief may order the “(a) arrest and (Monsanto vs. Factoran) But if an employee is
seizures without judicial warrants; (b) ban on dismissed in an administrative case but
public assemblies; (c) [takeover] of the news subsequently was acquitted in a Criminal Case
media and agencies and press censorship; and (d) because he is completely innocent, and not only
issuance of Presidential Decrees xxx”. because of reasonable doubt, then the grant of
absolute pardon in administrative case can result is not allowed) and prohibition on giving of
to reinstatement. (Garcia vs. COA) advisory opinions

Power of the President over foreign affairs in - In David vs. Arroyo, the SC laid down the exceptions
relation to withdrawing from the ICC to the rule on not deciding moot and academic
- President as the Chief Architect of foreign affairs. It issues: [4]
is a political question. The Constitution does not (1)There is grave violation of the Constitution;
require any concurrence by the Senate in the (2)There is an exceptional character of the
act of withdrawing. situation and paramount public is involved.
(3)The constitutional issues raised require
- On the other hand, the President is bound by the formulation of controlling principles to guide
faithful execution clause. He shall faithfully the bench, the bar and the public; and
execute the laws. When the Senate rati:ied the (4)The case is capable of repetition yet evasive
Rome statute, it becomes part of domestic law review.
which the President is duty bound to execute.
Standing. Interest here means material interest. It is
- Application of pacta sunt servenda. a present substantial interest, as distinguished from a
mere expectancy or a future, contingent subordinate
- Treaty and executive agreements. Concurrence or consequential interest.
by the Senate for Visiting Forces Agreement does
not require that the US Senate must also make Elements of standing [3]
their approval to the same. It is enough that the US (1) The petitioner must have personality suffered
accepts it as a binding agreement. some actual or threatened injury which can be
legal, economic, or environmental;
- Every treaty or international agreement is (2) The injury is fairly traceable to the challenged
deemed valid upon signing by the heads of action; and
s t a te o r t h e i r re p re s e n t a t ive . S e n a t e (3) The injury is likely to be redressed by a
concurrence is only for its effectivity and favorable action (Telecommunications and
enforceability. Broadcast Attorneys of the Phil. vs. COMELEC, GR
132922, April 22, 1998)
The decision of President Duterte to allow President
Marcos to be inferred in the LNMB is beyond the To summarize the Rules on the Liberal Approach
ambit of judicial review. on Locus Standi, take note of the following: [5]
1) For taxpayer, there must be claim of illegal
- The interment of President Marcos is not disbursement of public funds or that the tax
repugnant to the avowed policy of RA 10368, measure is unconstitutional
which seeks to recognize the heroism of the 2) For voters, there must be showing of obvious
human right violation victims (HRVV) during interest in the validity of the election law in
martial law. 1) RA10368 does not prohibit the question
burial, 2) interment will not confer upon him the 3) For concerned citizen, there must be
title of hero, 3) the state will continue to showing that the issues raised are of
implement and comply with obligation under RA transcendental importance which must be
10368. settled.
4) For legislators, there must be a claim that the
of:icial action complained of infringes their
ARTICLE VIII prerogative as legislators.
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 5) Government of the Philippines is a proper
party to question the validity of its own laws.
The inversely proportional relationship of power of
judicial review and political question. When the Facial challenge (based on overbreadth and void
former was expanded under the 1987 constitution, for vagueness) generally applies only in the area of
the latter is deemed restricted in scope. freedom of expression. Against a legislative act, it is
the most dif:icult challenge to mount successfully
Master the safeguards of judicial independence (See since the challenge must establish that no set of
your Memory Aid) circumstances exists under which the act would be
void. (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan)
Judicial power is not the same as judicial review. The
former is found in Art. VIII, Sec. 1(2) while the latter - Facial challenge is not only applicable to protected
is the power of the courts to test the validity of the speech, but also to religious freedom, freedom of
executive and legislative acts in light of their the press, and the right of the people to peaceably
conformity with the Constitution. assemble, and to petition the government for a
redress of grievance. All of these are component
- Judicial Review can be exercise by the lower courts right of the right to one’s freedom of expression
as implicitly recognized in Sec. 5, Par. 2, Art. VIII, on (Imbong vs. Ochoa).
the appellate jurisdiction of the SC.
Grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
- JudicialReview may be limited by political Jurisdiction. The abuse of discretion must be
questions, separation of power (judicial legislation patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of a
positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty
enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation of - Impeachment is not an exclusive remedy by which
law, as where the power is exercised in an arbitrary an invalidly appointed or invalidly elected
and despotic manner by reason of passion or impeachable of:icial may be removed from of:ice.
hostility (Intestate Estate of Carmen de Luna vs. ➢ Sec 2, Art. XI uses the words “members of the
IAC). SC may be removed from the of:ice.”

Operative fact doctrine applies only if its - TheSC’s exercise of its jurisdiction over a quo
application will promote equity and fair play, such warranto petition is not violative of the doctrine of
as it will prevent double jeopardy or unjust separation of powers.
enrichment on the part of the government. 1) The courts exercise of its jurisdiction over
quo warranto proceedings does not preclude
Deliberate Process Privilege. Privilege documents the HR from proceeding with its own
or communications and not subject to disclosure: investigation or the senate from conducting
trial should the articles of impeachment be
1) Court actions such as the result of the raf:led transmitted to it.
of cases and actions taken by the court on 2) An act or omission committed prior to or at
each case included in the agenda of the the time of appointment or election relating
Court’s session on acts done material to to an of:icial’s quali:ications to hold of:ice as
pending cases; to render such appointment or election
2) Court deliberations on cases and matters invalid is properly the subject of quo
pending before the court; warranto petition, provided that the
3) Court records which are “predecisional” and requisites for the commencement thereof are
“deliberative” in nature; present. On the contrary, acts or omission,
4) Con:idential information secured by justices, even if it relates to the quali:ication of
judges, court of:icials and employees in the integrity, being a continuing requirement but
course of their of:icial functions; nonetheless committed during the
5) Records of cases that are still pending for incumbency of a validly appointed and/or
decisions are privilege material that cannot validly elected of:icial, cannot be subject of a
be disclosed. quo warranto proceeding, but of something
else, which may either be impeachable if the
➢ Regular members of the JBC need con\irmation public of:icial concerned is impeachable and
by CA. the act or omission constitutes an
impeachable offense, or disciplinary,
Republic of the Philippines vs. Maria Lourdes Sereno administrative or criminal action, if
(May 11, 2018) otherwise.
- The origin , nature and purpose of impeachment - Failure to submit SALNs goes into the very
and quo warranto are materially different.
Impeachment is political in nature, while QW is quali:ication of integrity.
judicial or a proceeding traditionally lodged in the ➢ The JBC required the submission of at least 10
courts SALNs from those applicants who are
incumbent Associate Justices, absent which,
the applicant ought not to have been
Quo warranto Impeachment interviewed, much less considered for
1) Causes of action :
Usurping, intruding Commission of - Respondent’s ineligibility for lack of proven
or unlawful holding a an integrity cannot be cured by her nomination and
public of:ice impeachable offense subsequent appointment as Chief Justice.
- The effect of a :inding that a person appointed to
2) Reliefs sought an of:ice is ineligible thereof is that his
- Cease to hold public presumably valid appointment will give him color
of:ice which she is of title that confers on him the status of a de facto
Removal from public
ineligible to hold of:icer.
of:ice that he/ she is
legally holding - The SC’s supervisory authority over the JBC
3) Mode of initiation includes ensuring that the JBC complies with its
- Filing of a petition own rules.
before the court - In simultaneous vacancies in the SC or CA or
Filing of a complaint or Sandiganbayan, or even closely successive
4) Limitation petition before the HR vacancies, the President is not bound to follow the
- One year prescriptive cannot initiate more clustering of nominees for each particular vacancy.
period applies to than one proceedings The discretionary power of the President to
other parties but not against the same public appoint cannot be limited by grouping of
against the state of:icial within one year. nominees intended for a particular vacancy.
(Aguinaldo vs. Aquino, Nov. 29, 2016)

The unanimity rule on integrity (Sec. 2, Rule 10 of

JBC - 009) can result to a deprivation of the
requirement of due process.
immediately preceding election and it applies to all
Rule-making power of the SC is not the same as other of:icials in the government.
judicial legislation. The latter takes place when a
court steps in to craft missing parts or to :ill in the If a Commissioner is appointed when congress is not
gaps in laws or when it oversteps its discretional in session (ad interim) and he is by-passed by the
boundaries and goes beyond the law to coin Commission on Appointments, his reappointment is
doctrines or principle where none was before. not prohibited by the Constitution (Matibag vs.
Benipayo). Promotional appointment also does not
Procedural changes such as in the issuance of SC violate the prohibition on re-appointment because it
Circular No. 1-91 which orders that appeals from is not the same as the original appointment to being a
decisions of Administrative bodies shall now be commissioner.
:iled with the CA, within 15 days from notice of
decision, does not diminish, increase or modify the All three commissions enjoy \iscal autonomy.
substantive right of appeal (First Lepanto Ceramics The “No Report, no Release Policy,” of DBM
vs. CA). cannot be validly enforced against them. But
:iscal autonomy does not imply that their
budget cannot be decreased by Congress
Congress cannot pass a law exempting a certain compared to the previous year.
government entity, local or national government units
from payment of docket and legal fees because under Only the SC’s budget cannot be decreased
Sec. 5, Art VIII of the Constitution, only the SC has because the Constitution speci\ically states
the power to promulgate its rules on pleadings, so.
practice and procedures in court. This power is no
longer shared with Congress. CSC Chairman cannot sit even only as ex o:icio
member of the Board of Trustees or Board of
The requirement that are collegial courts must reach Directors of GSIS, PhilHealth, MHDF, and ECC.
their conclusions and decisions only after - He will be exercising powers which are no
consultation does not apply to administrative cases longer derived from his being Chairman.
(Presidential Bank vs. Castro, 158 SCRA 646) - He will be receiving per diem.
- It will affect the independence of the
Take note of Sec. 1 of the Rule on Writ of Amparo. Can commission because GOCCs are under the
be committed by a private individual or entity. The control of the President (Funa vs. Chairman,
same is true with Writ of Habeas Data. CSC)

The writ can be issued only if there is a clear Decisions of COMELEC and COA can be questioned
allegation of the supposed factual and legal basis of before the SC through petition for certiorari within
the right sought to be protected. Right to one’s 30 days from receipt while that of the CSC to the
dwelling, if ordered by the court to vacate through an Court of Appeals by certiorari within 15 days
executory judgement, does not constitute right to life, from receipt thereof. Decisions of the CA can be
liberty and security. raised before the SC through petition for review on
Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. (SC
The same conclusion if one is denied his right to Revised Circular 1-91 as amended by revised Admin
travel because he has a pending criminal case in Circular 1-95, June 1995)
Only employees of GOCC, with original charter
This Writ also shall not issue when applied for as are under the jurisdiction of the CSC. Employees of
substitute for the appeal or certiorari process, or GOCCs incorporated under the Corporation Code of
when it will inordinately interfere with these the Philippines will be under the Labor Code, or
processes. NLRC regarding matters affecting their employment
and security of tenure.
It is not a people remedy to regain parental authority
and custody of minor child who was legally put up for Position considered as primarily con:idential, highly
adoption. technical and policy determining enjoy the
protection of security of tenure (Corpus vs.
Cuaderno). However, for primarily con\idential
positions, the ground for dismissal will simply be
loss of trust and con\idence.
CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION Take note of the higher level of eligibility—the
CESO, a the highest rank being CESO I. Security of
The requirement that the appointee must not have Tenure sets in only if the CESO rank quali:ies to
been a candidate in the immediately preceding what is required by the position. The position of
e l e c t i o n r e f e r s o n ly t o t h e p o s i t i o n o f Chief Public Attorney carries a Salary Grade 30, so
commissioners of CSC, COMELEC, COA as well as even one is a CESO holder, if it is only CES Level III,
Ombudsman and his deputies. On the other hand, SG 28, the appointment is only temporary and
the one year ban from being appointed in cannot be protected by security of tenure if another
government service refers to those who lost in the

person with CES Level corresponding to the yet a :inal decision of the COMELEC en banc. But it
position if appointed. can be questioned before the SC under Sec. 5(1), Art.
VIII of the Constitution, that is, Petition for Certiorari
The classi:ication of a particular position as policy – as there is a violation of the constitutional rights of
determining, primarily con:idential and highly the Diocese of Bacolod.
technical amounts to no more than executive or
legislative declaration that is not conclusive upon Take Note whether or not it is the COMELEC* or the
the courts, the true test being the nature of the MCTC or RTC which has jurisdiction over the election
position. (PAGCOR vs. Rilloraza) protest*, COMELEC can issue TRO and Injunction only
in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. The right
The power to appoint is discretionary and CSC is not of the party to seek execution pending appeal is
a comanager or surrogate administrator of the strictly construed.
government of:ices and agencies (UP and De Torres
vs. CSC). *Original and exclusive jurisdiction over election
Contests: Regional/Provincial/City – COMELEC
Only appointive of:icial may occupy any other of:ice
during his tenure if provided by the law and the If COMELEC en banc denied due course to the COC on
primary function of his of:ice. Elective Of\icials the ground of :inal conviction in a criminal case with
cannot. perpetual disquali:ication, it is an exercise of
administrative function, thus not required to be
decided by division \irst.(Romeo Jalosjos vs.
CSC now is considered as “party adversely affected” Comelec). Sec. 40 (a) of the LGC that allows convict to
which can appeal the decision of the court run for public of:ice after lapse of two years from the
exonerating an employee who was previously time he serves his sentence does not include cases
dismissed (CSC vs. Dacoycoy, PNB vs. Garcia) In NAB wherein the law imposes an accessory penalty of
vs. Mamauag,, it was also pointed out by the perpetual disquali:ication form holding public of:ice
court that a private complainant cannot :ile an appeal (Jalosjos vs. COMELEC)
because in an administrative case, he is only a
witness. If the agency is allowed to appeal, it must Sec. 78 – Petition to deny due course to COC or
not be the person or the authority who rendered the Petition to declare COC as null and void. Knowledge
decision which is the subject of the appeal, otherwise by electorate of a candidate’s disquali:ication is not
it is violative of procedural due process because the necessary before a quali:ied candidate who place
judge is also the same person who appeal the second to the one whose COC was declared as null
decision. The one who can :ile the appeal should be and void, can be proclaimed as the winner. The ruling
the personnel who serve as the prosecutor in the in Labo vs. COMELEC is no longer controlling
case. (Maquiling vs. COMELEC, et al.)

Employees under the jurisdiction of CSC can In the same Maquiling also the court ruled that after
organize but they cannot strike. For it to be one’s repatriation under R.A. 9225 and renunciation
considered strike, two elements must be present: a) later of his foreign citizenship for the purpose of
stoppage of work, b) presence of compelled running for elective post, the use of a foreign
demand to the government in the form of forced passport in travelling abroad will have the effect of
concession or bene\its. Absence of one, the action negating the act of renunciation and reverting the
will still be considered as protected under the right of person back to being a dual citizen. Thus, as dual
freedom of expression.(Villaviza vs. GSIS) citizen, he is not quali:ied to run for public of:ice.

The requirement that all election cases shall be heard Difference of Sec 68 and 78.
and decided by division :irst refers only to the
exercise by the COMELEC of its quasi- judicial Under Sec 68, there is a valid COC :iled but he cannot
power, i.e. election protest and pre-proclamation continue as a candidate or if he wins he cannot sit
controversies. Administrative function refers to and assume of:ice because he is disquali\ied due to
paragraph 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Sec. 2, Art. IX-C, the commission of prohibited acts before or
while paragraph 2 of the same section refers to the during election (vote- buying, terrorism,
exercise of quasi- judicial function. Deciding a overspending, etc) and his being a permanent
petition for correction of a manifest error is only an resident in a foreign country. Substitution may
exercise of administrative function. happen. The law on succession applies, so the vice-
governor or vice mayor will become governor or
Decision of the COMELEC in the exercise of its mayor even if the case was decided and became :inal
administrative function may be challenged before the and executory only after the election.
courts in an ordinary civil action or before the CSC if
it involves appointments of personnel or personnel Under Sec. 78, the COC is null and void from the
action. beginning due to material misrepresentation. No
substitution will happen and the second highest
Only :inal orders of the COMELEC en banc in the vote getter will be proclaimed a winner.
exercise of its quasi- judicial function may be
brought before the SC. The notice to remove Petition to deny due course to the COC – on the
Campaign Material (Team Buhay Team Patay) indeed ground the ground that he is an American Citizen,
is not an exercise of quasi- judicial function and not inspite of his acquisition of dual citizenship under RA

9225 but he continued to use his American Passport of them were always making overtime in the of:ice
after his renunciation of his foreign citizenship when in preparation for the national elections. The
he :iled his COC. His continued use of American President endorsed the impeachment complaint
passport has the effect of vacating his reasoning that the action of the Comelec chairman
renunciation of the his foreign citizenship. (Casan is clearly a betrayal of public trust.
Maquiling vs. Rommel Arnado, (April 16, 2013)
1. Should the impeachment complaint be
The power of the COMELEC to investigate and forwarded to the committee on justice?
prosecute election offenses is no longer exclusive. ➢ There is no showing that the complaint was
It is already concurrent (Sec. 43, RA 9369) with other endorsed by a member of the HR. The
prosecution arms of government. Creation of a joint president’s endorsement is not relevant.
panel (COMELEC and DOJ) to investigate election
offenses is valid. The :indings of the panel will still be 2. Can a disbarment case against the Comelec
approved by the COMELEC in accordance with its chairman be :iled even before the :iling of the
rules of procedure. impeachment proceedings?
➢ The Chairman of the Comelec must be a
COMMISSION ON AUDIT lawyer and he must possess such
quali:ication while holding of:ice. Once he is
All commissioners of the COA can be both lawyers disbarred, then it follows that he cannot hold
and CPAs. on to the of:ice anymore. The constitution
mandates that he is an impeachable of:icer.
Promotional appointment is not a prohibited re-
appointment. However, promotional appointment is 3. Supposed the case :iled is quo warranto, will
valid only if the vacancy in the position of the it prosper?
chairman is due to death, resignation, permanent ➢ Acts committed during his incumbency as
incapacity and removal due to impeachment wherein chairman of the Comelec cannot be a ground
he was not able to :inish his term. No promotional for quo warranto for the latter can only be
appointment can be valid if the vacancy happens :iled if a public of:icial is ineligible to occupy
due to the expiration of term (Funa vs. COA, Villar) such of:ice of disloyal to the country.
➢ That means that the grounds must be
COA has jurisdiction over GOCC with original Charter present before he assumed of\ice and not
and GOCC without original charter on post audit for acts committed while in of:ice.
basis. COA also can have jurisdiction over NGOs
which receive subsidy or equity, directly or indirectly - The provision in the constitution which says that
from or through the government, which are required the HR will promulgate its rules on impeachment
by law or the granting institution to submit to such does not necessarily mean that the HR must
audit as a condition of subsidy or equity. publish the rules in a newspaper of general
circulation or in the of:icial Gazzette. It is within
Expenditures may be disallowed by COA even if it is the discretion of congress to determine how to
not irregular or illegal as long as it is unnecessary, promulgate its impeachment rules. Thus, there is
excessive, extravagant or unconscionable. [iieeuu] no violation of due process if the rules of
impeachment were promulgated only one after
the consolidated complaints were referred to the
ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Committee on Justice. (Guttierrez v. HR
Commission on Justice)
Impeachment proceeding is deemed initiated if
after the :iling of the complaint, the same is referred Under RA 10660 which amended PD 1606, even
already to the committee on justice. Consolidation though the public of:icial has a Salary Grade 26 or
of complaints and referral to the COJ at the same time lower, if he is among those enumerated in the law, to
is valid. be under the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, then
RTC will not take jurisdiction i. e. President, directors,
trustees or manager of GOCC, state universities or
The SC can review impeachment proceedings under educational institution or foundations.
Sec. 5 (2), Art VIII of the Constitution. But may not
do so if the issue is whether or not a particular act
committed by an impeachable of:icer is considered a Take note of Sec. 2 which amends Sec. 4(c) of PD
betrayal of public trust, other high crimes or culpable 1606: “Civil and Criminal cases :iled pursuant to and
violation of the constitution. It is solely within the in connection with Executive Order No. 1, 2, 14 and
jurisdiction of the HR to decide what is included 14-A issued in 1986 (PCGG Cases).
those offenses. It may be dif:icult to point out that HR a. RTC will have exclusive original jurisdiction
committed grave abuse of discretion in its decision to where the information does not allege (1) any
include the infraction committed as impeachable damage to the government or any bribery or (2)
offense. alleges damage to the government or bribery
arising from the same or closely related
Q: The Solicitor General :iled an impeachment case transactions or acts in an amount not exceeding
against the Chairman of the Comelec because of One million pesos (1,000,000).
his extra-marital affair with his executive assistant
who is also married. The affair started when both OMBUDSMAN

The president has no power to dismiss the deputy substantial evidence to support the decision of
ombudsman as it will violate the independence of the Ombudsman.
the of\ice. But the Special Prosecutor can be
dismissed by the President (Gonzales III vs. OP, MR) An appeal shall not stop the decision from being
executory. In case the penalty is suspension or
The Ombudsman can investigate any act committed removal and the respondent wins such appeal, he
by a public of:icial even though it is committed not shall be considered as having been under preventive
in connection with the function of his of\ice. (Art. suspension and shall be paid the salary and such
XI, Sec. 13) Rape, for instance committed when the other emoluments that he did not receive by reason
public of:icial is on vacation or on a weekend. of the suspension or removal. (Edmundo Jose T.
Buencamino vs. CA, G.R. No. 175895 : April 12, 2007)
Of:ice of the Ombudsman has jurisdiction over
GOCC with original charter (Khan vs. Ombudsman) The decision of the Ombudsman in administrative
Sec. 13 (2). But there is no distinction made in Sec. 12 cases is immediately executory even though there is
of the constitution as to the kind of GOCC. To be safe, a pending motion for reconsideration. The refusal or
the distinction made in Leyson vs. Ombudsman can failure by any of:icer without just cause to comply
be helpful. with an order of the of:ice of the Ombudsman shall be
1) an agency organized as stock or non-stock ground for disciplinary action against said of:icer.
2) vested with functions relating to public needs,
whether governmental or proprietary
3) owned by the government directly or through NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY
its intrumentalities, either wholly or, where
applicable as in the case of stock corporation, All lands not otherwise appearing to be clearly within
to the extent of at least 51% of its capital private ownership are presumed to belong to the
stock state. The onus to overturn by incontrovertible
evidence, the presumption that the land subject of an
Finality and execution of decision. application for registration is part of the inalienable
- Where the respondent is absolved of the charge, and public land, rests with the applicant. (Director of
in case of conviction where the penalty imposed is Lands vs. IAC)
public censure or reprimand, suspension of not
more than one month, or a \ine not equivalent to The classi:ication and reclassi:ication of public lands
one month salary, the decision shall be \inal, are the prerogative of the Executive Department.
executory and unappealabe. In all other cases, the The President, through a presidential proclamation
decision may be appealed to the Court of Appeals or executive order, can classify or reclassify lands to
on a veri\ied Petition for Review under the be included or excluded from the public domain.
requirements and conditions set forth in Rule 43 of
the Rules of Court, within :ifteen (15) days from - Mere notations appearing on the survey plans or a
receipt of the written Notice of the Decision or CENRO certi:ication is insuf\icient to prove that
Order denying the Motion for Reconsideration. the land is already an alienable one. What are
(Edmundo Jose T. Buencamino vs. CA, G.R. No. required now are: [2]
175895 : April 12, 2007) 1) CENRO OR PENRO certi\ication; and
1. It is already settled in the case of Carpio 2) a copy of the original classi\ication approved by
Morales v. Binay et. al. that the CA can issue a the DENR Secretary and certi\ied as true copy by
TRO or injunction to stop the execution of the the legal custodian of the of\icial records.
decision of the Ombudsman. Thus the
provision in the Ombudsman law which states Unclassi:ied lands of the public domain, no matter
that only the SC can review its decision or how long it remained as unclassi:ied cannot be
stop its execution is unconstitutional for automatically deemed agricultural land. There
encroaching on the rule making power of must be a positive act of the Executive Department
the SC. declaring that the subject land is already alienable.
- The CA in this case issued the TRO because of (Secretary of DENR v. Yap)
the application of the condonation doctrine
which affects only administrative cases and
not criminal cases. After the Binay ruling, the The exploration, development and utilization of
SC already abandoned the condonation natural resources can be done in two ways: [2]
doctrine. (1) directly by the state; and
(2) by entering into co-production, joint
2. However, one must take note that generally the venture and production sharing
:indings of fact of the Of:ice of Ombudsman are agreements with Filipino citizens or
conclusive when supported by substantial corporations or associations at least sixty
evidence. The factual :indings of the Of:ice of (60) percent of whose capital is owned by
Ombudsman are generally accorded great weight Filipinos.
and respect, if not :inality by the courts, due to its
special knowledge and expertise on matters Foreign owned corporations can only participate in
within its jurisdiction. these activities through service contracts involving
- So the challenge here once given a question on technical or \inancial assistance for large scale
this is to determine whether or not there is
exploration, development and utilization of exception is 5,000 square meters for urban areas
minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils and 3 hectares in rural areas.
according to the general terms and conditions
provided by law, based on real contributions to the Take note of the case of IDEALS vs. PSALM wherein
economic growth and general welfare of the country. the SC ruled that in the sale of the Angat Hydro
Requisites: [3] Electric Plant to a foreign corporation, NPC cannot
1) service contract shall be written in accordance transfer the water rights to a foreign buyer.
with a general law that will set a uniform terms, Because of the possession of these water rights NPC
conditions and requirements. P.D. No. 87, the Oil remain in control of the operation of the dam even if
Exploration and Development Act Act of 1972 is the day to day management of the dam is placed in
an example of this general law the foreign corporation. The generation of electric
2) the President shall be the signatory for the power by a foreign owned company using waters
government already appropriated by the NPC by virtue of its
3) The President shall report the agreement to permit is valid.
Congress within 30 days from the execution of
the agreement It is not prohibited under the constitution to set a
corporation for the purpose of engaging in the public
In the determination of 60% Filipino ownership, the utility business with a Filipino owned capital of less
SC in resolving the Motion for Reconsideration in the than 60%. The 60% Filipino ownership is required
case of Gamboa v. Teves et. al., reiterated that the term only if the subject corporation will get a franchise,
“capital “in Section 11, Article XII of the 1987 certi:icate or any form of authorization for the
Constitution refers to shares with voting rights, as operation of a public utility. Mere incorporation is not
well as with full bene:icial ownership. This is prohibited.
precisely because the right to vote in the election of
directors, coupled with full bene:icial ownership of Under the Public Land Act mere open, continuous,
stocks, translates to effective control of a corporation. exclusive, and notorious possession of an
➢ The 60-40 ownership requirement in favor of alienable land (agricultural) of the public domain
Filipino citizens must apply separately to each under a bona :ide claim of acquisition or ownership
class of shares, whether common, preferred for at least 30 years automatically changes the
non-voting, preferred voting or any other class of character of the land from public land to private
shares. land. The possessor can claim to have already an
imperfect title to the land and he has to :ile a petition
In the case of Narra NIckel Mining and Development in court for con:irmation of his imperfect title in
Corp. Vs. Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp., the SC order to have full ownership and title to the subject
explained that in case of doubt as to the 60-40 land. Thus after the lapse of 30 years, a Filipino
Filipino ownership, the grandfather Test can be owned corporation can buy the said land and have it
applied as a supplement to the control test. registered in its name. At the time the corporation
buys the land it is no longer part of the public
Grandfather Rule determines the actual Filipino domain, thus the prohibition that Filipino
ownership and control in a corporation by tracing corporations cannot acquire lands of the public
both the direct and indirect shareholdings in the domain does not apply.
Escheat proceedings and Action for reversion are
The Grandfather Rule applies only when the 60-40 remedies to recover private lands from disquali:ied
Filipino foreign ownership is in doubt or where aliens.
there is reason to believe that there is non- ➢ the action of the state for reversion to public
compliance with the provisions of the constitution on domain of land fraudulently granted to private
the nationality restriction. Doubts can be inferred individuals is imprescriptible
from the following: ➢ only the state here is the proper party, not private
persons eventhough they are applicants for sales
1. The three mining corporations had the same patents
100% Canadian owned foreign investor ➢ estoppel against the state is not favoured; it may
2. T h e s i m i l a r c o r p o ra t e s t r u c t u re a n d be invoked only in rare and unusual circumstances
shareholders composition of the three as it would operate to defeat the effective
corporations operation of the policy to protect the public
3. A major Filipino shareholder within the ➢ in an action :iled by a former Filipino owner
corporate layering did not pay any amount with against the foreigner, pari delictu will not apply.
respect to the subscription
4. The dubious act of the foreign investor in In the revocation of Rappler’s Certi:icate of
conveying its interests in the mining Incorporation, the CA stressed that the foreign equity
corporations to another domestic corporation, restriction on mass media implies zero foreign
among others control. Any appearance of control that will in:luence
the corporate actions and decisions of Rappler is
There are two exceptions provided by the already a violation. It does not matter therefore
constitution wherein a foreigner can own private whether the approval of Omidyar is required only
lands in the country. First, is by legal succession and when the action taken by Rappler will prejudice the
second is to former natural born citizen who lost rights of Omidyar because it will still nonetheless be
his citizenship. The limit of the area for the second required to secure approval of at least 2/3 of the PDR

holders before Rappler can carry out or implement
any action which has the effect of altering, modifying
or otherwise changing Rappler’s Articles of
Incorporation or By-Laws.

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW reasonably be expected to give the notice
desired. Once the service provided by the
93. Requirement of notice and hearing: There is rules reasonably accomplishes the end, the
no constitutional requirement for a hearing in requirement of justice is answered, the
the promulgation of a general regulation by traditional notion of fair play is satis:ied, and
an administrative body. due process is served. (Oyster Plaza Hotel v.
i. where the Melivo, October 5, 2016)
rule is procedural
ii. where the rules 95. The grant of quasi-judicial function cannot be
a re m e re ly l e g a l made through an administrative order only.
opinions There must be an enabling statute or
iii.where the class to be affected is large legislative act conferring quasi-judicial
and the question to be resolved involve powers on the agency. The agency’s power to
the use of discretion committed to the formulate rules for the proper discharge of its
rule-making body – meaning it is in the functions is always circumscribed by the
exercise of the agency’s delegated rule enabling statute. Otherwise, any agency
making powers conferred with ruke-making power may
iv.w h e r e t h e r u l e s a r e m e r e l y circumvent legislative intent by creating new
interpretative powers for itself through an administrative
v. provisional increase in the rates order.
imposed by the ERB, subject to the :inal
disposition of whether or not to make it 96. Does the :iling of a motion for reconsideration
permanent, after the conduct of hearing to raise the lack of opportunity to be heard
cure the defect in procedural due process?
-However, take note that notice and hearing is -No. The general rule is that the :iling of an MR cures
required if the administrative rule is in the nature of the defect in procedural due process because the
subordinate legislation which is designed to process of reconsideration itself is an opportunity to
implement a law by providing its details and such be heard. However, the mere :iling of a motion for
rule substantially adds to or increases the burden of reconsideration cannot cure due process defect,
those concerned. especially if the motion was :iled precisely to raise
i. Revenue Memorandum Circular No. the issue of violation of the right to due process and
37-93, which imposes new tax rate on the lack of opportunity to be heard on the merits
cigarettes locally manufactured remained. (Fontanilla v. COA, June 21, 2016)
ii.where the rules and/or rates imposed
by an administrative agency apply 97. The Doctrines of Prior Resort or Primary
exclusively to a particular party, Jurisdiction and Exhaustion of Administrative
predicated upon a :inding of fact, the Remedies apply only if the agency is
agency performs a function partaking of exercising its quasi-judicial function. It is not
a quasi-judicial function applicable if the agency is exercising its quasi-
iii.imposition of :ine as it is clearly legislative functions. In the latter, the aggrieve
punitive in nature in the exercise of the party can question the subject decision in
agency’s quasi-judicial functions court.

DepEd issued D.O. No. 54, which provides for the 98. In the Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction or
organization of PTAs at the school level and the Prior Resort, both the court and the
cessation of the recognition of existing PTCAs. Is D.O. administrative agency have concurrent
No 54 valid inspite of lack of public consultation jurisdiction but the court opts not to exercise
before its issuance? its jurisdiction considering that the agency is
-Notice and hearing are not essential when an more knowledgeable and has an expertise on
administrative agency acts pursuant to its rule- the subject matter. The case, if :iled in court
making power. Previous notice and hearing are :irst, will simply be held in abeyance, and it
required when limitation or loss of life or vested will be referred to the administrative body. In
property rights takes place in consequence of a non-exhaustion of administrative remedies,
judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. It is not the case will be dismissed for lack of cause of
essential to the validity of general rules or regulation action.
promulgated to govern future conduct of a class of
persons or enterprises, unless the law provides
otherwise. (Quezon City PCTC Federation Inc. v. ELECTION LAWS
DepEd, Feb. 23, 2016)
99. In determining the application of the
94. In quasi-judicial proceedings before the prohibition regarding three term limits, take
NLRC and its arbitration branch, procedural note of the different situations enumerated by
rules governing service of summons are not the SC in the case of Abundo Sr. Vs. Comelec:
strictly construed. Substantial compliance 1. Assumption of of[ice by
thereof is suf:icient. The constitutional operation of law - the term during
requirement of due process with respect to which the of:icial assumed and serve
service of summons only exacts that the the remaining period will not be
service of summons be such as may counted in the determination of the

three term limit. He was not elected mayor up to June 30, 2007. However, LD
to the said position that he assumed :iled her COC for the May 2007 elections. Is
2. Recall election – If he she quali:ied to run for the 2007 for the
wins in the recall election, he will position of mayor of Igbaras, Iloilo? Give
only serve the remaining period of your reason.
the term, so there is an interruption
as before he run in the recall he was 3.Supposed in the same set of terms in
already a private citizen. number 2 above, LD was not proclaimed as
3. C o n v e r s i o n o f a winner in the 2001 election. She :iled an
municipality to city - the three limit election protest before the RTC which
will apply if the mayor of the together with Comelec ruled against her.
municipality continuously exercise The Supreme Court, however decided that
the functions of the of:ice even after LD actually won the 2001 election. The
the municipality is already made a decision of the SC became :inal and
city. There is no interruption to speak executory only on April 11, 2003 and LD
of was installed as mayor on April 15, 2003. In
4. Preventive Suspension - the 2004 election LD :iled her COC for
the period during his preventive mayor. Is she quali:ied to run for mayor in
suspension cannot be considered as the election of 2004? Explain.
an interruption as he is still in
possession of the of:ice, although he 100. Another situation involving redistricting may
cannot exercise the functions and be relevant in the determination of the three
prerogatives of the of:ice during his term limit. If another district is created and
suspension. the public of:icial run in the new district after
5. Election Protest - the having been an incumbent in the old district,
application of the three term limits it is important to determine the composition
will be affected by the issue of of the constituent of the two districts. If the
whether or not he was able to fully difference in the population of the two
serve the term for which he was not districts is only less than 10%, then the three
validly elected. If he was able to fully term limit prohibition will apply. ( Naval v.
serve, then the three term limit Comelec, July 8, 2014)
applies. If not, then there is a gap.
The cases of Lonzanida v. Comelec,
Ong v. Alegre, Rivera III, and Dizon v.
Comelec are illustrative in this regard.
Analyze the situations below:

1.Colas was elected and served as

mayor of Igbaras, Iloilo for terms
1995-1998, 1998-2001, and 2001-2004.
During the 1998 mayoralty election, or
during his supposed second term, the
Comelec nulli:ied
Colas’ proclamation on the ground that there was
material misrepresentation in his COC. However,
Comelec’s decision become :inal and executor on July
4, 2001 when Colas was already starting to serve the
2001-2004 term as mayor–elect of Igbaras. In 2004, Don’t settle for what is mediocre
Colas :iled his COC for the same position as mayor for mediocrity is not a virtue. Always aim
arguing that he was not validly elected for the for excellence. Scratch for every inch of the
1998-2001 term, thus he did not violate the three scrimmage. With faith, grit and
term limit rule. Is Colas quali:ied to run as mayor for determination you will surely succeed.
the 2004 election? Reason out.

2.LD was elected and served as mayor jeeg101319

of Igbaras, Iloilo for terms 1995-1998,
1998-2001, and 2001-2004. In the 2004
election, she again ran for mayor and won.
She was proclaimed by the Comelec. A
petition for quo warranto was :iled against
her on the ground that she was disquali:ied
to run for the 2004 elections because of the
three term limit rule. Comelec and the court
ruled against LD, however the decision
became :inal and executory only on
February 14, 2007. Upon receipt of the
decision, LD immediately stepped down as
mayor and the vicemayor assumed as


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