Mayan Civilization PRIOR KNOWLEDGE

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Students need to know the concepts of BCE, CE and an understanding of the timeline order.
Students need to know that BCE was formally called BC (Before Christ), and CE was called AD
(annon Domini )

a. Groups students in to 5 groups of 4.
b. They are provided a 2000BCE to 19th Century blank timeline.
Part 1- Students will arrange the names of the civilization in the timeline.
Challenge them if there is an overlap. Take a picture of their product.

Part 2. Give children specific events and date strips and connect them to the
correct civilization. Students will need to rearrange their timeline now that they
have other information. Take a picture of the time line.

Part 3. Students will annotate the pictures and comment on identifying where
they lack learning or had forgotten knowledge.


a. Students will compare the Maya, Benin, and Islam civilizations.
b. I do: I will show the comparison matrix and model how to fill out the
c. We Do. Use equity sticks to select students to fill out a box that they know.
d. I DO. Students will fill-out the rest of the matrix. They will then color code the
GREEN- for information, they are sure
PENCIL- for information they are not completely sure of.
e. Students will share their ideas with their partner.

900 CE Knowledge Harvest Lesson Plan

900 CE Knowledge Harvest Lesson Plan

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