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Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156

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An experimental study on fatigue properties of emulsion and foam

cold recycled mixes
Jinhai Yan *, Fujian Ni, Meikun Yang, Jian Li
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210096, People’s Republic of China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Asphalt emulsion and foam asphalt cold recycling techniques are widely used in asphalt pavement reha-
Received 8 November 2009 bilitation in China. However, after a review of literature, no comparisons of fatigue properties for cold
Received in revised form 30 March 2010 recycled mixes were found. The objective of this study was to determine the fatigue properties of asphalt
Accepted 2 April 2010
emulsion and foam asphalt cold recycled mixes using the Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT) (Cooper
Available online 28 April 2010
NU-14 tester). In this research, foam and emulsion cold recycled mixes were evaluated for indirect tensile
strength, stiffness modulus at three temperatures and four stress levels, and fatigue life at 15 °C and four
stress levels. In addition, the law of displacement (deformation) and crack development were also ana-
Asphalt emulsion
Foam asphalt
lyzed during the fatigue testing. The results indicated that stiffness modulus decreased with increasing
Stiffness modulus temperatures and stress levels. Through indirect tensile fatigue testing at different stress levels, foam
Stress level mixes displayed a higher fatigue life at low stress levels, while emulsion mixes displayed a higher fatigue
Fatigue life life at higher stress levels. According to the law of vertical displacement (deformation) and crack devel-
Brittle fracture opment, emulsion mixes included three states of displacement development, while foam mixes included
Plastic fracture two stages of displacement development. Qualitative analysis indicated that emulsion cold recycled
mixes showed a plastic fatigue failure, due to its visco-elastic characteristics, while fatigue damage of
foam asphalt cold recycled mixes showed a brittle fracture.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction or lower to that of Hot Mix Asphalt at the same stress ratio [1–3].
Fatigue relations from the beam fatigue test of half-warm foam
Cold recycling has steadily gained popularity in asphalt pave- mix were comparable with those of the equivalent Hot Mix Asphalt
ment maintenance, rehabilitation, and reinforcement. Three types using the four point beam apparatus with controlled strain [4].
of materials, including asphalt emulsion, foam asphalt, and cement Based on this research, it can be assumed that the fatigue prop-
are generally selected as the binding material for cold recycling in erties for foam stabilized mixes using cylindrical and beam shaped
freeway and provincial trunk highway network in China. specimens can exhibit similar fatigue performance as Hot Mix As-
From both economical and ecological points of view, cold recy- phalt. Despite the fact that fatigue tests for foam and emulsion cold
cling is beneficial for asphalt pavement preservation. However, the mixes have been performed, no English literature to date has ad-
fatigue properties, and associated laws of displacement and crack dressed the goal of conducting a comparison of fatigue properties
development of the material have not been well documented due for emulsion and foam cold recycled mixes, while investigating
to the complicated multi-phase composite material which includes and analyzing the laws of displacement and crack development
asphalt, binding material, water, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement during the process of fatigue tests.
(RAP), virgin aggregate (if needed), and mineral powder. The main Compared with Hot Mix Asphalt, cold recycled mixes have high-
objective of this paper is to investigate fatigue properties of foam er voids and less cohesion capability, therefore, beam and trapezoi-
and emulsion cold mixes. dal shaped specimens can not be easily obtained [5]. Due to this
Limited research has been conducted comparing fatigue proper- shortcoming, cylindrical shaped specimens were adopted for eval-
ties of cold recycling mixes with the more traditional Hot Mix As- uating the fatigue properties of cold recycling mixes using indirect
phalt. In this research, the fatigue properties of foam asphalt tensile fatigue tests. Foam and emulsion cold recycled mixes were
treated mixes and cement treated emulsion cold mixes was similar selected for this research because it is believed that the character-
istics of foam and emulsion cold mixes lie between conventional
Hot Mix Asphalt and semi-rigid materials (such as a cement-trea-
* Corresponding author. Address: 2 Sipailou Rd., Nanjing 210096, People’s
Republic of China. Tel./fax: +86 25 83794931. ted base). Another reason for utilizing these two cold recycling
E-mail address: (J. Yan). techniques was that each techniques use the same base materials:

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2152 J. Yan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156

asphalt, water, cement, and RAP. Although the materials are the The percentages of asphalt emulsion, foam asphalt content, ce-
same in both methods, the method of asphalt dispersion is ment, and pre-mix water content matched field levels in order to
different. best represent the cold recycled mixes placed in the field status.

2.2. Gradation composition

2. Test plan

The gradation of the combined RAP and virgin aggregate was

Pavement structure design can be developed from both static
designed to meet China’s specification [6]. In addition, the US Fed-
methods and dynamic methods, however, the use of dynamic
eral Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Asphalt Reclamation
methods is more common. The objective of this research was to
and Recycling Association specifications and guidelines were refer-
evaluate the fatigue performance of asphalt emulsion and foam as-
enced [9,10]. To meet these recommendations for cold recycled
phalt cold recycled mixes. China’s recycling specification was
mixes, 15% virgin fine aggregate (by mass of the recycled mix)
adopted to obtain mix designs for the cold recycling mixes using
was blended with the existing RAP in foam mixes, while asphalt
local materials from a project. Three performance tests were used
emulsion cold recycled mixes consisted of 100% RAP. The sieve re-
on the completed mixtures. First, indirect tensile tests were per-
sults of the two blended gradations (the cement not included in
formed. Second, the indirect tensile stress tests were performed
this gradation analysis) are shown in Table 2.
at three temperatures at four stress levels. Third, the indirect ten-
sile fatigue properties were evaluated at 15 °C with four stress lev-
2.3. Experimental procedures
els. Utilizing the law of displacement (deformation) and crack
development, the intrinsic properties of foam and emulsion cold
2.3.1. Specimens preparation
recycled mixes were qualitative analyzed.
According to mix design specifications and recommendations,
either a Marshall or gyratory compactor are acceptable compaction
2.1. Material methods for cold recycling mixes. Based on the China’s recycling
specifications and local specifications in Jiangsu province, Marshall
The Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement or RAP, used in the lab study compaction was the most appropriate method for foam recycled
was obtained from surface and binder courses from a local free- mixes, while the gyratory compaction was most appropriate meth-
way. Cationic slow-setting asphalt emulsion was formulated using od for emulsion recycled mixes.
proprietary emulsifiers, and the asphalt was formulated with a A Wirtgen WLB 10 foam mixing machine was used for mixing
high residue content (greater than 63% by weight of the emulsion) the RAP, fine aggregate, water, cement and foam asphalt. The Mar-
in order to guarantee a thick asphalt emulsion film coating on the shall compactor was used to compact loose mix into specimens
RAP and virgin aggregate (if needed). The grade of asphalt cement 101.6 mm diameter and 63.5 ± 2.0 mm in height. All specimens
used as base asphalt was 70# for emulsion formulation. The base were compacted with 75 blows per side with a Marshall hammer
asphalt content of emulsion was 67%. The asphalt emulsion satis- based on China’s recycling specifications [6].
fied all tests in China’s asphalt pavement recycling specifications A laboratory mixer was used for mixing the RAP, coarse aggre-
(JTG F41-2008) [6]. gate, water, cement, and emulsion. The loose mix was compacted
The grade of asphalt cement used as a base asphalt was also 70# into specimens having 100 mm diameter and 63.5 ± 2.0 mm in
for the foam mix. As shown in Table 1, the optimal foaming tem- height using a Superpave™ gyratory compactor. All emulsion spec-
perature was 160 °C and optimal water content was 2.5%. Foaming imens were prepared using 30 gyrations [11,12].
behavior parameters included an expansion ratio (ER) of 24 and a All specimens were initially cured at room temperature for 12 h,
half-life (HLF) of 24 s. The results satisfied China’s specifications of followed by curing at 60 °C for 48 h. The specimens were cooled to
ER and HLF as the ER was greater than 10, and the HLF was greater room temperature and tested using the indirect tensile tests, indi-
than eight seconds (JTG F41-2008) [6]. rect tensile stress tests, and fatigue tests. Each test utilized three
The cement used as active additive was Portland Cement P.O. replicate cylindrical shaped specimens.
325. Using China’s test methods for cement (JTG E30-2005) [7],
the cement’s properties satisfied the requirements of China’s spec- 2.3.2. Experimental method
ifications (JTJ 034-2000) [8]. For emulsion and foam cold recycled Indirect tensile testing. For the indirect tensile test [6], a
mixes, 1.5% cement (by mass of the recycled mixes) was added group of three replicate specimens was soaked in a water bath at
in the blend. 15 °C for 1 h before testing. The indirect tensile strength of the
The emulsion mixes used a pre-mix water method, while the specimen was determined by applying a load at a rate of 50 mm
foam mixes used a heavy compaction method. The pre-mix water per minute until specimen failure at 15 °C.
content was 2.2% for the 3.5% emulsion content, and 6.5%, for the
2.5% foam asphalt content. Pre-mix water has several advantages, Indirect tensile stress testing. The indirect tensile stress test
including higher levels of RAP and virgin aggregate coating, better (ITST) is a non-destructive method of measuring the stiffness mod-
lubrication of the mixture during compaction, and accelerating the
reaction of cement hydration.
Table 2
Recycled mixes blended gradation.
Table 1
Foaming properties of base asphalt. Sieve size (mm) Blended gradation (%)
Foam Emulsion
Wc (%) 150 °C 160 °C 170 °C
26.5 99.6 100.0
19 95.4 91.9
1.5 15 27 15 31 13 33 9.5 73.2 63.7
2.0 19 22 19 26 20 28 4.75 48.3 39.9
2.5 23 17 24 24 24 22 2.36 32.3 22.3
3.0 27 13 27 22 26 17 0.3 10.1 4.5
0.075 6.1 2.2
Note: Wc, water content; ER, expansion ratio; HLF, halt-lire ms.
J. Yan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156 2153

ulus of asphaltic paving materials at a selected horizontal stress. Table 3

The stiffness modulus expresses the relationship of stress and Poisson’s ratio.

strain at a certain temperature and load. In addition, the visco-elas- Temperature (°C) 10 15 20 25 30
tic characteristics are contained in the expression of stiffness Poisson’s ratio 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
The Cooper Tester was utilized for determining the stiffness
modulus of cylindrical specimens. The test method was run in
accordance with European standard EN 12627-26:2003. As shown where Sm, stiffness modulus, MPa; F, peak value of the applied ver-
in Fig. 1 [16], the load should approximate a haversine waveform. tical load, N; z, amplitude of the horizontal deformation obtained
The rise-time, or the time for the applied load to increase from zero during the load cycle, mm; h, the mean thickness of the specimen,
to maximum value, should be 124 ± 4 ms. The load area factor is mm; m, Poisson’s ratio.
the ratio of the shaded area in Fig. 1 to the product of the rise-time
and peak load. The frequency is 2 Hz [13]. Fig. 2 shows the Cooper S0m ¼ Sm  ð1  0:322  ðlogðSm Þ  1:82Þ  ð0:60  kÞÞ ð2Þ
Tester for indirect tensile stress testing.
The stiffness modulus was determined using Eq. (1). When the where S0m , stiffness modulus, adjusted to a load area factor of 0.60,
load area factor deviated from 0.60, the measured stiffness modu- MPa; k, the measured load area factor; Sm, the measured stiffness
lus was corrected using Eq. (2) [14]. modulus at a load factor k, MPa.
Since the cold recycled mixes were fully cured, it was assumed
F  ðm þ 0:27Þ
Sm ¼ ð1Þ that the values of Poisson’s ratio for the foam and emulsion cold
ðz  hÞ
recycled mixes matched corresponding values of Hot Mix Asphalt
as shown in Table 3 [15]. A group of three replicate cylindrical
specimens was used for testing. Test temperatures were 5, 15
and 25 °C, and the four levels of horizontal stress were 100, 200,
300, and 400 kPa.
Before testing, test specimens were stored at least 4 h at the
specified temperatures in a controlled temperature environment.
Ten load pulses were applied for preliminary conditioning, and
the measured stiffness modulus was determined with the next five
load pulses. After the first direction test, the specimen was re-
moved from the test equipment, rotated (90 ± 10)° about its hori-
zontal axis and tested again.

Fig. 1. Form of load pulse. Indirect tensile fatigue testing. The cylinder-shaped test
specimens used for the indirect tensile fatigue test were exposed
to repeated compressive loads with a haversine load signal through
the vertical diametral plane using Cooper Tester. This loading
developed a relatively uniform tensile stress perpendicular to the
direction of the applied load and along the vertical diametral plane,
which caused the specimen to fail in indirect tension. The test was
run in controlled stress mode and failure was defined when either
the specimen split or the vertical deflection reached 9 mm [16].
Due to the unknown characteristics of cold recycled mixes, the fa-
tigue life was defined as the total number of load applications until
the vertical deformation reached 10 mm.
Since the specimen’s dimensions for all testing was equal, the
stress ratio for each stress level could be calculated using the indi-
rect tensile strength and horizontal stress. For each of the four
stress levels, the corresponding initial horizontal tensile strain
was determined by Eq. (3).

rx ðmaxÞð1 þ 3mÞ
ex ðmaxÞ ¼ ð3Þ

where ex, maximum horizontal tensile strain; rx, maximum hori-

zontal stress, kPa; m, Poisson’s ratio; Sm, stiffness modulus, kPa.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Indirect tensile strength

The indirect tensile (IDT) strength at 15 °C was 670 kPa for

emulsion cold mixes and 650 kPa for foam cold mixes. Given stan-
dard testing variability, the results of indirect tensile tests indicate
that emulsion and foam cold mixes had essentially the same ten-
Fig. 2. The Cooper Tester. sile strength.
2154 J. Yan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156

3.2. Stiffness modulus cause virgin fine aggregates were not added in emulsion cold
mixes. The foam cold mixes had lower air voids than the emulsion
The results of indirect tensile stiffness modulus tests are shown cold mixes. The second reason is the difference in the asphalt dis-
in Table 4. The horizontal displacement exceeded the LVDT range persion within the mixes. The foam cold mixes obtained cohesive-
at 25 °C with 300 kPa and 400 kPa stress levels, therefore these re- ness through drop asphalt cohesion, while the emulsion cold mixes
sults for emulsion cold mixes were not obtained. obtained cohesiveness through a continuous asphalt film.
As shown in Table 4, stiffness modulus of foam cold mixes was
higher than that of emulsion cold mixes, except at 5 °C with 3.3. Fatigue life
100 kPa stress level. Foam cold mixes had a 8.4–165.1% higher
stiffness modulus compared to emulsion cold mixes. Using the IDT strength values in Section 3.1, stress ratios were
Figs. 3 and 4 show the modulus trends with respect to each mix computed by dividing the tensile strength by the horizontal stress
at three temperatures and four stress levels. As shown in Fig. 3, at the four stress levels, as seen in Table 5. Since the IDT strength
when the temperature is held constant, the stiffness modulus de- was very similar for foam and emulsion cold mixes, it was not a
creased with increasing stress level. According to Fig. 4, when the surprise that the stress ratios were also similar.
stress level is held constant, the stiffness modulus decreased with The results of fatigue tests are also shown in Table 5. Initial
increasing temperature. strain was determined using Eq. (3). According to Table 5, fatigue
Overall, the modulus of foam cold mixes was greater than emul- performance of foam cold mixes was significantly higher than
sion cold mixes. There are several possible reasons for this trend. emulsion mixes at the low stress level 100 kPa (stress ratio 0.15);
The first reason is that the two cold mixes had different voids, be- but fatigue life of emulsion mixes was higher at stress levels
200 kPa and 300 kPa (stress ratio 0.3 and 0.45). The fatigue life of
Table 4 foam and emulsion cold mixes were both less than 200 cycles at
Results of stiffness modulus.
high stress level 400 kPa (stress ratio 0.6).
Temperature Stress levels Stiffness modulus Relative percent Fatigue life and stress level were fitted with power relationship
(°C) (kPa) (MPa) (B  A)/A)  100 on a single logarithmic scale, and the power regression equations
Emulsion Foam of log Nf–r are shown in Fig. 5. Fatigue equations were expressed
mixes, A mixes, with Nf = Arn, where Nf, r, A and n represent fatigue life, stress le-
vel, and regression coefficients, respectively. Fatigue life and initial
5 100 3742 3603 3.7 strain were fitted with linear relationship on the double logarith-
200 2636 2871 8.9
mic coordinates, and linear regression equations of log Nf–log e is
300 1930 2366 22.6
400 1415 1955 38.2 shown in Fig. 6. The fatigue equations were expressed with
Nf = a(1/e)b, where Nf, e, a and b represent fatigue life, initial strain,
15 100 2563 3009 17.4
200 1997 2789 39.7 and regression coefficients, respectively.
300 1641 2038 24.2 According to Figs. 5 and 6, the fatigue life versus stress level
400 1208 1309 8.4 showed good correlation with a power relationship and the initial
25 100 931 1857 99.5 strain versus fatigue life showed strong correlation with a linear
200 584 1548 165.1 relationship. The fatigue life of foam cold mixes was higher than
300 n/a 632 n/a emulsion mixes at 100 kPa stress level. A possible reason for this
400 n/a 526 n/a
relationship is that foam cold mixes were stiffer at low stress lev-
els. The stiffness modulus of foam cold mixes was 2789 MPa, and
1997 MPa for emulsion cold mixes. Therefore, the horizontal defor-
mation of the foam specimens was less than the emulsion speci-
mens at the same 100 kPa horizontal stress. Compared with
emulsion cold mixes, foam cold mixes exhibited less visco-elastic
characteristics, and were closer to a semi-rigid material. Fatigue
damage of emulsion specimen was less than that of foam specimen
at each stress level greater than 100 kPa indicating a reversal of
trends as the stress level increased.

3.4. Displacement (deformation)

Cracking was first detected at the center of the stress concentra-

Fig. 3. Stress level-modulus (at a fixed temperature).
tion, and developed along the two sides of the specimen during fa-
tigue tests. For cold mixes, the vertical displacement curves at
200 kPa and 300 kPa stress levels are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The
law of displacement (or deformation) included three stages. The
first stage was a rapid displacement stage; the second stage was
a long plateau with low levels of displacement or an elastic zone;
the third stage was a fatigue stage, or a plastic zone. Since the mod-
ulus and strain were both variables under controlled stress, the
displacement characteristics were explained with both a qualita-
tive description and numerical analysis.
As shown in Fig. 7, the displacement of emulsion specimen at
200 kPa stress level reached 3.5 mm at the end of the second stage,
but the crack did not move through the entire height of the spec-
imen. The crack propagated through the specimen during the third
Fig. 4. Temperature-modulus (at a fixed stress level). stage. The displacement of foam specimen reached 2.6 mm at the
J. Yan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156 2155

Table 5
Results of fatigue equations.

Cold recycled mixes Stress level, r (kPa) Stress ratio Initial strain, e (106) Fatigue life, Nf (cycles) Fatigue equation Correlation coefficient
Emulsion 100 0.15 74 17,762 Nf = 2E+12  r 0.9348
200 0.30 192 3392
300 0.45 347 528 Nf = 4E7  e 2:6225
400 0.60 629 63
Foam 100 0.15 63 417,640 Nf = 2E+17  r5.8571 0.9732
200 0.31 131 3180
300 0.46 300 284 Nf = 2E10  e3:5233
400 0.62 581 168

Fig. 5. Regression curve of log Nf–r. Fig. 8. Displacement–load cycles (300 kPa).

As shown in Fig. 8, the crack and displacement trends at 300 kPa

stress level exhibited similar trends as 200 kPa stress level as
shown in Fig. 7. When the displacement of emulsion specimen
reached 4 mm, the specimen entered the third stage, and the crack
propagated through the specimen during the third stage. The dis-
placement of foam specimen attained to 2 mm at the end of the
second stage, and the crack had moved through the entire speci-
men. The location on the curves where the crack propagated
through the entire specimen is shown at labels C and D.
According to the tests showed in Figs. 7 and 8, the crack broke
through foam specimen during the second stage. The initial crack
at the second stage for emulsion specimen was developed and
broke through during the third stage. Fatigue failure of emulsion
Fig. 6. Regression curve of log Nf–log e. specimens experienced three stages, while fatigue damage of foam
specimens only experienced two stages. Compared with emulsion
cold mixes, the crack propagation time (the period between crack
initiation and full crack propagation) for foam mixes was relatively
The emulsion mixes displayed similar characteristics to a typi-
cal Hot Mix Asphalt sample. Therefore, the material showed intrin-
sic visco-elastic characteristics. This could have been caused by the
distribution of asphalt in emulsion cold mixes, as it tends to be
more homogeneous than the distribution of asphalt in foam cold
mixes. The fatigue life of emulsion mixes was higher than foam
mixes at 200 kPa and 300 kPa stress levels, which was attributed
to the homogeneous coating of asphalt on RAP particles that pro-
vide flexibility to the mix.
Based on the law of displacement and crack development, the
Fig. 7. Displacement–load cycles (200 kPa). results of stiffness modulus testing, and characteristics of foam
and emulsion cold mix, fatigue failure of foam cold mixes can be
considered a brittle fracture, while the fatigue failure of emulsion
end of the second stage, however, at this point, the crack had cold mixes can be considered a plastic fracture.
moved through the entire specimen. The specimen was pushed
to the third stage with the aim to attain the fatigue failure standard 4. Conclusions
(10 mm vertical displacement). The location on the curves where
the crack propagated through the entire specimen is shown at In this research, the dynamic properties of asphalt emulsion and
labels A and B. foam asphalt cold recycled mixes were studied. Based on the re-
2156 J. Yan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2151–2156

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