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1. Cover:
Translation: To place or spread something over or on top of something else.
Synonyms: conceal, protect, wrap, shield, hide
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈkʌvər/
a) She covered the cake with frosting.
b) He covered his head with a hat to protect himself from the sun.
c) They covered the table with a tablecloth for the dinner party.
Grammatical Nature: Verb

2. Extraordinary:
Translation: Very unusual, remarkable, or exceptional.
Synonyms: exceptional, remarkable, unusual, incredible, amazing
Phonetic Transcription: /ɪkˈstrɔːrdən(ə)ri/
a) The acrobat's performance was extraordinary; she did incredible stunts.
b) He has an extraordinary talent for playing the piano.
c) They witnessed an extraordinary event during their vacation.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

3. Ordinary:
Translation: Common, usual, or average.
Synonyms: common, regular, typical, normal, average
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈɔːrd(ə)n(ə)ri/
a) It was just an ordinary day at work; nothing special happened.
b) He prefers ordinary coffee over fancy blends.
c) They live in an ordinary house in the suburbs.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

4. Spoiler:
Translation: Information that reveals important plot details or outcomes of a book, movie, or TV show.
Synonyms: plot reveal, giveaway, ruin, divulge, disclose
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈspɔɪlər/
a) She accidentally read a spoiler about the movie's ending.
b) He hates when people spoil the plot of a book before he reads it.
c) They avoid social media to prevent spoilers about their favorite TV show.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

5. Blog:
Translation: A website or online platform where individuals or groups share their thoughts, opinions, or
Synonyms: weblog, online journal, vlog, diary, website
Phonetic Transcription: /blɒɡ/
a) She started a blog to share her travel experiences with others.
b) He reads several blogs every day to stay updated on current events.
c) They enjoy writing and maintaining their own personal blog.
Grammatical Nature: Noun
6. Warning:
Translation: A message or signal that alerts or advises about potential danger or harm.
Synonyms: alert, caution, advice, notice, notification
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈwɔːnɪŋ/
a) She received a warning about the approaching storm.
b) He ignored the warning signs and got into trouble.
c) They issued a warning to the public about a new scam.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

7. Curious:
Translation: Eager to know or learn something, inquisitive.
Synonyms: inquisitive, interested, questioning, nosy, intrigued
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈkjʊərɪəs/
a) She was curious about the origins of the ancient artifact.
b) He has a curious mind and always asks thought-provoking questions.
c) They were curious to explore the hidden cave they discovered.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

8. Cruel:
Translation: Showing a lack of empathy or kindness, causing pain or suffering.
Synonyms: heartless, merciless, brutal, unkind, harsh
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈkruːəl/
a) She was cruel to her pet by neglecting its basic needs.
b) He witnessed the cruel treatment of animals in the circus.
c) They couldn't understand why someone would be so cruel to others.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

9. Whited out:
Translation: To cover or erase something completely, often by using white paint or correction fluid.
Synonyms: erase, cover, obliterate, delete, remove
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈwaɪtɪd aʊt/
a) She accidentally whited out an important sentence in her essay.
b) He used correction fluid to whited out the spelling mistake.
c) They had to whited out the confidential information on the document.
Grammatical Nature: Verb phrase

10. Masterpiece:
Translation: A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or creativity.
Synonyms: magnum opus, tour de force, masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre, gem
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈmɑːstəpiːs/
a) She painted a beautiful masterpiece that captured everyone's attention.
b) He considers Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 to be a musical masterpiece.
c) They were in awe of the sculptor's masterpiece displayed in the museum.
Grammatical Nature: Noun
11. Whodunnit:
Translation: A story or play that focuses on solving a crime or mystery.
Synonyms: mystery, detective story, crime novel, thriller, suspense
Phonetic Transcription: /huːˈdʌnɪt/
a) She loves reading whodunnit novels to challenge her detective skills.
b) He watched a whodunnit movie that kept him guessing until the end.
c) They attended a theater production of a classic whodunnit play.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

12. Mansion:
Translation: A large and impressive house, often associated with wealth or luxury.
Synonyms: manor, estate, villa, palace, residence
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈmænʃən/
a) She inherited a grand mansion from her wealthy relative.
b) He visited a historic mansion that had been turned into a museum.
c) They dream of owning a mansion with a beautiful garden someday.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

13. Ironic:
Translation: Happening in a way that is contrary to what is expected or intended.
Synonyms: paradoxical, contradictory, unexpected, incongruous, satirical
Phonetic Transcription: /aɪˈrɒnɪk/
a) It's ironic that the firefighter's house burned down.
b) He found it ironic that the traffic cop got a speeding ticket.
c) They laughed at the ironic twist in the story's ending.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

14. Twist:
Translation: An unexpected change or development in a story, plot, or situation.
Synonyms: turn, curveball, surprise, deviation, unexpected change
Phonetic Transcription: /twɪst/
a) She didn't see the twist coming in the mystery novel.
b) He added a surprising twist to the plot of his screenplay.
c) They were shocked by the twist in the movie's ending.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

15. Mystery:
Translation: Something that is difficult to understand or explain, often involving secrets or unknown
Synonyms: enigma, puzzle, riddle, conundrum, secret
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈmɪst(ə)ri/
a) She loves reading mystery novels to solve the puzzles within the story.
b) He watched a mystery movie that kept him guessing until the end.
c) They were intrigued by the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the treasure.
Grammatical Nature: Noun
16. Revealed:
Translation: To make something known or visible that was previously hidden or unknown.
Synonyms: disclosed, unveiled, exposed, discovered, made known
Phonetic Transcription: /rɪˈviːld/
a) She revealed her secret to her best friend.
b) He uncovered the truth and revealed it to the public.
c) They were shocked when the hidden treasure was revealed.
Grammatical Nature: Verb

17. Suspense:
Translation: A feeling of excitement, tension, or uncertainty about what will happen next.
Synonyms: anticipation, tension, uncertainty, thrill, excitement
Phonetic Transcription: /səˈspɛns/
a) She couldn't handle the suspense of waiting for the test results.
b) He watched a suspenseful movie that kept him on the edge of his seat.
c) They experienced a sense of suspense during the final moments of the game.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

18. Clues:
Translation: Pieces of evidence or information that help solve a mystery or problem.
Synonyms: hints, evidence, leads, indications, pointers
Phonetic Transcription: /kluːz/
a) She carefully examined the clues left at the crime scene.
b) He followed the clues to uncover the hidden treasure.
c) They analyzed the clues to solve the puzzle and escape the room.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

19. Entertaining:
Translation: Providing enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
Synonyms: enjoyable, fun, amusing, pleasurable, engaging
Phonetic Transcription: /ˌɛntəˈteɪnɪŋ/
a) She found the comedy show to be highly entertaining.
b) He read an entertaining book that made him laugh out loud.
c) They attended an entertaining concert that showcased talented musicians.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

20. Fast-moving:
Translation: Happening or progressing quickly or at a rapid pace.
Synonyms: rapid, swift, quick, speedy, fast-paced
Phonetic Transcription: /ˌfæst ˈmuːvɪŋ/
a) She enjoyed the fast-moving action scenes in the movie.
b) He prefers fast-moving sports like basketball or soccer.
c) They had to keep up with the fast-moving changes in the business world.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective
21. Gripping:
Translation: Holding one's attention or interest firmly, captivating.
Synonyms: captivating, engrossing, compelling, absorbing, thrilling
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/
a) She couldn't put down the gripping novel; it kept her hooked until the end.
b) He watched a gripping documentary that shed light on a fascinating topic.
c) They were enthralled by the gripping performance of the actor on stage.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

22. Haunting:
Translation: Something that stays in your mind or memory, often with a feeling of sadness or unease.
Synonyms: eerie, unsettling, evocative, lingering, memorable
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈhɔːntɪŋ/
a) She couldn't forget the haunting melody of the song.
b) He had a haunting dream that left him feeling uneasy.
c) They visited a hauntingly beautiful abandoned house.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

23. Implausible:
Translation: Not seeming reasonable or believable.
Synonyms: unlikely, improbable, unbelievable, far-fetched, unrealistic
Phonetic Transcription: /ɪmˈplɔːzəb(ə)l/
a) She found the plot twist in the movie to be implausible.
b) He thought the explanation given by the suspect was implausible.
c) They dismissed the implausible theory presented by the conspiracy theorist.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

24. Intriguing:
Translation: Arousing curiosity or interest, fascinating.
Synonyms: captivating, interesting, compelling, alluring, fascinating
Phonetic Transcription: /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/
a) She found the mysterious stranger's story to be intriguing.
b) He read an intriguing article that challenged his perspective.
c) They were drawn to the intriguing artwork displayed in the gallery.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

25. Slow-paced:
Translation: Happening or progressing at a slow or leisurely speed.
Synonyms: leisurely, unhurried, relaxed, gradual, easygoing
Phonetic Transcription: /sləʊ peɪst/
a) She enjoyed the slow-paced nature of the countryside.
b) He preferred watching slow-paced movies that allowed him to savor the details.
c) They took a slow-paced walk along the beach, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective
26. Thought-provoking:
Translation: Causing one to think deeply or consider new ideas.
Synonyms: provocative, stimulating, insightful, challenging, mind-bending
Phonetic Transcription: /θɔːt prəʊˈvəʊkɪŋ/
a) She found the thought-provoking lecture to be intellectually stimulating.
b) He read a thought-provoking book that made him question his beliefs.
c) They engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about the meaning of life.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

27. Tears:
Translation: Drops of salty liquid that come out of the eyes when one is crying or feeling emotional.
Synonyms: crying, weeping, sobbing, teardrops, lachrymose
Phonetic Transcription: /tɪəz/
a) She couldn't hold back her tears when she received the surprise gift.
b) He shed tears of joy when he achieved his lifelong dream.
c) They wiped away their tears after watching a heartwarming movie.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

28. Hooked:
Translation: Captivated or addicted to something, unable to stop or get enough of it.
Synonyms: captivated, addicted, obsessed, engrossed, enthralled
Phonetic Transcription: /hʊkt/
a) She was hooked on the thrilling TV series and binge-watched it all night.
b) He got hooked on playing video games and couldn't put the controller down.
c) They became hooked on the addictive taste of the new dessert.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective

29. Breakneck speed:

Translation: Extremely fast or dangerously high speed.
Synonyms: lightning-fast, rapid, swift, blistering, supersonic
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈbreɪknɛk spiːd/
a) She drove her car at breakneck speed on the highway.
b) He completed the race in record time, running at breakneck speed.
c) They rode the roller coaster at breakneck speed, feeling the adrenaline rush.
Grammatical Nature: Noun phrase

30. Well-written:
Translation: Describing something that is skillfully or effectively written.
Synonyms: skillful, polished, eloquent, articulate, masterful
Phonetic Transcription: /wɛl ˈrɪt(ə)n/
a) She enjoyed reading the well-written novel with its beautiful prose.
b) He praised the well-written screenplay for its compelling dialogue.
c) They appreciated the well-written article for its clarity and depth.
Grammatical Nature: Adjective
31. No sooner:
Translation: Used to indicate that something happens immediately after another event or action.
Synonyms: immediately, right away, promptly, instantly, without delay
Phonetic Transcription: /nəʊ ˈsuːnər/
a) No sooner had she finished her meal than the phone rang.
b) He had no sooner arrived home than he received an urgent message.
c) They had no sooner started the game than it began to rain.
Grammatical Nature: Phrase

32. Only later:

Translation: Referring to something that happens after a certain point in time.
Synonyms: subsequently, afterward, afterwards, later on, eventually
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈəʊnli ˈleɪtər/
a) Only later did she realize the significance of her actions.
b) He understood the consequences of his decision only later.
c) They discovered the truth about the situation only later in the investigation.
Grammatical Nature: Phrase

33. Keystone:
Translation: Something that is essential, central, or crucial to the success or stability of a system or
Synonyms: cornerstone, foundation, linchpin, pivotal, vital
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈkiːstəʊn/
a) She played a keystone role in the success of the project.
b) He identified the keystone element that held the entire theory together.
c) They recognized the keystone principles that formed the basis of their organization.
Grammatical Nature: Noun

34. Burst:
Translation: To break open or explode suddenly and forcefully.
Synonyms: explode, erupt, pop, shatter, rupture
Phonetic Transcription: /bɜːst/
a) She burst into laughter when she heard the funny joke.
b) He couldn't contain his excitement and burst into the room.
c) They heard a loud burst of thunder during the storm.
Grammatical Nature: Verb

35. Fell down:

Translation: To drop or descend suddenly and unintentionally to a lower position or level.
Synonyms: tumble, drop, collapse, trip, descend
Phonetic Transcription: /fɛl daʊn/
a) She tripped on the uneven pavement and fell down.
b) He lost his balance and fell down the stairs.
c) They slipped on the ice and fell down in the parking lot.
Grammatical Nature: Verb phrase
36. Dubbed:
Synonyms: named, titled, called, labeled, designated
Example: The movie was dubbed "The Greatest Adventure" in its international release.

37. Rough translation:

Synonyms: approximate translation, basic translation, crude translation, initial translation, preliminary
Example: He provided a rough translation of the document to give us a general understanding of its content.

38. Identical:
Synonyms: same, indistinguishable, equal, alike, twin
Example: The two paintings were almost identical, with only minor differences in color.

39. Conceivable:
Synonyms: imaginable, possible, plausible, thinkable, feasible
Example: It is conceivable that humans will one day colonize other planets in our solar system.

40. Respect:
Synonyms: admiration, esteem, regard, honor, reverence
Example: She earned the respect of her colleagues through her hard work and dedication.

41. Immerse:
Synonyms: engross, involve, absorb, submerge, bury
Example: He liked to immerse himself in a good book to escape from the stresses of everyday life.

42. Implore:
Synonyms: beg, plead, beseech, entreat, supplicate
Example: She implored her parents to let her go on the school trip, promising to be responsible.

43. Merely:
Synonyms: simply, only, just, purely, solely
Example: It was merely a misunderstanding, and there was no need for further concern.

44. Immobile:
Synonyms: motionless, stationary, still, fixed, unmoving
Example: The injured bird remained immobile on the ground until help arrived.

45. Lying on:

Synonyms: resting on, reclining on, situated on, positioned on, placed on
Example: The book was lying on the table, waiting to be read.

46. Rucksack:
Synonyms: backpack, knapsack, pack, bag, sack
Example: He packed his essentials into his rucksack before heading out for the hiking trip.

47. Balanced:
Synonyms: stable, even, equal, steady, level
Example: The gymnast demonstrated impressive balance as she performed her routine on the beam.

48. Beg:
Synonyms: plead, implore, beseech, request, appeal
Example: He had to beg his parents for permission to attend the concert.
49. Rhythm:
Synonyms: beat, tempo, cadence, pulse, meter
Example: The dancers moved in perfect rhythm to the music.

50. Solidly:
Synonyms: firmly, securely, sturdily, robustly, soundly
Example: The foundation of the building was constructed solidly to withstand earthquakes.

51. Quick succession:

Synonyms: rapid sequence, consecutive order, swift progression, immediate series, fast sequence
Example: The fireworks exploded in quick succession, lighting up the night sky.

52. Imaginable:
Synonyms: conceivable, thinkable, possible, imaginable, within the realm of possibility
Example: She had every imaginable tool in her toolbox for any DIY project.

53. Employed to:

Synonyms: used to, utilized to, deployed to, applied to, engaged to
Example: The new software was employed to streamline the company's workflow.

54. Investment:
Synonyms: capital, asset, venture, stake, deposit
Example: He made a wise investment in the stock market and earned significant returns.

55. Freelance:
Synonyms: independent, self-employed, contract, temporary, freelance
Example: She decided to become a freelance writer to have more flexibility in her work schedule.

56. Economics:
Synonyms: finance, commerce, business, trade, money matters
Example: He studied economics to gain a better understanding of how markets function.

57. Poetry:
Synonyms: verse, rhyme, poesy, lyricism, metrical composition
Example: She found solace in writing poetry as a way to express her emotions.

58. Whatever:
Synonyms: anything, everything, anything at all, any, no matter what
Example: You can choose whatever movie you want to watch tonight.

59. Consideration:
Synonyms: thought, reflection, deliberation, contemplation, attention
Example: The committee took the matter under consideration before making a decision.

60. Slogans:
Synonyms: catchphrases, taglines, mottos, mantras, rallying cries
Example: The company's advertising campaign featured catchy slogans to promote their new product.

61. Punchy:
Synonyms: impactful, striking, powerful, strong, forceful
Example: The headline of the article was punchy and grabbed the reader's attention immediately.
62. Sensation:
Synonyms: feeling, perception, awareness, experience, impression
Example: The spicy food created a burning sensation in his mouth.

63. Horrific:
Synonyms: horrifying, terrifying, dreadful, shocking, gruesome
Example: The movie depicted a series of horrific scenes that left the audience on the edge of their seats.

64. Literal:
Synonyms: exact, precise, word-for-word, verbatim, straightforward
Example: He took her words in a literal sense and misunderstood her intended meaning.

65. Passionately:
Synonyms: fervently, ardently, intensely, zealously, wholeheartedly
Example: She spoke passionately about her favorite cause, advocating for change and raising awareness.

66. Constraints:
Synonyms: limitations, restrictions, boundaries, restraints, confines
Example: The project had to be completed within the constraints of a tight deadline and limited resources.

67. Offensive:
Synonyms: insulting, disrespectful, derogatory, hurtful, objectionable
Example: His comments were offensive and hurt the feelings of those around him.

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