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Dr. Jasmine Lall

1. The occurrence of hyperthyroidism following administration of supplemental iodine to subjects

with endemic iodine deficiency goiter is known as: (NEET 2016)

A. Jod Basedow effect

B. Wolff aikoff effect

C. Riedel‘s thyroiditis

D. De Quervain’s thyroiditis

2. Which of the following drug inhibit conversion of T4 to T3?

A. Carbimazole

B. Amiodarone

C. Propranolol

D. All of the above

3. The best marker to diagnose hypothyroid is

A. T3

B. T4


D. Thyroglobulin

4. The Lab investigation of patient shows JT3, T4, & TSH. It cannot be :

A. Primary hypothyroidism

B. Pan-hypopituitarism

C. Liver disease

D. None of the above

5. False about sick euthyroidism (AIIMS May 2014)

A. Systemic illness

B. 3TSH, fT4 fT3

C. Goiter
D. All are true

6. Drugs which interfere with thyroid hormone binding with proteins? (NEET 2015)


B. Phenytoin

C. Carbamazepine

D. All of the above

7. Decreased Radio iodine uptake is seen in

A. Toxic multinodular goiter

B. Grave's disease

C. Toxic nodule

D. Factitious thyrotoxicosis

8. Thyrotoxicosis without hyperthyroidism is seen in

A. Grave’s disease

B. Toxic muttinodular goiter

C. Toxic adenoma

D. Thyrotoxicosis factitia

9. Pre tibial myxedema occurs in? (NEET 2016)

A. Hypothyroid

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Hashimoto

D. Graves disease

10. All of the following are features of thyrotoxicosis, EXCEPT- (AIIMS Nov 2014)

A. Diastolic murmur

B. Soft non ejection systolic murmur

C. Irregularly, irregular pulse

D. Scratching sound in systole

11. Dancing carotid is seen in: (NEET 2016)

A. Thyrotoxicosis

B. Hyoothyroidism

C. A V Fistula

D. Blowout carotid

12. Eye sign is seen only in Grave disease but not in other cases hyperthyroid

A. Wide starting appearance

B. Upper lid retraction

C. Decreased blinking

D. Diplopia

13. Which is a feature of Grave disease

A. Gynecomastia

B. Lymph adenopathy

C. HypercaIcemia

D. All of the above

14. In Thyrotoxicosis, §-blockers do not control:

A. Anxiety

B. Trevors

C. Tachycardia

D. Oxygen consumption

15. True about toxic adenoma of thyroid? (NEET 2015)

A. Free T3 & T4 are raised

B. Radioiodine is the treatit ent of choice

C. In ection ethatool injected in the adenoma und.°r ultrasound guidance.

D. AII of the above

16. False about Factitious thyrotoxicosis* (NEEr 20E7)

A. Seen in nurses

B. Feature of thyrotoxicosis

C. RAIU is high

D. All are true

17. All of the following are associated with Thyroid storm, Except: (AIIIVIS May 2016)

A. Surgery for thyroiditis

B. Surgery for thyrotoxicosis

C. Stressful illness in thyrotoxicosis

D. therapy for thyrotoxicosis

18. Regarding iodine which is false? (AIIMS May 2014)

A. It inhibits synthesis of thyroxine

B. Contraindicated in hyperthyroidism

C. Prevents peripheral conversion of t4

D. Can be used preoperatively in hyperthyroidism

19. Patient present with thyrotoxicosis and both eyeballs protruded. Thyroid test done reveals?

A. T3 increased, T4 increased, ISH normal

B. T3 decreased, T4 decreased, TPH increase

C. T3 increased, T4 increased, TPH decrease

D. T3 decreased, T4 normal, TSH decrease

20. AIR are true about Hyperthyroidism except:

A. Anxiety

B. Palpitations
C. Tachycardia

D. Weight gain

21. Wolf Chaikoff effect is due to:

A. Iodine deficiency

B. Excessive iodine

C. Iodine metabolism defect

D. TPO enzyme deficiency

22. Which of the following is NOT a feature of thyrotoxicosis?

A. Palpitation

B. Diarrhea

C. Tremors

D. Menorrhagia

23. Proptosis not seen in:

A. Grave's disease

B. Sarcoidosis

C. Pituitary adenoma

D. Hypothyroidism

24. Common neurological manifestation of thyrotoxicosis include all except:

A. Hyper reflexia

B. Muscle wasting

C. Chorea

D. Proximal myopathy without fasciculations

25. The third generation TSH detection tests can detect TSH at a minimum level of:

A. 0.4 mU/L

B. 0.04 mU/L
C. 0.004 mU/L

D. 0.0004 mU/L

26. Thyroid storm is seen in:

A. Thyroid surgery

B. Neonatal thyrotoxicosis

C. Per-operative infection

D. All of the above

27. Which is true about Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (NEET 2018}

A. Sodium channel defect

B. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis

C. Precipitated by fasting

D. Associated with myxedema coma

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